AGNPH Oekaki
  •  inkcap |  Porn Star Flurret |  2012-04-23 18:40:20|  2h 16m 3s
      Date:2012-04-23 18:40:20
      *facepalms and laughs* It started with an idea to print AGNPH logos on T shirts to support AGNPH, and my mind thought about this mental image on the shirt. My mind was screaming for me to draw it now, so here it is.
      Date:2012-04-24 00:25:25
      Putting logos for a cartoon porn website on tshirts sounds just CRAZY ENOUGH TO WORK!!... or not :Uc
      Date:2012-04-24 04:48:52
      Hahaha, this is crazy awesome! Thanks!