AGNPH Forums

The stress relief topic

    just remember. im here as the big swampert teddy..
    dark devil
    Date:Sep 25, 2013 2:38 AM(Edited:Sep 26, 2013 3:09 AM) Title:The stress relief topic
    got something you need to get off your chest or dress that you want let others know? I think this my be an intresting way to strike things up around here

    *there fixed*

    the more messier your room is  the smarter you are.

    Date:Sep 25, 2013 4:14 PM Title:Re: the stress releave topic
    It upsets me strongly when people spell 'relief' incorrectly. As does starting sentences with improper capitalization. *cough*

    Retroactively Continuitous
    Date:Sep 26, 2013 2:41 AM Title:Re: the stress releave topic
    Use of “as” as a coordinating conjuction in a flailing attempt to justify writing a sentence fragment rather than editing it properly into the preceding sentence infuriates me.