Very Creative x3
Lol-worthy. :cool:
Eep My Dicklett evolved D8
oh hotness :o
Lol, could of sworn I've seen something like this before, haha. Either way, nicely done =D
Pekachu is so cool, he dosnt need a right eye!
Nice cute drawing! -
Cancer D:
pikachu: ya im tight liek dat.
its cancAAAAAr.. ;)
Shweet :3
more crap for this board :what:
Oh, quit calling your stuff crap, because it's not. I, for one, like your reptilians. :cool:
i agree. this look awesome and you did that in 30 min! not crap at all!
ok it's no crap :rolleyes:
are you lucky now? :D -
Thats awesome, yo.
Might wanna look into that internal hemorrhaging.
Om nommery
Mmm blood...
At some point in your journey... You're going to run into a Pokemon Just like this D:
Om nom nom!
Tastes like Fruit Punch!
I stopped drawing one month ago...
this is my comeback
the result: CRAP!?! -
Result is not crap! Nice wyvern you drew there. :cool:
Good job on this one. Looks cool n.n
Ditto would make such an awesome sex-pet.
"Ditto, Transform into anal beads!" -
That's a fine looking ditto, what with the drooling and all. :cool:
Ultimate sex toy.
Aw yeah, I'm gunna catch me dat der pokeman n' make it my wife.
Jell-O Ditto :3
I've never drawn a charizard before did you know? O.o
so please don't laugh ... -
Tailflame. NOW!
Needs tailflame.
Other then that, Hawt! -
Everything is hot, except the lack of tail flame. Other than that this is great for the first shot.
What's there to laugh at? This is great! :cool:
Thats really good.
duh~ -.-
Cute. :)
Very cute! I like how you drew her ears.
Lovely Punny~
doodle~ :rolleyes:
sorry for so much non-pokemon doodling :( -
Needs more pokemon!
But this is still good nonetheless. :cool: -
Draw what you want, this is good work.
Beautiful sketch
lovely =3
crappy Dragon~Snake
Would it be safe to ride its back? And it's not crappy! :cool:
Looks like it was made in crayon, that isn't a bad thing. The girth and length of the neck makes me think the neck is longer than it really is.
Tis pretty cool. o.o
I like it too ^^
love the shape of the head ^^
looks like a strong one ;D -
You just never run out of ideas, do ye now? \:3
no I didn't O.o
o.o spikey, love the detail!
~wasted space~ -
It might be a little high, but he's also thrusting up into the little one's mouth, so anatomically it can be correct. If not, who cares? Shrew is about to get a load. That's all that matters.
Always got to love them Sands
cute. =3
We need more of this.
crap -.-
Not crap. I wish I could sketch like you, especially your reptilians. :cool:
Nice Sketch~
Lovely sketch. Me likes. :cool:
doodle :rolleyes:
I like how you draw your reptilians. :cool:
Great o:
I love your sketch. Stick that in a game manual.
(cancer) the silent killer...
and dark... :D
Was to lazy to do the background x3
Clean lines, but unfortunately not nekkid :[ But still, very sweet!
that's very nice ^^
girl or boy? :duh: -
Split the tail, add some fur below ears and you have an espeon!
Pura: it's a surprise! (Pickle surprise!) -
Awesome :3
She's very pretty and cute. :cool:
How is she in bed? :D
She's cute.
very sexy!
Sexy, sexy lady :D
WAAAH ... STOP!! That is NO CANDY!! :o
LOL :lol:
Ouch. o:
Bad Kirby! Baad! :/
some things you should never try to eat lol
abstract-dinosaur thing
He has something brewing in his head, I can see it in his expression. I bet it is naughty.
Has a rape horn on his head o_o
Though a pretty cute one :D -
Thats pretty cool.
can somebody teach me to draw hands? I´m really bad by drawing hands...and something else
Ich würd dir gern helfen, aber in Sachen Hände bin ich auch nich der Bringer xD
does EVERYONE speak German? What's with all these German speaking people appearing all over the place all a sudden??
ahem... btw yes hands are believed to be the most difficult part of the body to draw. It is not uncommon to find it hard to do. -
Hands are fun! They show so much character, I got 7 sketchbooks filled with just hands.
I agree, it's rude to leave us out of their juicy conversations. :/
Oops, sorry - I just stated that I'm not so good with hands as well.
I suck with hands :3
-.-' i wish I could draw better
I do too. But that doesn't mean this isn't good. She's a cute kitty. :cool:
A meowth is fine too.
Also, boobs. -
You draw fine! This is good! :B
Meowth is fine too :3!
EDIT: osh- Tamer :O
(Edited on July 25, 2008, 9:36 pm) -
Oh. Quit wishing and get better already. :/
This oekaki needs more chesticles.
-also the word "testicle(s)" is in the Wii's dictionary, but the word "ferret" isn't, interesting, huh?
(Edited on July 25, 2008, 11:24 pm) -
Ich kann mittlerweile auch ganz gut zeichnen, obwohl ich kein natürliches Talent hab wie du, ich hab einfach hart daran gearbeitet, und mit deinem können wirst du das erst recht hinkriegen ^^
es ist ja nicht so dass ich nur talent habe ich habe auch jeden tag wie ein irrer gezeichnet um das zu können was ich kann^^
This is pretty.
Sketch_M3 It's a damn shame, I love ferrets (I typed this on the Wii)
O_O' *shits in his pants*
*Diarrhea's in his pants* :o
I'm thinking The Darkness, mostly because I just bought the game for $20 at Kmart. Wal-Mart still wants $40.
Killah Tight
Yes it´s from the Darkness^^ and I became the game for 20€ ^^
For Pura <3
damit es auch mal was für dich gibt ;3
EDIT: now it is painted ;3 -
I love the long tail.
"btw reptiles don't have nipples~"
I'd hit her if she was a lil' older o_o
Junge Mädels haben keine platten sondern spitze Titten -.-
klein und spitz.
Uber cuteness!
-The Ramaining part of the comment is censored due to evil raep side taking over-
Date:2008-10-08 22:46:30
Date:2008-10-08 22:55:36
Date:2008-10-08 23:04:02
And why are you making demands, Killer7? :/
Date:2008-10-08 23:26:28
Date:2008-10-09 10:11:47
Date:2008-10-09 20:31:20
Date:2008-10-10 01:08:01