AGNPH Oekaki
  •  Snofu |  Weavile |  2012-03-14 20:53:23|  36m 56s
      Date:2012-03-14 20:53:23
      Chubby Weavile
      Date:2012-03-15 14:57:42
      d'aww :3c
      The Literal Worst
      Date:2012-03-17 04:38:34
      It really is a shame that no one comments anymore!

      Great pic.
      Date:2012-03-18 20:45:35
      Cute pic ^^
      I love the expression :3

      (and yeah, more activity would be great)
      Date:2012-03-19 03:14:11
      I also genuinely like this image, and I would also love to see more activity at the Oekaki.

      Main reason I don't try to comment though, and this will sound kinda dumb... I don't wanna be the guy that comments the first second it's possible. x.x
      Date:2012-03-19 14:38:10
      what´s bad about being the first?
      i don´t comment most of the times because i think it´s silly to always write "awww cute" or "beautiful **" ^^"
      but i don´t know anything meaningful to say other than overly harsh critc so I don´t write anything at all
      Scarlet Pikachu
      Date:2012-03-23 10:50:10
      I think the chubbiness is adorable!
      Friendly Zangoose
      Date:2012-03-28 11:18:02
      Oh gorgeous!
      Date:2012-04-05 21:40:42
      She's adorable! Adn she looks so pleased with herself. Like she just ate all the cookies and has no regrets about doing so.