AGNPH Stories

Cogent Storm by absol_perfect_disaster


Story Notes:

This is a short story having a mixture of action and romance. I tried to lean more towards the romance side but we'll see how this plays out. Read, and please review. Each review and piece of constructive, harsh criticism helps develop better stories in the future. Once again, my format is a little jacked up; if anyone knows why please tell me so I can fix it because it's very annoying. Oh, and I give thanks to some of the authors that has helped me developed this fic.

Cold Front

Cold Front

The next morning after that unexpected encounter I had a single goal in mind before I could think about another: drink.

Parched with an irritable soreness in my temples, I made my way groggily towards the stream located fairly close to my den. "Damn... what a lousy night," I sighed cringing at the pain surrounding my skull.

Body still fatigued from awakening mere minutes ago, I lazily made my way to the damp dirt bordering the local stream. The sound of violent waters was not too far from here since the rapids are near by, but here the waters are calmly refreshing. Near the edge I dipped my head down and lapped up some of the forest's nourishment until my thirst was quenched then made sure to stop transferring electricity through my fur before walking into the river. Now in the calm current up to my under belly, I dunked my head under knowing cold water serves to wake me up very well. Then I reemerged letting the brisk, gentle winds welcome my senses to maximum awareness before heading out of the river. This part of my normally uneventful agenda is beneficial for giving me water and keeping my fur kept comparatively well for a wild pokémon...not that it should really matter.
It's not like I ever stumble across a beautiful quadruped anyways other than last night which is an exception though. I begun to growl lowly from the pain in my head swelling upon each negative possible reason why yesterday was just a tease. I still wonder how that absol kept her fur so clean and fine. Out here her fur would get tangled with clumps of dirt easily. Damn it, I can't think about her again, it just brings me more pain. Expression near the line of sadness, I just swiped at the dirt oddly clearing my mind but it still didn't prevent a few tears leaving my eyes. Feeling my temples hurt and my chest tighten in stress I just told myself to take deep breaths.

"Just relax, come on be a male here and deal with it!" I commanded myself. I concentrated on the nature around me to help me relax. Not the hard routines I deal with but the romanticized perspective instead; great temperatures, sounds of the stream in front of me, the calm winds from the west...wait. I jumped at the sudden discovery of minor gusts originating from the west rippling past my damp fur. "Father?" I excitedly scanned around my surroundings trying to find a sign. "I know you're here sir, I can feel your company. Are you pointing me towards..." I looked to the east where I viewed an odd scene of the gusts blowing past just a few set of trees instead of the whole forest border in front of me. It was like the breeze behind me converged into one narrow vortex which I saw blew towards a spot memorable to me. "The spot I last saw her! What are you trying to say?" I literally asked almost angrily the turbulent vortex growing frustrated, "You punishing me for leaving? Laughing at my opportunity gone with your wind, huh? Or...or are you trying to tell me to chase her down?" I finally asked lowering my head in confusion with my headache having multiplied exponentially.

Damn, I think I really am going crazy right now. The cliffs are west of here. Maybe he's telling me I'm not worth living. Contemplating some more I just paced in circles trying to assert my mind to discovering a sign but really begging my father's overseeing soul for guidance.
But wait...I did ask myself a good question earlier; her fur is white but was very clean? I looked towards the horizon where the sun was above at this point of the day, where the breeze was blowing; a memorable habit of mine when I'm thinking of a "strategic problem", except I'm trying to find an answer.
This...this has to mean that she just arrived in the wild away from her trainer not too long ago, several days at the most maybe. Wow, now I really hope that she's okay. Once I had that revelation the winds had abruptly stopped. All natural movements ceased as the trees, shrubs, and dirt all settled. Is this what Father is trying to tell me; the absol is new to this habitat; it can't be that simple. Before I walked away completely from the river I turned around feeling a little more thirst knowing it wouldn't hurt to take another drink before continuing on a new eventless day.

"Luxray...!" My ears perked up high in reflex upon what I thought was my name. I looked around to see if anything was within my vicinity but I didn't spot anyone. I walked back to the river but I heard my name again. "Hey! Bro, there you are..." That voice...Someone's definitely calling me. It sounds far off and a little squeaky but still masculine to an extent. After a few more calls from the familiar voice I figured who it was. "Starly?" I called back out. Holy crap if that's him...

"Luxray!" I quickly looked up upon turning away from the river and saw a small, light gray, brown-black flying type circling over my head before stopping to a hover. "Bro, I found something on my way back! Come on quick!" he buzzed very eagerly over head. That's him, my best and only friend around!

"Oh my Arceus! Starly, you're finally back-how're you doing, Bro? It's about time you migrate back-"

"Wait, before we catch up on loss time you have to see something first," he quickly informed before flying off, "Come on Bro, I'll explain on the way, before it's too late!"

I stood in place almost confused and still in the state of shock. "Whoa wait, you come back from your first migration and the first thing you say to me is I have to see 'something' you've found? What's 'something'!"

"Bro, just shut up, and come on. It'll be worth your time," he laughed as he took off.

No longer putting too much thought on why he was in such a hurry I just followed him keeping the little flyer in my sight as he flew above the canopy. "Wow, my only friend is finally back after months of being away on his first migration. Arceus, any more moments of solitude I would've gone insane," I thought as I ran through the mesh of vegetation.

I kept following Starly over halfway across my territory. As we kept on though I was actually getting a little agitated from having to travel far without breakfast being caught which worsened my head. After running across my marked land long enough to get half winded the flyer lowered his altitude before hitting a sudden stop followed by me. He took his place landing roughly on top of my forehead directly in front of my fur spikes formed from the traditional luxray static.

