AGNPH Forums

(Indie) Game (Bundle) Deals

    Sleep Harder~ ||=(>|3
    Date:Jan 13, 2014 11:22 PM(Edited:Jan 13, 2014 11:24 PM) Title:Re: (Indie) Game (Bundle) Deals has released a weekly bundle sale again:

    Humble Weekly Sale: Frozenbyte

    • Jack Claw + source code + level editor (Windows only) & asserts
    • Shadowgrounds + OST + source code
    • Shadowgrounds Survivor + OST+ source code
    • Trine + OST + level editor (Windows only)
    • Trine 2: Complete Story + Goblin Menace Soundtrack

    This bundle is DRM-free. In contrariety what's mentioned on the page, the games run on Windows, Linux and Mac. You can even download the source code of Jack Claw, Shadowgrounds and Shadowgrounds Survivor! o3o

    Hurry if you want it; ~2 days left to grab it. Excuse from my side for this late post |=("|3

    Here, have a Rare Candy~! 'Cause last night I found out you have to dream sweeter~! |=(>;3c

    Sleep Harder~ ||=(>|3
    Date:Jan 20, 2014 3:22 AM Title:Re: (Indie) Game (Bundle) Deals
    IndieGameStand comes with a new temporary deal which caught my interest to 'give it a try': Three Dead Zed - Enhanced Edition

    In a nutshell: it's a platformer where you're a zombie from an experiment lab and your goal is to get out there. Interestingly enough the researchers gave you the ability to transform into 3 different zombies with different abilities to tackle various obstacles. With a push on the button.

    I've played the game for a while and it lightly positive about it. It's concept of switching characters with their abilities (and shortcomings) isn't new, but AFAIK there aren't many games out there who use that concept. This edition is polished up with better graphics & effects, and more 'scenery-enemies' like fire and poison gas. From a visual and audible perspective, the game is pretty decent. It features a lot of jokes as well. A disadvantage I noticed at my side was that the game control keys aren't configurable and that the used key layout requires some familiarization before playing it smoothly. From the other hand, the game supports a gamepad, so I think I'll test that out 'soon' |=(;3

    The game is DRM-free and runs on Windows, Linux and Mac.

    Here, have a Rare Candy~! 'Cause last night I found out you have to dream sweeter~! |=(>;3c

    Sleep Harder~ ||=(>|3
    Date:Feb 19, 2014 11:57 PM Title:Re: (Indie) Game (Bundle) Deals
    Uurgh, It seems I forgot to inform you about Humble Indie Bundle X (ten).

    Well Too bad, then I inform you about Humble Indie Bundle 11 instead |=(:P

    This bundle has a pair of platformer games which look really promising |=(:3

    • Guacamelee! Gold Edition + OST
    • Dust: An Elysian Tail + OST
    • Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams + Exclusive Comic + OST
    • The Swapper + OST
    • Antichamber + OST
    • Monaco + OST

    This bundle is DRM-free. All the games run on Windows, Linux and Mac. Except for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, which runs on Windows only while the ports of the other two platforms will be available later this year.

    Here, have a Rare Candy~! 'Cause last night I found out you have to dream sweeter~! |=(>;3c

    Sleep Harder~ ||=(>|3
    Date:Mar 2, 2014 2:18 AM Title:Re: (Indie) Game (Bundle) Deals
    Ah, Almost forgot to mention that the Humble Indie Bundle 11 has been expanded with the following titles:

    • Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
    • FEZ + OST
    • Starseed + OST

    Come & get it~

    Here, have a Rare Candy~! 'Cause last night I found out you have to dream sweeter~! |=(>;3c
