AGNPH Stories

Cogent Storm by absol_perfect_disaster


Story Notes:

This is a short story having a mixture of action and romance. I tried to lean more towards the romance side but we'll see how this plays out. Read, and please review. Each review and piece of constructive, harsh criticism helps develop better stories in the future. Once again, my format is a little jacked up; if anyone knows why please tell me so I can fix it because it's very annoying. Oh, and I give thanks to some of the authors that has helped me developed this fic.

Blind Sky

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author.  The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise.  No copyright infringement is intended.

Cogent Storm

Blind Sky

I know I could’ve been something big, I know I could’ve became invincible, I know I could’ve had all the females I would’ve ever wanted, and I damn well know I could’ve ended up being a well known luxray among the far reaching lands of Sinnoh.

“Luxio, if you give all of your strength and valor during this darkening age for the blood of this pack, by the powers of the divine winds, you will inherit all of the warriors, the workers, and the lands, as well as my greatest powers.”

Those were the last words I heard from my father during the cold moments of that hellish period, the last time I saw him in one piece. A great luxray whose soul passed into a higher being enabling him to control the western winds told me those words before we departed; sometimes I do feel that distinct, faint breeze of the western winds showing the presence of his soul. I know I could’ve chosen the fortunate path, inherit the title Alpha of the Zephyera Pack, but instead I chose my own path: living in solitude away from the warring packs and tribes. That was a fine idea for me. Give the alpha title to one of my other brothers; they probably deserve it more than me…

Living in solitude I follow the same routine everyday: get up, drink, hunt, eat, and sleep. I know I don’t put much effort into my life, I’m fully aware of that, but there wouldn’t be a point as much as I long for it. For me, it’s close to impossible to get out in the world since I most likely have a bounty over my head. Well I must put the past, the wars, and the bounties behind me for now. Nightfall is near and I haven’t caught a single kill during my hunt.

Trekking through the thick vegetation deep within my forest I searched for any dwellers within my territory that would become my nourishment. I hopped over fallen trees and thick bushes here and there. The last rays of sunlight retreated behind the foliage and as time passed all I could see was a field of dark green and brown as the aspect of night made everything look alike without the moon around to help light the way. Rushing, I implemented the x-ray vision that I was happy to get upon evolving into a luxray. I learned how to use this vision well. The red sclera of my optical spheres constricted down on the lemon colored irises shrinking my golden pupils down, enabling my ability to see through objects. All obstacles in front of my central sight were hollowed out whether it was a log or bush making the cut outs illuminate in different shades of warm hues, detecting various heat signatures while my peripheral vision stayed normal taking in all of the right colors.

Scanning around while using the outer portions of my vision to be wary of my wide reaching sightings to avoid tripping on anything, I used my other senses to help as well. Nose twitching, I took in a variety of scents. Only the bitter smell of pine needles as well as the calmer scents of moisture came to me. Sky blue ears perked up trying to take in sounds through alert golden canals hoping to detect scurrying out there, but only my own heartbeat and breathing disturbed the silence around; at least my footsteps blended with the blackout. My patience was dwindling. Spotting a cavity within the soil nearby, I quickly bounded there and dug with my forepaws trying to see if any pokémon was in their underground den, but no luck. I began putting more focus and energy into my x-ray sight now zooming beyond layers of objects in the distance. Finally, I detected a heat signature through layers of shrubbery dashing rapidly between the vegetative environments quite a distance away. Yellow made up most of the form with rose red labeling the warmest depths within my potential prey.

The form was a quadruped that was below half my height, so I immediately assumed it as a bidoof heading directly towards me. The rodent’s leg movements were quick but from my distance his approach was slow, then his image enlarged steadily. I just stood there before the bushes, bending my forepaws to lower myself in a readying position to pounce while waiting for his unhappy arrival. The empty pit of my stomach rumbled where my tongue trailed around my muzzle as I stayed in this pose from sheer relief that I had caught a meal. Then finally, out came the prey kicking up several pines and leaves in front of me and colliding directly into my sharp canines. Switching to normal vision upon impact I quickly lunged forward planting my paws on his neck and back while I bit down, engulfing his whole skull before jerking my head forcefully to the side. The resulting action produced a loud snap instantly followed by the resonating vibration felt on my fangs from quickly silencing my prey. Carrying his limp body by a tuft of fur I turned around now feeling satisfied going to where my home was. But before I could take a step forward, stirring within the bushes began originating behind me from the exact direction this bidoof came from, and it picked up in volume. I quickly turned around snarling, sharp ivories fully exposed just incase danger came out. Adrenaline was pumping as each strand of black fur on the back of my neck stood fully erect along with the rest of my spiky mane that crackled with electricity. My claws extended out and my ears angled forward, taking in every piece of sound within the vicinity.

