AGNPH Stories

Power of the Wave by absol_perfect_disaster


Story Notes:

Highly important: I can't stress this enough to tell anyone who is about to read that my character(s) does some impossible stuff. I don't want to spoil anything but I'm going to have to since this has happened before. The reason why my character is enhanced in many ways at a young age is because he has aura, the same power Lucario have. This enables him to be much enhanced physically and mentally at a young age. Updated chapters will explain this more in depth.Warning: Do not attempt or reenact any combat performed in the following. Much of the combat used is highly dangerous and requires long practice. This story also contains extreme gore, extreme language, and sexual scenes much later.Welcome to Power of the Wave A4 Edition, the fourth complete rewrite. Even though I've read this over and over and over again there might still be errors but probably very minor but still drop a notice so I can learn something new.Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Abducted or Adopted

Chapter 5: Abducted or Adapted


The time my Master and I stayed here at first was a little hard because I had to keep an eye out for Riolu and Ralts. They told me that they loved him, and I thought that was tauros shit! How can they see Master for only five days and say they love him. Looks more like curiosity and lust to me. I think they were just using him as an excuse because they hit that age, so they'll do anything to make up crap. The first few weeks I just intimidated them. I wasn't trying to be mean; I was trying to show them that if they do anything to him they were going to have to deal with me. I kept a real close eye on them both.
I noticed that before Riolu would wake Master and me up, she would just gaze at him sleeping for about five to ten minutes. What, does she think it's cute; more like creepy enough to put me on alert. And Ralts would take pictures of him doing just about anything. She eventually found out how to turn the flash off, so she would get away unnoticed. But after a few more talks to them, I began to trust and believe them. If they were truly just curious I believe they would have done something long ago. Who knows, maybe I was wrong about the two.
Well in time we were cool with each other. I didn't mind if they gave a quick stare or picture at Master since I do that sometimes myself. They were friends like no one could ever ask for, but during that major birthday party, they began to make their move. They kissed him in the cheeks so I nuzzled his face since I only have a beak. That was probably the first time Riolu felt confident about herself since she got the guts to kiss him. That's when I started to ante up. Either I slowly show more affection but making Rayn think its normal pokémon/human affection, or I retaliate by showing way more affection but Rayn finds out it's beyond the limit of a trainer/pokémon relationship. Every day was like a gamble to me. It wasn't that bad, but then I thought it would get worse because this year it snowed a lot earlier than it normally would in this climate. Ralts's room collapsed from the weight of the snow, and thankfully no one was hurt, but she decided to sleep with us.
Ralts' bed was too weak to support Riolu's added weight since she's a steel type which adds forty to fifty more pounds of weight on her bed which wasn't designed for that. The bed that Rayn and I sleep on was actually made for her as a guest bed. I thought "aw shit" because we would sleep in the same bed. Not that the bed was small, as a matter of fact it could support four people at the most, it was that maybe Ralts might do something to Master. Well she tried but failed. She started to cuddle up with him, but I was just in the way. Other than hearing a few moans at night from Ralts and not Master, which sometimes woke him up or caused him to rustle around, everything was just fine. I didn't mind if Ralts has a wet dream; I don't even care if she handles her urges on her own since it stops her from doing anything to Rayn, hehe.
There were still a few things that saddened me. One was that I lost my best friend, Lithium. I had known that growlithe my whole life. He was only a pet at first until Master trained us both. He was my best pokémon friend at the time. We both had a lot in common mainly because we were both fire types, but he was fixed. He was stronger than me at the youth leagues, and taught me some attacks, but now he's gone, and sometimes I would think of revenge just like Master does. I sometimes wanted revenge more than anything in the world, but I never show it.
The fact that Master has aura for an unknown and unexplainable reason did not ease my depression. As a matter of fact, Lucario would bring up the fact that the actual reason why Master mastered all the martial arts so quickly, why his asthma disappeared, and why his muscles were developing unusually quick was all because his 'hidden power' was able to let his body tolerate and learn the moves much faster than pokémon and humans, not his strength and experience. All I know is that he used an Aura Outbreak for the first time on a mafia grunt that was about to kill me. He never noticed or remembered himself turning into that thing. It looked like Giratina literally had power over his thoughts and actions. I just hope that that never happens again.


