AGNPH Forums

Pokemon Party in Real Life

    I need metal for a YT outro
    Date:Jul 26, 2013 11:07 PM Title:Pokemon Party in Real Life
    A common topic all of us think upon here in AGNPH is the 6 pokemon we'd love to have as a party member in real life.

    So make a list of the 6 pokemon you'd love to have in your team that would be the top 6 you'd love to have. Also explain why (a list isn't enough unless you say WHY, also, sexual attraction is not enough.)

    I'll start:

    #1. Absol

    My favorite Pokemon, and possibly the coolest, not only would I think about doing naughty things to it (gender is not important), but, I would also treat it like my best friend. Absol could be used as a great pokemon to scope out perimeters before setting up camp using its dark abilities to hie out in the shadows and its swift body making it easy to travel around quickly.

    #2. Quilava or one of the Cyndaquil line.

    Not only would these pokemon exert heat, but they could be used for a fire if needed, and could warm up the area itself if no firewood is nearby.

    #3. Zoroark/Zorua

    Zoroarks illusion is obviously a really good strategy for tricking opponents during a battle, but, if the Pokemon cooperates, you could treat its mane as a backup storage area or a place to keep pokemon you need to get to a pokemon center quickly.

    #4. Snivy

    Although the Snivy family are known for being cynical and kind of stuck-up, just like the anime, you could use its vinewhip as a way to bring opponents down to your level or use it to get things just out of reach for you down.

    #5. Pikachu

    As proven in Pokemon Yellow, Pikachu are extremely capable of learning moves that most of its type could not learn, making it a very useful pokemon given the right training.

    #6. Another Absol

    (Yes you can have duplicates, don't ask) All creatures need to breed to survive right? so getting one of the opposite gender would prove useful. (also, I kind of ran out of ideas...)

    'Cause we are alone, here in death valley

    Happy songs are over-rated, I'm listening to: angry stuff, sad stuff and rebellion stuff.

    My YT channel:

    Date:Jul 29, 2013 7:07 AM(Edited:Jul 30, 2013 4:20 AM) Title:Re: Pokemon Party in Real Life
    Edit: I probably shouldn't post things late at night. Here, let's try again.

    1. Some starter Pokémon.
    Probably inevitable, unless I were to go out and catch a Pidgey with thrown rocks and a Pokéball; plus, it's one fewer Pokémon I don't have to think too hard about. Charmander forever.

    2. Latias.
    Latias is a dragon-jet plane with human level intelligence and crazy psychic powers and illusion abilities, who is also very cute and huggable in her native form. Sexual attraction is probably also a factor here; but not the only one.

    3. Pidgeot.
    I don't know why. But even though I'm too scared of heights to ride on its back, I'd like a Pidgeot if I were a Pokémon trainer. Pidgeots are awesome. (Well, probably it would start as a Pidgey or Pidgeotto.)

    4. Magneton.
    It's three Magnemite stuck together. I'd have to keep it away from computers, but on the other hand, it's probably unexpected, and I think it's very cool, for some reason or other.

    5. Haunter.
    It has the power to drag the souls of unconscious people out of their bodies and put them back. It can also hypnotize creatures and/or eat dreams.

    6. Kadabra.
    Crazy psychic powers are particularly broken when not adhering to game rules, and convenient for other purposes to boot. Also, Kadabra and Haunter are nice counterpoints to each other.

    (7.) Magikarp.
    If the starter wasn't automatic, Magikarp. I would like Gyarados, but I would like to obtain it as a Magikarp, because I would like to be sure that it evolves into a friendly Gyarados instead of an always angry one. This could be accomplished by the tried-and-true method of making it be the party leader and immediately switching it out for something tougher for an extended period of time. Anyway, Gyarados is awesome.

    Date:Jul 30, 2013 11:29 AM Title:Re: Pokemon Party in Real Life
    1: Blaziken

    General awesomeness, and quite strong, usefull for both carrying stuffs... etc... Also makes another good use with it's ability to create fire.

    2: Lapras

    Simple, traveling, going overseas can be very useful (For me since i live in a place with... A good amount of water and islands.)

    3: Pidgeot

    Again, traveling. I might have to get used to being up high... But i will manage.

    4: Ninjask

    Insane speeds, small size, And perhaps also a ninja?

    Well anyways it would be great to use as a scout with it's speed, size and that it can fly.

    5: Zebstrika

    It's a horse. (Zebra) Good for land traveling quite fast, and maybe you could use it as a living battery?

    6: Gengar

    Like Xael, if haunter can pull out your spirit and stuffs, why shouldn't gengar be able to? That would simply just be awesome! Use every night to let your body rest while your soul explores? Why not?

    Illusionairy Fox
    Date:Jul 31, 2013 3:38 AM Title:Re: Pokemon Party in Real Life
    1: Kirlia/Gardevoir
    Every guy needs a companion, and I'd like a friend with benefits~ ;3 Plus, Psychic can be used for getting things out of my reach, like trees.

    2: Gallade
    I'd like to learn from him, to be honest. Practice self-defence and his natural ways as a Gallade.

