AGNPH Forums

Warning! Challenger Approaching

    Date:Feb 4, 2014 3:32 PM Title:Warning! Challenger Approaching

    *W*  the only thing I would ask would be a final smash "mega-lucario"  T-T


    Por más solo que te encuentres, siempre existirá alguien a tu lado, acompañándote y cuidando de ti
    I need metal for a YT outro
    Date:Feb 6, 2014 12:58 AM Title:Re: Warning! Challenger Approaching
    So Lucario returns. Chances are the Mega form would be an alternate skin.

    'Cause we are alone, here in death valley

    Happy songs are over-rated, I'm listening to: angry stuff, sad stuff and rebellion stuff.

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    Charmander porn addict
    Date:Feb 6, 2014 4:34 AM Title:Re: Warning! Challenger Approaching
    Lucario is one of my best characters so I'm happy to see that he/she's still in. I though they would swap it out with Mewtwo which I think was the more popular choice. I like Mewtwo too but Lucario I've always preferred.