When Riolu and I first saw Rayn, we stayed as far away from him as possible. We both hadn't seen humans since we were just small cubs. I thought he was a threat even though he looked almost harmless while he was unconscious, and the truth is he was unconscious for two weeks and so was Celsius. After he stayed for three days, Riolu and I watched Mommy tend to his care. I even helped sometimes while Riolu stayed back. She was too scared even though she is stronger than me and Rayn put together. That's when we sort of thought he was completely harmless, and I have to admit, a bit cute.
The day I saw him awake walking into my home, I was terrified. I remember shaking every time he looked at me, and that he tried to calm me down. He finally began telling us how he almost ended up dead. Rayn loved pokémon more than most other humans did, so he enjoyed the company. When I found out his whole family was killed, I was shocked to find him, a human, crying. So I began comforting him. He didn't hit or kill me; instead I was thanked by him. Looking into his light brown eyes, I didn't see any signs of threat. However, I still couldn't trust him. But he earned my trust by supporting and cheering me up. He was even willing to defend me from the three bully nidoran. He bought me that camera that I carry with me wherever I go to take pictures of the moments I enjoy most. So he earned my trust.
When my ceiling collapsed, I decided to sleep with Rayn and Celsius, which Mommy had a hard time deciding on yes or no. Even though I couldn't do what I truly wanted to do with Rayn, I enjoyed my sleeps with him. Cuddling up next to him, his warmth saving me from the cold was just enough to satisfy my emotions.


When my father brought in Rayn and Celsius, I couldn't help but protest against keeping Rayn in. When ever Gardevoir came over to treat his injuries, I got all the way at the end of the room. Just looking at the human gave me chills so great that each hair along my spine was erect straight out. I remember seeing my mother's life get taken away by a human with a gun. From what Mother had looked like after what those humans had done to her, Rayn looked completely the same, but he's just a human. One morning I wake up to find him in the kitchen. I couldn't move at all. I trembled violently, I couldn't think at all. I wanted to run back, but I was just too scared to do so. All I did was just take a step back from him, and only my father's words could calm me down at the time. He looked at me while we were eating breakfast. I looked deep into his eyes and searched through his aura while he wasn't noticing. I found no threats, but I still found anger in him. That anger wasn't actually towards pokémon but humans.
I eventually calmed down and took a liking to him later that night. I was surprised that he felt the same pain as Ralts and I had once felt. The truth is I actually felt bad from the time he appeared unconscious at my home. It reminded me of my mother. After talking to each other I truly didn't find him a threat. And even though I did hit adolescence and he was the only male I knew, I love do him. It's not curiosity, it's not lust, it's not the fact that he's the only male around. My father told me that Riolu and lucario naturally know when the love of our life is found unlike humans or other pokémon. I did find him cute and handsome. I would accidentally blurt out stuff that I shouldn't have said in front of Rayn due to my anxiety when he was around. That's just how pathetic I am around others... Sometimes I thought that Ralts was lucky that he stayed at her home and not mines. I even got jealous sometimes, and I know Ralts and I are friends, but sometimes I feel like we're actually rivals. I also felt the same way about Celsius. Even though Celsius known Rayn all her life, I know that Ralts and I look more human than she did. I wanted to tell Rayn so badly how much I liked him more than just a friend, but I couldn't get the courage. That's how I am. I may be strong but I'm just too shy.