"Aah! Watch your landing, I already had a headache before you came and it's not getting any better. And you still didn't tell me anything-"

"Shush!" the flyer demanded sharply, "Just keep walking forward a little more," he whispered pointing his wing tip out in the direction ahead. I hesitated for a second questioning why we had to stay silent. "Come on come on, let's go, Bro!" he pushed on impatiently tugging my fur.

"Tsk, alright, alright relax Starly," I told jokingly as I walked on. "This better be important to where I had to run way the hell out here...Or did you get into some strong coffee beans on the way back from your flight and had to expel some energy; you should lay off those things?" I chuckled still keeping my voice low.

"Oh yeah, sounds like you should lay off the huge bottle of whiskey for a change," Starly clowned, "You've been drinking on me? Is that why you got a migraine; a bit hung-over? Where was that campsite you took it from, huh?"

"Shut up, what makes you think I would get into that human poison?"

"Just saying, you seem cranky with a headache. Needed to drown out some depression with alcohol when I had left? Oh I'm so sorry for leaving," he finished sarcastically.

"Oh let's see, I just woke up not too long ago, I ran a far distance because not everyone can fly over logs and bushes, and I haven't even got a chance to catch breakfast yet-"

"Ok I'll be nice and rip off a feather as a snack for you so you don't decide to eat me," he paused as I felt him shift his weight forward which was when I got a close up view of his cream head and black tipped orange beak upside down, "And your eyes aren't even red like normal, they're pink like you've been crying...or hung-over," he chuckled.

"Oh Dialga," I sighed before flicking my head up getting him out of my face, "I haven't been crying, I just got a lot of stuff on my mind."

"Oh like what? Are you really still ashamed of running away? Luxray, you told me that story way before I left on the migration-"

"That and some other tauros shit I'm trying to deal with."

"Like what, buddy. Explain." I walked ignoring him but as I kept going my ears kept perking up from strange sounds. "You know what, no more violin and sad stories. This outta cheer you up. Looks like they started a while ago, but it ain't over," he chuckled.

"Who's 'they' Starly? And what started...I swear this better be important." Keeping his last words in mind I walked on. I was expecting to first hear arguing and clues of a fight within my territory that I would have to break up or at least be led to anything significant that would benefit me. But instead I stopped progressing upon hearing consistent rustling, and moments of grunting, groaning, moaning, the occasional vulgar words, and every other sound you would hear when there's a mating couple around. The strong sounds of mating had me cringe upon each audible pleasure note. "Damn it...What the hell is this, Starly?"

"Oh don't walk away now! You may have missed the foreplay but looks like they're in the best part," he pleaded.

"You and your damn mating observations..." I said rolling my eyes.

As the moans grew louder I couldn't resist my growling originating from negative emotions. I'm not a pervert, but... damn it why am I growing envious! No, I won't lower myself to such stupidity! I am what I am; this guy has had a different situation. Arceus and even my father, no matter how badly I fucked up, are too pure to let an individual live in hopelessness forever, right? My situations happened for a reason, so damn it don't get jealous just because I have never gotten any!

The sounds increased in volume at each step I took. "Ahh, yeah you like it when I do that huh, bitch!" The male spoke, "You like me hard and rough eh!" I winced in disgust. Damn, not another one like my former packmates...Wait, packmates!

"Whoa, whoa, the hell Starly! That would be something that my men would say!" I yelled in a whisper while turning away.

"I know, I know, but this guy just likes to use a lot of dirty talk...he's not a patrol guard," he chuckled, "Can you just hurry up, I wanna see too you know!"

I didn't want to see any form of mating honestly though. I may have urges but getting off to a couple is probably almost impossible for me. Making my last few steps towards the mystery couple all I could think of was the negative thoughts that would eventually pop into my mind. To me, smelling, hearing, and seeing mating is like me being half way starved to death unable to catch any prey for a month but stumbling upon another predator with a fresh giant kill gnawing on tender meat. In my mind sex is something I want but can't get as well as keep without getting rejected- Oh Dialga, listen to me, I sound almost like my brothers! Viewing mating like it's some kind of object to be caught; it may appear pathetic hell with it I am fucking pathetic, and I'm about to inflict more pain upon myself from the desire I can't achieve all for my friend.
I finally poked my head through thick lines of vegetation revealing Starly and I to a less dense portion of space where I finally spotted the scene I heard earlier. My eyes fell wide open along with my mouth as I found myself in a front row view of some kind of brown foreign, never-before-seen pokémon grinding his dominating pelvic region across the large, round, scaly surface of a rampardos' spread back side. From my viewpoint I had their sides as I momentarily locked on to the rampardos' engrossed, reddened opening, indicating she was in heat, getting impaled roughly by a thick, erect pink piece originating from the large brown mass as I saw it disappear deep within her. I stood there staring at the two go at it. However, the reason why I was so astonished was because a pokémon native to this region is getting fucked by some unknown species, but I didn't even bother trying to decipher his origination! All I knew was my cheeks were getting really warm as I felt chills run under my fur rooting deep under my skin across my mane and back. The scent of the rampardos' heat was stronger than ever, and based on her size her heat is designed to attract not just her kind but unfortunately this other pokémon, me, and oddly enough my friend still sitting on top me. Damn, I know I wanted to leave long ago but temptation hit me, and whatever was mating with that rampardos was a great mystery. I've never seen a pokémon like that before. All I know was seeing two large pokémon mating was something rare around here...and hot!

As the tall, broad, brown furred figure rammed relentlessly at the voluptuous, curvy, black and blue scaled rampardos, his long, very sharp looking claws gripped around curling underneath the rampardos' thick, meaty thighs right around her blue stripes pulling her back into his powerful thrusts. The trenched markings being made across the dirt from the female's large knee spikes and both their hind feet claws showed their vigor as her tail was flogged high up where he caressed the length of that sexy appendage with his face seeing him taking in her musky scent. His light cream muzzle, which kept producing visible smoky breathes from his panting, moved from her tail and up behind the rampardos' biggest left horn where I saw him exchange several lusty, hot licks making her moan and eventually roar in pleasure. The rampardos kept getting pushed forward as she wailed her attractive sexy cry. The foreign pokemon's intimidating large member was very visible for only half a second before he pushed it back in grunting loudly as he showed no mercy.

