AGNPH Stories

A Mansion made of Dreams by lion_vom_silberwald


A closer look at Richard

Alright, so after having a gigantic writer's block on Friday I already feared that I might not be able to keep by promise and finish this chapter before Monday. But for some reason I felt especially inspired today and was able to write more than 6000 words, so I could get it finished even one day before I had planned to do it. I even made more paragraphs, as requested by the reviews I've got on the first chapter. And I noticed that I should probably start putting the usual disclaimer, so...

PLEASE NOTE: I do not own Pokémon, and I have to say that I'm kind of proud of it, because the idea of capturing animal-like creatures to make them fight each other is pretty sick, actually. Whatever, every species of Pokémon referred to in the following text is the property of their rightful owner, however, the actual story belongs to me. 

WARNING: This story contains acts of self-mutilation, sexual intercourse between a male human and a female Raichu and an example of true love. If any of this offends you, then please stop reading right now, or at least don't make me responsible for you reading something you don't like.

Thank you.


A Mansion made of Dreams

Chapter two: A closer look at Richard

Friday, 28 March

Dear Diary,

We had a newcomer today. She is a Jolteon called Niani. Korph and Dolph found her in the woods; she had been heavily injured apparently. Well, let's see how long it takes for me to forget her name...
I took a long walk with Light today. She's always so protective. As soon as there was a rustling in the bushes or anything else like that, she would jump in front of me to fend off an eventual attacker. I'd never take the risk of letting her get in any kind of danger, though. You know what she means to me, after all.
It's good to feel her holding my hand. Her paws are soft and her fur almost feels like velvet. There's no doubt she's the most beautiful Raichu in the world.
Sometimes I almost wish she would just go and leave me. It'd probably be better for her. I've never been able to be the mate she deserves. I can't even stop with that bad habid of mine, though I know exactly how much she hates it. It's my fault that she's so very sad sometimes. I make her cry way too often. Sometimes I wonder why she loves me the way she does. Sometimes I wonder...

Richard felt Light lightly pressing down on his hand. He looked up, and she motioned him to take a look at the door. Richard did so, and saw that the hall was beginning to slowly fill up with Pokémon. He took a look at his watch, which was halfway hidden beneath the black sleeve of his shirt. 7:52 PM? It surprised him a little to see that it was that late already. He nodded at Light.

„Just a minute", he said. He then went back to writing in his diary.

The sun will start to set in a few minutes and it's going to get crowded here. I should better be heading for my room, together with Light. I need to be alone with her. And I need to...

He sighed. Just the thought of what he would do in a few minutes made him sick. Light had enough problems to deal with as it was, why did he have to make it even worse?

I really wish I could just stop. I need to do it for her. But it'd be so hard to go through with it, and it's so easy to just go on like always... But it makes her sad. I mustn't make her sad, that's one of the worst things I can do. I need to find a way to become stronger, so I can just stop doing it. But I've tried that for at least four years now and it didn't work.

Richard sighed again louder this time. He noticed that Light's expression grew more concerned.

I'm going to my room now. And I'll do it, because I'm just too weak to stop.

He closed his diary and nodded at Light, who was sitting on the table in front of him.

„Let's go", he said. The Raichu nodded, her expression still as concerned as before. She knew what Richard was about to do. But she tried her best not to look too sad about it. Light got a hold of her notepad and her ballpoint pen and jumped off of the table. She took a look around. About twenty Pokémon had entered the hall again, but they all paid close attention not to get too close to Richard and her. The Raichu smiled softly. She didn't want anyone to bother her mate.

Richard slowly got up from his chair, took his diary and pen and let them both disappear inside one of his pants' pockets. All his motions were slow and reluctant, for he really didn't want to go to his room now. He was about to make Light sad again, and he tried to make this happen as late as possible. But it would happen anyway, and there was nothing he could do about it at the moment.

His legs led him to the door of the hall, and his right hand opened it. Light was walking by his side. She knew exactly how he was feeling, for he had told her about it a few times. He didn't like to do it, but he had to. There had been a few times when he had tried to stop, but he had never been able to go through with it. It had turned him into a wreck, physically and emotionally. There was no other possibility than just to endure it.

Richard went upstairs, paying absolutely no attention to the Pokémon who were passing by. He walked down the corridor. His mind started to slow down, and his body turned into a machine. His legs just led him on and on, while his mind wasn't taking notice of anything. He was about to do something horrible, so he concentrated on thinking of something beautiful, if not even the most beautiful thing there had ever been: Light, of course. There were so many beautiful things about this Raichu, from the lightning-shaped tail tip all up to her slightly curled ears, which made her seem all the more elegant. But there was, by far, nothing more beautiful, more perfect than her eyes, her deep, violet eyes which contained a purity the rest of the world had lost a long time ago already.

Light followed Richard as he went upstairs to the corridor of the third floor. She hurried up a little, walking in front of him now. When she had reached the top of the stairs, she turned around to look at him. His eyes seemed grayer than usual. Light shook her head. She was a bad mate and she knew it, for she couldn't even make her only love feel better in a situation like this. In fact, she even made him feel worse; Richard had to bear with enough pain already, and it certainly didn't help him to see that he made her feel bad as well. The Raichu watched as her mate stepped into the corridor and turned to the left, heading for the last door in the hallway. His moves were slow. She took both her notepad and her ballpoint pen in her right paw, so she could hold his hand with her left paw as he walked through the corridor. She would always be there for him, regardless of what he did or what would happen.