Out of the bushes popped out a pokémon that landed near me causing to jump back and check the intruder. What the-? Scanning its form within the last remaining lights of the evening, every piece of fur was white, pure white; it stood on all fours with three small appendages at each foot where long blue curved claws extended from as well as a fourth claw located behind the elbows of each leg. A large, thick mane was attired, following gravity to run down the chest of this creature, each loose bundle of long fur swirling along the air currents with every movement made making this pokémon look almost… elegant. Each long individual piece of fur on that mane either stuck out in interesting styles or ran around the neck and conjoined down below the chest making that area look inflated. This pokémon looked a lot like an attractive female! The head uncovered by fur was skinned navy blue, exactly like the claws, shaping out a small muzzle. What caught my eyes most though was the long sickle-like blade protruding off the side of the head with the tip pointed up wards and edged outside, as well as a large blue gem-like piece on the forehead surrounded by angelic white fur cleanly running down the opposite side of the scythe which interestingly also seemed to create a sharp edge appearance towards the outside. And the tail; it was thin and curved like a blade just like the two areas on the head except the tail could sway around as I observed but only at the base. Those eyes… That’s what caught me next. White surrounded the outer portions like every other eye, but luxray eyes, and within those orbs was a burning, ruby red with a clean white center pupil to match the fur. Wh…What was this foreign pokémon?

“Hey, my kill!” it seethed bringing me to consciousness.

“W-what are you?” I stuttered almost losing my composure once I established from the tone that this was an attractive female.

Getting caught way off guard from this discovery, my eyes seemed to have lit up almost in joy from the good fact that this was a female that I was getting mesmerized by. I ignored the fact that she didn’t seem happy at the moment. I eyed her again, this time more carefully. Each positive feature that I caught with the naked, observant eye multiplied exponentially in quality. I have never seen anything like her before. Arceus, her mane…Now knowing that she’s a female I just wanted to touch that mane and feel it with my paws, neck…and tongue- Damn it, I have to stay in check. No! There’s no way I’m going to be controlled by lust! Can’t have any fantasies like this! I don’t even know who or what she is for goodness sake! Stop it, Luxray, don’t think perverted now!

“I don’t have time to play around!” she snapped before pouncing towards me.

I barely saw her leave the ground before I forced every single positive thought about her in the back of my head, side stepping out of the way almost in panic only for her to land behind me then quickly jump for me again. Now I really had to forget about her looks and focus on walking away unharmed. Her stature was smaller than mine so I stood up on two legs once she got close to the kill still clinging in my mouth. “Wait!” I yelled for her attention but it was no use.

She kept on pouncing back and fourth going for the food that I “stole”. Getting tired of this, I flung my head up letting my hunt go. I kept watching the piece of meat fly away for it to get caught high between a few branches of a nearby tree, exactly where I wanted it so I could try to reason with the hostile pokémon. However, right when I looked back at my rival I only saw a white and blue mass for a split second before getting shocked from a blast of pain on my forehead. The force of her collision knocked me back several feet surprising me. Damn, she’s strong! I shook the pain off, and then I saw her leap for the branch that my prey hung from. I was even more surprised when I saw her maw grab the very branch that my meal was hanging from. Arceus damn, she can jump too; she’s definitely a strong, defensive female! Wow-wait no! Concentrate on the task at hand here.

I quickly got on my feet then began generating electricity. I saw her swinging on the branch trying to get the kill with her feet but before she could reach it I quickly shot a Spark Attack at the base of the tree, producing a small but powerful jagged branch of lightning from my mane which split the trunk. Frail fibers and burnt pieces of bark started failing as the tree tipped over with the female still on it. She got smart letting go, and as the tree kept falling into an incline she planted her feet on the branch and sprung off expertly to fly and land on the ground in front of me with ease.

“Holy…crap!” I spoke nearly losing my composure from that breath taking move.

