AGNPH Stories

Pidgeot Valley by Raw19


Author's Chapter Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Why I Left It

Deep in a far off Jungle lies a famous Valley filled with Pidgeot. The bird-pokemon had made their home there ages ago as the Valley was ripe with food. A large river ran through the length of the Valley and it was filled with delectable fish. There were also rare and valuable berries that grew in abundance on the Valley's trees; who's large leaves the Pidgeot often used for nests as they were soft and tissue-like. The Pidgeot absolutely loved them as a single large berry could fill them up so that they wouldn't need to eat again for a week.

The smart Pidgeot knew better and just stuck to fishing.

Not because the berries did no such thing, but becasue they were cursed. Any Pidgeot foolish enough to seek one of the berries nearly often met a very unfortunate fate. This was entirely due to the Valleys single other occupants.

Arcanine the size of a Brontosaurus.

The berries grew in the trees that were also the den of a pack of Behemoth Arcanine. Anyone observing the Arcanine to Pidgeot relationship would usually say one of three things. The Arcanine were very protective of the berries. The Arcanine really hated Pidgeot.

Or, that the Arcanine were all Blind and Dumb.

Whatever the case, the fact remained that whenever a Pidgeot tried to pluck a berry off the trees something bad would happen to them. Some scenarios.

An Arcanine was sitting near a berry tree and feeling pretty miserable as he had an annoying cold. He liked the leaves of the tree, though, as they were soft and tissue-like, which made them super useful. He plucked a leaf off the tree and wiped his dripping nose with it; tossing the leaf aside afterwards. Normally he'd burn up any used 'Tissue' with a flamethrower, so as not to make a mess. But, since he was feeling so sick he figured he'd do it later.

 A Pidgeot decided she was sick of Fish and took a dive at the berry tree.

The Arcanine felt a vicious sneeze coming on and quickly reached over to grab another soft leaf. Upon feeling one he quickly brought it over to his nose.


'Yeesh, that was a bad one' the Arcanine shuddered to himself, thinking this cold couldn't go away soon enough. He wiped his nose off on the lower part of the 'tissue' and tossed it aside.

The Pidgeot the Arcanine had mistakenly grabbed instead of a leaf was unable to move; from sheer shock and disgust at this violation. "Pid....pidgeooo....."

A couple of particularly foolish Pidgeot were trying to grab some particularly large berries in a tree. Unfortunately an Arcanine's tail was in the way and they kept accidentally raking it.

"Bloody flies!" The Arcanine cried after the third time, thinking he was being bitten by some bloodthirsty and annoying insects. In retaliation he swatted at them with his tail, knocking them both down to the ground.

Unfortunately, the Pidgeot were knocked down into a shallow hole that another Arcanine had, moments ago, dug for latrine use. The stunned Pidgeot were just picking themselves up when their flight path was cut off by a large, furry butt sitting down.

 "Ugh. Note to self. Do not eat the berries. They taste okay but they go right through ja." The Arcanine groaned to himself, as he did his business and got back up. The Arcanine reached over to get a leaf off a tree, either not noticing or not caring that he'd grabbed a passing Pidgeot by mistake, and used it to wipe his ass. He hated going around sticky.


The Arcanine tossed his 'tissue' in the hole and then covered it all up with dirt before walking off.

Three male Arcanine were catcalling at a female Arcanine, who was urinating into her own latrine hole on the other side of the river.
"Shut up!" she told them, making sure to crouch low behind some trees so they wouldn't see anything. She finished up as quickly as she could and grabbed a leaf off a tree to wipe up with; tossing it aside afterwards.

The Pidgeot she'd accidentally grabbed instead of an actual leaf.......decided he'd had worse days.

Some mishaps had nothing to do with the berries or trees.

One sad Pidgeot was drinking from the river when an Arcanine came along with the same idea; and accidentally lapped it up along with the water.

 Some Pidgeot were flying too low and got trod on, or weren't minding their surroundings and got sat on.

One memorable fellow got burnt by an errant Flamethrower when an Arcanine sneezed and then fell down on a pile of berries. That another Arcanine was busy scarfing down.

Sometimes a Pidgeot was grabbed out of the air and used as a napkin, after a meal. Other times they were used as a towel for an Arcanine to wipe his muddy feet off on. Only a handful were purposefully flame-roasted and eaten.

The Arcanine were really scary during the heat cycle. That's when the dogs took full notice of the Valley's flying inhabitants.

One Pidgeot made the mistake of dropping his prized berry, near a female Arcanine lying on her back, and then diving after it. The Arcanine snatched the Pidgeot out of the air and rammed him beak-first into her inflammed cunt; using the poor bird as a make-shift dildo until she came all over him. He survived the experience, but was never able to wash off her scent.

A lot of other Pidgeot were captured like this by female and male Arcanine and shoved into pussies and even assholes to be used as relief. Not all were fortunate enough to survive.

  A female Arcanine took a break from using her live dildo and was hungrily eating some berries. Her ass was on the face of the male Pidgeot; keeping him pinned down until she was done. Next to her a male Arcanine was doing similar; a female Pidgeot pinned face-up under his sweaty nuts.

Other Pidgeot were knocked out of the sky, held down, and molested by male Arcanine who'd yet to find a female. They would often use the girl Pidgeot as sex toys; rubbing their over-sized cocks all over their downy bodies and coating them with their musky essence. Else they'd press against the girls cunts and fill them to the brim with their hot seed. They didn't seem to care what gender the birds they raped were, so long as their burning loins were granted release, so more then a few male Pidgeot ended up flying off hours later covered head-to-talon with sticky dog semen and more dripping out of their orifces.

This heat cycle was particularly bad, for one female Pidgeot. Incidentally, this is the same one that had previously been sneezed into by an Arcanine who thought her cunt made a great hanky. A particularly foul Arcanine had been rubbing his dick on her for hours and just finished pumping his hot cum into her cunt. He then walked off to find someone else to abuse; dragging his heavy doggy testicles across her face as he passed. Another Arcanine then picked her up and used her feathery body to wipe his cock and balls off, having just pulled out of his third female Arcanine. He then tossed the bird aside. As she lay, panting, on her belly a third Arcanine finished using the latrine behind her and wiped off; by dragging his ass across the length of her back. He then walked off, chuckling.

"I think..." The Pidgeot said to herself, "That this is a clear sign it's time I moved."

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