Richard had reached the door, and his mind grew a little more active again. He noticed that Light was holding his hand and looked down at the Raichu, who looked up to him as well. She had a reassuring smile on her face. Richard closed his eyes.

„I'm sorry." He opened the door and entered the room behind it. There were two windows, but he almost always kept the curtains closed. Still, the weak light of the setting sun somehow managed to bathe the room in a low glow. There was his bed, a cupboard which contained his clothes, a small table with two chairs next to it and two shelves; one of the shelves was filled with books, the other one was almost completely empty, except for three thin objects, laying on the lowest board. The low light was reflecting a little off the lightly swung blades.

Richard sighed and sat down on on the bed, leaning his back against the wall. Light closed the door and just looked at him. He first took off his watch and placed it on the table, then he got rid of his shirt. Richard saw Light's expression grew sadder for a moment, though the Raichu was obviously trying not to let him take notice of that. His chest and arms were covered in thin, red lines; healed bruises and gashes he himself was responsible for. He threw his shirt on the floor and took a closer look at his arms. There were fewer red lines on his right arm, for the bruises and gashes there had been older. He closed his eyes and opened his left hand.

„Light, please hand me my knife." He heard the Raichu slowly walk through the room and pick up one of the blades from the shelves. When he felt her place the hilt of a knife in his hand, he opened his eyes. For a moment, he watched how the light of the setting sun seemed to play with the shimmering blade when he moved the knife around a little. He then noticed that, in the middle of the blade, rather close to the hilt, there was a very small black jewel embedded. A smile formed on his face, but it was a sad smile.

„That's the wrong one. The black knife's for killing, the red knife's for pain." The Raichu examined the knife, realising her mistake. She took it from Richard and placed it back to where she had taken it from. Richard watched her. Her paws were shivering, and she tried to maintain an indifferent expression. Light took another knife and gave it to him. This one had a red jewel embedded in the blade. Richard nodded slightly.

„Thank you", he said. Light jumped up on the bed, and no matter how hard she tried not to seem too desperate, her sadness was now easily visible in her eyes. Richard almost couldn't stand to look into those deep dark pools surrounded by violet rings, which were silently begging him to lay down the knife and just forget about this whole thing, but he didn't turn away.

„Look, maybe you shouldn't watch me", he meant, trying to make it easier for Light. „I know that you hate it when I do this." The Raichu just shook her head. There was no way she would ever not watch Richard cutting himself, for she always feared that he might accidently cut too deep. She knew that he didn't want to kill himself, he just needed to feel the pain for a reason he didn't even understand himself. Light moved a little closer to Richard and kissed him on the cheek. 

„I love you", she whispered in his ear. Although he didn't understand her, he knew what she had said.

„I love you, too", he replied. He softly stroked her back, and then Light turned around and walked over to the other side of the bed. She sat down and looked at Richard. The human slowly rose his left hand, in which he held the knife, and moved it to the top of his right arm, right beneath the shoulder. He glanced at at Light once more.

„I'm sorry." Richard closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His left hand was completely steady and calm. And when the sharp end of the knife cut into his flesh, he already didn't feel it anymore.

When he opened his eyes again, the room wasn't there anymore. Instead he was standing on a grassy field, which seemed to spread into infinity in every direction. A soft wind was blowing, caressing Richard's face and playing with his hair. When he looked up at the sky, he saw that it was of a blood red color. He smiled softly. Of course the sky was red! Why should it have a different color? It looked great that way.
Richard started to walk in a random direction. He talked to himself: „It's much better to have a red sky, isn't it? When it's raining then the sky bleeds, and when the sun rises..." He looked up again and shook his head. On second thought, maybe the sky wasn't even read. Maybe it was just the clouds. „The sun won't rise", he said. „The sun will never rise again." „That's right", a voice said from behind him. Richard turned around. A man was standing behind him, wearing a gray suit. The only unusual thing about this man was just that he had no head. „The sun will never rise again", the man repeated, and pointed up to the sky, „for this is the end of the world."

„Die Augen sind stumpf, die Ohren sind taub,
Erinnert ihr euch noch an Träume?
Ein eiskalter Wind zieht nun durch das Laub
Der vor Jahren gefällten Bäume.
Das Blut uns'rer Feinde den Boden bedeckt,
Wisst ihr noch, warum wir uns schlugen?
Die Welt ist von Hass und Verzweiflung befleckt,
Und manche es nicht mehr ertrugen,
Sie schrien und sie kämpften, sie weinten und klagten,
Doch niemand von uns wollte hören,
Dass schlimme Visionen sie lange schon plagten,
Beim Töten sollt' niemand uns stören..."

(Author's note: I'm sorry, I just CAN'T write poems in English, so I had to put it in German, or else it would have been truly horrible. The content is not so very important anyway, just note that it is very depressive. But if you still want to know the exact meaning, please email me at [email protected]. For now, let's just pretend he's speaking English so that Light can understand him.)