Oh wait-no, my food! Pushing the amazing stunt to the side, I jumped up and caught my prey that flung away, luckily towards my direction, from the tree just as it crashed onto the forest floor creating a huge cloud of dust. I used my x-ray vision to find her. I saw her nearby shaking her head and using her forepaws to rub her eyes free of dirt. Before she could regain her composure though, I pounced for her effectively landing each leg on hers with my prey still in mouth as the dust cleared. Damn it, I want to help her out, but I can’t if she’s constantly attacking me.

“Get off me, you sick bastard! You luxray are all the damn same!” she screamed flinging her head around nearly cutting my neck open from her growth weapon.

“All the same?” I inquired, but then figured out what she was referring to... “Calm down; I’m not like the others!” I yelled while still on top. “If I release you, you’ll not attack right?”

“You’re lying, trying to get my guard down, huh, well I’m not going to let anyone of you sick fucks touch me, ever!” she argued now struggling harder.

“Wait-” I yelped feeling a surge of burning pain on my right hind ankle and saw that the tip of her tail was, as I assumed before, very sharp. I knew she wouldn’t trust me. Almost loosing my footing, I dropped my prey next to her head where I saw her turn to look directly at it. Then using my tail, I channeled enough power into the golden star shaped spike to make it thin out in sharp edges. Dark tones spanned out on the soil from our bodies as my tail began glowing. I then brought my tail down on the prey cutting it cleanly in half using Iron Tail. I grabbed one of the pieces then quickly got off before she could harm me any further.

“There, I grabbed the smaller piece and left the big one for you, it’s past dusk so let’s stop fighting over a small piece of meat, please,” I told her facing her while lowering my defenses in hope that she got the message that I wasn’t like the other hostile luxio and luxray around this region.

She was still on her stomach, now staring at the prey I had cut. She got up then picked it up. I instantly smiled, swaying my tail from the good gesture coming through, but then she threw it at me where it landed at my feet. “You got to be kidding me! I know what I’m doing out here! I can hunt on my own. I don’t need some luxray trying to win me over with this charitable crap!”

“It’s not what you think; I’m not like the others that you’ve probably seen. I just want to help you without meaning any harm. I swear I don’t let pride control my well being. I don’t belong to a pack or tribe for anyone-”

“I don’t care if you’re a lost cause of a luxray or if you’re part of a clan! I can hunt on my own,” she growled before walking away.

Her last words hit me hard. “Lost cause”… she’s basically right about that part, but I am not a straight forward, sex crazed luxray like all the others. I watched her walk away past the vegetation before the rustling from her movements blended with the small sounds of the forest. Damn it, I was hoping to not get a response that negative from her.

Almost shattered, I was going to pick up the other piece of meat but I couldn’t muster the will. I don’t know why but I just feel that this piece is for her and not for me; that’s how it was supposed to be to me. Walking off to my den, I reemerged all that was negative in my life into my constant wandering mind. The pain from that pokemon’s words blinded me from seeing the positive traits that I have, if I really have any…

I tossed and turn on the hard confines of my den snarling in frustration. My temples were aching from the constant negative musing that I was only at fault for doing. Too many stressful thoughts lingered around all spawned by each let down and disappointment I’ve faced in the past.

“Damn it, my life has been in a deadlock for so long…”

These wars that keep happening around the packs, clans, tribes, and legions of the few species of pokémon involved spanning around this whole region has really affected me, otherwise I wouldn’t be in this status I am right now. My fallen comrades…Thinking about the close friends I loss within the large scale battles already sparked the production of my depression. My father’s assassination…I bear the loss of an iconic male not only to me but to the whole Zephyera Pack; a burden that the sons and daughters of the alpha must deal with. My closest sister’s disappearance and discovery of her heavily mutilated corpse that I had to unfortunately identify...Moisture trailing down my eye finally rolled off  my sky blue cheeks as I thought of the image of her body that was found; the tear was from not only grief, but fear as well.
Why did my sister have to go through so much unimaginable pain! What if others were going through that kind of blood curdling agony right now, what if I was captured and interrogated with the same techniques they used on her? Just the fear over the thought sent a chill through my spine as well as queasiness and mental unease. Rolling onto my side clenching my temples with my paws, I felt that familiar unbearable presence of mental instability.

