AGNPH Forums

Streaming Live!

    Illusionairy Fox
    Date:May 21, 2014 11:43 PM Title:Streaming Live!
    I'm going to be streaming Halo: Combat Evolved on my Twitch channel tonight (possibly starting at 8:30pm, going on until I beat the game).

    I'll be attempting to speedrun the game, but I don't expect a flawless run, and it will take upwards of four (4) hours to complete.

    I will be running on Heroic (because I'm a pansy and can't beat the game on Legendary).

    I will be posting when I will start on my FA as well, possibly 10 minutes before I start just to see if I get people on my channel.

    Regardless of audience count, I will be starting my stream.

    Hope to see you guys there!