It was horrible. Light didn't know why, but whenever Richard cut himself, he recited different poems, obviously without even noticing. His eyes were closed, but his eyelids shivered lightly as he slowly ran the thin blade across his right arm. It almost hurt Light physically to see him doing this to himself, but she kept watching. Her front paws moved around nervously, grabbing hold of each other and letting go again.

„Follow me", said the headless man. „I'll show you where you need to go." He took a step forward and suddenly disappeared into nothingness. Richard kept his eyes on where the man had last stood, and after a moment it seemed like a rip would go through reality and the whole world vanished before his eyes. For a second he only saw black, then a flame suddenly appeared besides him, just hanging around in the darkness. Richard rose his arm, looking around. There was no ground, there was no sky. He was floating in what seemed to be an endless black ocean.
„You see", said the flame, which was the only thing he could see in all the darkness, „This is what it looks like." 

„What looks like this?", asked Richard, watching the flickering fire. 

„Everything looks like this", the flame replied. „It was all made from darkness, and it will return to darkness again." 

„What about Light?", Richard asked.

„There is no light", replied the flame. „It's just that darkness sometimes likes to disguise itself, so that it would look like light." 

„I didn't mean that", said Richard. „I don't care about anything of this. I was speaking of Light, my Raichu." The flame chuckled which made its tips shiver.

„Oh, she is your Raichu alright. Well, I'll have you know that she was made from darkness as well, just like everyone and everything else." Richard shook his head. „You don't believe me?", asked the flame, growing considerably smaller. „I guess it's your choice."

There was a sudden bolt of lightning, which struck a nearby tree. The world had appeared again but this time there wasn't only the meadow; Richard stood in front of a dense forest. The sky was still red, but now it had begun to rain. Drops of blood plummeted from above, but they couldn't put out the flames that were spreading on the tree that had been hit by the lightning. 

„Maybe the whole forest will burn down", said the familiar voice behind Richard again. „Why should we care?"

The mysterious person had changed his appearance again. He now seemed to be completely covered in black feathers, so that Richard couldn't even make out how he looked. Richard nodded.

„Right", he said. „Why should we care?"

„Yeah, nothing of that is important, anyway. You know, if it keeps raining like this, the river over there might as well grow larger and larger and end up flooding the entire world, eventually." As the person said this, he pointed to the right with an arm hidden in feathers. Richard looked to where he had pointed to. There was a red river flowing there, obviously made of blood.

„Yeah", Richard agreed, „nothing of that is important."

„Es flüstert der Wind, so kalt und enttäuscht,
Wir hätten ihn damals verraten,
Mit eisernen Fängen er uns verscheucht,
Wir büßen für unsere Taten.
Was ist mit den alten Versprechen gescheh'n,
Die wir uns'ren Freunden gegeben?
Die Gier in uns ließ sie so kurz nur besteh'n,
Sie blieben nicht lange am Leben.
Vor tausenden Jahren, da wollten wir retten,
Wir dachten, wir hätten's verstanden,
Doch nun liegt der einstige Glaube in Ketten,
Denn menschliche Dränge uns banden..."

Light was crying now. She always cried when Richard cut himself, because she just couldn't bear with it. Her cheeks were wet with tears as she watched her mate; he had gotten to the point now where his movements became slower and slower, which always happened after a while. He didn't move at all, except for his left arm, his mouth and his lightly shivering eyelids. The tip of the blade hovered right above his right arm. It had happened before that he had just stayed like this for over half an hour before going on with cutting himself. Light didn't know why. She had told Richard about how he acted when he did this and she had also told him that it scared her. But he couldn't do anything about it. The moment he started with it, he had said, he would not know what was going on anymore.
The sun had set completely now, and Light was thankful for it, because there wasn't enough light left anymore to see the blood on the blade. She sniffed lightly, rubbing her eyes with her front paws. She just couldn't stop crying. And then Richard sank the blade into his flesh again, taking a long cut across about half the length of his entire arm. He still didn't make any other movements, as if he didn't even feel the pain. But Light felt it. Not in her paw, of course, but deep within her soul.

She just sat there, watching him cut himself. Watching and crying. At times like this, she always remembered the day they met; it had been on some kind of flea market in the town Richard had lived in back then. She couldn't remember the town's name, and it didn't really matter anyway. Light had been a Pikachu back then. She had grown up on the streets of that same town, for she had been born there and probably wouldn't have been able to survive in the wilderness. She had gotten her food from trash cans, mostly. Sometimes she had also stolen some fruits from the weekly market.
And then, while she was looking around the flea market, trying not to get seen by anyone who might try to capture her or something like that, Richard had just been there, checking out something that was offered on one of those typical stands that sold nothing but old junk. She had no idea why, but it had been something special. Just looking at him had made her feel so strange, like she had already seen him before somewhere, even though she knew this wasn't true. Back then she hadn't known what Richard had done at the flea market, but she had soon found out about it.
When Richard had turned to leave the market with a small parcel he had gotten from that particular stand, Light had followed him. She wasn't sure why she had been doing this. Maybe it had been destiny, maybe something else. But it certainly had been something special, something she would never experience with any other male again.
Richard had walked through the town, heading for his house. His parents had just died two days ago, as he had told Light later on. He had entered his house, leaving the door open. Maybe he had somehow guessed the Raichu had been following him, or maybe he just didn't care anymore. Anyway, Light had entered the house just behind him. And there she had found him, sitting in an easy chair, the parcel on a table next to him. It had been opened, and two knives still had been lying on the table, one with a blue jewel and one with a red jewel embedded in their blades. Richard had been holding the knife with the black jewel right above his wrist and it Light didn't have to think long about what he had been about to do.

