AGNPH Forums

Your favourite song.

    Long Live King Sonic the Hedgehog
    King Sonic
    Date:Aug 29, 2014 4:45 AM Title:Re: Your favourite song.
    Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin featuring Velora

    I have at last found a place to call home, Cloudsdale Castle
    AKA: Ziegles
    Date:Aug 30, 2014 6:32 PM Title:Re: Your favourite song.
    This has to one of my favorites from one of my favorite bands, Dispatch. The vocals floor me every time! It is called "Hey Hey"


    Want a good book series to read? Try Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness!
    Date:Jun 23, 2015 5:50 PM Title:Re: Your favourite song.
    For the moment one of my favourite song is watercolour from pendulum, somehow can't stop listening to it <3
