AGNPH Stories

Her beautiful broken mind. by PROKNIFER69


Story Notes:

I would like to thank hironada AGAIN! Thanks man, didn't know that I would end up with such an awesome editor ^^I would also like to thank pokeflare back over at FF for the conversation that let to me actually writing this story! Oh, and I do not own Pokemon, if I did then something like this would happen in the movies. ^^


The next day...

Blake walked out of his room, fully dressed and feeling like shit. Yasmin's head turned as she heard his door opening and looked over to Blake.

He sighed before saying, "I'm going to work now. Will you be okay alone in the house for a few hours?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."Yasmin said as she nodded in response.

"Good, I'll be back later. Bye." Blake said to her as he walked over to the door, opened it, and closed it behind himself.

Yasmin just lay back on the couch, and closed her eyes once more. All she wanted to do right now was get back to what she was doing before Blake woke her up by coming into the room, sleeping.

1 hour later...

Blake was sitting in an office cubicle, staring at his computer screen full of numbers and stuff he really didn't care about. He was having a hard time getting any work done, he had a lot on his mind, he couldn't stop thinking about Yasmin, he hated his job, he hated the people he worked with, and on top of all that, his chest still really hurt. Blake felt a hand on his shoulder and looked around to see the face of one of those people he hated, Ian.

"So, I heard you've been in hospital." Ian stated.

Ian was Blake's manager, he was slightly taller than Blake, he had short black hair that looked as if it was gelled, which it most likely was. Blake hated everything about the man, he always had that look on his face, like he was better than everyone else, in a way, he reminded him of a school bully. That's what his workplace felt like to him, one big playground full of bullies, and bully victims, the popular kids, and the unpopular kids. Blake hated this place, they weren't kids any more, he felt like they should have grown up by now. "You did? Who did you hear that from?" Blake questioned. Sometimes Blake even came very close to punching a few people in the face around his workplace, he only restrained himself because he needed this job.

"A friend of mine saw you walking out of the hospital holding your chest. Something wrong with your heart?" Ian asked.

'Yeah, its not black like yours you fucking dickhead.' Was what Blake wanted to say to him, what he ended up saying to him was, "No, it's nothing." Blake lied.

"My friend said that you looked like crap." Ian told him with a smug smirk on his face.

"Maybe your friends should keep out of my fucking life." Blake angrily said to him.

"Whoa, where did that come from Blakey?" Ian asked, still maintaining that smug smirk on his face.

'From a few months of listening to you bitching behind other people's backs.' Blake thought to himself. "Sorry, I'm just really not feeling to good right now." Blake reluctantly apologized.

"Yeah, well, just remember who your boss is Blakey!" Ian said to him before walking away from him.

Blake couldn't believe that nobody had punched Ian right in his smug face before, he really hated him, not because of what he's done to him, but because of what he does to others, makes them feel like shit. Blake never forgot the incident from a few months back, one of the people that he worked with, Hilary, she asked everyone from work to come to her birthday party, everyone, including Blake agreed to come, but only Blake actually showed up. It was Hilary's 60th birthday, and it was a big nearly empty room they sat in, the only other people there were members of her remaining family. Blake remembered how grateful she was towards him for showing up, he couldn't believe that no one else from work showed up, he remembered shouting at everyone else when he heard them actually laughing about not showing up when Hilary had left the room. After that, he couldn't stand to even be around them. There have been a lot of things since then that has only served to fuel his hate for them. Blake just wanted to get his work done and get back home.


Yasmin was now awake, and very bored. She flicked through the channels on the TV, but she could see nothing interesting, so she switched it off. She got up off the couch, and looked to Blake's bedroom door. She was curious as to what it would look like, she wanted to explore the house a little, and so far, that room was the only one she hadn't been in. She walked over to his room, and slowly opened the door. She looked around the room, a messy bed, a few clothes scattered on the floor, but other than that, it was clean. She noticed something on the bedside table, a book of some kind. Yasmin picked it up and flicked to a random page and started reading the handwritten words on the page.

'I can't even find the strength to get out of bed anymore... There was something I could have done, I don't know what it was, but I could have done better, I could have saved him... I feel so fucking useless...'

Yasmin stopped reading it and thought to herself, 'Is Blake writing a book or something?' Yasmin didn't understand what a journal was, so she just assumed he was writing a book of some kind, and continued reading.

