AGNPH Forums

5 Shocking Things This Cartoon Creature Artist Likes to Draw

    What the hell am I even doing
    Date:Jun 4, 2015 6:11 AM Title:5 Shocking Things This Cartoon Creature Artist Likes to Draw

    This picture shows what unbelievable things this artist does to cartoon creatures!


    Ever wonder what some people who like cartoon creatures did? This certainly shows it.


    Shocking, the things this cartoon creature artist likes to show with their work.


    Remember the cartoon creatures you grew up with? This is how this artist sees them!


    The hell is this?

    Date:Jun 4, 2015 5:35 PM Title:Re: 5 Shocking Things This Cartoon Creature Artist Likes to Draw
    I like these pictures but had to think a little about the last one x3
    Tequatl doesn't want to drop an ascended weapon box for me D: