Anyone who experienced any issues verifying a new account with the captcha on the Fics section will be delighted to know the issue has been fixed.
Also, the size limit for forums avatars has been increased to 150x150, from the abysmal 65x65 that was the default setting. If you uploaded your avatar, this will not take automatic effect on your avatar and you will have to reupload to take advantage of the new size limit. If you externally linked your avatar, you should not need to do anything.
Date:Jul 16, 2013 3:51 AM Title:Fics Captcha issue fixed / Forum avatar size increased.
Also, the size limit for forums avatars has been increased to 150x150, from the abysmal 65x65 that was the default setting.
If you uploaded your avatar, this will not take automatic effect on your avatar and you will have to reupload to take advantage of the new size limit. If you externally linked your avatar, you should not need to do anything.
Date:Jul 16, 2013 8:51 AM Title:Re: Fics Captcha issue fixed / Forum avatar size increased.