Remembering this moment made her smile, even though her face was completely wet with tears. It was kind of ironic, actually. When Richard had noticed her that day, he had seemed to feel that strange connection between them, too. And then, he had just invited her to join him in the easy chair. He had placed his knife on the table again and lifted the Pikachu, that he had never seen before, up to place her in his lap, where she had curled up, looking at him. He had then started to tell her all about himself, about his life, about how his parents had died and how much money he had, though he really didn't care about things like that.
And he had also given her a promise that day. He had promised not to commit suicide, even though this was the day he started with cutting himself. And for some reason, this promise had calmed her down like nothing else she had ever heard. She had stayed there, curled up in his lap, slowly falling asleep. The last words she had heard that day had been: „You are my only light in an ocean of darkness." And when she had woken up the next day, her name had been Light.

The whole sky was exploding. Meteors were falling, crashing into earth's surface. But Richard knew he was safe. Not one of those meteors would ever hit him.

„Now it's getting good!", chuckled the person covered in feathers, before melting into a small puddle of lava, which quickly mixed with the blood that had fallen from the sky. The person was gone, but the voice was still there.

„Look up there", the voice said, „the angels are dying." Richard blinked.

„The angels?", he asked. He looked up at the sky, and then everything became blur. He saw strange people with large, staring eyes and blinding white faces, which quickly melted away to form strange shapes. He didn't really want to watch all this, but he couldn't turn away either. There was no possibility to close his eyes, and for some reason he could see his complete surroundings, as if he had eyes on the front, the back and the sides of his head as well. The figures were everywhere.

A few moments later, they had all turned to shadows. Richard heard them sing. It was a strange song, sung in a language he couldn't understand. There was something about it, though. He liked the melody. It reminded him of his childhood, how he had grown up in a valley made from fire and lightning. He raised his eyebrow as he was thinking about this memory. That couldn't be true. On the other hand, nothing had seemed real to him since he had gotten here, anyway.

„Tell me", he heard the voice say, „how long do you intend to stay here?"

„Well, I certainly don't want to be seperated from Light for longer than absolutely necessary", Richard replied. He heard a sigh.

„Love is a beautiful illusion", said the voice. And then it was gone, and Richard stared into the darkness again.

„Und wenn dann das Licht im Dunkeln verlischt,
Dann werdet in Furcht ihr erzittern,
Die Flamme des Bösen bedrohlich zischt,
Die Welt wird in Stücke zersplittern.
Wir reden von Dingen, die keiner begreift,
Selbst jetzt, da wir liegen im Sterben,
In uns ist die Bosheit zu lange gereift,
Wir müssen... Wir... Wir müssen... Wir... ..."

Richard slowly opened his eyes and blinked, trying to figure out where he was. His left hand let go of the knife, and he heard the dull sound of the blade hitting the bed. He closed his eyes again. The pain in his right arm was almost unbearable. His whole torso was covered in sweat. The salty liquid made the wounds on his right arm hurt even more. It mixed with his blood, slowly running down his arm. But he didn't really take notice of any of that. The most important thing was, that he felt the Raichu's fur against his chest. Light was hugging him, sobbing lightly. He carefully moved his left arm and softly stroked her head. His lips were dry and he could only speak in a very low tone.

„My love", he whispered, gently rubbing Light's back, „please... I... You..." He just wasn't able to complete the sentence, for he couldn't believe he was actually asking his mate to do this. But she knew what he meant, and slowly took a step back. She ran her paws through her face, cleaning her eyes from the tears.

„I'm sorry", she mumbled, although he couldn't understand her. „I forgot." Light moved over to Richard's right arm, which he still hadn't moved an inch, and grabbed a roll of bandaging material from a table next to the bed. Richard always made sure to have enough bandages. He never cut deep enough to seriously injure himself, but he needed it because he didn't want to get his bedsheets and clothes all bloody. After cutting himself, he was always too tired to bandage himself, so Light had to do it for him; but for Richard, she would do anything. She looked at his right arm, completely covered in gashes, sweat and blood, and began to wrap the bandages around it.

Richard watched her, his eyes only halfway open. He hated himself. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't think of anything appropriate. At least Light wasn't crying anymore. He could see that the Raichu was glad it was over. Her fur was completely wet with tears, but it wouldn't get any wetter. He waited until she was finished with taking care of his arm.

„Dearest", he muttered, „could you hand me my watch?" The Raichu just nodded, took Richard's watch from the table and gave it to him. He looked at it, and it almost made him smile. 10:03 PM. He had been cutting himself for almost two hours. To him, it had only seemed like a few minutes. But Light had watched him all the time. And it was his fault that she had been crying for two hours. Richard tried to move his right arm, but it hurt too much, so he reached out to her with his left arm instead. He was still leaning against the wall and he felt so very exhausted. But he wouldn't fall asleep.

