AGNPH Stories

True Love Never Fades by feign12


Chapter 5

The red dragon girl sung to herself in frequencies above human hearing as she spiraled through the humid May air in shadow form, doing magnificent twists and turns while spying upon the city below. Her heart wasn't really in that though. Instead, she thought of her beloved Ash for the tenth time that day and a rather unnatural purr escaped from her throat.

She gracefully began to dance in mid-air just over a secluded field near a beach, imagining herself arm in arm with the human, him gazing into her golden eyes with his own cute doe-brown eyes. She imagined him leading in steps as she hovered in the opposite direction to match while she held him close to her differently-shaped body. She couldn't help but let out a boisterous giggle as it made her feel incredibly girlish and free of responsibility.

“Hello! Guardian, was that you?”

Latias froze. Had she been spotted? Impossible. Whatever spoke must have heard her giggle. She internally chided herself as she nervously gazed below to see who she'd attracted.

She chirped in surprise to see that it was the Raticate she had saved only days before. She immediately alit on the ground next to him, checked to make sure there were no humans around and stopped refracting light away from her so that she materialized into view.

“What a pleasant surprise to see you again so soon!” the Raticate practically bellowed while bouncing up and down after the initial shock of something 3 times his size suddenly appearing in front of him.

“You too! You too! Have you been well?” Latias inquired with some of her old manic but controlled curiosity that the support from her brother and excitement to see Ash again drew forth as she poked her nose closer.

“Why, yes! All thanks to you I must point out. My mate hasn't let me out of her sight long enough to do anything stupid or dangerous again. Also, I'd hate to inconvenience you like that again,” the Raticate stated sincerely.

Latias giggled at the sentiment. “Never. As long as I shall reside in Altomare, my duty is to watch over the wonderful people and Pokémon that cohabit this ancestral island and to protect both it and them from harm. Besides, I consider you my friend and not a duty.”

Raticate beamed but then raised an eyebrow at her. “As long as you shall reside? I hope you're not planning on leaving us, Guardian. When I was a boy, my father told me about the trouble that came to Altomare and how lucky we were to have you. I want my boy to know the same peace and harmony that I did.”

Latias smiled at the lopsided compliment. “Well, hopefully I'll never have to leave. This is my home and where I belong. I just... you know...” She quit speaking and giggled yet again.

Raticate's eyebrow lowered and he grinned. “Well, whatever happens, we are most blessed to have you around for as long as you may stay. Say though, something seems quite different about you.” He paused for a moment to contemplate before his eyes lit up. “I know! You're happy! I don't believe I've ever seen such a side of you. I had feared that your troubled past had left you permanently somber. It is so good to see you this way! Anyway, you must see Ash!”

Latias did a double take and stared at the Raticate in disbelief. “How could you have possibly known that he was on my mind?”

Raticate gave her a funny stare. “I didn't. I just figured you'd want to meet my son. My mate laid the egg the day you saved me and he hatched but hours ago. It was quite lucky for you to fly over me like this. I would be so honored if you were to give him a blessing with your presence. I know that you've done so much for us already, but since we're friends, as you said, I don't feel that such a request is out of line. We named him by your suggestion after all.”

Latias' eyes sparked with realization. “Oh, of course. Your son. Silly me. I'd love to.”

Raticate gave the lovesick girl a quizzical expression. “Hmmm...”

It was then that the Guardian of Altomare was spared the awkward moment from another familiar voice, but one of the female persuasion.

“Honey, you better not be trying to fight something ridiculously huge for food. There's plenty around here and... Oh, Signorina Latias Protettore di Altomare! It is you!”

The newcomer readjusted her voice down to a sweet tone. “You always seem to come at the most perfect of times. And I didn't mean to call you ridiculously huge. You are just the right size, and very beautiful and becoming at that.” The female Raticate Latias recognized as the mate of the one she saved, though much smaller now, strode forth holding a baby Rattata that seemed curious about all that was going on, trying to struggle away from his mother's grasp of him to explore.