Rayn... Rein...Very interesting. A young child with an incredibly high aura count which I have not seen in a human in my life. It's incredibly remarkable that I indeed succeeded in teaching most of what I know about combat and that he held all of that knowledge in physically and mentally. I am absolutely positive that it is impossible for a young human to do that. Rayn is a rare kind. It has been one-hundred-fifty years after the last Aura Guardian was massacred. Before then it was more common to find kids like Rayn. After the mid nineteenth century however it was close to impossible to find even an adult human with that ability. That's why I see Rayn almost like a son. He's like a Riolu except he can't use aura yet. That's why I hope I can teach him the abilities. In two years he'll be of age to harness Life Energy.
The scrolls that I have explain the history of my entire species and the Aura Guardians. I did some further research and found the scroll on the life of Sir Rein. As I read something sparked in my memories. I remember as a Riolu in my pack our mentors taught other fellow Riolu and I about a controversial topic. A prophesy of Sir Rein and even Sir Aaron's soul being reincarnated simultaneously. No one is certain it is true since pieces of my kind's history are scattered all over Sinnoh and recovered by other packs of Lucario. In those pieces are the full details of this topic. That's why it's controversial. No one can get the pieces together to figure if it's true or a made up legend. Our kind had dispersed into original packs before it was even distributed.
I translated and highlighted the Lucario calligraphy using my aura for Gardevoir. I even took time to write down what I learned about this prophesy for her to read to see what she thought about it. None of us are certain if it's true or not. All I know if through the records I have from my pack I have found only one scroll which is one of the many pieces explaining the prophesy. The calligraphy looked like it was ripped out of a scroll book. The first character and last was a continuation of another scroll, so this is just one page about the full details on this prophesy. I can't even tell who foresaw and recorded this since it's not the first page of the scroll book. If only I had that I can tell if this is real or fake. However, with some of the context on this scroll I concluded something. I know there are two human boys required for this to work. Well on this scroll a birth date was displayed and it's for one of the boys. August eighth, that's not Rayn's birth date. The very last line of the scroll read this boy will get Sir Aaron's soul meaning he uses treaty and talk to solve most problems. What was very unfortunate is that the page cuts off directly before the name appeared. "The soul belongs to a boy calle-" was what it read. Damn it, if only I had all of the pages I can get answers. These scrolls that belong to this scroll book hold the answers to everything about why Rayn has aura. What is even more unfortunate is that this means Rayn gets Sir Rein's soul meaning his problems will be solved through anger and possibly... war.


It's been over a year since Celsius and I had lived with Gardevoir. It was pretty cold outside at this time of year, so I mainly stayed inside the whole time. Thank Arceus that fire pokémon heated up the lake from underground at both night and day.
I learned so many fighting moves with Lucario that if I go back to the jujutsu gym that I had originally joined, I'd instantly become a black belt and exceed over all of the instructors. Celsius also became stronger and very skilled with close combat using only her feet.
But it's also been over a year that my family was murdered...

"I'm planning for us to go back to where the Excal Estate was. I want to see what has happened to the site since we disappeared, and I'm taking you with me. We'll leave tomorrow morning."

"What, are you insane! Are you sure you want to go back to the site? It might bring back bad memories, and besides it's going to take half the day to get there!" worried Celsius.

"I'm prepared for it. I told Lucario and Gardevoir earlier that we're going, but Riolu doesn't know and neither does Ralts. Don't you want to find out what happened to our old home."

"Well... yeah. I actually am curious of what has become of the estate. But it probably burnt to the ground... Maybe... Maybe I'll just see the room that Lithium and I had shared."

"I know you miss him a lot. We'll go."

"Yes Master. I have to go where ever you go. My loyalty to you is important to myself. You're all I have."

"Thank you Celsius, I love you too if that's what you're trying to say." I was touched by her words.

She giggled before saying anything. "It's funny when you act so innocent. I love you too, Master."

I blew out the candle and drifted off to sleep wondering what has happened to the wreckage since our disappearance.

The next morning I was greeted by Riolu waking me up for today's training. Ralts was already right next to her. I nervously got up, set Celsius down on the floor, and told them where I was going.