Light saw him reaching out for her. His hand shivered, and she hated herself. He always did this to himself, and she just couldn't help him. If she would just be a better mate, then maybe he wouldn't have to feel so bad all the time. She carefully grabbed his hand with her front paws, and let him guide her over to his lap, where she sat down. Light wasn't as small anymore as she had been as a Pikachu, so she couldn't just curl up there; instead, she rubbed her cheek against his chest and tightly hugged him with her front paws. She felt her mate embrace her with his left arm, and she knew that it would all be better for now. It was over, at least for today.

Richard tried to move his right arm again, while still tightly hugging Light with his left one. It hurt just as much as it had before, but he went through with it this time and started to softly stroke Light's head, rubbing right between her ears. He knew that he had to say something, but he still couldn't really think straight, so he just said:

„You are my only light in an ocean of darkness." He couldn't see her face, because she was holding herself so tightly to him, but he knew it made her smile. „You're the only being in the whole world that I will ever love, Light. I'm so sorry for making you cry again."

„It's alright", the Raichu mumbled. Then she remembered that he couldn't understand her, and she grabbed her notepad and ballpoint pen, which lay on the bed right at her side. She wrote something and showed it to him, but it was too dark in the room to read it. He leaned to the side and turned on a small lamp on the table.

„I know you didn't mean to", was what Light had written. Richard let out a soft sigh.

„That doesn't matter", he said. „Making you sad is the most terrible thing I'm able to do, and it happens so very often. I want you to be happy, Light, and if you can't be happy with me, then..."

The Raichu said something which he couldn't understand and it made him stop. She had lowered her ears and tail, for she knew what he had been about to say. She wrote on her notepad.

„I am happy with you." Richard shook his head.

„You just cried for two hours straight", he stated. It was obvious to him that this sentence wasn't very sensitive, but it was the truth nonetheless. The Raichu looked up at him with her soft violet eyes.

„I don't care about that", she wrote. „As long as I'm allowed to stay with you, I will be happy." There it was again. That expression of purity in her eyes. Richard knew that she loved him, and he also knew that this was true love; not the kind of love people normally talked about, when two humans told each other they would stay together for all times and then got divorced after two years. He hated it when somebody referred to something like this as love, and this was one of the reasons he disliked humans, for he found their view on this subject to be disgusting. Something like that was not love. It might be a short-lived affection or maybe a desire to be with someone, to be with just about anyone, but it was not love.
What he saw in Light's eyes, on the other hand, was love. It was pure, not stained by anything, and it had that flicker of eternity. Just this one look in Light's eyes told him everything about her; how much she loved him, how much she trusted him and, even though the Raichu tried to hide it, how much he had hurt her. Richard closed his eyes, hugging her with both arms.

„I don't deserve to be with you, Light", he said. „I have absolutely no right to keep you here with me. I will never be able to make you as happy as you deserve to be. But if you truly want to stay with me, even after all the pain I've brought you, I will never make you leave."

The Raichu didn't reply. She just enjoyed to be close to Richard and she was happy that he was done with cutting himself. The bandages on his right arm tickled a little as he hugged her.

„You shouldn't always blame yourself for everything", she finally said. He just looked at her, not understanding a word. She shook her head and wrote: „It's not your fault that you're addicted to cutting yourself. I know you don't want to do this." Richard nodded.

„Of course you know", he said. He gave her a kiss on her forehead. „You know everything about me." Light felt his hands ran across her back towards the back of her head, and then Richard started to softly massage her ears. She closed her eyes and leaned against him. His hands were kneading her ears, carefully grabbing them, pressing down on the exactly right places. It always felt so very good when he did this to her. She started to make a light churring noise, smiling broadly with her cheek resting on Richard's chest. His touch was soft and it made her feel exactly how much he cared for her. Her ears were incredibly sensitive, and if he increased the pressure just a little too much, he would start to hurt her. But he never did that.

He loved to hear that sound from her. It was a deep, satisfied churr, that seemed to come directly from Light's heart, just for him to hear. He paid close attention to make her feel as much pleasure as possible, taking the very tip of her ear between two fingers, softly rubbing it, before going back to caress the entire ear again. While he kept his right hand at her ear, he moved his left one down and started to slide it along her thin tail, until he had reached the furry, lightning-shaped tip. He knew where to touch his mate to please her the most, and her ears and the tip of her tail were two of the most sensitive areas of her body.

If Light hadn't been leaning against Richard's chest, she would have fallen over by this moment, because her mate's caressing had made her hind legs all wobbly. There was no possibility for her to let him massage her like this without completely relaxing. Her churring grew louder, and she knew that she would just fall asleep if Richard continued with this. His touch made her forget about everything she had been worrying about before; right now, the world was just him and her and nothing else. She had her eyes still closed. The only thing she felt was Richard's gentle hands, and the only thing she heard was her own churring. This was how eternity felt. It could just go on like this forever; at least if she had anything to say in that matter.

