AGNPH Forums

Gaming Playlist!

    Skye's the limit!
    Date:Jul 16, 2013 5:44 AM Title:Gaming Playlist!
    So...while we're on the topic of MMOs and stuff, I'm curious. What game/games are you really into right now. I mean, I'm sure a lot of us have tons of games but what are the ones you've been picking at lately? Here's mine:

    Tales of Vesperia (one playthrough wasn't enough)
    Pokemon Black 2
    Project X-Zone (demo. Can't wait for the real thing)
    Sonic 3&K - Amy
    Sonic Boom
    League of Legends (always)
    Final Fantasy 14 (sometimes)
    I Wanna Be The Guy Gaiden

    And of course, always lookin' for more.

    I need metal for a YT outro
    Date:Jul 16, 2013 6:52 AM Title:Re: Gaming Playlist!
    So many games...

    Borderlands 2

    ... that's about it, but once you add in all of the DLC it's like 61 games in one.... if only they raised the lvl cap to 69 like they did in the first :3

    'Cause we are alone, here in death valley

    Happy songs are over-rated, I'm listening to: angry stuff, sad stuff and rebellion stuff.

    My YT channel:

    I'm might be crazy, but I've got morals
    Date:Sep 15, 2013 1:20 PM Title:Re: Gaming Playlist!
    Heh~ My list isn't too long right now luckily...

    American McGee's Alice (The first)
    Quake 2
    Siren Blood Curse
    Megaman Zero 1
    and Fallout 3 Obscurum

    Yep, not too much and of odd choices, but they're proving to be quite nice~

    One who hath no place in the tides of fate shall wander the path of the forgotten where naught but a single thing shall fall in place...In that single place though shall be a great symbol. A symbol that naught but the creator itself shall appreciate to its fullest.