"Actually we can't train today. We're going to go to my old home and find out what has happened to it over the year."

"What!" Riolu and Ralts both yelled, "No please don't leave us like this you two!" Ralts cried putting her face against my leg. Riolu also started sobbing grabbing my other leg as well holding on like her life depended on it.

"No not like that," I laughed, "We're just going to go look at the site and come back. I'll definitely be back by tonight."

"So", she began before sniffling, "Do you promise us that you'll be back? I can't live with-I mean it's not going to be fun with you gone." Riolu begged with tears still falling from her face.

"Yes, I do. I promise we'll be back by tomorrow."

"You absolutely promise, Rayn. It'll hurt us both if you don't return..."

I got off the bed and sat in between where they stood. "I swear that I'll be back okay. Pinky promise?" I held up both of my pinky fingers to each of them. Wondering what I was doing they just held out their last finger of their hand or paw where I took it into my own pinky. "That tells you both nothing will happen to me." I pulled them in after that for a tight embrace. Celsius jumped in between us and joined in.

Ralts and Riolu walked us out the front door. I went outside wearing the close-to impenetrable body armor my dad gave me when I was escaping the estate underneath my clothes. Celsius and I began walking off waving to Riolu and Ralts before disappearing beyond the trees. Snow blanketed the ground around me from the gray patches in the clouds that shielded the whole city, which told me this is going to be a cold walk. Our footprints were left by us for each step I took feeling the snow crunch and compact under my feet. I packed some berries in a small white blanket that Gardevoir gave to me. The blanket almost resembled Gardevoir herself because of some of the markings were green and red except it was just a small piece of cloth. I used the sun to give me direction knowing I must head to the northeast corner of the whole city where the estate was. After about a half hour of walking, the urban community appeared before Celsius and me. We walked out of the forest that was surrounding the community to find myself in the worst part of Rustborow. Gangs, shootings, and drugs are found throughout this area. I hope I can now fight my way out of any situation, Celsius and I kept calm, but I was still nervous inside. Having to fight a full grown adult for the first time can kill me. It gave me the chills just walking past somebody in this area.
We got out of the bad side and walked through the suburbs to avoid the center of the city where the business buildings were at, like Devon Corporation. After several hours of walking, we arrived at the path that leads into the forest along the northwest side of Rustborow. After 15 more minutes of walking we arrived at a clearing. It was still around the afternoon.
This is where the Estate is supposed to be, but nothing was there except snow, debris, and a wire fence that protected the perimeter of the property. A sign on the fence said, "Crime scene investigation. Property of the Regional Enforcement Agency." So now the REA owns this property and are still investigating after a year! The fence protected the area of land that was either owned by my parents or showed signs of evidence. About 200 feet away showed what should be the entrance of the estate. I winced and already felt tears welling up my eyes as I look beyond the fence. It was just a collapsed structure in black that still had nine feet of construction barely intact. I picked up Celsius in my left arm and used my right arm with my legs to climb over the fence. I walked over to the wreckage to take a closer look. I took a step on the first stair of the foyer to the entrance. I hesitantly took more steps until I was in front of the doors. Celsius still in my arms, I gently nudged what was left of the door in. The door buckled and I saw pieces of ash fall off the door way and blow into the doorway from the gentle draft. More debris was found in the estate. I was actually stepping on the ceiling and roof top that used to be forty-eight feet above me. The spiral stairway was still amazingly intact, but the second floor was about gone.
A large wall that separated the middle and back portion of the house survived. I walked into the jet black hallways to go through the wall. I was scared. This must be what walking to hell feels like. Blackened dark walls with little light showing at the other side, a scent of smoke and rotting wood, I can even smell what's left of something fowl and rotting...could it be flesh? I stopped as soon as I found the grand hall gone. Just the marble floor remained that used to be glistening white. Now it's black and blanketed with ash. Why hasn't anyone bothered to clean or demolish this site? I didn't bother to check the other rooms around but proceeded to the back yard. The fences still lead a few acres away through the back of the estate. What I saw were yellow labels placed on the ground and some of the surrounding trees, naming evidence.
I looked to my right to find a gaping hole in the ground. Yellow Cautious tape surrounded the perimeter of the hole. This was my Dad's armory which stored firearms that he had bought from who knows where. It caved in and all the weapons that were hanged up on the titanium walls were gone. No surprise since most of them were illegal and were only supposed to be used by military officials, but since my dad was in SWAT and he and I had an interest in fire arms, he still bought some legally as a collection. Staring down the hole formed images in my head of Dad and me shooting these guns in our built in shooting range.
I fell on my knees feeling the snow damping my pants as tears flowed down my face to freeze. Celsius, who was silent the whole time, was also feeling my pain. We both knew that this would bring back cold memories of the murders that occurred here over three hundred-sixty-five days ago. I didn't want to see anymore, but before I left with Celsius, I stood in front of the spiral stairs and gave prayers of Arceus, Dialga, and Palkia to my family that was killed that night, hoping that they're in a better place.
Getting out the way I came in, I set Celsius back down and began to stride back to the village with tears falling behind me. I used the same route to get back to the village.
When I walked through the bad area of Rustborow, I turned my face from sad and depressed to serious and intimidating as possible even though I'm only eight. Large structures around me created long alley ways that I do not want to wind up in. Well in one of the alleys I heard screams and grueling yells for help so loud and pleading I froze and my heart rate picked up violently with my stomach turning just from imagining the agony the person must going through. No one was outside but Celsius and me. Not bearing the screams anymore, we ran to see who was in trouble. When we stopped at the alley we both saw two older looking teens, one with a baseball bat, both wearing blue sweatshirts, and kicking and punching what looked like to be an innocent man in his mid twenties. He wasn't wearing any kind of bandana, so he must've been a local here not involved in gangs. I didn't know if I should help him or not, but I couldn't live with the guilt of seeing a man beat to death when I could've done something to help. Even though the men in blue looked bulky, Celsius and I were still confident, and if they use that baseball bat on me, they should expect a snapped arm. Size doesn't matter anymore... I hope Lucario is right. I hesitated to charge until his screams got louder and louder.
We both ran in as fast our legs could carry. Once they heard our trots along the snow, they both turned around, and Celsius amazingly tackled the unarmed man to the ground.

