AGNPH Oekaki
  •  star_wonder |  Sunset |  2009-06-29 16:46:49|  2h 23m 51s
      Date:2009-06-29 16:46:49 know it's not pokemon... I started with the eyes... then... I just got inspired... I've seen non-pokemon stuff on here so I hope it won't be a problem... my paw hurts ><... mew...kitty couldn't sleep...hope everyone likes it...
      Date:2009-06-29 16:53:32
      Wow... Epic

      I'm not into males... but damn what a hot one.

      (Edited on June 29, 2009, 9:59 am)
      Date:2009-06-29 21:47:35
      good pic ^^ (draw a pokemon next time :| )
      you started with the eyes... most people ramdonly draw eyes then they get inspired and do something (at least that happeng to me and my friends)
      Date:2009-06-29 22:09:51
      Non-pokemon stuff is fine. Hell, there's at least 10 non-poke pics on this page alone.
      Anyway, nice work!
      Date:2009-06-30 05:29:49
      I have seen a lot of non-pokemon stuff on here so I didn't think it would be bad or against the rules. I'm glad you all ike him.
      Date:2009-06-30 07:16:15
      *stares for an indefinite amount of time* ~<3
      Date:2009-06-30 16:33:50
      "Zandel @ Monday, June 29th 2009, 9:53 AM
      Wow... Epic
      I'm not into males... but damn what a hot one."

      And so it starts.
      Scarlet Pikachu
      Date:2009-07-01 13:53:03
      HAWT, but I already have a man in my life so I'll pass.