Looks like she should've tied it tighter
What else shall I babe-ify? :3 -
I can has Dragonite :<?
or Zaia -
She should be more careful about Aqua Jetting D:
Maybe you should try another water type while you're on a roll.
I am shameless
Any requests of another one I should add tits to? :0 -
I'd totally would ask for a Breloom about now. -
I'll chime in Floatzel, since nobody draws Floatzel for some reason.
She was in the middle of changing, gosh
(Edited on May 15, 2011, 5:17 pm) -
So adorable~
She's a Wooper! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5232223/
(Edited on May 15, 2011, 5:16 pm) -
Almost mistook for a Dunsparce. XD
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4336227/ Tiny Snubbull girl :3 I like drawing her being dirty -
hahaha I love the Wheezing guy in the FA pic
Tis delicious for a Snubble. Good job :3
Weighing at "Very busty" and reaching 7' tall, Hella is my largest lady ever. Late, but this is also a topical Mother's Day picture. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4215103/
I rather like how this turned out, her body is tricky to do and I'm getting better at it
(Edited on May 10, 2011, 4:20 pm) -
shake datass
Technically, it's Mother's day in Mexico. So you're not all that off.
Anyways, dem hips. -
I'm in luuuve
She is naked except some arm stockings
Such a big huggable tail -
you can try to *squeese* the tail more where the arms are to make it look muchs more Fluffy
P.S.:LAME ENGLISH WARNING just saying a little critic so you can get better and stuff -
Thanks, I may try to redraw this some time and do that :D
So this is like the 5th picture I've done in a row, I'm just enjoying doing stuff with shi painter. But should I stop? I don't wanna spam now. I'llll wait til someone else draws something before I continue. :V
fake loli Reuniclus for you -
Dun ever stop D:
someone else draw something though so I don't feel greedy D: -
Don't sweat it if no one posts, this place can get pretty dead from time to time.
I'd post but I suck. :p
Molester, could I ask that you please replace your Oekaki icon with one that isn't liable to cause seizures? It'd be appreciated if you could.
(Edited on May 8, 2011, 5:26 pm)
My Abra girl Melody. She's blind. I am so horrible to her by drawing her naked a lot when she doesn't want to be. :3
I love drawing her hair, so frilly and wild -
She's so cuuute~
Yet another character of mine http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4132416/
She's still not used to having legs yet so she's falling down a lot... and possibly forgetting to wear panties a lot.
Excuse the quality + the amount of time it took for this one, I seem to be in an art funk and I actually sketched out two other things before settling on this. I'll get out of it soon I'm sure! -
Heck I'd hit it D:
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4857527/ My Gothitelle girl.
The colors actually turned out real real well on this
(I touched it up because it had a horrible typo on the name lol, so it's now all PINK)
(Edited on April 25, 2011, 4:00 pm) -
Love the design on this character.
She's lovely~
after doing like three pics in a row I took a break from the site to do some original story preparations. But I felt like drawin in Shi Painter so here we go~
Here's a slutty Muk girl. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5591910/
(She's probably still wearing her boots too, whore)
(Edited on April 23, 2011, 5:02 am) -
Sexy though. -
Well, if i had one hell of a cold and couldn't smell... I might... probably keep the kissing to a minimum though.
Random character's mother, yeah
May have made her bustier than usual, BREAST PHYSICS ARE TRICKY MAN
(Edited on May 10, 2011, 4:20 pm) -
mmm... yeah when i draw they alaways end up being either too flat or too big so i rather use poses where they are bouncing... i find it muchs easier x3
P.S.: BAD ENGLISH take cover! -
@Case: Tis true. And don't worry, I read that just fine :]
@Cyan: Somehow I thought you might like 'er XD She is not chocolate, but she is tan at least.
I realize I didn't say much about her. Well there's not much to say really I guess. She is a plump mother who may or may not be rich, I haven't decided. Either way I'm sure she wouldn't mind some fine wine
In my file for Pokemon White I had a team totally figured out but the major weak point was Reuniclus, despite me being told how strong in defense it is. So I ran into a Mienshao and caught it, and turns out it kicks ass. So I decided to draw him.
Some male nudity for once. :p -
Manly Shao. Niice~
Just another lady of mine. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4390152/
I wanted to make a good Medicham. I also wanted to practice with girls who have a muscle-y build, so, here we are. :3 -
Well done :3
I finished an updated model of her... http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5579929/ ... and despite having done all that work, I still felt like drawing her! So here she is again. -
She looks so motherly~
Wasn't feeling a Manectric so here's a lady I was updating earlier. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4432956/ Updated picture of her will be uploaded to FA once I actually finish it, I still have a ways to go.
Vivi is a home ec teacher and is very motherly despite never having kids or even a husband. She just lives with Bella, her feral Chingling.
Also anthro Bronzong, because why the hell not?
Enjoy :3 -
She can ring my bells anyday~
Of the requests I got I've never done a Breloom so I wanted to try it.
I keep doing weird things with these colors on each pic, just trying to get a hang of the Oekaki thang.
Pokemorph request, anyone?~ -
We obviously require more Manectric.
I loves Brelooom
ah shit I missed welcoming the new person! HI THERE! \8U/
Breloom needs moar love.
Ambipom morph as requested. Seems she is preoccupied. Also something happened and now the layer with the blush and text aren't 50% transparent. Oh well, good thing I saved a version without that stuff
Any other Pokemorph requests? :3
(Edited on April 12, 2011, 1:01 am) -
My ego demands Flygons and my brain demands Brelooms.
I'll leave it up to you. :p -
If you didn't mind I'd like to see Quilava or Luxio. I don't see very many of those in anthro form. <:U
Thank you. She's beautiful.
affff so I wanted to join this Oekaki like a couple months ago but the "humanity test" on the registration was blank and broken. I tried contacting some of the higher ups listed here but with no response. So, finally it works so HERE I AM HI
I push forward my main Pokemorph, Myra, an Infernape. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4105168/
Any Pokemorph requests? I have a ton of characters so if someone names a species I happen to have done before, it gives me an excuse to draw 'em. :3
(Edited on April 11, 2011, 10:10 pm) -
Ambipom. :3~
Sorry about the lack of response, the site keeps breaking apart on us. *urg*
Glad you could finally get in! And great to always see new artists! :D
Date:2011-05-21 16:23:46
Date:2011-05-21 20:20:31
Date:2011-05-22 01:23:04
Also agreed.