I stood there trying to break down the force that kept me where I was. "Damn it," I whispered, "This is not even important. You come back after being gone for so long only to bring me to this?"

"Oh, whatever, you know you like it. Sides, I spotted this guy trespassing deep into your territory, whatever the hell he is, but damn he sure knows what he's doing!"

"He's been trespassing!" I whispered forcible looking up trying to face Starly's beak and eyes. "How long does he expect to roam here and steal my name?"

"Look I think you should relax..." he trailed off looking back at the scene but with a shocked expression, "Holy- that rampardos got a dick!"

"What- you're joking!" I exclaimed looking back at the mating couple in curiosity but seeing nothing between her legs before hearing Starly burst in a case of muffled laughter.

"Hahahah...ohoho wow I made you think it was male on male action and you looked!" He giggled covering his beak with his wings, "You turning gay on me? You've been using that excuse of 'can't leave your territory' to hide that huh. You know it's alright if you're gay just as long as you know I'm straight." Once he was done with his joke he resumed laughing harder than before.

"Oh I'm gonna get you for that, Bro." I looked back at the fucking couple. I know my friend is joking since he was like this before and since he really has nothing to brag about either, unless if he did meet a babe across his migration but I doubt that if he came back empty handed. I can only smile knowing he never changed.

My smile faded though once I discovered I couldn't leave this scene in front of me. I haven't seen any action in a while and before all I would see was just a couple bidoof which is nothing special...before one of the poor guys was killed by me after finishing off, and this is kind of relieving even though they are in my territory. I kept watching the male pound his mate. For each hard and loud smack he made against the shined black leathery skin of his mate my sheath grew tighter. Crap, I can't relieve myself now thanks to Starly who's sitting right on my head. I saw the male's grip grow tighter and their moans grow louder as the rampardos drilled her claws deeper into the soil. All this tension was getting me uneasy. I felt myself sweating hard, hoping my friend wouldn't feel it. Ugh...What I would do to feel that kind of pleasure he's feeling right now.

I let my eyes fall into a squint as I saw the two large forms fucking each others' brains out. I pictured his long claws gripping her legs as being my own black paws. In an instant I mended the large forms into two smaller forms conjoined to make one of mainly a submissive white and a dominant black silhouette. The smaller now white pokémon had her chest and forearms spanned out on the dirt with her rear end in the air getting pushed into by the bigger black figure being me. Pushing the guilt aside I felt my tongue trail across my lips in my conscious awareness as I created the blue tail bending up high exposing the rounded cute, sexy behind of my interest. I saw myself gripping the female's thighs hard as I forced into her tight hole feeling her smooth tail rub against me side. I kept pushing into her at a quick rate feeling my member being hugged tightly by her flower while seeing her neck crane towards the sky moaning out my name. I moved my neck forward leaning closer on top of her body caressing her voluminous mane with my face making my way towards her neck. Feeling her tense, I give her a few gentle licks up her erogenous zones trailing up to her muzzle feeling her smooth skin with my own tongue that brought me immeasurable pleasure.

"Oh Luxray!" cried out the beautiful voice that I pleasured.


"What was that?"

"What was wha..." In an instant I heard ragged grunts in front of me and then I immediately snapped back into my real dimension. What felt like a good, pleasurable minute was in reality only a few seconds as I saw Starly's upside down head.

"Oh...uh-uh nothing you must've meant them," I stuttered pointing towards the sexing couple.

"Ha, tauros shit, you're lying bro!" he laughed taking back his post as he got back to observing their actions. "I've known you long enough to where you can't hide nothing from me."

I could only look down in complete embarrassment. It didn't help lighten my mood once I became aware of a light brisk in between my legs followed by being struck by the feeling of my sheath tightening back revealing my member in all of it's might begging for release. Damn it, I need to leave- Aw shit, how could I fantasize over that absol like that, my lust is really getting a hold of me! I'm not going to be sex crazed like my brothers! Damn it...Arceus there's no way I can ever see the absol letting me do that to her in real life, so I shouldn't picture her getting handled by me! Damn the guilty feeling after fantasizing...
As hard as I tried to twist my head even an inch I just couldn't look away. I wanted to see the big couple finish. I wanted to see the female wail out as the male's seed washes out her into a massive, thick puddle. I wanted to see me do that to that absol...but I know I shouldn't be thinking like this.

"Ugn, you're good at this, lover, ah! Harder!" the rampardos moaned out.

Arceus, I long to hear those words, or anything similar to that. Damn, this was getting me really envious. When am I going to get my chance to enjoy the pleasure that he's getting right now?

"So close! I'm gonna make you cum so damn hard!" the male grunted.

"Yes...Oh make me cum! I want to feel you in...inside!" Once she told him that she began screaming in immense pleasure.

The male wrapped his arms deeper around her legs and then carried her lower body off the ground as he rammed her so hard to the hilt while groaning out mixing with the female's screams. He had her in the air for only a few seconds with a few thrusts before I heard them cry out towards the canopy as the male pulled her ass closer and harder to his waist in one final drive of his hip. They stayed like that as the male humped a little more lightly which triggered the thick, white liquid to gush out in a more surprisingly large quantity. Dialga, he came a lot! His cum kept gushing out of her pussy like a wide open stream as he was still in her! Just the sight and thought of her expelling what Starly calls liters of seed onto the forest floor from a forbidden area had my own member throbbing harder than it already was earlier. Oh Arceus, this will be real embarrassing if my friend sees me like this. Starly however has done his observations so many times before that he knows how to control himself when he views stuff like this as he's told me before. The male pulled out letting more of his spunk wash out of the still spread, creamy opening of the tired scaly pokémon. The cream poured out with little signs of stopping soon as the spunk spread thickly across the ground leaving a satisfied couple.

