AGNPH Oekaki
  •  transformation_chan |  *Sniff* |  2008-08-26 02:39:53|  1h 18m 25s
      Date:2008-08-26 02:39:53
      If you haven't seen my last picture, you won't get it. This is kind of my way of saying thanks to CyanZangoose for the SINGLE POST I GOT ON MY LAST PICTURE. I mean, normally I get at least a few saying how crappy of an artist I am, and with all the awesome artists here, I figured that would be the case. And if you look at the time, it's probably something ridiculous like a couple hours. I was on MSN messenger for at least half that time, and I'm not that good (or fast) an artist anyway, so I took my time on this. Not to be braggy, but I think I'm getting better... nowhere close to good or anything, but what do you guys think? (By the way, I hope I didn't shame your appearance through this too much, Cyan. ;D)
      Date:2008-08-26 03:02:55
      Well, if you must know, anyone can draw stick figures, so...I'll let you choose what I mean when I say that. But then again, I'm not good either, so as long as you don't spam the oekaki, there's nothing bad to see here in my opinion. But at the same time, I find this to be slightly humorous in a comical sense. ;)

      And now that you mention it, I've been meaning to thank CyanZangoose for all the comments, even if they're short and sweet. It's always nice to see someone say SOMETHING about your work, even if it's not always good. So, thanks Cyan! :cool:
      Date:2008-08-26 03:58:13
      I know anybody can draw stick figures... most of the things I draw here aren't meant to be works of art, but I enjoy making the concepts come to life, even if they are in stick figures. ^_^; I think I'll give it a shot next time, but if it doesn't turn out well, I'll scrap it and re-do it with stick figures until I'm good enough to be an artist. :3
      Date:2008-08-26 07:11:52
      Ummmm...You're welcome o.o
      I try. Sorry if they were short n sweet. n.n;
      Thank you for playing!
      Date:2008-08-27 08:41:08
      Hmm, just the concept, hm? Actually, this is not a bad idea. I mean, you see a lot of stories on this site that aren't exactly works of art (one paragraph without punctuation, if I'm lucky), and yet the people must have known this and decided to post anyway.

      It's just the general thoughts they were trying to put out there, damning their own errors and lack of skill purely for the thrill of seeing on of their brain-squeezes put out there. I like it!

      Besides, you have to start somewhere, right?