[url:http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y5/Tikara/SasukePhotographer.gif]This is now my favorite .gif ever[/url]
Taken from [url:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4fvFvtuCrk]3:36 - 4:48[/url] -
*hugs tikara and wach stuff with her* -
oh sasuke...
OH TIK... BU -
Silly mew and her robots. :b
Hey Tikara?
I'm not sure where or if they still do or not, but there is a place that still sells the character figures from that game/anime.
But please don't ask me where though. Cause I really don't know. -
In some of the anime episodes, ((like [url:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WWupCoj7rU]here at 2:54[/url])) Sasuke goes around taking pictures of pretty young girls for Wiseman. He's so cute trying to take pictures and failing when the girls find his picture taking offensive~
ITS THE HYPER MEW RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey thanks Tikara. I was have a hard time remembering where is character was from when I seen him last time.
That game was a little odd though... but somewhat fun. -
Why does he need that ear thing when he uses the camera?
...Is it like a robot memory card/stick thing? 8U -
:gamer: wow i haven't played this game for a while
I dunno, Whiskies. I would probably know if I could find ENGLISH VERSIONS OF ALL THE EPISODES AAAA
I THINK WE HAVE UNFINISHED BUSINESS, SIR[URL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7gIpuIVE3k].[/url]
This is my second feud pic in a row without a counterattack... I'm waitiiiiing! >8U -
And the war continues!
That fish is VERY happy.
critical hit
Oh gawd pure brilliance! XD I actually know what you're referencing too!
left right left right
B, A select, start
gosh this song is awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF8AlCl6EiQ
cheering me up from my crappy day :C -
Fuck that, I'm playing P.O.W.
[That was a neat song, though]. -
Call a cab, motherfucker.
reminds me of Bringing the motherfuck"en death by konami http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kr4sH8F4J80&feature=channel_page
(Edited on June 6, 2009, 12:10 pm) -
I just used up two of my seven lives laughing to death.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lb8kegw-Bo&feature=channel_page might make a flash with nano (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2330328/) and aqua with that song :3
I watched the animation just so I could see the process in making the background.
~but i like to do it~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBcAFTD-pQw -
That song is catchy as and now you got stuck in my head :P im gonna listen to it again :D
Best costume in the game for Sasuke ever.
...Well the Schoolboy with bloomers and Caveman outfits are also adorable, but I'm a fag for maid outfits so HOORAY~
Also all of the character costumes are amazing and hilarious. Watch the whole vid guys. -
That game always was awesome.
those... eyebrows...
haven't drawn a pic here in forever!
well this is aqua n i was drawing to this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88rsI9ltRZA
she often steals, kills stuff like that because she thinks people are stealing from pokemon, so this song suits her
lame bg was fun to make 8D -
she actually likes being a criminal |D she thinks its fun, the only thing that bothers her is when they call her a monster
She may look cute, but looks can be deceiving.
@nick> she steals in her human form, well not her true one, like an alt. ego |3 n sometimes she goes a bit crazy >.>
@jet> she is, she has many personalities. thats why she doesn't talk much -
bad idea |D like i said, she kills
[url:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi5f5MVYjh8]play this for maximum effect[/url]
Do not believe in yourself! Believe in the me that believes in you!
Where we're going there are no roads...
I have the princess, life is good!
I wish I had cool adventures like you guys. :U
(Then again, there are a lot of things I wish I had.) -
Now I've got The Neverending Story's theme song stuck in my head.
-otterface -
oh god Mystery V Wonder showzen
Tyyyyyyyleeeerrrrr~ -
So.. if you're a which when you ride a flying broom, then what are you if you ride a giant flying horsedildo?
[url:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB0EU2E3LPc]I am sorry my friend, we are both victims you and I.[/url]
"A severed arm."
"If you've come for the fork you'll be sorely disappointed."
"A fork."
