AGNPH Forums

Post your X/Y battle videos here~

    Date:Jul 16, 2014 9:35 PM Title:Post your X/Y battle videos here~
    As the title states, this is a topic to share battle videos you may have saved on Pokémon X/Y.  When you progress far enough into the game, you will receive something called the Vs. Recorder. The Vs. Recorder is used to save various battles from either the Battle Maison, or online with others. If you would like to share a video, you must make the video public. To do this, you must be connected to the internet, and select the button that has an arrow pointing upwards. Then select the video of your choice~

    Once you have made the video public, there will be a code assigned to it. This code is used to search for the uploaded video. To search for one, all you need do is select search by code while connected to the internet.

    I've noticed topics to share battle videos on other sites, so I figured I'd start one here.

    I'll start with one of my own, and perhaps add more if this becomes popular. This is one I did in the Battle Spot featuring my Delphox & Gardevoir team.