AGNPH Stories

Troublemakers' Game by brownclad


Story Notes:

I've got a general idea of where I'm going with this one, but I may very well delete it at any point if I confuse myself with the storyline too much. Expect twists.Unlike my other stories, I plan on updating this one as often as I write new chapters. On that note, I may be taking a short hiatus from Out Past Curfew. I'm still working out a few kinks with the mental drafts on both of them.---Disclaimer---Troublemakers' Game is a work of fiction. All of the characters and events in this story, even those based on actual characters and events, are entirely fictitious. Any publicly recognizable characters belong to their respectable owners.

Chapter 3 - !


Victoria looked up at Desmond and smiled before laying her head back down and closing her eyes. She was quite tired, after all. Desmond was starting to show the symptoms of his fatigue, too.

Trenkov spoke again, introducing his speech in a way that Desmond had nearly gotten used to. "You... you mentioned going out at night with Victoria?"

"I did."

"Can you go more into detail about that?"

Desmond took a deep breath. Victoria was asleep on top of him. He wanted to stay quiet, so as not to wake her.

"Can I sleep after this?" he asked.

"If you're willing to sleep here," Trenkov replied.

Desmond looked at the sleeping form resting on him. Her breath's rhythm was a natural sleep-inducer.

"I'm sure I can sleep here," he nearly whispered.

"Okay," Trenkov said. "After you tell me more about this last thing, you can sleep and I won't bother you."

"Right," Desmond said, massaging his eyes. "Let me think... I've got it. You know how everybody wants to make a name for themself?"


"Well, I thought I had a great plan for making the local paper every once in a while," Desmond calmly stated. "We'd just go out and cause trouble. But that's not how it started."


It started about a week after I'd met Victoria. I was sixteen, as I've stated before, and somebody pissed me off. I can't remember what he did, but whatever it was, it pissed me right the hell off. Maybe he hit me or something. I can't really remember.

I started plotting my revenge, and I realized that I really didn't want him to know it was me who got him back, so I needed an alibi. I made a false identity.

Now, everybody knows that the cool names are all taken, so I wanted a symbol. I picked an exclamation mark. It pretty much defined how I wanted people to feel when they saw what I'd done. I didn't care if it was taken.

So anyway, I was getting ready. It was late at night, well past midnight. I was getting suited up, in all-black clothing. As I opened my window to crawl out, Victoria said something.

"Where are you going, master?"

I turned around and looked at her, trying to think of an answer. I gave up shortly afterward.

"Can you keep a secret?" I finally asked.

"Of course, master."

"Fine, then," I continued. "I'm going out to get some revenge on someone who has wronged me."

"Can I... Can I come along?" she asked, her head bowed. "I... I don't like being alone... And... You're already gone all day. I just don't know if..."

"If you can stay quiet," I said, interrupting her. "You can come along."

She nodded excitedly, before walking toward me. I gestured out the window, which I was almost all the way through.

"Come on, then," I whispered. "Just make sure you stay quiet. We can't get caught."

She thanked me a few times and I helped her climb through the window. Now, we lived in a sort of urban area, so there were a bunch of brick walls and buildings around. We used them to our advantage, climbing onto them and carefully hopping from building to building. We made a point of landing on the most silent parts and silently sneaking across, no matter how much time it took. Everybody knows that two things make everything fair; love and war. This was war, and trespassing was a victimless crime.


Desmond yawned, his eyelids growing heavy. He hadn't realized it, but he'd already yawned multiple times throughout his story.

"Of course," he continued, "back then, it was only about war. Victoria hadn't been around for very long, and so love hadn't even come into the equation yet."

"I understand," Trenkov said, checking his watch. "Listen. We're gonna have to finish this story later. You need to sleep."

"Right," Desmond agreed, falling onto the soft ground. "Sleep."

"Not here, Desmond," Trenkov said, causing Desmond to lift his head up. "We've got a bed ready for you."

"Alright," Desmond said, carefully lifting Victoria's light form up.

"You have to promise to behave, alright?" Trenkov said.

"Right," Desmond replied, examining Victoria, who was in his arms.

Desmond had always had a strange habit of over-analyzing things. As he followed Trenkov out of the room, he found it quite ironic that the one thing that had made him truly happy, the one thing that had truly set him free, had positioned his hands as though he had been handcuffed.

He followed Trenkov down the hall into another room adorned with nothing but a bed and an end-table. He gently placed Victoria down on one side and covered her, and then went around to the other side and rested himself.

"Good night, Desmond. There's a bathroom right over there if you need to use it," he said, pointing to a door in the corner of the room. "You should stay in here until I come to get you tomorrow morning."

"I will," Desmond replied, laying his head down. "Good night, Doctor."

Once Trenkov had left the room and closed the door, Desmond finally felt relaxed in this strange new environment. He listened calmly to the ticking of the clock above his bed before finally drifting off.


Upon awakening, Desmond saw that Victoria was already up, looking out the window.

"Good morning, Victoria," he said, sitting up. "Did you sleep well?"

She turned around and smiled at him. "I got up because you were poking me," she said, pointing at his crotch.

Desmond shrugged. "There's nothing I can do about that."

Victoria made her way back to the bed. "You know, I can do something about it. I just wanted you to be awake for it."

"Be my guest," Desmond said, leaning back.

Victoria lifted up the covers and went under, taking a firm grip on his shaft.

"What, no foreplay?" Desmond said, sarcastically. Victoria giggled as a response, beginning to stroke him. She often did the work for him, and he appreciated it.

She started off slow, using her warm hand to firmly work his member, and using her opposite palm to tease the head. Desmond gasped in response. No matter how many times she did it, he could never get used to it.

