AGNPH Forums

The Video Game Name Generator!

    Date:Aug 20, 2013 5:27 PM Title:The Video Game Name Generator!
    As the title suggests, I've found a name generator for video games while meandering about the web.

    Here are some of the titles that I've found particularly funny:

    Masters of Sex Quiz, actually could be a legit title for a game ^-^
    Monty Python's Zombie vs. Capcom, >w<
    Final Fantasy Wagon Armada, it may come to 3DS, who knows
    Awesome Cheese Apocolypse, because why not?

    I've been clicking the GENERATE button for well over an hour to be honest. Silly, I know, but I CAN'T STOP.. anyways..

    Feel free to post any title you find funny or significant. Have fun!


    Just a gamer and dude that likes having fun
    Date:Aug 20, 2013 6:34 PM(Edited:Aug 20, 2013 6:35 PM) Title:Re: The Video Game Name Generator!
    Beautiful Manlove Scandal
    Nerf Beat Starring Mickey Mouse
    Nudist Chainsaw Explosion
    Confusing Chase vs. Street Fighter
    Neo Porn Scandal
    Hitler's Beat Revisited
    Throbbing Gimp XXX
    Final Fantasy Sandwich Anthology

    Just a few I generated X3

    Date:Aug 22, 2013 1:24 AM(Edited:Aug 22, 2013 4:06 AM) Title:Re: The Video Game Name Generator!
    This should have been posted in either the video games section or the links section.

    Sleep Harder~ ||=(|3
    Date:Aug 22, 2013 1:55 AM(Edited:Aug 22, 2013 1:59 AM) Title:Re: The Video Game Name Generator!
    Some gave me a good laugh:
    "Michael Jackson's Soccer Domination"
    "Jewish Frisbee DJ"
    "All-Night Furry Operation" (I bet someone want that game)
    "Celtic Raccoon Farmer"
    "In Your Face Alligator Mayhem"
    "The Sims: Lawnmower Kid"
    "Amphibious Duck Demolition"
    "Everybody Hates the Animal House"
    "Frankenstein's Farm from Outer Space"
    "Duke Nukem: Karaoke vs. Capcom" (I even wonder if there will be ever a new game of Duke Nukem released after Duke Nukem Forever).
    "8-Bit Beast at the Olympics"
    "Inept Pokemon Destruction" (I'm sure nobody wants this game).

    Anyway, bookmarked.

    Here, have a Rare Candy~! 'Cause last night I found out you have to dream sweeter~! |=(>;3c

    Date:Aug 22, 2013 6:25 PM Title:Re: The Video Game Name Generator!

    This should have been posted in either the video games section or the links section.

    Then I request the topic to be moved to the links section, seeing it is a link to another site.

    To be on topic,

    Invisible Vegetarian Power
    Adventures of the Sunshine Summoner, sounds a lot like Okami..
    Looney Tunes Midget Fight Club, I lost my breath after seeing this pop up.. x3
    Drug-Induced Porn Shootout

    Just to name a few.


    &#039;mander Down Under!
    Date:Aug 23, 2013 11:31 AM Title:Re: The Video Game Name Generator!
    Here's some I got:

    Combat Ice Cream of Mystery  (Vanillite came to mind.)
    Sid Meier's Railroad Hop-A-Bout (Flygon would DEFINITELY buy this)
    Eco-Friendly Railroad - The Revenge (This one too!)
    Eternal Beach Rebellion
    Spooky Software World Cup (Imagine if all the creepies you find in creepypastas duke it out RIGHT HERE)
    Stealth Vocabulary Unit
    Dirty Dungeon Showdown (:DDD)
    Dirty Pokemon Force (:DDD)
    African Afro Riders
    Hideous Kung-fu Reloaded
    Michael Jackson's Stunt with Friends  (OMG!!!!)
    Perverted Dinosaur - The Next Generation
    Dead or Alive Shopping III (First it's volleyball... now this?)
    Vegetarian Werewolf Restaurant
    Tribal Nudist Strike Force

    |*Insert orgasm here*|

    One year already...
    Date:Aug 27, 2013 7:21 AM Title:Re: The Video Game Name Generator!

    Awesome dentist safari... ._.
    The Simpsons' surgery scandal? :O
    Boring Raccoon force.
    The gloory of mutant troopers.
    African bingo of the deep?!

    Email me please if you wish to contact me...

    Just a gamer and dude that likes having fun
    Date:Aug 28, 2013 2:02 AM Title:Re: The Video Game Name Generator!
    Heres some more!

    Dracula's Dog Ultra ( o.o )
    Battlefield: Bandicoot Advance ( With Crash? O.O )
    Star Wars Carnival Fighter ( O_o )
    Looney Tunes Fun Noodle Quest ( Possible? o.o )
    Interstellar Pokemon Party ( ^^ )
    Michael Jackson's Zombie Rocket ( Wtf? )
    Naughty Terrorist Jam ( XD )
    The Muppets Plumber 3D ( Mario rip-off? )
    Canadian Plunger Fun ( Ooooh k then )

    just remember. im here as the big swampert teddy..
    dark devil
    Date:Sep 12, 2013 4:22 AM Title:Re: The Video Game Name Generator!
    Vegetarian Tetris of Mystery (do do do DO do do do.. do do do do do do DO DO  DO DO.. DO DO.)
    Manic Bandicoot Extraganza
    Dead or Alive Sailor in Middle-Earth dun dun dunnnnn

    the more messier your room is  the smarter you are.

    I&#039;m might be crazy, but I&#039;ve got morals
    Date:Sep 15, 2013 2:15 PM Title:Re: The Video Game Name Generator!
    Thank you Greed~ This really made my day~

    Nudist Puppy Creator
    Excruciating Polka Quiz
    Asian Plumber Onslaught
    Catholic Wrestling Island
    Wonderous STD Special Edition (there was a regular edition for this?)
    Flamboyant Rainbow Squadron
    Nudist Office of the Third Reich
    The Castle of the Porn Reloaded
    The Care Bears' Landmine Carnage
    The Last Sandwich - Hot Pursuit

    Some of these were quite funny~

    One who hath no place in the tides of fate shall wander the path of the forgotten where naught but a single thing shall fall in place...In that single place though shall be a great symbol. A symbol that naught but the creator itself shall appreciate to its fullest.
