I come back to AGNPH after a brief vacation and suddenly... RAEP. RAEP EVERYWHERE...!!
Dinochu approves.
raep time who wants to be raeped?!1
Ugh, I just noticed that ugly little orange line under the left ear. *small cry* -
Patches the Pikachu!
There is something preposterously super cute about this o_o
Thats...so adorable o.o
>Wear protective gear. >.>
March of the Empeleon?
That lil' one there is cuuute. ;~;
Really like the style of this. Great work!
Thats so cool :3
It's a quilava...?! D:
yay I like the "~<3"
and how it's all tall n' stuff ;3 -
Awwz. n.n
you are a sexy oekaki geenius
First oekaki I've done in... a year or so? @__@ Ehhhh.
Clef-cleffa~ <3 Fairy~!! -
Thats so Adorable. n.n Awwww~
:< i loev clefairies too much for my own good
this makes me liek them moar -
*pokes* :3
*grabs it, runs away to use it in unspeakable ways* -
Congrats, a personal favorite of mine. : D
Date:2007-08-03 04:35:34
Date:2007-08-03 06:23:21
Date:2007-08-04 20:22:32
I want to raep it. <3