AGNPH Oekaki
  •  away |  Critical Existence Failure |  2009-06-17 08:07:22|  32m 11s
      Date:2009-06-17 08:07:22
      I failed to use Transform.

      Edit: That Glaceon tail came out nicely, so I think that will be my new style.
      Date:2009-06-17 08:17:31
      k one thing, you can't change ur style, you can only get better at it. it doesn't matter if it sucks just get better at it DDD:
      n poor ditto DDD8>

      edit: my definition of style is like, something only U can do, only U can get better at. stealing a style is stealing the hard work people done. new styles are just like...... improvment (but you will eventually go back to your original only better, it happened to me alot :3 )
      Date:2009-06-17 14:46:29
      I like that Riolu head there.
      Date:2009-06-18 02:06:16
      "k one thing, you can't change ur style, you can only get better at it. it doesn't matter if it sucks just get better at it DDD:"
      Yeah right, fetishize a certain way to draw something aka 'style' and by no means try new things for your style may never be changed!
      You might end up learning new things and *gasp* improve.

      "my definition of style is like, something only U can do, only U can get better at. stealing a style is stealing the hard work people done."
      ...what in the fuck...
      I don't even know where to start.

      Just so you know it: Screw that idea of 'styles' and that you MUST have one and cling to it.
      Just draw.
      What you may recognize as a 'style' is just a byproduct.
      A byproduct of how you like (or decice) to draw things and it is by no means static (and never should be).