To my surprise he began walking away from her though almost acting like he just got done with a long jog instead of a cherished, intimate act. "Hey where are you going, Lover?" his mate asked.

He turned his head around and replied, "Sorry, but I didn't plan on anything real, was that what you were thinking?" he smirked walking farther away, "I have a trainer to get to. You wilds are just too damn easy."

"Ouch!" I felt my friend jump, "Palkia, watch your damn static levels!" I ignored him unable to contain my anger I felt towards that male.

"Hey...but-bu..." I looked at the male walking off then at the female who was almost pleading him to stop. "No, not again...not again." I saw her happy expression fade to an expected sorrowful one as her eyes welled up in an instant which sickened me to the point that I was really close to consoling her, but... I don't have the confidence unfortunately, and I have to stop this male from trespassing into my territory by teaching him a lesson on being true to your mates.

Damn...he's just like my brothers, every last one of them. I still don't know how any of them would have that kind of power of attracting a female so greatly that she pleads them to stay and miss them greatly while they're gone. I kept looking at the male disdainfully and noticed that he was walking deeper into my territory. Oh no he better not! I'm not going to let more predators walk in and take more of my food away. I looked back at the female who was sitting in a heap of depression as she sobbed into her small paws which had me feeling horrible about that kind of statement he made to her. I almost forgot that she had just climaxed but now she's in pain. I sighed at the thought that was rooting in my head; well time to execute my thought...

"No one ever deserves that kind of mistreatment and abandonment from mere careless exploitation. I'm deeply sorry at what you've just experienced. It hurts me painfully to hear what he just said to you, truly it does. I know there's a true mate out there for everyone; just don't give in to hopelessness and always assert your natural need for love," I spoke to the rampardos upon emerging from my hiding spot. Her head peaked up as her arms revealed her bloodshot eyes. It became obvious to me that she was intent on listening to what I had to say but I didn't say anything afterwards. I just gave a nod and even a small wink hoping to lighten her mood before I turned around and dashed off towards the area that male went.

Using my x-ray vision to try and intercept him a little ways away from the spot he just climaxed at I ran around his moving position going through the thick shrubbery.

"I know what you were and am thinking. You wanted to comfort that rampardos more with your great amount of empathy, but here you don't have the guts to talk to a female that probably needs someone where the worse that can happen is emotional snapping but you have the guts for taking on that massive S-O-B where the worst that can happen is a painful disemboweling death by those long freakin' claws of his! What you said back there was real and even sweet dude. She was listening, she wanted to hear more. I swear I do like how you can make yourself sound like a hypocrite though, which is good. Sometimes I wish I could fix that head of yours."

"Sometimes I wish you weren't so good at analyzing."

Running around his flank with my friend still riding on board and hanging on, I popped out of the shrubbery moments later now far away from the clearing he mated at where we got the opportunity to make eye contact. No other new feature was seen on this foreigner other then the large cream colored ring on the front of his body I couldn't see earlier.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to leave. The unfamiliar scent you should've smelled long ago means that this is my territory," I snarled trying to intimidate him the hell out of my area.

"Oh, so this is your domain...Huh?" I noticed his gaze lowering where my growl deepened trying to figure out his intentions. "Hah, were you just watching me fuck the shit out of that rampardos back there?" he laughed pointing a long claw down at me.

"What the hell are you-" I looked down and then saw my whole member still sticking out of its sheath in its full glory. I felt myself blush hard from this highly embarrassing incident now suddenly feeling a cool breeze down there. Oh Arceus damn...if it's out now then it was probably out when I gave my little speech back there...Fuck My Life!

"Really Bro? When I'm here?" Starly chuckled.

"Shut the hell up- Oh Shit!" I yelled once a saw four claws lunge right at my spot. I quickly jumped out of the way in time to see his claws collide into the ground which got his whole paw under the dirt up to his wrist. Dialga, I have to avoid that! "Starly, get back to the den. I'll meet you there once I'm finished with this waste of space," I announced to the now airborne Starly.

"You better make it back man. I'm not done laughing at you for prepping the red rocket," he laughed before flying away to safety.

I was distracted from his remark until I felt a quick air current brush me which quickly had me react by ducking low to the ground barely evading a side swing of his extended claws, and then quickly jumping out of the way from a balled up paw coming down directly over head. I barely got clear from his second attack which kicked up a large cloud of dust from the impact.

"What, how can you dodge my Hammer Arm like that!"

So that's the bone-crushing attack I need to look out for. I used my x-ray vision to pinpoint him in the middle of the cloud and once I had his position I quickly shot a powerful Spark Attack at him. My current branched into three different lightning strikes that emitted from my mane and struck the attacker dead on. The dust had cleared but I only saw him a little stunned on one knee but not down completely.

"Damn, looks like I have to give it my all to put you down!" I yelled before charging up another Spark Attack.

My strengthened current now shot from my body in several branches which in light speed struck the foreigner mainly at his skull, cardiovascular region, and pelvis which should do the trick. He grunted as each of my lightning rods struck and stayed onto him for seconds. Astonishingly however, he wailed out as he drove his arms out forcing my strikes to evade him and cancel out.

"What! Impossible..." There's no way in hell he can do that when I used one-hundred percent of my energy to produce that. He should be dead or paralyzed at the least but it didn't even leave a patch of scorched fur!

"Typical wild pokémon. There's no way in hell you can take a professional trained pokémon down!" he laughed almost sadistically.

