AGNPH Forums

Generation Six

    Retroactively Continuitous
    Date:Jul 6, 2013 8:45 PM Title:Re: Generation Six
    if they added on more would still feel hollow.  Pokémon lacks an overwhelming YOU WIN moment.  Gen I, Giovanni was a miniboss and the Elites were their thing and made the goal: from nothing to Region's best trainer during one summer.  That's cool once, but has little replay value.  Pokémon found its replay in training pokebros and exploring togther, and becoming the very best like no one ever was took a back seat.  (Gotta catch 'em all?  In BW2, because you want that shiny-egg chance booster, not because you want to see all the sprites.)  As the Elites became little more than an EXP grind to make your team's numbers bigger, you (for example) are looking for "more post-elite" content, not because you need more, but you need something that gives you enough challenge and rewards the work you put into your team to make you feel like you completed something.

    So, I'll posit that question: instead of dragging the games on with a lot of little post-E4 things and novelties what sort of finalé would make you sit back and feel like you accomplished something for all your effort?

    Date:Jul 6, 2013 9:45 PM Title:Re: Generation Six

    So, I'll posit that question: instead of dragging the games on with a lot of little post-E4 things and novelties what sort of finalé would make you sit back and feel like you accomplished something for all your effort?


    Well, it worked for me, back in the day.

    Only one can judge me and it is not you.
    Date:Jul 7, 2013 12:50 AM Title:Re: Generation Six

    So, I'll posit that question: instead of dragging the games on with a lot of little post-E4 things and novelties what sort of finalé would make you sit back and feel like you accomplished something for all your effort?

    What would work for me that being "champion" means more than getting a fucking national dex and being told "You need to collect them all." Honestly what would be cool is if you get to create your own elite four from trainers around the region or from across other regions and either NPCs or real trainers can challenge your hand picked elite four and try to challenge you for your seat. Plus the more people you defeat the better "league" you can have built. For me this would be worth wild since the longer streak you and your elite four can create the better your dream league can become and then you can upload these stats to a international server so others can see how bad ass you are and try to challenge your league.

    Mr. Rager
    Date:Jul 7, 2013 8:02 AM Title:Re: Generation Six
    Possibly. Or at least add in the feature that "hey, I beat the champion and that means I'm the champion and don't need to beat the same person over and over to keep getting my title." But yeah. At least add something like the battletower. You stay the champion and you keep getting challenged by harder and harder opponents until you can't win any longer and they are the new champion and then it starts over.

    Go read my stories!!
     My stories

    Long Live King Sonic the Hedgehog
    King Sonic
    Date:Jul 12, 2013 3:45 PM Title:Re: Generation Six
    can't wait to start with Fennekin and catch Pikachu in Santalune Forest

    I have at last found a place to call home, Cloudsdale Castle
    just remember. im here as the big swampert teddy..
    dark devil
    Date:Jul 24, 2013 8:21 PM Title:Re: Generation Six
    im actually only in this for the story and after events of the story. ya sure I don't mind the new stuff they may have added but its been the same for me since gen one. get a starter, help out with shit stop the evil bad guys, defeat the gym leaders, eleit 4 and champion, become the champion, catch legendary pokemon in the prosses. catch what you can and get a certficit for it. that sort of stuff is intresting to me

    the more messier your room is  the smarter you are.

    Sleep Harder~ ||=(>|3
    Date:Jul 24, 2013 10:23 PM(Edited:Jul 25, 2013 12:06 AM) Title:Re: Generation Six
    I'm still not convinced yet.
    While the basic forms of the gen's starters look cute (BUT ALL DAMN BASIC FORMS OF ALL STARTERS DO~!), none of the other new 'spoiled' Pokémon attracted me that much in cmp with Gen 5.
    I'll just step back and look how the ball will roll.

    Here, have a Rare Candy~! 'Cause last night I found out you have to dream sweeter~! |=(>;3c

    Mayor of Detroit
    Date:Jul 30, 2013 6:52 AM Title:Re: Generation Six
    I'm suuuper excited for Gen VI. One of my roommates and I have been obsessed over the Pokemon games for about a year and a half now likely because of mutual interest. When a new Pokemon game was being teased, we excepted a Gen III remake, which I would have been excited for too, but Gen VI was a nice surprise. My roommate and I really got into playing pokemon competitively via online simulators, and that led to us coming up with different teams of Pokemon to replay the games with and we'd help each other breed Pokemon for the desirable moves and natures. For example I've done an all Gen V pokemon team and a /Flying team for White 2, Nuzlocked Leaf Green, and I have an Eeveelution team ready to go if I can just put Fire Emblem Awakening down. Might hold of the Eeveelution team at this point for Gen VI. I also have a Gen III Pokemon team already planned for the inevitable remake.

    As far as Gen VI is concerned, I'm excited that they're introducing the Fairy type, I just want to know for sure what all the strengths and weaknesses are. I've heard rumors, and I'm inclined to trust them, I just want a confirmation. I like that the bad team in the game has a simple and very reasonable motivation for causing mischief in the world. And to top it off, I'm very positive of most the Pokemon that has been revealed so far. A good way to win me over is to introduce more unique dual types, even if the Normal type is included in the mix, and Gamefreak has been doing a great job of that so far. I don't really like the designs of Skrelp or Froakie, but it's cool that they introduced another Water/Poison Pokemon, and maybe Forakie will have evolved forms with better designs. Also possible that their designs will grow on me, as was the case with many Pokemon in Gen V.

    October can't come soon enough!