"Return the fork or I'll command it to destroy you!" :lol:
Bitch I will beat you with your own arm! >:O *Fwap, bap, slap* xD
Seriously, wtf? xD -
Stop all the fighting D8>
i've fapped of probably 15 times to the hotness of that fork
first dibs -
Don't hijack pic comments >:|
what the christ
give me back my fucking fork -
PS what is this fork thing going on I am confused -
Tika, click teh link in 9_6's post. ;)
Also, rofl: "*Bam* I have no wish to harm you! *Whack*" xP
(Edited on April 7, 2009, 11:22 pm)
[url:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co6OHe4KaEc&feature=related]Mega mega man, mega mega man[/url]
[url:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co6OHe4KaEc&feature=related]Mega mega man, mega mega man[/url]
[url:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co6OHe4KaEc&feature=related]mega mega mega mega mega mega mega mega[/url]
[url:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co6OHe4KaEc&feature=related]Mega Man![/url] -
*goes to high-five CC and V*
this is why I wish G-Mod worked on my computer -
what's the tentacle for?
*+50 points for knowing about the face tentacle* -
Eon, in the original Silent Hill 2, whenever P-Hiddy grabbed James in the first battle, a black tongue-like thing came out of a hole in the front of his helmet. This is PH's tongue apparently. It's hard to see, but it's there.
This is the original model of P-Hids; the one we know and love is based off of the movie model, IIRC
For reference, here is a comparison between [url:http://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/images/sh2_pyramid_head.jpg]Game PH[/url] and [url:http://lnx.krosis.com/mblog/pictures/silent_hill_wallpaper_pyramid_head.jpg]Movie PH[/url] -
Oh Jesus I just watched the video, ahahahaha
Just watched the vid, really fuckin' random, but hilarious! :lol:
P.S.- Grabbin' Peelz! xD -
That ain't no tongue you know...
Shweet X3
She picks up the handgun and... points it to her head.
She knew that no normal weapons could ever hurt this monster.
She has to shoot herself in the head to kill it. She knew it!
It will be glorious!
"Go on." She hears the voice again.
She breathes heavily. Her hart is pounding in excitement.
She smiles faintly as she mumbles
"[url:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN5gMe3tqbM]Per... so...[/url]" -
>Shoot self -
Yeah limz way is safer and more effective.
(Edited on March 14, 2009, 1:33 pm) -
Do that thing I said last pic. (Error>Kneel>present c. corn)
>Then shoot self -
> Use video game knowledge that the game used in Persona wasn't an ordinary hand gun, and thus this was not the right weapon to fight with!
> Fuck it. Shoot self. -
Quickly have Error falcon punch Whiskers out of her madness before she ends up summoning 9_6.
Also >Shoot self -
Have Error lunge into a kiss with Whiskers to try to snap her out of it :O
>But before that, shoot self -
I like the close up thing you did here. ;3c
Oh yeah and
>Shoot self -
Have Error knock the item out of Whiskers' hand and lock her in a warm embrace. :3
(or maybe what Limz said)
EDIT: You know what? Have Error tackle and beat the crap out of 9_6. If 9_6 were unconscious, the mind games would stop, right?
>Thinking about it, just shoot self. Easier. -
Don't listen to them :[
>Shoot self -
Oh god you people all have sick minds, Error is far too polite for such actions!
Although the falcon punch thing may work~ -
> S H O O T S E L F -
Have error play dead?
>Then shoot self?
(Oh dear god someone haxored message!!!)
(Edited on March 14, 2009, 9:49 pm)
Whiskers hears strange shuffle-thumping behind her... Her heart races in her chest as she turns toward whatever was making the noise...
Error is here!...
(EDIT: watch this video from 1:00 onward http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zBIZyyJjEg)
(Edited on March 13, 2009, 5:21 pm) -
Live and in color!
"1:00 onward" ...I don't get it. O_o Except the turning thing. >.>
Also, is Whiskers falling/being pushed backwards? And I'm guessing the last frame is zoomed out.
Oh, and awesome job with those titles! xD -
Also, lol, Carnivine, ftw. :P
I don't know what i'm doing anymore.
So have some catchy music
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmNwawd5aG4&feature=related -
This is awesome in the weirdest way. It's goes with the music if that makes any sense.
I like the big-tittied aggron, but wtf on the ditto/geodude thing?
That Aggron is TIGHT O.O
the ditto looks like a California Raisin :/
I love the style. Very unique
Just doodling while browsing youtube~
His face looks like: "Oh shit, I think I just broke something".
