AGNPH Oekaki
  •  humor |  Gallade x Machoke... X_x |  2009-11-25 23:37:32|  2h 22m 58s
      Date:2009-11-25 23:37:32
      Owwww.... my poor fingers. It's my first time drawing both Gallade AND Machoke. I blame it on the Random Pokemon Generator for suggesting this awkward pairing. Okay so not so awkward. Some guy named Pasaran actually made a Gallade x Machoke pairing so... cute. heh XD
      Date:2009-11-26 09:11:41
      Are those balls I see?
      Is that gay sex I see?
      Date:2009-11-26 11:14:11
      Well since Gallade is a male-only class of pokemon, I'd say that that was pretty much a given from the start :U
      Date:2009-11-26 18:53:32
      Oooh ooohhh. Maybe we should make a crossdressing FEMALE Gallade. Well hey there is such thing as a MALE Gardevoir, so can't we have a little equality? >.
      Date:2009-11-26 22:13:02
      It's a cross dressing female gallade transvestite.
      Isn't it obvious?