AGNPH Forums

Scy's Fics

    Scy Storm
    Date:Sep 12, 2013 5:45 AM Title:Scy's Fics
    Wait, do people still read my things? I'm so bad at getting anything finished.

    Anyway, hi, I make one of these threads whenever there's a forum refresh. :3 I'm glad to see Stories finally have their own forum finally!

    As for me, I'm this bug dude and I've written way too much Pokemon stuff. I used to collect lots of ribbons back in AGNPH Fics contests (maybe I should start entering those again someday). All of my Pokemon works are right here on AGNPH, reuploaded back when the system shifted back to eFiction. Don't really get much reads these days, though. I *did* get a story thief, though! That was funny.

    I've also written a bunch of stuff that's non-Pokemon, which can all be found on my personal site or uploaded to my FurAffinity, SoFurry, and Inkbunny accounts. (there's a lot of furry sites!) I've been on a My Little Pony kick in recent years, though it's been slow-going there, too, in the creative department. Hopefully soon I can update a fic I've desperately wanted to update, then write a new Pokemon thing for all you perverts here.

    Speaking of perverted things, one of my Pokemon works was also converted into a freakin' amazing drawn comic, which is also available for purchase printed or digitally. If you like it, I'd appreciate the support! Money is good for food.

    That's all, I guess. :3  Hope you like my things. Feel free to tell me what you think, either here or in Reviews on the Fics section. I may use this thread in the future to announce new fics, if I can manage to write any.
