AGNPH Stories

The Darkness by coshepard


Story Notes:

it took me about 2 weeks to write this... not straight though i started it in the summer so i guess more like it took months to do the 1st chapter... yeah i'm lazy meh.

Chapter 1- The end of old days

'Dark and lonely is the night
which could cause all to fright.
And yet you cannot see with sight
A person stands alone, alone at night.'

Deserted is the village of Lombranc in the dead of night, yet filled with people in the light. A lone traveler comes down the road, his face obscured by his hood. Slightly hunched over he wandering through the bazaar. He spots an inn and proceeds towards it; he enters to a small room with a counter with a middle aged man standing behind it. The traveler pulled down his hood to reveal his black hair, his ice blue eyes and a pale face. He approached the counter and the old man said, "Would you like a room good sir?" The traveler nods and places a small pouch of money on the counter and takes the room key from the old man's hand. He walks to his room without making a single sound on the old boards he strode on. He opened the door to a smaller room with a small bed, a desk and chair and a small fireplace. Looking out the window you could see the Lombranc woods, said to house an ancient secret deep within. The man strode to his bed and proceeded to take off his cloak, revealing a studded-leather jerkin, greaves along with several knives and a few poke balls lining his waist. He took one and released a Houndour into the room who barked happily at his master. He rubbed his head, "We are almost there Dourin, hopefully it will work and I can go home and you'll have a new land to see. None of this industrial nonsense that happens in your world, my world is clean of this pollution. It just has a dark and evil force in it, one my order and the people fight constantly, but it's still home." Dourin smiled at his master and went to lie by the fire and proceed to fall asleep.

The man stood in the middle of the room, looking out the window. Outside there were people still out and about but since it was getting darker the only people outside were young and old couples enjoying the sunset as it descended behind the trees of the Lombranc forest. The forest was rumored to contain a secret but many tried and either they came out running for their lives rambling about some sort of evil within and some were never seen again. Back inside there was a knock at the door; he opened it to find his dinner lying on the ground and a young man walking away. He took it in and began to eat when he noticed a note under his plate. He took it and opened it up, 'Langlas, I know what you seek but the danger is great. Turn back there will be other ways to return home you just need to look.' He stood there "How does he know my name? Have we met before? I told no one of my origins so how does he know this is not my home?" Langlas opened the door again and ran to the counter, "Where is the man who was at my door?" "What man? No one has come through here since you signed in." Langlas was baffled, 'A ghost or perhaps a spirit.' He turned and returned to his room, and sat down on his bed. "I don't care for the danger, I'll return home no matter what." With that he went back to the window and stared out at the forest, "No matter what lies in my way I will return home and nothing will stop me. I swear it!" Put out the fire, he returned to his bed and fell asleep.

(Dream state)

Langlas stood in a forest a torch in one hand a sword in the other. Before him stood a creature clothed in dark robes and a radiating a feeling of dread. He didn't breathed he had no face except for what was covered by his long hood. He brandished a long jagged sword, and cold to the touch. Langlas face was covered in fear but stood his ground despite the thing that stood in front of him. 'Your land will be covered in darkness, Ranger. Our master will have his prize and the world be engulfed in shadows.' Langlas eyes were filled with rage at its words, "Your master will die just like your minions and just like your other riders! The Free peoples will make sure of that." The creature did a high-pitch scream forcing Langlas to cover his ears. 'You won't live to see my master's world come to be ranger.' The creature charged and Langlas help up his torch trying to repel it. It swung at the torch and cutting off the top thus extinguishing the fire and causing the torch to drop from Langlas's hand. Langlas turned and felled into the forest, followed closely behind by the creature. He ran into some ruins and stood his ground against the creature. "You wraiths will never learn, we will stand on top no matter how many of us fall." 'Brave words for the dead.' The two stood several feet from each other, waiting for the other to strike first. Just as Langlas was about to move a strange glow came from behind, he turned to see the light starting to shine brighter on one of the walls. He turned back to the wraith flee in the forest, cursing the light. Langlas sheathed his sword and approached the light. The light exploded, knocking him off his feet. As he struggled to get up the light had turned into a gate, seemingly drawing in the darkness around it. He was amazed by it; the scholars had never mentioned something like this in their books. He took a step closer and marveled at it, until he realized the light was drawing him in too. He struggled to break free but the force was to strong, slowly his body was engulfed by the light and the door disappeared.

(End of dream state)

Langlas awoke to the sound of birds outside, it was early morning and most people were still asleep. He packed his bag and returned Dourin to his ball and left his room. He placed his room key back on the counter thanking the inn-keeper for letting him stay the night and left. "Be careful, good sir. That forest is dangerous." Langlas stepped out the door and proceeded towards the forest. He stood at the outskirts of the forest and released his pokemon, Dourin, a Poochyena and Murkrow. "Dourin, Poochy, Crebain its time for to return to my home." All three nodded Dourin and Poochy standing at his feet and Crebain perched on his shoulder. With that they proceeded into the Lombranc forest.
Chapter End Notes:Right since it was from a file i hope it turns out alright (it didn't nvm). You guys have done these kinda things before, rate, comment, spellcheck. the usual. Like i said i'll try to get back to ya on my 2nd chapter since i've already started it... and by that I mean figured out the title
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