'I failed him. I know I did my best but fuck, I just feel like there was something more I could have done. I'm pissed at myself, I'm pissed at my family, they should have fucking been there for him like I was! Where the fuck were they when I was sitting in his house, listening to him cry his heart out, watching him night after night just to make sure he doesn't kill himself...'

Yasmin stopped reading, partly because she felt like she was intruding on Blake's privacy by reading this, and partly because Blake was beginning to remind her of her sister. She closed the journal and put it back on the bedside table. Yasmin then walked out of the room, thinking, 'Is this why he's been so nice to me? Do I remind him of his brother?'

Yasmin walked back over to the couch and picked up the remote control for the TV to flick through some more channels. She couldn't stop thinking about why Blake had took her in anyway, but she was going to ask him when he got back in.

3 hours later...

Blake was now slumped over his desk, resting his head on his arms with his eyes closed. Hilary, the 60 year old cleaner noticed Blake slumped over on his desk, and cautiously called out his name. "Blake?"
Blake suddenly shot up right when he heard the familiar voice of an elderly woman call out his name and looked over his shoulder to see the old gray haired woman. "Oh, hi Hilary." Blake said as he twirled his chair around to face her.

"Are you okay Blake?" Hilary concernedly asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why do you ask?" Blake said back to her.

"Well, I heard you were in hospital and you look a little off today." Hilary answered him.

Blake smiled a little, Hilary was a nice woman, she cared about people even if they didn't care about her. She was one of the few people Blake actually liked, not just at work, but in the world. "I'm fine, just thinking about things. How are you anyway Hilary?" Blake inquired.

"Oh, same as always, pretty good. Why were you at hospital Blake? Nothing serious I hope." Hilary asked him.

"So you've heard I've been to hospital too? Does anyone else know?" Blake questioned.

"Ian has been telling everyone." Hilary stated.

Blake wouldn't tell anyone else at work, but he could trust her to stay quiet about it. "I'll tell you, but can you keep it to yourself if I tell you?"

"You know I'm not one to spread stuff around." Hilary replied with a smile.

Blake knew that would be her reply. "Well then, I was near my house, and I saw a Zangoose. She was trying to cut open her neck."

Hilary let out a quiet gasp. "Is she okay?" Hilary quickly asked.

"She's fine, I pulled away her claws from her neck, but she was startled and she slashed into my chest with her claws." Blake responded.

"That's why you were in hospital? How serious was it?" Hilary questioned.

"The cuts were pretty deep and there was a lot of blood, but the doctors said that it looked worse than it actually was." Blake stated.

"What happened to the Zangoose, did you call the police or something?" Hilary asked.

"No way, she's already suicidal, I doubt a visit from the police would help her state of mind." Blake told her.

"But she could hurt someone else." Hilary said to him.

Blake wanted to tell her that Yasmin was not a bad person, but he couldn't think of a way of proving that without telling her that she is now at his house. If he told her that, she would think that he was crazy, maybe even call the police. But that wasn't going to stop him from trying to convince her that Yasmin is not some kind of a dangerous animal. "She only attacked me because I grabbed her claws, she was startled, I'm sure other people would react the same if some random guy just grabbed them. I know I would." Blake stated.

Hilary let out a sigh before saying, "You should be at home resting, not here at work after what has happened to you."

"I know, but I need the money." Blake told her.

Hilary let out another sigh before saying, "Seems like we all do, I won't lie, I don't like this job but it's the best I'm going to get."

It kind of hurt Blake to hear her say that, such a nice woman deserved better, he knew that she had been through a lot in her lifetime. "You deserve better than to work in this place, you should be earning just as much as that bastard Ian earns." Blake said to her.

Hilary smiled as she said, "I doubt I could do his job."

"What? You can't just act like you're doing something and have a little bit of a rant from time to time?" Blake said with a smile.

Hilary laughed a little before telling him, "I should be going now, if I want to leave early."

"Okay then, nice talking with you Hilary." Blake said with a smile as she gave one final goodbye before walking away from his office cubicle. Before he knew it, he was back to staring at his computer screen, right now, he just wanted to get back home and see how Yasmin was doing. He couldn't stop thinking about her, he couldn't stop worrying for her.
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