AGNPH Stories

Twines of Fate by makrino


Chapter 1

When one would see this landscape, they would only say one thing...death. Across the harrowing landscape, there was nothing but rocks, remnants of buildings, skeletons scattered about and a blood red sky. Yes, that is what one would say, think and even feel. Especially so for the two cloaked figures walking through the treacherous landscape. One was significantly taller than the other, but the smaller one carried something large on his back, wrapped in a black blanket of sorts. The larger one carried looked like a guitar case on his back, a bit dirty and dusty. Their footsteps gave a little crunch each time they went forward. An eerie wind blew across the landscape, which was fitting, and common. Both beings were walking at the same pace, not uttering a word, their breaths steady, slow and calm.

They stopped when they heard the screeching, a noise they knew all too well. The smaller figure sighed as large beasts surrounded them, each different yet equally grotesque. Another 2 things they had in common, a bleach white mask and a hole clean through their chest. Though different designs, they all had a mask and when they opened their mouths, a smaller mouth as seen, ready to devour anything that came in reach. The smaller of the two cloaked figures sighed, looking up to the larger one who only nodded. He didn't reach for the large object on his back, instead he vanished, all at once their masks were shattered. Each beast let out a scream of pain before collapsing onto the hard dusty ground. Soon the body of the creatures faded into nothingness.

The smaller figure reappeared, and stood there as if nothing happened. They resumed their slow steady pace across the barren wasteland.

Soon night was falling, they took refuge in a small cave, caused by some destructive force a some time ago. They both were sitting around a small fire, both nibbling on some small food rations. The smaller one finished his share and laid back, his eyes blinking "how long has it been?..." he asked, his voice that of an young adult. The larger one remained silent for a second before saying "...I can't remember" his voice was deep, yet very gentle at the same time.

The fire crackled a bit as the small bits of wood crumbled. The small figure sat up, scratching his head "...I miss them...all of them" he said, looking down at the ground. The larger figure nodded "me to...sad thing is.." he fiddled with his medallion between his fingers "I can't remember their faces..." he said, his voice clearly sad. The other figure nodded "me neither..." he sighed."..all the power in the world...and I couldn't do a damn thing!" the smaller figure growled, clenching his fists tight as emotions flooded him.

"It's not your fault Ichigo" the larger figure said calmly but quickly "You never coulda known..that would happen.." he trailed off, not wanting to say what had happened in detail...even someone like him couldn't tell it all without crying.

Ichigo's voice cracked as he said "Karin...Suzu...Yahiko...Keigo...Orihime...hell I even miss that damn cocky Uryu!" (yes I know I missed some characters) he said, wiping the tears away from his eyes. The fire began to die down slowly, the light it was giving off slowly fading "well...see you in the morning...Chad" Ichigo said as he rested back against the rough cave wall "yeah..see you in the morning Ichigo" Chad replied, laying down on the flat ground on his back.

Meanwhile, a figure in the distance remained unseen, a cloak over its entire body, hiding whatever details there may be on its figure. "This world is dead....They do not belong here" the being said, its voice male and but slightly cheerful "I may as well send them on their way... Ichigo, Chad, you have both grown so much, you do not deserve to suffer like the rest of us.." he pulled out a round sphere, it was red on top and white on the bottom mostly, with a button in between the two halves, but it was clearly a toy."I know just where to send you" he smirked. He then went to work, drawing various symbols around the small cave they were in. After that was done he pulled out a sword out of the cane he was carrying. "Winds of the North, calming seas of the east and west, infinite deserts of the south, send the wielder of the heavenly chains and the wielder of the Devil's left and Giant's right arm on their way, to the land that still lives, and still thrives today!" Suddenly the cave was engulfed in light, freezing the time flow in that small area, then, both Chad and Ichigo vanished, leaving only the small burnt out fire, the only sign that they were ever there.

The remaining figure took out a fan, flipped it open and began to fan himself "It took a while to find them, especially after everything went to hell" he sighed with a sad smile "I hope they can find what they that world." he said cheerfully and began to walk off "now what to have, rice cakes or dumplings?" but then a sad smile spread across his face as he collapsed to his knees "That took the last of my power to do..." he sighed, holding Benihime in his hands, he looked down "Thank you, Benihime, I owe a lot to you, now we must move on...if there is an afterlife for Shinigami." he said as from bottom to top, began to blow away into dust "Do well, Ichigo, Chad, may you both do what is right" then, he became only dust in the wind.

Ashton yawned as he walked through his estate, everything has calmed down since the whole deal with the angel of doom, now everyone just wanted to relax for a while, Ashton himself wanted some reprieve, and was visiting the grave of his long dead first love. He kneeled down in front of her grave, taking orf his hat "hey, I know it's been a while since i visited, things have been...rather hectic" he nervously chuckled "Ash has grown up since we first met, already at 14 (i think) and he already has a fine harem of beautiful lucario. Oh my Ruby would kill me if I ever..." he blushed heavily as his mind went straight to the gutter "eh..well..let's not get into details!" he quickly pulled out a bouquet of flowers and placed them on the salamance's grave.

He bowed his head, shedding a few tears "Even though I know I'll see you again..I still feel like this because you're..dead" he stood up, putting his hat back on "Well I must be off, I can't keep-" he froze as he saw a flash in the sky, then a stream of green light sail across the clouds and landed far off in the distance "What in Ho-oh's name?!" he stammered. He ran into his mansion, zooming past Chiara and Aurora who blinked wildly "W-what was that?!" Aurora gasped "uh..I believe it was Ashton" Chiara blinked, never having seen him run so fast before, with the exception of the times when he was runnig from the lucario of the Iron Spike clan and the fan girls from his first life time 500 years back.

