AGNPH Oekaki
  •  zandel |  Me and my son |  2009-06-22 06:08:01|  37m 10s
      Date:2009-06-22 06:08:01
      Me and my son enjoying the outdoors.
      I take real good care for him since his mother past away.
      We just love the outdoors, it peaceful and alway open.

      Edit: Plus, not bad of a second pic if I do say so myself.

      (Edited on June 21, 2009, 11:09 pm)
      Date:2009-06-22 06:50:49
      cute ! :3
      Date:2009-06-22 06:58:39
      Date:2009-06-22 07:07:25
      Yeah, isn't he...
      He a real handful, but with him... my world is complete.
      Well for now anyway.
      Sad that he doesn't remember him mother. But odd though that he looks just like her.
      Writing veteran
      Date:2009-06-22 09:32:08
      The young normally take after their mother.
  •  zandel |  Me Sleeping |  2009-06-19 16:54:44|  29m 17s
      Date:2009-06-19 16:54:44
      Eh... first time using one of those...
      Hi, it seems like a good place to rest up.
      And as you can see... I'm new here and I'm not that good one one of these... so don't hold your breath for more just yet. :D
      Date:2009-06-19 17:01:03
      yea im new too, welcome! don't give up practice makes perfect :D
      Date:2009-06-19 17:06:51
      Hey thanks and welcome yourself... I guess...

      I might place a new one in, but as you said... I am in need of some practice. :rolleyes:
      Date:2009-06-19 21:14:05
      :crazy: welcome to AGNPH's basement where all Creepy crawlers live
      Date:2009-06-19 22:58:06
      @ BUFU: ................. *cough cough*............
      Date:2009-06-20 04:23:39
      you have played TALES OF VESPERIA haven`t you?

      (Edited on June 19, 2009, 9:25 pm)
      Date:2009-06-20 04:25:23
      @ BUFU: Hmmm... my kind of place.

      @ dinonickp: Thanks... what's wrong with Lucario?

      (Looks down at all the other pics and comments)

      Oh... I... see. Ok... lol
      Date:2009-06-20 04:29:15
      @ Case: No, but I would like to. And yes I did somewhat based this Character off of Repede... just not with the Blade, Scare, and well I might put in the Pipe.