AGNPH Oekaki
  •  Kaitii |  Hai o.o |  2010-06-30 15:34:33|  44m 38s
      Date:2010-06-30 15:34:33
      Ohai thar. I've lurked here for a while, finally decided to do something. Drawing with a touchpad at 1 am is hard :x I need to get something better. Timer lies. I got distracted....a lot. Thats my Pokesona, Kaitii. She's never been taken to a site where Pokeporn is everywhere. She's a bit nervous.

      So yeah, hai :3
      Date:2010-06-30 18:26:09
      hurt you, oh trust me it wont hurt at all
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2010-07-01 04:50:36
      Hello there new person. We've had a small influx of new users recently. :V
      Date:2010-07-01 07:45:18
      Yeah, I noticed that so I decided 'Hey, lots of new people poppin in, I might as well too' And here I am now.
      Date:2010-07-01 09:12:59
      Hail and good morrow to you, dear towel-cape-wearing traveler. We bid you welcome to our humble den of pokemon based art and shenanigannery.
      Date:2010-07-02 04:37:28
      Thanks for the welcome Whiskers. You've always the most interesting comments x3