"The fuck you doin' in a place like this kid!" yelled the man with the baseball bat that was raising it to make an overhead swing.

That was my cue to counter the attack. I stepped up to him closing the gap in between us, wrapped my arms around his as best as I could, immobilizing his arms, pushed my body against his, and I tipped him to his side getting his footing off balance. My head was beside his chest when I placed my inside leg behind his leg and pushed him down hard that he landed right on his butt then to his back. Amazed that I, a 4' 8" feather weight, got a teen, 5' 8" heavy weight, on his knees, I brought his right arm that was holding the bat to my knee while I still stood up. Aiming right at the right spot on his elbow, I forced my knee to his elbow as hard as I could. The effect was loud crunch then a snap sending his elbow bending backwards at the wrong angle. Wow, Lucario's moves do work like he said; technique over strength. The snow beneath him was stained in rust as I saw a sharp white and red object exposed through his skin ejecting a lot of blood. He fell down and shrilled in intense pain as he bled on the ground. His screams were even louder than that man's. I glanced at his arm for the last time to see the bone protruding out which I almost puked up from seeing but I held it in. I can't believe I just took out a kid nine years older than me.
Celsius was fighting off the person using ember on him a few times, and I saw some gashes in his clothes and skin from Celsius powerful razor sharp talons. I looked at the man that was jumped by these teens. His eyes were big, like he just saw a ghost type. Well I did bring a big guy down after all.

"Toney!" screamed the man that was getting an ember attack by Celsius.

I looked back at the man trying to find any injuries.