Richard smiled as he saw how much Light was enjoying his little massage. His hands were busy rubbing her ear and her tail; now he bent over and opened his mouth, taking the tip of her other ear inside. As he started to suckle on it, there came a low moan from Light.

The Raichu was almost at the point where she couldn't think straight anymore. She was tempted to just continue enjoying this, but she knew that this would be pretty egoistic of her. She opened her eyes, unable to focus for a second until she blinked.

„Please stop." Wether he understood her or not, Richard did what she said and leaned back against the wall, looking at her. His hands slowly wandered to her back again, embracing her once more. He smiled at her and she smiled back. Light felt so very happy at the moment. She quickly grabbed her notepad and ballpoint pen again and wrote as quickly as she could:

„Would you like to mate with me?" Her handwriting (pawwriting?) looked even shakier than usual; it had never been as good as a human's of course, because it was harder to hold a pen with a paw than with a hand, but this time, some of the letters even were almost impossible to read because of Light's hasty writing. Richard could still read it, though. It wasn't uncommon for her to ask him for this in such a situation, but he denied, as he always did.

„I'm not going to mate with you now, my love", he said, gently rubbing her back with his hands. „You know why." She lowered her ears a bit and looked to the ground. Then she wrote:

„It'd make you feel better." „Probably", he agreed, „but it'd make you feel worse." He knew why she had made this proposal. She had cried because he had been cutting himself, and it had made her feel better when he had stopped. He had given her that small massage to make her happy again, because he had made her so incredibly sad before. If he mated with her in a situation like this, it would seem to him to be not only highly abusive, but also an act of lust rather than an act of love. It'd just make Light sad once again.

The Raichu nodded. She knew that he never wanted to mate with her in such a situation, even though she had never really understood his reasoning. All she wanted was to make him happy; how should this ever make her, as his mate, feel worse? But maybe he only said this because he wanted to keep the truth hidden. She was probably unattractive. It wouldn't surprise her, for she had never considered herself to be beautiful. But on the other paw, her mate wouldn't lie to her. She looked up at him again. Light knew that he only wanted the best for her and sometimes he worried a little too much. He just wanted to make her as happy as possible.
Light turned around in his lap, so that her back touched Richard's belly. She wrote on her notepad again, not as hastily as she had done it before.

„Can we do it tomorrow?" Richard smiled as he read this note. He slowly ran his hands across her belly, lightly massaging and scritching her. She giggled softly.

„Tomorrow is fine", he said, „as long as you still want me then." The Raichu wrote something again. She didn't even have to give him the note, as she was holding the notepad at such an angle that he could read it.

„Why should I ever not want you?" Richard shrugged.

„You could have someone better than me", he replied.

„Please don't say such things", she wrote. „You know you're the only one for me." Richard gave her a kiss on the back of her head. 

„I love you", he whispered in her ear. Light nodded.

„I love you, too. You..." She stopped writing and shook her head. Then, she started to rub her body against Richard's affectionately. „You're the only one I ever loved", she said, not caring that he couldn't understand her. „I know I will never stop loving you. I know that we will always be together, I know that there is something very special between us that I could never have with anyone else than you. And I know that you feel just the same for me, because this feeling is just too powerful to be felt by just one single person. I will always love you, Richard, I will never leave or betray you, I will always try to be the perfect mate for you..."

She just kept talking to him, saying whatever came to her mind. It wasn't important that he couldn't understand her, it wasn't important that he didn't know what she was talking about or that he didn't have any kind of answer for her; it was just important that he listened. Light didn't even look at his face, but she could tell that he was listening to every word she said, even though it couldn't be more than random noises to him. But it was important for her to tell him about this, and so he listened.

It went on like this for a while. Then Light suddenly felt silent again and placed her paws on Richard's hands, which were still resting on her belly. Her ears twitched softly.

„How about we go to sleep now?", Richard proposed. „It's pretty late." Light reached for her notepad again.

„Just a moment", she wrote. „There's still something I'd like to do." Richard watched as the Raichu turned around, facing him once more. She showed him that loving smile, that he liked to see so much. He felt one of her front paws running across his chest, up to where his neck began. Light slowly moved closer to him. Richard blinked, and then their lips met.

Both of them closed their eyes and the human held his Raichu even more tightly embraced than before as he kissed her with all his love; he felt that Light was returning the kiss just the same way, with the exact same amount of love and affection. She embraced his neck, and he felt the soft pads of her paws touching his skin, rubbing the back of his neck.

Richard's fingers were running through Light's fur, caressing the soft flesh beneath. She only felt him kissing and touching her; the rest of the world had disappeared completely, just like before when he had been massaging her ears and tail. She pulled herself closer to him, her belly touching his. Almost without noticing it herself, the Raichu moved her tail up and started to caress Richard's cheek with its furry tip.

Richard had always loved her fur. It was soft and warm, and it tickled him just enough to increase the glowy feeling of the kiss even more. It was almost too good to be true, and he knew he couldn't keep this up for too long; he still felt a little tired from what had happened earlier. Additionally, the pain in his right arm reappeared. Richard tried to just ignore it and focus on the feeling of his mate being so close to him, but it just didn't work. He slowly broke the kiss and opened his eyes again, looking at Light apologetically.

