AGNPH Oekaki
  •  coranthis |  Sleepgoose |  2009-02-03 06:40:39|  1h 22m 24s
      Date:2009-02-03 06:40:39
      I think my tablet is dying on me. It keeps cutting out mid-stroke and is generally unpleasant. Maybe I just need to change the battery.

      Sorry for the sketch, but I'm trying to get rid of a block. If anyone could give me tips on how to get jtablet running in vista, I would be very thankful.
      Date:2009-02-03 06:57:15
      Try hitting it repeatedly until it gives in.
      If that doesn't work try reading the manual that the tablet came with (if you still have it) that's what I do when my technology doesn't work. But reading it isn't enough because you have to do stuff afterward, that's why my technology still doesn't work.
      Date:2009-02-03 06:59:44
      This is a cute piece~
      I like the beat~

      Now about jTablet...
      I dunno... sometimes it works for my computer or a oekaki board... and sometimes it doesn't...
      I gave up on using it on mine >.&gt
      Date:2009-02-03 14:27:30
      What kind of tablet do you have that requires a battery?
      Date:2009-02-03 15:57:59
      Battery? BATTERY???
      EDIT: great pic :3
      Date:2009-02-03 21:15:23
      Cutest Zangoose ever ;.;
      Date:2009-02-03 23:06:56
      now featuring stitches the bear :U
      Date:2009-02-04 10:41:12
      Maybe he means the pen?