AGNPH Oekaki
  •  clonedsoul |  press the muddafakkin evertbutton |  2010-07-06 18:54:14|  9m 52s
      Date:2010-07-06 18:54:14
      picture and title based off of the descent into madness esque game called eversion you play the orange flower thing (named zee tee) who has the ability to not only kill his enemies via jumping. but can travel through dimensions.
      you basically go through 7 different levels (8 if you wanna be pro)trying to rescue a princess. sounds easy but after the 4th level shit gets real.(you knock a coin blocks eyes out of its head for zombie jesus sake)you not only traverse into a hellish world but then these giant black and red hands come out of every single body of water (in a level 4 and above eversion)you do a bunchacrap after that (including running away from a black wall of doom that shoots out the red hands)
      and then depending how lazy/awesome you are you get 1 of 2 endings

      1 (the bad ending in wich you just go through the game) you meet up with the princess only to find out shes well...adark entity thingy and then she eats you also you get your (yours not zeetees) soul taken away by a giant eyeball during that scene. ooooooorrrrrrr

      2: (you get all the gems/skulls in each level) you (get an extra level and then) meet up with the princess but this time you both turn into dark entity thingys and slowly inch toward each other (with the soul stealing eye with a heart in the middle of it) and go into what i can only assume is a long tounged make out session/sex scene with lots of screaming (unfortanately the game closes itself after the inching part. damn you japanese censorization)

      if you like not being creeped out, not hving to make an outcome,or want to protect your virgin soul do not play this game. i repeat
      DO NOT FUCKING PLAY THE GAME(if you are 1 or more of those 3)
      i would provide the download because im tired and it would take to long so just google search it

      (also whatever you do do notplay it alone in the dark)

      you have been warned
      Date:2010-07-07 04:01:23
      What is this I don't...
      Date:2010-07-07 06:13:28
      google search eversion and youll find out
      Date:2010-07-07 13:19:57

      Go away.
      Date:2010-07-08 02:28:55
      I played the game and you're a retard.

      Just saying.
      Detective of some sort
      Date:2010-07-08 05:53:26
      ^What he said.
      Played it out of boredom.
      It was an alright platformer, but not scary.
      Date:2010-07-08 12:28:37
      Problem with Eversion is that once you beat it (and gather everything and such), that's it. No point in replaying it.

      Spelunky, on the other hand...