He has a trainer that he mentioned earlier, of course! I was too shocked that he survived my attack to even see him lunge at me. His knee struck my side hard knocking the wind out of me before he barraged my whole body with his fists alone. I flew left and right only for my torso and face to meet his balled up fists resulting in sudden flashes of pain. The final blow came when he grabbed the top of my mane, picked my upper body up in the air to the point I could barely feel the ground, and swung his free paw across my side with his claws using a powerful Slash Attack. I felt searing burns across my whole side before I was flung into a tree from the sheer force he used as by far the most powerful Slash Attack I have ever seen delivered! Trying to find the energy to get back up all I could do was angle my head away from the tree trying to get my enemy in sight. I caught him in time only to have his large foot press down on my side feeling him exert pressure. I yelped loudly for long agonizing seconds in agonizing pain already within the mercy of this pokémon. Any harder he would certainly break my ribs.

"Listen, I don't give a damn if this is your territory. All I've done so far is just fuck a rampardos; I never ate a thing, nothing harmful came about until you stepped out. Now, I'm looking for a couple. They should stand out because they're both white as the fuckin' moon and they have blue sword-things on both their asses and heads. If you tell me where they are then I'll let you get back to sucking yourself off, but if you don't give a clue then I'll just smother you to death with my foot. You choose."

I coughed underneath his weight wheezing for air with gritted teeth. I may not belong to a pack anymore but I still have high battle pride. I'm not going to crack under his threats! "I haven't seen your absol friends around you mother... fucker," I chuckled. Looks like whatever that male absol mentioned about running away was about to get back at him and his ex, but I can at least slow this guy down.

"You're just asking for a death wish, eh!" he exploded planting his foot harder on me down to my neck nearly suffocating me.

I kept trying to generate electricity but my body was too close to the ground which grounded all of my currents. "No... I just honor those... th-that decide to get away from unjust beings like you!"

He only growled at my response shoving his foot down upon my neck making me extremely light headed from lack of oxygen and blood flow. The pressure slowly grew; my head was already pushing into the dirt. Feeling really dizzy, I lost control of my limbs and was sweating profusely from being too dazed as he slowly crushed me to death. I couldn't fight back as my vision began getting darker and darker. Damn...Ah well. I was already prepared to die months after I began my life in a lonely state. Here I come, Father; I'm coming to receive your punishment for running!
Right before everything faded to black I got a glimpse of the leaves and even the loose soil kick up from high gusts of wind blowing from the west. The gusts were erratic and almost abnormal as even my opponent had to shield his eyes a bit but that didn't stop the pressure on my side. His spirit is ready to give me hell eh? My vision was close to blackening now, but before it did a quick grey blur flew through my opponents face as I saw his head jerk back getting his foot off of me.
Once I realized all weight was released it only took me a few seconds to recover from confusion as I got up and ran to a different location ignoring the intense pain originating on the side he had his foot on. I looked towards my rival to find him staring down the female absol from last night! What's she doing back here! Looking right at her I saw her stance low and ready to fight as she snarled at her enemy with her blades glistening for a fight.

"You should pick on somebody your own size, Yellasto!" she fumed at my enemy. Damn it, here's the pokémon I'm longing for protecting me like she's my mother with shining blades! How can my day get any worse? Now I really wish that asshole killed me.

She lunged upward towards his head at a quick speed. All I saw was her body in a light blur fly past my enemy's head, who's now her enemy, almost too fast for me to keep up with, but as she passed his muzzle I saw his head jerk back from a hit. Then the absol landed on a tree and did the same thing again with the same velocity. She repeated this routine again and again in a very skilled Quick Attack. Wow...such skill...such grace. I could only slowly limp towards the battle while fixated on her movements. She bounded tree from tree and delivered a hit to Yellasto, as he's called, at each pass. Her beauty in her moves may trick skilled fighters like me, but she executes them with lethal intentions. Her final blow got her to burst pass her enemy's head and land right in front of me still facing our opponent who was now a great distance away. He turned around revealing her work to me. Small cuts and incisions were instilled all around his face letting his life force run down each curve of his head turning his fur into a rusty color.
Arceus, she's good at combat! I was so astonished I almost lost my footing not from feeling light headed, but from her close landing to me. She fought him with such elegance it was...beautiful...well for this kind of setting.

" traitorous bitch!" he yelled pointing right at her, "I'm going to wipe out you and your luxray friend behind you for trying to let you escape. None of this would be happening if you had just told me where she was at you stupid wild shit!" Once he finished his raging I saw miniature white spheres form around his mouth that merged into a growing sizable one... No, he's charging for something big right now! I tried generating electricity but grunted in pain barely even producing a spark thanks to my injuries.

"You think you can really fire that Hyper Beam in time before I reach you!" She looked at me giving out a determined, sure expression as she nodded once. That stopped me from attempting to generate electricity.

The absol charged forward with such power I saw her claws mark the dirt. We were both quite a distance away so for her to reach him in time to stop his beam from firing off killing us both would take some good speed. And quite a speed she traveled. Her legs merged and spanned out with such quick precision she sped through the dirt across the distance between us and our enemy. By now I saw a large white ball form within his mouth signaling it was almost time to run. I didn't run though, as odd as it sounds, I trusted the absol in making it to him even though I don't know a thing about her. I stood my stance actually cheering for the absol in my head. The sphere in the male pokemon's mouth grew bigger and bigger significantly spanning larger than the girth of his open maw, but by now the absol was close to reaching him and at the speed she's going she would definitely make it.

"Good bye, Yellasto!" she yelled before she rammed her head right into his stomach.

The resulting blow caused the male to jerk his head back in pain, causing his Hyper Beam to fire off into the morning sky. The colorful, rainbow-like beam that would've killed us both dissipated into the air. Absol still had her head against his stomach and as I observed, the sharp horn on her head had impaled him deep. Now limping up to them to get a closer look I saw her head twist more as she tried to get her horn in deep which caused our enemy to cough and grunt. I kept walking up to them as the absol then yanked her head back releasing a geyser which caused the male to fall on his knees as he clenched his wound.