    3: Lucario
    Same as above - and it wouldn't hurt for my 'Cario to be female...just sayin'~ ;3

    4: Zoroark
    Having an illusionist in the party can be very helpful for keeping you and your team safe at night. Love it if my 'Roark was female, too :3

    5: Eevee/loution
    Just a little buddy to snuggle with at night and to carry during my travels. What can I say? I love 'Vee's~ <3
    (PS: female wouldn't be too bad, either~)

    6: Typhlosion
    Flamethrower; Earthquake; Iron Tail; Thunderpunch. Need I say more? (go Gen2 moveset!)

    Date:Jul 31, 2013 4:38 AM Title:Re: Pokemon Party in Real Life
    6: Typhlosion
    Flamethrower; Earthquake; Iron Tail; Thunderpunch. Need I say more? (go Gen2 moveset!)
    Holy crap. Someone else that used Iron Tail?


    just remember. im here as the big swampert teddy..
    dark devil
    Date:Jul 31, 2013 6:21 PM Title:Re: Pokemon Party in Real Life
    a team of the six water starters is good for me. why?  I have a thing for blue pokemon. and water types.

    the more messier your room is  the smarter you are.

    Mayor of Detroit
    Date:Aug 2, 2013 8:17 AM Title:Re: Pokemon Party in Real Life
    6: Typhlosion
    Flamethrower; Earthquake; Iron Tail; Thunderpunch. Need I say more? (go Gen2 moveset!)

    How can you have a Typhlosion and not have him know Eruption? He's the best user of that move.

    Illusionairy Fox
    Date:Aug 2, 2013 3:05 PM Title:Re: Pokemon Party in Real Life
    Going by Generation 2 movesets with that ^^; I owned any competition with that moveset in Gen2, even my Rival's Feraligatr :3

    Date:Jan 22, 2014 5:47 PM Title:Re: Pokemon Party in Real Life
    This is going off one of my fics because I gave him a team I wanted, in a way, they're my team too:

    1- Gardevoir (Appropriately named Destiny cuz you know, starter, pokemon trainer being your destiny, I would have figured that people figure that part out but I still get random PM on fanfic asking me why her name was Destiny)

    Absolute favorite pokemon in the whole wide world. I don't know why but the fantasy like image of her body and her powers just attracts me to know end.

    2- Zoroark (Named Trixy for being the Tricky Fox Pokémon XD)

    I love foxes, I love dark types as much as I love ice cream, booze, and Copenhagen

    3- Lopuny (Named Winery, just cuz I like that name)

    The First ever playboy bunny of the pokemon world. They had to make such fluffy ears and such a properly proportioned body that makes even males look female. it would look better if they would give her atleast peach sized boobs though -.- what a shame.

    4- Lucario (Named Coco... don't ask why)

    I love the combat style, I love the ability to see and control aura, and that's one sexy ass Pokémon XD

    5- Umbreon (Named Brandy, another name I love ^.^)

    Like I said I love foxes and dark type. Plus it'd be nice having an eon riding in my arms or on my head XD

    6- Espeon (Named Luna, just seemed to fit her attitude and nature in the fic)

    I just wanted twin sister on my team :) Brandy and Luna are twin sisters. Awesome cuddle buddies at night :)

    There, that's my team, notice their are no moves and all of them are female. there's a few pokemon that get caught later on but don't worry, they're regularly cycled with the main team. and the reason I did not mention moves is because, the only time they need them is defense in the forest or in a battle, but this is a real life person speaking so I don't care if they know moves or not, I just want them to be real and in my house, Or on my bed ;)


    Date:May 20, 2014 3:51 AM Title:Re: Pokemon Party in Real Life
    1.Zoroark (most likely female)
    Probably my favourite Pokemon. Cunning, quick, smart, and powerful, it just seems to have this sassy edge that I admire, as well as being a loyal furry friend. It may be over-used and over-rated, but something about this canine just gets me.

    2.Typhlosion (male)
    A favourite starter of mine, it's badass as fuck and just oozes awesomeness. As well as being warm and fuzzy, Typhlosion is powerful and intimidating towards foes, but loving towards it's trainer, and would be an excellent addition to a team.

    3.Flygon (male)
    As well as being able to fly, this dragon-type seems the friendliest and the most playful of them all. Just the idea of zooming across an open field on it's back makes me smile.

    4.Gengar (female or male)
    Recently I've developed an admiration for this Pokemon. Though most may see it as dark and evil, I could see a well-trained Gengar as a simple prankster and also very playful. As a ghost-type, it can also be very useful in sticky situations, such as having to get through walls, or even to preform surveillance on an area while being unnoticed.

    5. Swampert (male)
    Quick in the water and extremely strong, Swampert helps round out this team. As well as having a good moveset,

    6.Gardevoir (female)
    Elegant, calm, and mild-tempered, gardevoir would be a great addition to any team. Her psychic abilities would no doubt add to the perfect team, as well as being a loyal friend.

    I'm not really fond of nicknames, but if a good situation presented itself, I might give my Pokemon names.
    I've also chosen this team not based on sexual preferences, but on overall battle performance as well as the thought of having them as companions, real, loyal friends. A lot of these Pokemon are popular choices, but these are the ones I see myself becoming lifelong teammates with.

    "As you can see, I've memorized this utterly useless fact long enough to pass a test question. I now intend to forget it forever. You've taught me nothing except how to manipulate the system. Congratulations."

    -Bill Watterson (Calvin & Hobbes)