"You okay?" I asked.

Instead of a brief condition check I got a warning. "Look out Kid!" He screamed.

I turned around and saw the man aiming a 9mm pistol right at me; a Glock 17. I froze from that sight. "I don't know who or what in the fuck you are! You broke his arm, man!" the gunman yelled in fright.

I couldn't move and if I flinched I would be down, but out of intense fear, I immediately ducked and ran from the direction of the gun in one move. I've never had a gun aimed at me before nor have I been that agile. I heard deafening loud noises, saw flashes of light, one lasting around 10 seconds, and then I screamed at the top of my lungs as I felt intense sharp, acute pain on my upper left thigh. I heard splattering and ripping sounds of a bullet tearing through flesh and saw blood land in the snow in front of me as I fell and grabbed my leg. When I touched it the pain just got much worse like a giant drill on my leg. I turned trying to bear the pain but couldn't as I cried my eyes out and yelled. This is the worst mistake I have ever made. I cursed as I imagined just leaving this guy to the other two.
I looked towards the fight as best as I could to find a bullet wound through the man's forehead and a long cut through his neck, blood still bursting out of the wound. The sight of dark red liquid literally fly yards away from his slit throat and paint the brick walls around us was enough to freeze my thoughts in place. The man that Celsius and I saved ran up to me followed by a combusken that- wait a combusken! Before I could refocus my thoughts, I blacked out from the confusion, exhaustion, and intense pain.

I slowly regained consciousness in a small, cramped room. My surroundings showed all the walls colored white but gray in appearance from lack of cleanliness and even orange scattered marks around from rusting. To my left and right were tables full of basic medical equipment. Then I found a combusken, with arms crossed and head resting on my chest sleeping. Wait a combusken! D-did Celsius evolve during that fight? Wow, a combusken is lying on my chest at this very moment!
Assuming it was Celsius, I gently glided one of my hands through her neck. Her feathers were now cream colored while her legs were amber, and so were the three large feathers on her head that stuck out.
She rose up and the cream feathers on her chest resembled her wearing a long sleeve jacket as they were above the amber layer of feathers. I also noticed that, like all female pokémon that evolve to their second or final stage, her chest had expanded and curved out bringing out her feathers which were concealing her breasts. I sort of blushed, but Celsius then embraced me causing me to blush harder.

"How are you feeling?" I asked still a little weak from sleeping.

"I feel... much stronger than usual, but I'm so happy you're okay!" she said happily. Even though she had different cries I still managed to understand what she was saying. Her cries were much deeper too. Almost forgot I had a female pokémon.

"I'm so proud of you Celsius. You evolved!"

A smile was drawn through her beak. I scanned around the room again. It was a bit small and rather dirty as the blue carpeted floor had stains of various colors on them. The grey unkempt walls also had water damage stains of brown. The carpet wasn't even cut to right size since it was partly rolled around the ends of the walls. So this is not a hospital.
I noticed that my leg had been bandaged up and the pain was gone. After seeing that, the man that I saved walked into the room and then smirked. He was also muscular, almost as big as the other guys. Wearing a white under shirt, darkened purple marks of past lesions were revealed around his arms as scars telling me that he must've been into some deadly fights. He wasn't as tan as I am, brown straight wavy hair went down to his ears, and he's probably some bad stranger judging from the scars. I think I picked the wrong person to save, but if Celsius and I stayed at what seems to be his house and healed me than maybe he's not as bad.

"You alright kid?" he spoke, his voice a bit raspy.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I still felt a little nervous.

"I patched your wound. It wasn't bad, not as bad as I've seen. Thanks for saving my ass back there kid. I've never seen someone your age or your size do those stunts. I've only seen as young as fourteen year olds do all that shit. What do they call you?"

Before I answered I thought if I said Rayn then he might know of my family, after all there aren't that many "Rayns" around. Not to mention my Dad's company was famous and known through out the world.