"Our going to be pissed...when...when he finds three of his pokémon missing," wheezed the struggling pokémon. He then fell forwards but caught himself with one paw while the other was still over his wound as dark fluid streamed around his wrist and onto the forest grounds.

"It's karma for his bad treatment towards me," she responded with an intimidating tone contrasting her tone from last night, "If you love your bastard of a trainer then welcome him in your arms in the next life," she finished before turning away from him, but as she turned around the tip of her bladed tail effectively skimmed the side of our dying rivals neck cutting through fur, skin, flesh, and his jugular vein.

I was now by the absol's side as my intruder's life forced out of the long gash in his neck. The paw gripping his stomach went towards his neck but the action was in vein. He finally fell on his stomach then went fully limp with his eyes closed for good.

She faced me approaching slowly where I embarrassingly but helplessly stood submissive with ears and head pitched down. Not a good impression from a male. "This is an ursaring, who belonged to my old trainer, and it looks like that trainer wants me back along with Sept," she spoke firmly as I faced the now deceased ursaring, "This pokémon is native to the Johto Region, me and Sept are native to the Hoenn Region; just like how you are native to the Sinnoh Region." She then flicked her head to the side sending the blood that was dribbling on her horn splattering to the soil next to her before looking at me. I don't care if she is beautiful, but that move just intimidated the crap out of me which is probably what she was aiming to do.

"That's...that's amazing that you know so much about other pokémon...and that you can fight like that," I responded while an acute feeling of dizziness from before hit me from out of nowhere. I don't know if it's from my injuries or from being nervous around the very pokémon that I'm attracted to.

"Of course, I belonged to a twisted trainer before I ran away from him, but as I was with him I had no choice but to learn a few things." I just nodded feeling uneasy about talking before I lost balance and fell on my side. The absol quickly paced towards me. I yelped loudly for a couple seconds feeling an unpredicted amount of tormenting irritation as I felt her put her head below my very side that got crushed and lifting me back on my paws. "Did you have any idea you were losing this much blood," she warned. The fur on her forehead was covered in a dark red metallic color as I felt her head skim across my wounds.

"Arceus damn it; I didn't mean to yelp out like that." I hung my head more in shame and embarrassment than pain.

"You guys really take losses seriously huh?" she asked returning her voice to a softer tone while looking over my injuries.

"Yeah, those guys as in my old packmates. I just lost a battle, and battling is the only thing I'm good of course I'm going to feel hurt." I was using all of my strength to talk as smoothly as I could. "But," I sighed from my caught mistake, "I shouldn't be saying that."

"That's stupid; you're bleeding out for goodness sake!"

I looked around the vicinity and picked up a long trail of red that lead all the way back to the tree I almost died at and coming from where I'm standing right now as a larger puddle was forming below me indicating I've been bleeding for some time. "Its okay, my den is close by I can make it," I spoke without even thinking of the consequences. I grunted in pain a little before speaking, "I know I'm a tough, great fighter... but I guess only at night when everyone else is tired," I chuckled trying to lighten the mood, "Otherwise...I end up like...this."

"Stop trying to be silly right now. You won't make it through the night with those three lacerations you have!" she yelled this time with a tone that sounded like she was worrying. I turned my head around one last time and saw three incredibly deep, long cuts across my entire torso that ran all the way through my thigh. I was shocked myself feeling my eyes perk up from seeing an injury at this kind of scale, but still why is this absol worrying about me. I thought she didn't give a damn about luxray. "Quick, we have to fix those wounds before you bleed out too much," she spoke walking forward while keeping her shoulder under most of my body.

Almost not believing a thing she's saying I had to protest. "Wait, don't worry I can walk on my own," I told her before taking a few steps forward. As I walked forward though I loss energy in my front legs then started stumbling to my side.

I felt the absol catch me with her body. "Trying to be like me now, huh," she chuckled which took me by huge surprise. "Try not to take big strides or I'll have to carry you and you're spilled insides along the way which will really make things a lot harder. Those wounds can be fatal if left untreated; if we quickly walk to my medical supplies then we can disinfect and close them in time." We continued walking but this time she was carrying most of my weight.

"Wh...why are you helping me?" I panted feeling my chest constrict.

"'Cause Yellasto almost killed you when he was going after me and Sept. You...You, as in you, don't deserve to die by his hand."


"Just don't think too much about it and stay with me, stay up."

"You as in you alone," I thought. Does she mean that she knows I'm different from the others around here? As she guided me I still felt light headed the whole way but kept my footing. I don't get it; she was just untrusting of me yesterday and the following nights before. Why is she now helping me out? I mean she's carrying me to get me treated, but she could've just left me dying which was what I was expecting. It's like she trusts me now even though I'm a luxray who could've possibly been like the others the whole time and she wouldn't have known, but thank Arceus I'm not like those guys. Does...does she really care about my well being above others? it can't be. That's just too good to be true and only something I can wish for. She's just doing this of her own will to help a fallen pokémon back on their paws...

As we walked I thought about these pass few surprised encounters we had. When we were fighting over food, when I saw her hurt last night, and then when she popped out and saved my life. Is this that sign I was hoping for? W-wait, this could just be coincidence. Damn it, I can't get my hopes up like this. What if she just treats me then goes on with her own life. We could've have turned this into something special, I could've formed this into something I've always wanted even before the wars began if I'm given time, with her help we could've formed a tight companionship, but this may all be a lie. At the same time, she's willing to save my life which might be a positive, I guess. Still, it's been a while since I got a chance to be with any female, let alone one I can trust. And here she is walking under me fur to fur.
Arceus, I never knew her fur would be this soft. Her mane already looked elegant but the touch to my shoulders alone felt so soothing...No, no lust! I'm different, I don't target a female because of her looks alone, at least that's not what I wanted but I'm falling down that path at this very moment. But still I might as well enjoy this feeling while it lasts even though it may not be for the sake of possible love. I took in her soft fur and her enchanting warmth for the rest of the walk.