“I must agree with that,” chimed in Mr. Raticate. “I bet she'll have no trouble whatsoever winning the male that strikes her fancy.” The Raticate flashed a grin over at Latias and gave her a wink, causing her eyes to widen and to subsequently blush about as red as her wings.

Mrs. Raticate looked a bit confused but then hid it with a smile. “Definitely not.” As quickly as she had uttered the word “not” Ash the Rattata had escaped his mother's grip and had bounded up to Latias, his nose twitching, circling around her and nuzzling gently to explore this strange new creature. “Oh, Ash, no! ... Oh well, I guess you're safer with her than you are with me. I don't know what I'm worried about.” Mrs. Raticate chuckled.

Latias gently picked up Ash and held him to her face, giving his cheek a quick nuzzle that elicited from him a squeak. However, it surprised her that he was not struggling anymore as he had been with his own mother.

“Well, would you look at that,” remarked Mr. Raticate. “He really likes you.” He watched his son play and explore her for a minute longer before talking again out of the blue. “Now tell us, who is this sweetheart of yours? He the original Ash? I can tell you're deeply smitten, if not fully in love. You're very happy right now and I'd like to see you stay that way. We'd be willing to do anything to help.”

Mrs. Raticate glared at her mate for being nosy but realized that he was right if he did in fact know what he was talking about and nodded at Latias.

“Oh...” Latias blushed again but not quite as deeply as before. “All right. I suppose I might as well. I hope this won't dampen your opinion of me, but about 9 years ago during the annual Tour De Altomare, I met the most curious human named Ash. I don't know if it was my psychic abilities or my heart or both, but I could tell that he was unlike any other individual, Pokémon or otherwise, that I would ever come to know. I fell so hard and so fast for him. He's the one coming in 3 days to accept an award here for the first time since the day we parted all those years past. That's what has me so worked up.” Latias concluded, starting to have a strong desire of getting out of there and being alone again. It was one thing to fantasize about having him, but another to talk about him to others as if she really believed she stood a chance.

Both Raticates stared at her for several moments and then at each other and then back at her again. Mrs. Raticate was first to speak. “Oh no, hon... we could never have a dampened opinion of you. You're the greatest. You love who you love and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I for one think it's adorable. I'm not sure how we can help, but I fully support you claiming your man! Let no one stand in your way.”

Mr. Raticate nodded. “My mother was never too keen with Mrs. Raticate, but I loved her and so I went for it even though the one that had raised me and ensured my safety in the world disapproved. It was definitely to my benefit. Now I'm sure things are a little bit different with you loving a human, but the same principle is still there. Love can always transcend boundaries and if it's lasted for the past 9 years it just goes to show that true love never fades. Don't let anyone tell you that your love is not okay.” He smiled. “By all means, go for it!”

Latias trilled happily. She was disappointed in herself for keeping the secret so long and being miserable for more than 8 years. She had friends and she had loved ones that would have supported her. The support of her brother meant the most to her, but to be accepted by those she didn't know all too well had its own value. “Oh thank you, thank you! You don't know how happy I am!!! I really must be going now as it's been quite a while and I need to get back to watching the town... but know that I really appreciate having friends like you!”

She lifted Ash the Rattata once more and gave him a special magical dragon kiss on the forehead, causing him to giggle at the strange tickle. “May your life be long and never full of pain and hurt, but bounteous and filled with love.” She handed him back to his mother's caring arms and waved goodbye to all three of them.

“Thank you again,” Latias said.

“No, thank you,” replied Mr. and Mrs. Raticate together. “Next time we see you, I hope this lucky human is by your side,” added Mrs. Raticate.

Latias grinned and winked before taking off into the sky and hitting an updraft, flying quickly and smoothly but becoming invisible again soon after.

“Such a precious girl,” remarked Mrs. Raticate.

“Indeed,” replied her mate.
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