The Raichu opened her eyes as well and noticed Richard's look. She knew he was tired. Her paws slowly went from the back of his neck to softly caress his cheeks. He looked like he wanted to say something, but Light quickly moved her paw over his mouth as a sign for him to stay quiet. She then grabbed her notepad again.

„Let's get some sleep", she wrote. Light just didn't want him to apologize for being tired; after all, it wasn't his fault, so she didn't want him to blame himself again. Richard nodded with a soft smile. He then gave her a kiss on her forehead.

„I love you", he said. He heard the Raichu giggle. She handed him a note.

„I love you, too." They might have told each other about that just a few minutes ago, but neither of them could hear or read these words often enough. Richard reached down and took off his belt, what he only did when he had to take off all of his clothes and when he went to sleep, because the only Pokéball he had was attached to it. It was Light's Pokéball, of course; as soon as she had learned to write, she had asked him to capture her. He hadn't denied her that wish.

Richard placed the belt, his diary and his pen, which he had taken out of his pants' pocket, on the table next to the bed and turned off the lamp. From one moment to another, the whole room became completely black; and since he couldn't see anymore, it made him direct more attention to feeling Light's fur on his skin. He smiled.

„Good night, my love", he said as he moved away from the wall he had been leaning against and lay down on his side, keeping his Raichu hugged close to himself. She lay directly next to him, her cheek touching his chest. Richard heard her make that low churring sound again as he closed his eyes; he knew she was happy. He covered Light and himself with the blanket and waited to fall asleep.

Richard didn't dream anything, but this was nothing unusual. He never dreamed when he slept. His whole life was nothing but a dream; an incredibly sweet dream, when he could just be with Light and feel her love, and a horrible nightmare when he had to cut himself. No, he really didn't need to have dreams while sleeping, too.

The next morning, the Raichu awoke with a pleasured sigh. She couldn't remember what she had dreamt about, but she was certain it had been a good dream. She opened her eyes. The morning sun's light bathed the room in an orange glow, which was dampened a little by the closed curtains.
Light's cheek was still resting on Richard's chest. She was able to hear a very low sound and it made her smile. His heartbeat had a calming effect on her. A look at his face confirmed what she had already thought; he was still asleep.
For a moment she was tempted to just close her eyes again and give in to the pleasant lazyness she was feeling. The soft, rhythmical sound made her feel like just going to sleep again, and the orange glow of the morning sun made the whole situation seem almost unreal, as if she was still dreaming. She raised her paw and softly caressed Richard's cheek with it. The human smiled in his sleep. Light felt a pleasant warmth deep within her, which didn't come from the blanket covering her, but from being close to her love.
She thought about what she should do. There were basically three possibilities; she could go back to sleep, she could wait for Richard to wake up as well, or she could wake him. The last one didn't seem too appealing to her. He had been so very tired the day before, and he definitely needed his sleep.
Light decided to wait. He'd wake up sooner or later, and she wanted to personally make sure that his awakening would be a pleasant one. For a while, the Raichu just stayed like this, listening to the soft sounds of Richard's heartbeat and his breathing. Her tail was moving a little under the blanket. But after some time, she grew impatient.
Light moved her front paws to very gently make Richard release her from his embrace. She managed to do it without waking him. The Raichu then stood up and very carefully pushed against her mate's side with her front paws, making him roll over on his back. He was still sleeping. Light smiled. She pulled the blanket off of his body and exposed his torso. Her moves were very slow and careful. Even as she sat down on his chest, she payed close attention not to wake him. Luckily, she wasn't too heavy so Richard wouldn't have trouble breathing.
Light bent down and started giving her mate long, affectionate licks across his cheeks. She knew this would sooner or later wake him up, but she was sure that he would be alright with it. Light gave him a kiss on his forehead, and as she wanted to go back to licking his cheek, she noticed that he had opened his eyes.

„Good morning." Richard smiled. The fact that the first thing he saw this morning was his beloved mate made him feel a deep warmth go through his body, almost as if a bit of Light's purity had went from her gentle eyes directly into his soul. The Raichu smiled as well and gave him another lick across his cheek. Just a moment later, they found themselves locked in a deep kiss again.

It was different this time. Richard had regenerated his strength and was kissing her by far more strongly than the night before. His hands moved upwards and started to caress both of her ears, which made Light feel as if she would melt from the pleasure she was receiving. Nonetheless, she tried to focus as much as possible on making Richard feel good. They both closed their eyes again, enjoying the passionate moment.

When she felt Richard's tongue softly caress her lips, she opened them wider, granting him access to her mouth. Light felt his slick organ start to rub all over hers, and quickly returned the affection with her own tongue, engaging in an internal dance of love with her mate. She could only feel his hands caressing her ears and his tongue caressing hers; nothing else mattered at the moment. Her tail moved, wagging around a little and if Richard had opened his eyes at this moment, he would have seen the lightning-shaped tip dance above Light's head like a shining star. But he was too wound up in kissing his mate and enjoying to be kissed by her in return.

Even though Light actually didn't want to, she had to break the kiss after a while because she had slowly run out of air. Her breaths were deep and heavy, but she smiled lovingly at her mate, who was panting a little as well. She gave him another lick across his cheek and heard him chuckle.