"My name is Jonathan." Just a simple name belonging to one of my friends from school that popped into my head.

"Well Jon you can call me Juggernaut. Do you have people that I can drop you off at or what?"

"No... th...uh they killed each other in a drunken argument, and I'm still shocked to witness the whole thing." I thought it be a good idea if I just made up a whole different story instead of not telling him anything. I don't want to get killed by this guy. It seemed that Celsius understood what I was trying to do. If I simply say I'm an orphan then he won't kick me out. I can't just tell him I live in the forest neither.

"So then you're like those psycho kids that know hardcore fighting and martial arts with no family. It's just like what my boss is looking for. He gets kids and teens like you to become his assassins which I fucking find dumb as shit. Training teens and sometimes little kids to kill multiple people; just like they do in the fucking Cape Republic Nation."

"So, who is this guy, your boss?"

He took out a cigarette and match. Lighting up the stick he took a puff just to blow it out and let the gray trail of smoke spread through out the cramped room. Arceus, I hate the smell of smoke. "You know what the Mafia is, Jon?"

The word mafia caused me to focus all attention on him.

"Yeah I heard of them, why?" I said that as calmly as I could since I felt like yelling it out.

"The leader, The Don, is the man I work for. I run drugs and deal them around Hoenn for him. I don't blow any of that shit. I just stick with these," he said holding out his cigarette. "I don't know how I got the job. All I know is it pays good."

After he said that a light bulb instantly popped over my head and brightly illuminated my mind with a big idea. He works for the mafia, he just said the Don is searching for kids like me, and he knows I have no where else to go. Just like that old saying: "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer."

"So you run drugs around the city. You know it looks like you could use someone to watch your back while making a deal." I tried to change my vocabulary and comprehension to his to not sound like I wasn't worthy of being his guard, but I can't talk slang at all. "You saw what my Combusken and I did to those punks, and I know my way around a gun. You know, since we don't have a home and all, we can keep a look out or guard you." Now Celsius did not know where I was going with this when her eyes started to focus on me.

"Hmm, show me then."

He reached behind his back and pulled out a MAC-10 machine pistol and presented it to me with the barrel pointing towards him and the handle pointed to me signaling to hold it. Using my past experience with assault rifles, hand guns, rifles, and shot guns, I grabbed the gray machine pistol out of his hand. It was loaded so I pulled back the cocking handle mechanism on the top of the gun and aimed through the sight at a few objects in the room. This is not new to me.

"What the fuck kid..." he trailed off probably from being surprised that I know how to handle firearms, "Oh yeah, well shoot at something, something small."

I know it is not safe to fire a gun in a small compact room like this, but this guy is crazy. Celsius was never around me when I went shooting with my dad. I took aim at the furthest object in the room which was a small soda can resting on a table twelve feet away from me. I've shot further and smaller objects, so this was going to be easy.
I started pulling back on the trigger. The resistance of the trigger stopped then jerked back from my force as a deafening explosion with a bright flash from the end of the barrel shot out a bullet knocking the can off of the table. Celsius jumped violently at the noise. Smoke trailed out of the barrel as Juggernaut grabbed the can and stared at the one half of the twisted metal.

"Holy fuck! This is fucking crazy. A little kid just handled a gun." He then started laughing almost hysterically. "You know what? I think that's a hell yeah. I don't know where you learned how to fight or how to handle a gun, but if you can shoot and survive then you can to stay with me. Hell I don't want to send you to an orphanage. I already went through that shit when my parents abandoned me. Shit..." He trailed off taking a quick but hard puff from his cigarette.

"You got your self a body guard. Who ever aims a gun at your head will get a back fire from me."

"But hey, I run drugs around the clock so don't expect a pussy ass job from me. That means you gotta kill people. You ever killed anyone kid."

I honestly replied "No" to that question.

"It takes a man to kill and live with it. I have high hopes for you because you are one psychotic mother fucker," he chuckled than coughed from the smoke. After he finished coughing he continued, "You're a perfect child soldier."

