AGNPH Stories

Troublemakers' Game by brownclad


Story Notes:

I've got a general idea of where I'm going with this one, but I may very well delete it at any point if I confuse myself with the storyline too much. Expect twists.Unlike my other stories, I plan on updating this one as often as I write new chapters. On that note, I may be taking a short hiatus from Out Past Curfew. I'm still working out a few kinks with the mental drafts on both of them.---Disclaimer---Troublemakers' Game is a work of fiction. All of the characters and events in this story, even those based on actual characters and events, are entirely fictitious. Any publicly recognizable characters belong to their respectable owners.

Chapter 5 - What it is

"But I'd like to focus on the more fun parts of life," Trenkov said, changing his tone. "Tell me another one of your late-night adventure stories."

Desmond thought for a moment. "I think I've got a good one," he said. "The best ones involve almost getting caught."
Victoria and I sprinted between the fences of the homes, right on the edge of the property between them. We ran there because we knew that if somebody saw us, they would pretend that we were on the other person's property. People are naive.

We weren't even doing anything illegal that night, aside from trespassing, and being out past curfew. We just weren't lucky that night.

Somebody's dog barked at us, sending thunderous amounts of noise echoing from house to house. Lights came on. We had to get out of there.

So I whispered, "it's time to leave!" and somebody heard me. I heard a door slam, and I shooed Victoria away. "I got caught," I calmly stated. "I'll handle it. Go home, Victoria."

"But master, I-"

"Home. Now. I'll be with you soon."

After that, she took off, sprinting away in the direction we'd come from. Something went terribly wrong, right then and there. She veered around to somebody's sideyard, and I saw another light turn on.

She'd been caught because of me. I heard her shout, then her shouts were muffled, and then she stopped.

"Look what I found," I heard a man say, with interest in his voice.

"Somebody must have left it behind. How much do you think it's worth?"

"Maybe a hundred fif-" was all he could say before my elbow collided with the back of his head. I quickly checked my mask to make sure the other man wouldn't be able to recognize me. The man I'd hit fell to the ground, unconscious. His friend looked at him for a moment before staring wide-eyed at me. He stuttered before finally saying something I could understand.

"Is... Uh... Is this yours?"

"Yes," I replied, swinging the tip of my boot into his groin. When he leaned over, I grabbed onto his head and threw it into my knee, which I also thrust upward. He fell over, also unconscious. "Yes, she is."

I examined Victoria for only a moment before picking her up and running away with her. She was bound and gagged, tied at the wrists, ankles, and thighs. One cord ran up her groin and over her shoulder, essentially proof that those men had planned on harming her.

We finally arrived home, and I set a bound-up Victoria on the ground before taking a seat to remove my boots. She gave me a confused look.

"Don't you get it?" I asked. "You were caught. You must be punished."
Desmond blushed a little. "You'll have to forgive me if I took that story a step too far, Doctor," he said. "That ended up being a great night, as you can probably assume."

"I...I get that. I'm not offended," Trenkov replied nonchalantly. "But was it necessary to hurt those men?"

"Of course!" Desmond shouted in response. "They tried to steal her from me! They were going to use her and then sell her! And you have no clue just how pissed off I was at them for even calling her an 'it.'"

Trenkov had read the police report from that night. Things made more sense now than they had at any other point. And they were not what they seemed. He immediately felt an ache in his heart.

Trenkov buried his helpless-looking face in his hands, trying to disguise the forming tears as a symptom of anxiety. The situation had quickly become a trial of morality for the aging psychiatrist, and for reasons unknown to any outside observer.

"Desmond," he said, his voice shaking. "What you and Victoria have is true and beautiful, is it not?"

"Definitely," Desmond replied. "It's the truest love I've ever felt!"

Trenkov raised his head from his hands, tears streaking down his face. There was no use hiding it.

"Doctor Trenkov..." Desmond whispered, confused. "Are you okay?"

"I want you to have what I couldn't," Trenkov firmly stated. "If you truly love Victoria, I want you to wait here."

He left the room, and wrote some notes and instructions on a piece of paper. Regaining his composure, he stepped back into the room, handed it to him, and then left again, to get Desmond the proper clearance he needed to leave the building.

Desmond walked out of the building holding the hand of his true love, his only friend, and his favorite person. Trenkov watched him leave, wondering how he could get along in the world. There aren't many people who would have allowed him to leave all alone like that, with nothing on his person but the mobile phone that he clutched as though it was his only link to the real world. How ironic.

But Trenkov knew that Violet wouldn't mind having a young man around to help out, since her infertility disallowed her from creating one of her own. He left the building and started his car, finding Desmond nowhere in his sight. He pulled his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

"Hello?" Violet answered in her usual tone.

"Violet, I'm coming home early today," Isaac said. "I have an interesting surprise for you."

"Hmm... Is it..." Violet said, interrupted by her own gasping at the mere thought.

"Yes. I've given him instructions to our house. We can help him. We can be a family. I'll explain further upon arrival. I've got to hurry. Goodbye."

Trenkov dropped the phone back into his pocket before finally pulling away from the parking space. Today had been a good day. He'd kept someone happy. He'd found a son.

On arrival, Trenkov found that his new son was waiting patiently on his front porch. He opened the car door, walked over, hugged him, and walked him inside to another hug from his wife. Surely, he thought, if there was a way to sure him, this was it. Show him some hope in a hopeless world.
Chapter End Notes:That's it. I might do an Epilogue later on. I might not. Enjoy. Also, for those of you who didn't catch the massive hint, Desmond is completely insane and thinks his cell phone is a Pokemon
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