Even though my head was in pain I still couldn’t force these thoughts out. I couldn’t take the wars anymore; I had to leave for good. But damn it all, to this day I still ask why did I even choose to run away in the first place; run without notification, how pathetic am I? One thing I do know is that I was one of the top fighters of the pack along with my brothers, but because of that I was given every kind of costly assignment across the spectrum. Am I not strong enough to handle a few deaths in my family like the other fighters? Am I not capable of handling the sight of a few mutilated bodies littered around? I’m a luxray bred in a warrior pack by the alphas, so why am I not like the others like I was expected to be? To this day I can never figure these questions out. I’ve come up with a few theories though: I’m just mentally weak, I have a different path from the others to follow, or I was just destined to have more than a war hungry soldier could ever bargain for. These “theories” about me being weak mentally has wracked my mind months after I ran from the pack, and ever since I left with the benefit of leaving the wars behind I’ve mentally gotten worse over time. I can’t show my face to any other luxray pack again. If I go back to my pack then I’ll be a disgrace and maybe even executed, if I go to enemy territory I’ll be interrogated, tortured, and then executed. But it was either choose a life in the battlefield or live a life of loneliness away from just about everybody except the wild individuals who choose to not live with a family, but that’s rare to come by.

I rolled onto my back and huffed in great frustration. I need to think of something else. A mate…damn it that thought just makes my head hurt even more from desiring something I can never have. The only females that show around here are patrols of the major packs around my territory, and I can’t trust them, which leaves me in a permanent lonely state. This thought really hurts me. I might never know the pleasures and happiness you get from getting a mate as well as the hardships that are encountered and the strength gained in a relationship. Rolling side to side teary eyed I growled from my mind being so weak to prevent this self tormenting.

“What was that pokémon?” I mused desperate for a glimmer of hope.

I’ve never seen anything like her before, and she’s basically my only hope for a trusting, attractive female. Wow… highly attractive. She had a very unique look to her, a very elegant beautiful appearance. Damn, even though she came out hostile to me I couldn’t help but find her alluringly attractive. Great, there’s that lust again! Well, what’s the point? I don’t stand a chance at getting her anyways; even if she was still around she doesn’t trust me at all and doesn’t seem willing to try. Her mane…Arceus her mane looked so clean and well kept! Wow, maybe I shouldn’t have let her go away like that. I could’ve tried to reason with her. What would I give to see her real, calm personality? What I feel towards her right now is lust and I can’t just like her because of her looks, otherwise I would want to just fuck her but I’m not that kind of luxray looking for that kind of fling. I’m far different from the others in that pack. I want an actual close companion by my side that I can stand by and love; it’s what I’ve wanted for so long. I could’ve explained to her who I was and why I am the way I am. I’m far different from the others, far different. Damn, it’s been three days since I saw her, so she’s long gone by now…

I rolled over on my side then back again within my borders of this cave. I kept shuffling around trying to stop and sleep but too many thoughts ran through my mind causing an uncomfortable amount of pain. I was really stressing out. I ran away from my pack, abandoning everything I had left; I am a weak piece of shit! I’m lonely and can’t get a mate even if had the opportunity to! I’m nothing right now but a weak luxray praying that the wars will end soon so I can move on without being hunted down. I pray that something significant will change everything; I’ve been praying for so long but I get the same results everyday! I rolled on my side then back to my back letting out a long sigh into the silence.

“Was running away really the right choice?” I asked the rocky ceiling of the cave, a sign of insanity.

I kept staring into the pitch darkness as if I was looking for a sign: a drop of water, winds of the west, someone walking in, this cave collapsing on me, anything! Damn it, I really am going insane. I feel lonelier than usual now and it’s driving me senseless. I need to go for a walk and just take a breather.

I got up and trotted out from the very back of the cave. I could already see the opening since it really didn’t sink in that deep into the stone ridge. Feeling the rough, rocky surface, turn into a softer texture meant that I was out and into the forest already surrounded by weeds. The first crescent moon of its cycle drifted in the starry night providing very little night, but hopefully I won’t need it for this expected uneventful walk. The cave sat on a short, steep incline with a flat in front where nothing but loose dirt rested around. I just chose to walk down the incline, past the flat, and through the vegetation still contemplating my negative thoughts.

“Damn, I hate these nights…pathetic,” I growled in a mulling tone feeling the need to hear a voice.

