It was a good try. Though your using a mouse, correct? Those are generally very hard to draw with. I suggest starting out on paper. But never the less, don't give up on trying to learn to draw. Just know it takes a lot of time to get better. But the more you draw though the quicker you'll get better. =3 Keep at it!
Date:2008-10-04 15:31:02
(Edited on October 4, 2008, 8:33 am)
Date:2008-10-04 15:31:58
Date:2008-10-04 15:33:58
Date:2008-10-04 15:35:26
(Edited on October 4, 2008, 8:40 am)
Date:2008-10-04 15:42:23
And dude, think before you post; you double post a lot. :/
Date:2008-10-04 15:47:37
Date:2008-10-05 11:30:51
Date:2008-10-07 23:19:28