Ashton bursted into the armory, he grabbed his Flamberge, the massive blade of legend he proudly wields. He set it on his back with haste and then opened and elegant glass case, picking up the smaller form of Soul Calibur. She said before that she would be able to help if anything came up, but preferred it only when neccesary. He ran out to saw Chiara and Aurora approaching "I'm headed out, you two Be ready for anything!" he said quickly, running out before the two could as what was going on.

As Ashton lept out of the second story window, an elegant voice rang in his head "Sir Ashton, what seems to be the trouble?" she asked, her voice clearly troubled and a bit drowsy "I saw something..what do you feel Soul Calibur?" he asked, racing over tree tops. "...I sense...two." she said "One is more powerful than the other...the more powerful.." she gasped "he has a primal type evil in him..but he has it..what feels like under control" Ashton grimaced "let's hope so"

Ichigo blinked as he felt air rushing over him, he saw a pure blue sky "eh?" he looked down "WHAT THE HELL?!" he was rocketing to what looked like a forest. He looked and saw Chad next to him, his right arm already covered in it's black and dark red armor and grim shield. Ichigo righted himself up, he looked and saw Chad was also wide eyed.

They hit the ground with ground shattering speed, but they were unharmed. Ichigo looked around, his gaze that of awe "where are we?.." he managed to say "all of earth's forests were destroyed..." Chad looked around, his gaze now calm and unchanging, his usual face. "It's strange, this place has an odd spiritual pressure, it's like everything has a small spirit" Ichigo, despite his history of horrible abilities with sensing spiritual pressure nodded "yeah...I feel it to."
Chad then looked in a certain direction, his eyes hidden by his long black hair "....someone's coming..." he said, feeling Ashton's spirit. Ichigo looked, then closed his eyes, his vision carrying itself past the trees, he saw many strange animals, none he had ever seen before, then he saw Ashton, approaching at high speed "Great! We land in a place we don't even recognize and the first person we meet has a big ass sword!" he grumbled.
Ashton panted a bit, having running as fast as he could for the past minute. He landed on the edge of the clearing and looked around, the impact crater clear evidence that whatever that green light was, landed here. "What the!?" he looked at the size of the crater "This is huge... whatever landed here has to be wounded!" he said, looking around his surroundings frantically. "Guess again" a voice of a male, around the age of 20 said to him from behind. He whipped around to see a man in a black and white shukshio, and a towering man that looked pure Hispanic.
"Who are you?" Ashton growled a bit, seeing the two. "H-hey we're not here to start any fights" Ichigo nervously waved his hands, to try and get him to back off. "We just arrived here.... We don't know how or why, but when we woke up we were flying through the sky." Chad said, his voice calm, staring at Ashton with a stare equally as calm, if not more.
"I'm Ichigo Kurosaki..." the orange haired man said, a scowl on his face, clearly annoyed at the moment. "And I'm Sado Yasutora. But everyone calls me Chad.." he said calmly, his arms relaxed at his sides.
Ashton had a boat load of questions racing through his mind, these beings just created that impact crater, and didn't have a scratch on them. He thought he would start off with something simple "Where do you come from?" he asked simply.
A look of sheer dread appeared across Ichigo and Chad's faces, they looked down a bit before Ichigo looked at him "Somewhere far away... let's just leave it at that..." he said looking right into Ashton's eyes.
Asthon took the hint, it was not something they would discuss, and would never discuss even if he persisted. "Why are you here?" he asked, hoping they would at least answer that.
"Hell if I know" Ichigo said bluntly. "We fell asleep, the next thing we know we were both sailing through the sky like we were shot out of a cannon" he stated, making Ashton sweat drop a bit "Now for me to ask a question, where the hell are we?" he asked, crossing his arms.
"uh... You're in Pallet town...." He said "in the Kanto region" Ichigo blinked a bit, Chad doing the same "Where the hell were we dropped?" Ichigo thought.
"You're welcome to come with me." Aston said, looking around "Seeing as you have no other place to go. I'm sure you could use some place to stay" he offered being his usual kind self.
Ichigo looked at Chad, a silent conversation happened for a brief second before Ichigo said "Sure, I don't see why not. Thanks" he said, walking to Ashton, Chad following slightly behind him, but still next to him.
"It's nothing" he said, turning as they began to walk back. As they walked, they passed a number of small Pokémon, one being a furret, which caused Chad to blush a bit. (FYI: Chad loves cute things. No joke. It's in the first few volumes of Bleach)
"What are all these things?" Ichigo asked, looking around as they continued to walk. Ashton blinked a bit, he looked at Ichigo "You don't know what Pokémon are?" he said, crossing his arms while a dumbfounded stare hit Ichigo. Ichigo popped a vein slightly "How the hell would I? I'm not from around here, remember?" he said, not wanting to be accused of being an idiot.
"Er... sorry" Ashton apologized. "Well... they're called Pokémon, there are many species of them, each with their own ability, specialty and attribute" he said, ducking under a branch, Ichigo and Chad following his motion. It was a silent 15 minute walk back to the mansion, Ichigo looked at the mansion, the first one he had seen in a long time, a welcome sight to him, as well as Chad, though he showed no outer sign of his emotion.
Ashton led them inside the gates, and into his mansion "Welcome to my humble home" he said, the place anything but humble, "Humble... right" Ichigo thought, looking over the lobby.
Aurora trotted down the steps, Ichigo and Chad looked at her "Uh... this is a Pokémon to right?" he asked, looking at Aurora intently, making Aurora feel a bit nervous "Uh Ashton... who are they?"
Chapter End Notes:I accept Honest criticism happily
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