It didn't take much time before we reached a flat that was entirely clear of tall trees and shrubs with the only source of herbs being the grass that grew on this soil and smaller trees that grew barely twice my height that were loosely scattered across the field. We kept walking and I finally recognized this place. It's relatively close to my den. Heh, no wonder we've been meeting each other lately.
The absol lead me to one of the trees where I saw a piece of cloth and some kind of giant clear pouch full of other human supplies inside.

"Those are healing products that I stole from my trainer before I escaped, hold on." She walked away from me and grabbed the large pouch that created a lot of rustling noises each time it swayed in the breeze. "We gotta get you healed up before my ex returns," she quickly said before dropping the pouch in front of me.

"Escaped...Your ex... you mean Sept?" I asked barely keeping up with her speech as I found myself exhausted from the walk uphill to this field.

"Yes, he and I ran away together from our trainer, but I shouldn't have gone with him. It was a mista-"

In an instant the absol flew forward skimming my side yelping in the process which got me to jump as I tried to get my body in full guard, but before I could even figure out what happened I felt a hard force of wind pick me up and kick me back in what felt like a mixture of strong gusts and sharp razors striking across my skin. I saw the healing products fly past overhead. Arceus damn, that felt like several sharp claws scratching the crap out of me while blowing me away in the process.

"You fucking slut!" I heard a familiar voice boom as I panted trying to rise to my feet, "First you run off with that fucker, and now you come back to steal my shit!"

The absol helping was in my sights as she stood back on her paws. "I was the one that worked hard to take those supplies from our trainer in the first place, Sept-"

"Yeah, 'cause that's all you're good at, barbaric crap. You belong out here in the wild, you know that!"

"You gotta hurry up and use the medicine!" she told me before getting stricken by another one of his attacks which kicked up a ton of dirt.

"B...but I don't know what-"

"Look at the pictures on the side! I'll keep him off you." she yelled back while jumping out of the way of another attack.

Believing her words I crawled on my stomach towards the clear pouch that flew away from the first impact of Sept's attack. I was way below weak now from getting hit by his attack while I was still losing blood so my pace was slow as I struggled to make it to the medical supplies. My view alarmingly began to redden while my front paws pulled my body through the grass over to the supplies using up all my devotion to help my savior. Using every sum of strength I had left I grabbed the pouch and spilled everything out. Several cylindrical items fell to the ground and I just picked up a random one in particular. I looked at the absol in confusion but she was getting attacked relentlessly by her ex mate. Damn it, running out of time! Not caring about my pain and dizziness I dropped the bottle and quickly pawed at it until some diagrams came up. I heard several explosions behind me followed by dirt landing around my space which got my adrenaline running my body harder. Not caring about the perplexing context next to each picture I studied every last diagram carefully. I saw familiar pictures of human hands and fingers as well as a picture of the container it self and a picture of what appears to be some kind of pokémon that was getting hit by whatever shot out the bottle.
Grabbing the bottle then manipulating it to have the handle and trigger all in my mouth I carefully twisted my head and neck around. I angled and twisted my head to have the tip of the point of this container point directly at my blood stained gashes. I then bit down on the trigger which squeezed it against the neck of the container. The result was a spray of pink liquid that got on my wounds followed by a surge of irritable burning which turned to quite painful burning sensations. The female absol's cries rang through my ears as I winced in pain. Getting frustrated I kept closing my maw on the bottle as I turned my head to get every last space of my long three wounds soaked in the medicine which increased the burning tortuously. I then threw the bottle cursing and cringing at the burning itching pain but I fought hard to not try and lick or scratch those areas.
As time went by the burning lowered which was when I grabbed a smaller more flexible container. Following the pictures I just bit off the tip and then bit the bottom of the flexible material with my lips and tongue over every opening of my gashes getting a clear gel over the red linings of my scabs and flesh. As a minute went by I threw the container to the side and then tried really hard to press my forepaws and muzzle together pinching my long wounds shut, which was challenging being my body type. My neck and shoulder joints were in pain from squeezing on my wounds but each time I heard an explosion or the female absol cry out I pushed all my pains to the side. I moved my paws and head down squeezing another space shut before moving on to another space and then another. After a few minutes of this I finally let go and saw that whatever material that was literally closed my wounds shut like a powerful adhesive.
Then I grabbed another item which was rolled up cloth. I've seen this stuff before in the wars from some soldiers stealing this from traveling humans and using it themselves. I quickly unrolled the bandages and then rolled myself over the tape cloth slowly but still rushing to heal myself so I can aid my helper. I rolled over and over trying to cover up as much of my torso and leg as I could. Knowing it was a horrible, messy job I got up feeling a rush of adrenaline from the long fight nearby.
I turned around and saw the male absol standing on top of the female absol who was on her back with her legs pinned. Shit, worse case scenario he could be manipulating her in the worse way possible! Seeing her struggling, I quickly charged up a current of electricity, but then I remembered that I can also electrocute the female too! Fortunately she got her hind legs under him and kicked him off just in time as I shot a surge of lightning in a Spark Attack. The result immobilized him midair as he fell backwards with enough energy to shake the ground beneath my paws. With renewed energy, I quickly ran up to the female absol and helped her up to which she accepted. Though once I got her up I felt some dizziness return from pulling her weight up since I wasn't fully healed yet.
I looked at the steaming Sept and spotted four deep gashes that were similar to mine except his only inflicted his lower torso only but still seemed deep. He must've fought that ursaring from before but escaped. That's when I saw a dwindling piece of evidence between his legs that confirmed he was about to rape my helper. His pink, erect member pointed out of its home where it was supposed to be making me look at this pokémon in complete disgust. I gave a last look at my teammate who had numerous wounds all over her body but luckily they all seemed small.