 No signs of peace and no signs of finding a close companion. Why did I choose solitude over war is beyond me. I may have different views from the others, but oh how I still desire a mate for the sake of love, not fucking. Being way into adolescence and within my final form to make matters worse, I have been longing and even crying for a mate to spot me. I just want someone to hold and care for, as well as kiss and cuddle with as cheesy as it sounds, especially coming for a fighter luxray. At least if I was within my pack I could’ve searched long and hard for a female that felt the same way.

Luxray and luxio value breeding a lot, especially the ones from my former pack which we’re stereotypically known for. They used to value it so much they created a breeding system just to breed soldiers and strong workers for keeping the bloodline organized, but it collapsed generations ago, but not the love for the feeling of sex. Males were still straight forward, outgoing, and brave enough to approach females and the females obliged which is why we have this stereotype, which is negative to some and positive to others. I for one wasn’t one of the outgoing, brave luxio; I’m just not that way. I’m highly introverted, mysterious to many, including my parents themselves. I was far different and everyone called me many things from it; some of it good militarily, but most of it hurtful socially since I was supposed to be “good” with the females, whatever the real definition of that was. It never bothered me before then since I mainly focused on combat, but now it does since I’m peaking adolescence. I’m just not as socially outgoing or brave as the others are. I was only valued because I was a great soldier and one of the few sons of the alpha, so my strength as a luxio and luxray still remain.

Still walking a slow pace without a real destination in mind I thought about these topics over and over again trying to find a solution to each problem. I quickly paused all of my movements though upon sudden noises producing within the vegetation nearby indicating movement. Who could be out at this hour and within my territory? The volume of the scurrying was too loud for a small pokémon. I decided to investigate and was ready to attack with sharp claws unsheathed and lethal doses of electricity incase it was an unfriendly trespasser. I hopped over a log and then found the cause as I kept following the source. It was a quadruped pokémon, shorter than me, stumbling side to side with its head lowered where I saw it breathing erratically; looks like an exhausted intruder. I saw and heard it pant harshly before it fell against a tree. I couldn’t make out the creature whether it was a luxio patrol or just lost prey; all I saw was a black figure being outlined in gray and white by the small crescent moon. Either way, I’m afraid it’s going to have to leave. However, it wasn’t until the intruder turned its head that I figured out who this pokémon was.


The sickle shaped silhouette on her head stood out. No…I shouldn’t kick her out…Damn it, I can’t help but feel that she’s perfectly welcomed here within my territory. I was mesmerized in so many ways for so many reasons. Once again, knowing that this was a female with unique attractive looks I surveyed her some. My eyes trailed along the moon light outlining her unique shape, tones, and edges of her enticing curvatures.  I saw the light bend around the fluid curves of her hind legs, greatly toned out and round to make her agile in combat. The ripples of shimmering light followed up along her shoulders and mane flourishing along the smooth looking texture of her fur, the bright shades bringing out more of her muscle tone. I know from our encounter nights before that she’s a fighter. Her blades, which were her horn, tail, and that possible fur pattern on the other side of her scythe, were all high in luster flickering in the dim moonlight around those sharp curved edges. Momentarily glancing at the crescent moon reminded me of the growth blade on her head as well as the fur pattern on her other cheek. The shapes were highly identical. Her fur matched the color of that large drifting object as well! It’s like she was the moon on earth before me; so beautiful and alluring, sparking curiosities, yet so far away and hard to reach. But I thought she had left? The beauty still remains here…so maybe I’m not too late. I trotted up to her remaining very stealthy as not to spook her still being a fair distance away.

“Stay away…” I stopped in my tracks, looking at her. The moon brought out the red flicker in her eyes showing she was looking at my direction, but how can she see me from so far away in this kind of darkness? I didn’t even make a sound.

“It’s not what you think, please, I’m only here to help since you seem confused,” I responded remaining cautious.

“Heh, you again… from the other night,” she spoke then grunted, falling lower against the base of the trunk.

Damn, all of that beauty from earlier faded from seeing her in an exhausted, painful state. That’s when I sniffed the air and smelled a strong familiar sour smell: blood. “You’re hurt, please, I don’t have any bad intentions, so try to relax and lower your heart rate so you don’t bleed out.”

“I think… I know what…I’m doing,” she panted, “Just got in a little fight that’s all.”