"Oh well. *Fap fap fap*" -
Awesome :3
cuuuute ^^
cause i'm sure a lot of you are confused >_> -
again.. I hate u
in a good way -
Nice :3
I'm a bit pissed that youtube screwed up the second part of the new PMD episode....
So here is my Blue Rescue Team char, Ree.... yes, my personality test came back as an Eevee.... and I love it. *kills self over craptacular art skeelz*
aaannnnddd.... I just realized that I forgot the tail... and have no idea how I can edit.... -
just klick Re-touch over the pic then you can finish it^^ -
tried it. It won't load the pic to let me finish it up T_T
*not having a good day* -
I like it. Very cute :3
do I need to click that safety save thingy if I want to go back to edit or finish? *would have been nice to know earlier*
I love it very much! I came out as an eevee as well, purposely, because I love eevee so much! :D
Such a cute eevee! <3
Aww, how adorable!
But seriously folks, what sort of rape spree doesn't include the master of rape himself; The one and only Pyramid head of Silent Hill fame?
Sorry for bringing my Silent Hill nerdness into the board
I left the window open for a bit, so the timer LIES -
Oh dear O-O
Not fair.
Pyramid head rapes like... everything.
They made a game with monsters and one of them FUCKING RAPES them all! -
One thing I hate in Mystery Dungeon is when one of your own teammates sets off an explosion trap JUST when you go to get a good item and the item disinegrates and you just want to punch the Pokémon in the FACE.
Also, Shadow apparently likes 4Chan/YouTube memes.
Lazy art and lazy coloring by a lazy Mew. Go me~ -
4ailchan? 7chan's better IMO.
Mightyena's a /b/tard LOLOLOLOL -
Hehe...these are always funny
omg shadow~~ |B
edit: he has a dimple thing!! :OOO~~~ -
What no that's a normal mark for Mightyenas.
oh what?...
I suppose it's obvious I don't actually play the games this porn site is based off of :B
he's still f*#%^@ cute though
plus I don't remember seeing the dimble thingy on him in earlier pictures... -
wait what? Shadow = she? :V
SHADOW'S A GUY and so is Forrest.
I'm the only female on the team
Wtf where'd you get that idea Radial? -
these comic like strips are awsome!!! :D
Oh snapcicles.
This is excellent.
I will take these two home and make em feel so much love cause this pic makes me feel so bad for them.
Great job with the cum details. I'm so amazed o.o
so, anyone watched digimon savers on youtube yet?
But I'll go check it out :x -
go right ahead, it isn`t hard to find and it`s already subbed till episode 40 or so
but it isn`t complete yet in japan -
Savers is BADASS. Sadly, due to schedule interruptions, it's getting 48 episodes instead of 54... FUCK YOU WORLD CUP! ;__;. It's at ep 46 in Japan... have the whole series so far...
wait, all of a sudden it`ll be 48?! O_o
if that`s true they`d better make a movie about it that is after the storyline of savers like they did with tamers
Date:2009-07-11 16:23:22
Now I'm paranoid that I got bitten and I'mgnna come down with lyme disease or something ffffffffffff
PS Mouses still suck 8U
Date:2009-07-11 19:45:59
Don't worry, it will only lead to a small worm burrowing through your skin after it's done growing!
The joys of nature.
Date:2009-07-11 21:12:25
Date:2009-07-11 21:34:02
wait you didt kill it? it can come back to where it was you know what i mean....
Date:2009-07-12 02:16:49
Date:2009-07-12 02:57:03
Easiest way to kill them is to remove the head.
(Edited on July 11, 2009, 10:48 pm)
Date:2009-07-12 03:03:20
Date:2009-07-12 05:06:54
The bottom line is, if it was large, it's alright. If it was tiny, you might have something to worry about, but go see the doctor and you should be alright.
Date:2009-07-12 05:49:40
Date:2009-07-12 21:18:46
Date:2009-07-13 00:07:22
Date:2009-07-13 04:11:28
Date:2009-07-13 13:35:51
As for disposal, I prefer setting them aflame.
Date:2009-07-15 06:51:17
...Too bad I already have that disease though. ._. And the disease is a lot harder to get rid of..
EDIT: I hope it's not the kind for transmitting that though, it's possible.
(Edited on July 15, 2009, 7:42 am)