AGNPH Stories

Troublemakers' Game by brownclad


Story Notes:

I've got a general idea of where I'm going with this one, but I may very well delete it at any point if I confuse myself with the storyline too much. Expect twists.Unlike my other stories, I plan on updating this one as often as I write new chapters. On that note, I may be taking a short hiatus from Out Past Curfew. I'm still working out a few kinks with the mental drafts on both of them.---Disclaimer---Troublemakers' Game is a work of fiction. All of the characters and events in this story, even those based on actual characters and events, are entirely fictitious. Any publicly recognizable characters belong to their respectable owners.

Chapter 4 - What It Was

"I can understand why you would get such a kick out of such a thing," Trenkov said, a smile on his face.

"Yeah," Desmond replied. "But that wasn't even fun compared to the stuff we started doing later on. It became less about revenge and more about fun."

"Speaking of which, I want you to tell me more about how you fell in love with her."

"Oh, that's easy," Desmond said with a sigh. "Brace yourself, this is gonna get a little bit sappy."
I was up late at night. This was around two weeks after our first little stunt. I was up, reading a book I'd stumbled upon, and it was filled with these weird stories. Stories about people with violent pets, and even quite a few stories about people falling in love with those violent pets.

One story was about a man who had a girl just like Victoria. They loved to travel, and they'd fallen in love already, so they were sort of mutual about leaving homa and wandering forever, just letting the path choose where they go.

Anyway, toward the end of the story, they're finally leaving, and the man gets injured by some animal, and the girl takes the wound from him somehow. She saved him. So he's sitting there staring at his lover, bleeding to death, just wondering how he could possibly live on without her.

It got me thinking about what Victoria was like, and what she meant to me, and how much it would suck if she'd ever disappeared. I ended up crying, and I'm not a very emotional guy. She looked at me for a while. I was pretending it was just the story that was making me sad.

"What's wrong, master?" she asked. I could tell that she knew it wasn't the book making me this way. I had come to the realization that I would never come across another girl like her, and to me, that meant love.

"I... I just..." I stuttered between pitiful gasps for air. "I don't know what I'd-"

"I love you, master."

My head shot up from my hands and I wondered if there was any reason to cry ever again. We did the stereotype teenage hug-and-kiss and I have a hard time remembering the rest of that night. None of it was important in comparison, so I know that we ended up waiting a little while before sleeping together.
"You're right, Desmond," Trenkov said, wiping his eyes. "That was pretty sappy. Coincidentally, I fell in love almost the the same way."

Trenkov stared at the fluorescent lighting on the ceiling, reminiscing about the easy life he'd once led.

"Doctor Trenkov," Desmond said, sitting up. "Could you please tell me why I'm here?"

Trenkov looked at Desmond, who wore a purposeful face of pity. He was certain that the young man who sat before him belonged there with him, but he was also certain that he couldn't possibly tell him the reasoning behind it. Perhaps there were hidden reasons that he didn't yet know.

"I'm sorry," Trenkov replied, shrugging as though he truly had no choice. "I can't just yet. I want you to figure it out on your own."

Desmond stood up and took an aggressive stance. "There is nothing wrong with pretending to be in a different place, Trenkov!" he shouted. "We all do it sometimes! I just did it more often than others!"

"I know, Desmond," Trenkov calmly replied. "Trust me. I know."

"Then why can't you empathize?" Desmond asked, holding his palms outward. "Why don't people understand that everything I've done is just what they've always wished they could do?

"I'm not sure I understand any longer..." Trenkov muttered.

"I got my revenge!" Desmond anxiously rambled. "I explored! I fought! I resisted! I fell in love! I fucking lived! Just because others have trouble with those doesn't mean that I should be punished, or even judged for it!"

"You were only judged and punished because you were caught."

Desmond stared inquisitively at the man, who wasn't completely certain he'd said what he'd just said. Desmond sank down.

"You're right," he muttered. "I should have been more careful."

Trenkov took a deep breath, not sure whether to follow his logical or emotional half. Things truly were becoming complicated.

"Perhaps it's time I told you a story, Desmond," he said, a grave look on his face. "As repayment."
I'd finally graduated from High School. It was time to pack my things and head to the local University, to become a psychiatrist. It was a long a grueling process for me. I didn't have much of a social life myself, and I shared a dormitory with a damned social butterfly. You can assume that I sat around at many parties, waiting to be talked to. I never really happened, until one day.

A gorgeous young lady sat down next to me. Her hair was short and black, and she was beautiful in every way. We stared at one another for a moment before she broke the silence.

"Hi." I remember that tone perfectly.

"Uh... I, uh... Hey?" I stuttered. Even though I'd been waiting for somebody to talk to me, I certainly hadn't expected it.

"How are you?" she asked.

"I'm... I'm great!" I replied. "How are you?"

"I'm great, too," she said, smiling.

I suppose I was probably blushing, which caused her to ask questions, curious.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Isaac," I replied, gaining control of my nervous stutter. "What's yours?"


"Well," I said, offering my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Violet."

After shaking hands, we talked for a while. It felt natural talking to her, which was more than could be said for anyone else I'd met during my years.

Long story short, we married about a year later. We were both still in college, so we both got jobs to pay for a dormitory which we shared. We were gonna start a family after college.
"What happened?" Desmond asked, taking advantage of Trenkov's pause. "You said you 'were gonna.'"

"I... I just want you to know that fate is very cruel," he said, wiping his eyes for a second time that day. "Things aren't always what you'd expect. Keep that in mind."

Desmond looked away, not completely understanding what he'd meant by that. All he understood was that he now felt some respect for Trenkov. He looked at Victoria, hoping that nothing unexpected would happen between them. He'd thought that finding her at all was surely something he hadn't expected, but in a good way. He also thought that Trenkov knew something. He was trying to warn Desmond of something. Of what, he couldn't comprehend.
Chapter End Notes:Our story is drawing toward an end! I've already got the next chapter typed, and it is the final one. Please review, or don't. I really don't care anymore. Just enjoy it
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