After a few moments of doing that, she started to lick the underside, moving all the way from the base to the tip with each lick, and using a cupped hand to keep stroking the unoccupied space. She removed her hand from his tip and instead used her tongue to do the work. Thirty seconds later, she placed her entire mouth over the head of his member and sucked like a vacuum. He let out a sigh at the incredible warmth that sent a relaxing sensation up his entire body and through his limbs. She started to move her head up and down, intending on making short work of her current job. She used her hand to stroke that which she could not contain in her mouth.

After a moment, she began to dirty-talk, putting her hand back to work.

"Can you cum for me, master? You know I want your cum, master, so can you cum for me?"

"Oh, yeah..." was all Desmond managed to stammer out with the intense sensation beginning to coil up in his groin. He wasn't far from finishing.

She could tell that he was getting close, so she sped up her strokes before using her mouth again.

Finally, Desmond could handle no more, and he loudly whispered his final statement. "Victoria, here it comes!"

Victoria let out a low, "M-hmm..." while still stroking his entire length with her mouth. Desmond's body tensed up as he shot cum into her mouth, which she then swallowed willingly. She kept stroking for a few moments until she was sure he was finished. She pulled his pants back up and came out from under the covers, laying beside him.

"Did I do good, master?" she asked, with innocence in her voice.

"You did great, Victoria," Desmond replied, taking a deep breath. "As usual."

Victoria placed her head on his chest to rest again, but a knock on the door interrupted their moment. It opened to reveal Doctor Trenkov, as they expected.

"Good morning, Desmond!" he said, with enthusiasm. "I take it you slept well?"

Desmond thought for a moment that he may have been poking fun at the sinful union that had just taken place, but he discarded the thought. "Yes, I did, Doctor."

"That's good to hear, Desmond," he said, turning away. "You should follow me. We've got a story to finish, do we not?"

"Uh... sure," Desmond replied. After saying it, his stomach let out an angry growl. Trenkov noticed.

"Don't worry, Desmond, we've got food ready for you," he said while gesturing out of the room. "Now come on, we've got work to do."

Desmond followed him out of the room into the one that they'd previously been in, which now had a folding table, a folding chair, and a tray of food atop the table. Desmond sat in the chair and took a fork, examining the food. Scrambled eggs with small pieces of bacon mixed in, along with a little cup of orange juice and a banana.

"Feel free to talk while you eat, Desmond," Trenkov said to him. "We made a lot of progress yesterday, and I hope we can do an equal amount today."

"Alright," Desmond said, trying the eggs. They were low-quality, but edible. He looked to Victoria, thinking that she may want some, but she shook her head. She didn't eat much.

"Okay, Trenkov," he stated. "Where was I?"

"You were just about to leave your house," he replied. "For revenge?"

"Oh, yeah," Desmond said. "Right."


So we set out into the night. It was nearly pitch-black outside, and I was quite thankful I was a little worried about Victoria's outfit, being that it was white, but at the same time we lived in an area where people weren't allowed out at the time that we were out, so we weren't very afraid of anything.

We reached the target's home. I reached into my pocket and pulled the smoke grenade-


"Smoke grenade?" Trenkov rudely interrupted Desmond. "You had a smoke grenade?"

"A friend made it for me," Desmond replied. "It was homemade. He'd make stuff for anybody who would pay."

"Whatever," Trenkov said. "Go on."


I pulled out the smoke grenade after finding an open window, and I pulled the pin, but never let go of it. And those little fuckers can get hot. I'm glad I had it wrapped in cloth, or else it probably would've burned me pretty badly. I let all of the smoke pour into the house until I heard some voices inside, and then I ran the hell away as fast as I could, because the grenade was out of fuel anyway.

Once we'd reached about a block from my home, Victoria and I stopped to take a breather, because we knew if we came home panting and stuff we might wake somebody. So we stood behind some bushes and just breathed. After a moment, I realized what I'd just done, and I started laughing. I laughed, no matter how hard I tried to hold it in. And Victoria started laughing, too. We just laughed, and we knew, right then and there, that we had to do it again. We didn't know it back then, but doing that together that night would set things in motion that are inconceivable.

We went home, I changed, and then I went to sleep. But we talked about it quite often, and we started scheduling other events. We made plans. We conspired. And it didn't happen right then, but we fell in love.


"We realized just how much we needed one another a different night a few weeks from then," Desmond said. "I mean, I'd had my doubts about love, even when I was feeling it, but now I truly believe."

"I see," Trenkov said. "I was a little bit of a troublemaker myself when I was younger, you know."

"No, I didn't," Desmond replied. "I don't get that vibe from you at all."

"Good," Trenkov said. "It'll be our little secret."

Desmond felt a little hatred at that statement, because he was being treated like a child, but at the same time, he appreciated someone trying to comfort him.

As Trenkov took the now-empty tray from the table, Desmond replied to his last statement, playing along with the game he knew he was a pawn in.

"Yeah," he whispered. "Our little secret."

Desmond wished that his trouble-making had stayed secret. He certainly wouldn't have been there, if it had. It brought another thought to mind.

"That reminds me," he said. "I didn't get to use my symbol that night."

"Yeah," Trenkov said. "But you don't always get the opportunity to take credit for what you've done, now do you?"

Trenkov was hinting that Desmond hadn't already admitted everything he'd done to the authorities. That made Desmond quite angry.

"Trenkov," he said, staying calm. "I admitted everything I did, just so that I would get to come here instead of going to... somewhere worse."

"Yes, and you're very lucky. Not everybody is as charismatic as you. Keep that in mind, Desmond."

Chapter End Notes:That's all I've got for now. I hope that's enough to keep you satisfied for a while. I'm out of pens
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