"I'm ready to finish this fight!" I roared. I was completely filled with rage that Sept, her very ex, was going to violate her.

"Don't, we're both very skilled, experienced fighters and if you go head to head with him that would be a bad idea," she warned me as Sept got up and snickered.

I looked at her and my anger towards the male only increase as I surveyed each cut and bruise she had. I don't care if she's a fighter but it enrages me to see a male beat a female over something stupid and then try to rape her in the end. This kind of crime should never be committed; not even in the battlefield where I've seen it occur many times before. I charged up another Spark Attack and shot branches of lightning towards Sept. As the lightning faded away I only saw Sept shake off the static and stand there almost unaffected but smoking more than ever.
Tired of his attitude I just charged in before he could fully recover and then bit down hard on the nape of his neck before generating powerful amounts of thermal energy into my fangs making it easier to penetrate his flesh more where the thermal converted into electrical energy that shot through each razor tip of my canines. The electricity coursed under his skin and electrocuted his deepest depths in my powerful Thunder Fang Attack. I kept running my current through him until I finally felt exhausted myself letting go of the absol to have him fall on the ground in a heaping pile of smoke and loose grey fur. As he lied partially paralyzed on the ground I kept one of my forepaws over his neck so he wouldn't move up towards me. I heard foot steps and knew it was the female absol.

"What should we do with him?" I asked as I saw him still breathing and conscious.

"Just...just leave him," she spoke with slight hesitation, "Let him go." Once she said that I took my paw off of him as I stood back.

A short moment afterwards he got up but he wasn't in a combat stance so he must've given up. That's where he smirked right at me as he slowly turned away. "If you plan on mating her then good luck," he insulted before walking off, "Because she's a slow one when it comes to handing that ass over."

I ignored him though, not giving a care since I don't just use females in that way of property. Before he got far I took a last look at his long wounds possibly inflicted by Yellasto. "His wounds could be fatal..." The absol ignored me as I spoke to her, "Should I give him some of these supplies?"

"Don't, what goes around comes around. It's his bad karma for the things he's done to me in the past," she sighed, "I shouldn't have traveled away with him...but I did it to keep him sane for his own safety."

We began walking back towards the health supplies for the absol to heal her self. I couldn't help but feel sorry for that guy, whatever she's been through he's been through as well. And she wasn't cheating on him; I was just around at the wrong time. I picked up the three items I used and flung them towards his location. They landed right by him which he saw as he turned around. I just nodded in response before turning back around hoping that that would be the last time I see him again. Once I sat down I felt my low amount blood rush too fast for my head getting me confused again as I wobbled around before trying to regain my composure.

"I had to...I can't just let him... die out there," I explained as best as I could trying to maintain my cool to the female that lied next to the plenty of remaining supplies.

"Heh, really are different from the rest. I thought you guys did that only to your fellow packmates?"

"The others only help out their packmates... but as I tried to explain before I am far different from the rest." She picked up one of the containers as I explained and seem to spray her self with ease. "Do you need any help with those?"

" thanks," she spoke but this time with no sign of hostility, "I trained myself to use these bottles, as well as Sept and a handful of other pokémon that belonged to my trainer. The way I learned how to use these was when the pathetic trainer would punish me and not be around to help me regain energy. So in the end I learned a lot about these tools and took them before Sept and I escaped. Our trainer is a trainer that you wish you would never meet in the wild. I was unlucky to be captured by him and controlled by his bigger pokémon, Yellasto for example..."

"Wow...I'm sorry to hear that. Truly..." Oh no, I shouldn't have pushed my body too hard in that battle, "Anyone with that kind of mentality does not deserve to walk this planet. At least that's what I believe... from what I've seen done out here."

"I strongly agree with you," she continued as she squeezed some of the gel around her cuts.

"Listen, I know you barely know who or what I am, but for your own safety you're allowed to stay at my den... as long as you need to until you regain all of your energy or at least when it's safe," I informed her slowly thanks to my decrease in energy.

"Look I don't need any charity okay!" she snapped causing me to step back a little but then she sighed. She actually almost looked guilty, "'s just...from what's been going on around here, don't take it personal, but I just don't trust your kind. You're different from the others, I can see that, but I never know. I just never know..."

I felt her words kick at my mental hope that had barely formed earlier today. Damn it, why did I have to be born a timid shinx in this age of war? "Th-that's fine. I fully understand your situation..."

I still stood by however as she finished up repairing the last of her cuts but she didn't seem to mind. Once she was done she placed everything back in the pouch and put the clear pouch within an opening within the orange cloth, somehow closed it by pulling some silver piece producing a buzzing sound, and carried a piece of it in her maw.

"Listen, you''re a real good pokémon, truly you are for helping out, but I have to go now. I need to find a place of my own to stay."

"No problem, good luck on your search. was nice talking to you."

She nodded as I turned around heading back to my den fully defeated on the inside. As I walked through the flat I began losing balance again. "Oh come on, not now damn it!" I tried to fight the loss of feeling in my legs. Luckily I made it away from the flat and back to the forest but it was no good. Soon my dizziness returned with raw intensity and I completely loss control of all movement before falling on my side. I tried to find the strength to get up but it was no good. My vision started to fade to black like earlier except this time it was from too much blood loss. Crap I can't fall asleep now; if I do I might never wake up from my injuries. I got on my stomach and tried getting up but my vision kept dissipating.

I felt a familiar soft presence graze my side planting pressure underneath me. I opened my eyes to see the ground moving along with my paws that operated in coordination without me in control, but I couldn't keep my eyes open much longer before I completely black out. Damn... can I just be left to die in peace...or is it truly not my time?

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