If you can't tell, that patch is the light from a window and the black patch is the shadow of the Pikachu I drew before. You know, the rapist who looks somewhat vampiric and also wears a cape?
As always, comments and critique are appreciated. No, really, comment, I've done like five pics with no comments. I'm lonely. lol
Date:2007-12-16 01:13:11
If you can't tell, that patch is the light from a window and the black patch is the shadow of the Pikachu I drew before. You know, the rapist who looks somewhat vampiric and also wears a cape?
As always, comments and critique are appreciated. No, really, comment, I've done like five pics with no comments. I'm lonely. lol
Date:2007-12-16 05:26:01
Date:2007-12-16 05:27:54
How funny. A bad dream, plus impending pwnage.
Yes, I have a weird and sometimes sadistic sense of humor.
Date:2007-12-16 06:24:00