“With who-”

“Found you!” A masculine voice came from my right as another pokémon abruptly popped out the surrounding vegetation. The moon mended around his form and I quickly noticed that he had a scythe horn and bladed tail just like the female in front of me! “Heh, now I see what’s going on,” he spoke lowly as I saw his red eyes shimmer meaning he was staring right at me, “First you get us in deep shit, then stranded out here, and now you’re with this guy!” he yelled gesturing his head towards me to which I snarled at in response, “Is this why you left me, huh?”

“It’s not what it looks like, you asshole!” she retorted, “Just get the hell away from here, Sept!”

“Oh no, I’m not done with you yet!” He began walking towards her slowly. “I’ve been waiting for our moment together, ‘Babe’, even if it’s gonna happen way out here, but instead you just-” I didn’t let him finish as I stepped in his way. He was the same distance away from me as I was from the female. Now being in the middle I snarled revealing my weapons for the moon to highlight. I heard him growl in response. “You heartless whore! You can have him, fuck you, you slut. Just let him pound your ass into the ground! Guess that’s why you ran out here in the first place? Well, run away with him, just run like how you always do: run from your fucking problems!” he spat while turning to walk away towards where he came from, “Fuckin’ bitch.”

As he walked off, I felt his words sting me as well as the one I was trying to defend. “Run from your problems?”… how reminiscent. What kind of pokémon would even put personal business of theirs as well as others out there? It’s like he’s expecting me to fuck her, and he said it in a disdainful way. Seems like he was talking about mating with her himself, but to my relief it seems that didn’t go through well. I paced over to the female, placing my head under her stomach and lifted her to her feet then backed off a small distance so as to not look like I was intruding. She looked at me, probably with alert eyes.

“Sounds like you too stayed with each other. Where would you be going now?”

“I have a few places around here. Can’t believe him… Sept, he’s a bad absol…” she spoke weakly.

“Yeah, he does seem like an asshole,” I smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

“No, an Ab…sol,” she seemed to have chuckle but in a higher pitch now taking the dark situation into less consideration. She just giggled towards me, finally some sign of friendliness! However she grunted in pain soon afterwards causing me to take a step forward and keep her from falling over.

“An Ab…sol?” Oh…Oh, her species!

“Yeah, Sept and I are both absol, just like how you’re a luxray,” she answered but more calmly now regaining her composure. Grunting in pain, she turned away from me. “I need to find shelter.”

“Uhh-uhh wait!” I stopped her while feeling some fluttering butterfree in my stomach. I have to at least try and convince her that I’m a good luxray tonight. I can’t let this chance go away; I have to try! Come on just ask the damn question, it’s now or never. “I…I know you might have a few places in mind but i-if you’re too hurt to walk a long distance… I have a den close by that you can use just for tonight…i-if you want if you don’t have any other option. You know worse case scenario.” Okay, damn it, that’s saying too much.

“No thanks, I think I can fend for myself,” she spoke back with the same attitude from the nights before completely changing from friendly to hostile.

Damn, I knew that was a stupid thing to ask. She doesn’t even trust me one bit so why did I even ask? “Okay… sorry. I didn’t mean to show any harm.” She then turned away from me.

“I’m sorry; I have nothing against you at all. Maybe…maybe I do sense some genuine kindness from you that no other wild pokémon has possessed so far. It’s just my ex, Sept…all he really wanted once we came out here was to just…well, which was why I separated myself from him earlier causing a fight…and from the few luxio and luxray I’ve come across, they all want the exact same thing and all of them originated from a nearby pack around here. I’ve seen all kinds of deception before in my times, so I just don’t know who to trust.” Finishing, she walked past the surrounding shrubbery.

I took a step forward opening my mouth, but nothing came out in protest before she could completely disappear into the forest. Great, nice, cogent argument luxray…scolding myself won’t help my mood out now. I kept staring at the spot she disappeared through. I felt the need to help her out, but she might take it the wrong way. I mean what does she mean “once she came out here”, what did her ex mean by “running from problems”? What were they running from? Arceus, I just wish I could convince her that I was different then maybe I can help her. Well it’s too late now but still, I wish I could get to know her more.

I turned around now walking away from the scene. Wow, was this really my fate tonight? Was I always destined for rejection? I turned around gazing back at the area she walked through one last time. Damn it, I’m really worried about her safety, I really hope she makes it through on her own.


AN: Enjoy this introduction? If you did then cool, if you didn’t then this is not the story for you. Comment and review, one or the other is greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading.

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