AGNPH Oekaki
  •  catastrophe40 |  Just say no to Bidoofs |  2009-05-12 23:38:12|  25m 11s
      Date:2009-05-12 23:38:12
      I dislike Bidoof, but Scizor is awesome. Who better to lead the charge against the Bidoof menace?

      Also, drawing with the mouse is considerably difficult, I apologize for the quality of this picture.
      Date:2009-05-12 23:39:16
      Its hard to like them when they act like the inbred stepchild of some backwoods country...
      Date:2009-05-13 00:21:52
      wat? Bidoof is awesome! :mad:
      Date:2009-05-13 01:39:54
      Nice work for a mouse. Down with the bidoofs! Oh, and welcome.