AGNPH Forums


    Date:Jul 4, 2013 1:51 AM Title:Re: THE CHAT BOX(zero)
    Oh -.- Well I feel stupid now.

    Date:Jul 4, 2013 4:09 AM Title:Re: THE CHAT BOX(zero)

    chife im n iran the IRC is filtered here i do not have acsses to it cuz of the goverment.......
    Do you use an IRC client, such as X-Chat or an X-Chat derivative? If so, try to connect using the following command.

    /server -ssl 8000

    Date:Jul 4, 2013 5:40 AM Title:Re: THE CHAT BOX(zero)
    So wait, what happened to the Cbox Arcanine made? Is that the one you're talking about?

    Go read my stories!!
     My stories

    Illusionairy Fox
    Date:Jul 4, 2013 6:36 AM Title:Re: THE CHAT BOX(zero)
    The Cbox is in no way associated with AGNPH and therefore not supported or maintained by AGNPH. You want the Cbox? Go talk to Arcanine, the person who offered the place to the CBers who refused to make the move to the new forum or the IRC.

    Sorry in advance for sounding like a dick.

    I need metal for a YT outro
    Date:Jul 4, 2013 7:40 AM Title:Re: THE CHAT BOX(zero)

    The Cbox is in no way associated with AGNPH and therefore not supported or maintained by AGNPH. You want the Cbox? Go talk to Arcanine, the person who offered the place to the CBers who refused to make the move to the new forum or the IRC.

    Sorry in advance for sounding like a dick.

    Well since I'm the only one ever caught for it (for some idiotic reason) you will be fine, as long as I don't repeat it.

    'Cause we are alone, here in death valley

    Happy songs are over-rated, I'm listening to: angry stuff, sad stuff and rebellion stuff.

    My YT channel:

    Date:Jul 4, 2013 8:15 AM Title:Re: THE CHAT BOX(zero)
    Umm.... no. I thought he closed it or something for some reason because I couldn't get it to load earlier.

    Go read my stories!!
     My stories

    Date:Jul 4, 2013 10:21 PM Title:Re: THE CHAT BOX(zero)

    ... [Omitted for brevity.]

    Excuse me.

    First and foremost, zero is Iranian. In Iran, the internet is filtered to exclude pornographic material, among other things. The AGNPH IRC is therefore not accessible there, even through Mibbit. I'm honestly surprised that AGNPH itself isn't filtered there.

    Second, there is not a rule against civil discussion of past features, nor has Flygon said anything to that extent. Flygon has also already posted in this thread supporting zero and offering him a potential means of bypassing his government's censorship.

    As I am neither a moderator nor an administrator, I have nothing more to say to you regarding this post.

    Retroactively Continuitous
    Date:Jul 4, 2013 11:17 PM Title:Re: THE CHAT BOX(zero)
    LongDog was born to be an Ambassador.

    I'm honestly surprised that AGNPH itself isn't filtered there.
    Only because they don't know about it, I expect.

    Date:Jul 8, 2013 2:31 AM Title:Re: THE CHAT BOX(zero)
    Anyone here?

    just remember. im here as the big swampert teddy..
    dark devil
    Date:Jul 8, 2013 8:54 PM Title:Re: THE CHAT BOX(zero)
    Im here just hardly on. Ajusting still plus i was busy with shit

    the more messier your room is  the smarter you are.