"Child... soldier?" I repeated.

"Yeah, kids trained to live in the battlefield at young age. You find that shit around the civil war filled regions around the world. That's what the Don is looking for: perfect kids, teenagers, anyone real young so that his men will train them to become assassins for the Mafia as they become adults."

"Wow... thanks for letting us stay by the way," I said thinking about this Don guy.

"Let's just say it's my way of saying thanks. This room is yours." After saying that he left me in the room with Celsius.

"What in the hell do you think you're up to!" Celsius yelled.

"Don't you get that this is the moment I've been waiting for. I'm going to join the mafia, gain their trust, and then kill them. This is a rare opportunity. Vengeance is standing right in front of us telling me to kill them all."

"But what about home? Aren't you forgetting about our family?"

She had a good point there. Oh no! As a matter of fact I promised both Riolu and Ralts that I would be back.

"How long have we been here!" I panicked.

"About a day since its night right now!" she scolded. "If Juggernaut didn't give you pain killers you probably would've been up a while ago.

I don't have to abandon Riolu or Ralts though. I made an explicit promise that I would be back. I've failed and now all four of them are probably worried sick about me. Riolu was so sad when she thought I was leaving forever. Now she's really going to feel it.

"Yes, I don't want to abandon them. Gardevoir, Lucario, Riolu, and Ralts care for me too much. you think of revenge sometimes?"

Celsius gave a long pause before answering. "Even though I never show it, I always think about getting back at those assholes for hurting us badly, for beating you and me half way to death, and for killing Lithium!"

"Then we may have to make sacrifices for our goals. Like Dad always said, you have to sacrifice things in life to get what you truly want." Celsius face turned into depression. "We can't let this offer go away. No matter how much I love our new home, we must put up with the pain that we may endure for the next few... who knows how long. In order to achieve something you care about, you must make sacrifices."

"As much as I hate to admit, you're right. I'll do anything to stop the mafia."

"We may have to put up with this guy first, and it's very risky. We could get killed! Are you sure you want to do this because I don't want to drag you into this war?"

"I will stick by my master at all times, and I'm thirsty for revenge now that I've realized this opportunity," she smiled almost sinisterly.

After agreeing, Celsius climbed into the bed. I couldn't hold her anymore due to her breasts. If women get mad when someone accidently touches their breasts then pokémon are probably the same way. We turned facing opposite directions instead. The bed was right next to the wall which was inches from my face. I can't believe that I have to break my promise though. Riolu and Ralts will cry for months while Lucario and Gardevoir will shed some tears too for weeks.

"Good night, Master, I love you."

"I love you too, Celsius." I flicked the switch on the wall shutting off the lights.

Wow, I just abandoned my true home to go for revenge. I chose killing over home sweet home. It was violence over peace. How bad will this turn out? How much pain will there really be? All I know is that war is the final answer...

To Be Continued

Shit just got real guys...but what do y'all think?

Arceus = God
Nation = Continent
Region = Nation (Hoenn is its own nation, Johto is its own nation, and so on)
Cape Republic Nation = Lands below the Sahara Desert of Africa (Guerilla warfare within those struggling nations are known to use child soldiers)

In this fictional universe of pokémon, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and the other regions aren't the only lands that exist on the globe. In my imagination they're just part of a large archipelago on the western hemisphere of Earth (Similar to where North America is). However, the land formation of Earth in this fic is far different from real life land forms. Cape Republic Nation does not look like Africa. But the reason why I used the location reference is to show these fictional nations, which are continents compared to real life, have the same geography, climate, and ethnic groups as the real world here. So in the Cape Republic Nation there are jungles and rainforests with grassy plains, mild and hot humidity, and several mixed racial and ethnic groups from the Dutch and African tribes. But the land is totally different and you can imagine it anyway you like. Overtime all eight of the nations will be revealed. I just added it there to help make things easier to understand.
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