„My love", he said, „how about I fulfill my promise that I gave you last night now?" The Raichu looked up. She knew what he was talking about and by looking in his eyes she could see that he was serious. Nonetheless, she wanted to be completely sure, so she quickly got a hold of her notepad and ballpoint pen again and wrote:

„Are you sure you're not too tired?" Richard grinned.

„I certainly couldn't feel any more ready than I do right now." His left hand continued to caress her ear, while his right one went down to her side. „I won't force you to do anything", he said in a soft tone. „If you don't want to, then..." The Raichu quickly shook her head.

„That's not what I wanted to imply", she wrote. „I'd love to mate with you right now." Light showed him the sweetest of her smiles. Richard raised his hand and carefully grabbed her right paw. He kissed the back of it.

„I feel honored that you allow me to try and fulfill your desire, my dear", he said. Richard then also moved his other hand to her side and slowly lifted her off his chest, putting her down on the bed. He sat up and turned around while the Raichu kept watching him. Richard offered her his right hand and she gladly accepted, letting him guide her to the pillow his head had been resting on before. She sat down on the pillow, looking up at him with an expression of anticipation.

Richard kneeled on the bed in front of his love. He raised his hand and gently caressed her cheek with it.

„Please lie down on your back", he said in a low tone. The Raichu smiled, gave him a quick lick across the fingers he had been caressing her cheek with and lay down on the pillow, supporting herself with her front paws, still looking up at Richard. A slight blush appeared on her face as the human placed his hand on her chest and started to slowly let his fingers trail towards her belly, but it wasn't visible because of her dense fur.

The white fur on Light's chest and belly seemed even softer to Richard than the fur on her back, that he always felt between his fingers when he held her embraced. He looked up at her face. The Raichu obviously liked what he was doing; she relaxed a little more and leaned back, rubbing the back of her head into the pillow. Richard started to rub her belly, the tips of his fingers caressing Light's skin. She churred again, signaling him that she was enjoying herself. Looking at her like this made Richard quite aroused, but he didn't pay that any attention at the moment. He wanted to focus on making his mate happy and thus, he bent down and started to give the Raichu affectionate licks across her belly in addition to the caressing of his hands.

Light had closed her eyes. Her front paws were groping the pillow she was lying on and subconsciously, she spread her hind legs wide. What Richard was doing certainly felt good, but she was longing for more. She kept churring, but the sound was growing more and more impatient.

Richard internally chuckled to himself. It was obvious what Light wanted him to do, but he didn't intend to give it to her too quickly. This was not because of a desire to playfully torture her and neither did he want his mate to beg for it; he just wanted it all to last longer and to be as sensual as somehow possible. Very slowly, he directed his attention to the lower regions of her body, where the white fur slowly changed to a color somewhere between orange and gold again. Somewhere down there was that special place, where his mate wanted him to touch her the most. And even though he knew exactly where he was supposed to go, he first trailed off to the left, parting her fur with his fingers and his tongue, caressing the soft skin underneath.

The Raichu felt her tail and ears twitch. Richard's sensual attentions had made her more and more aroused. She felt herself getting wet already, even though her mate still hadn't touched her most sensitive area. Light let out a soft moan. Sometimes she wondered if Richard could actually make her reach her climax without even touching her there. At moments like this, she believed this was possible.

Richard now placed his hands on her belly and explored the lower part of her body with his tongue only. He licked closer and closer to where he knew would be her most private area and finally, he reached it. The fur around her entrance was already matted with her fluids. His tongue went right through it and moved across her vaginal lips, licking up a little of her sweet juices. It was the taste of Light's pleasure and thus, nothing in the world would ever taste better to him.

Light moaned as she felt Richard's tongue finally touch her where she had hoped it would touch him. Her hind legs spread even wider and she grabbed a hold of the pillow with both of her front paws. Slowly, all thoughts she had had vanished from her head, being replaced by nothing but pleasure.

Hearing his mate's blissful moan, Richard immediately set up a steady pace of running his tongue across her vagina. He made sure not to move too quickly, making his licks more sensual instead. He also licked across her clit a few times, making Light let out soft squeals. His erection pressed against the inside of his pants, but he still didn't pay it any attention. This moment belonged to Light only and he wouldn't let himself get distracted by anything.

The Raichu felt like she was on fire. She kept her eyes shut, moaning constantly and calling out Richard's name. Everytime he did this to her made her feel so very special. It was obvious to her that her mate was not fueled by lust, but by love instead, which she could tell by the affectionate way he was pleasuring her. The more sensual his licking got, the better it felt. And even though she felt the burning desire to reach her climax, she now noticed an even greater desire; the desire to please her mate just as much as he pleased her. But as she opened one eye and noticed the diligence he was fulfilling the task at hand with, Light knew that he would definitely not stop until she would have had her orgasm. She closed her eye again and concentrated on the immense pleasure she was receiving, letting her thoughts disappear in an ocean of sexually induced bliss once again.

As more and more of her nectar flowed out of Light's vagina, Richard felt it would be time to go one step further; not only to make his mate feel even better, but also because it would have been a shame to let her tasty juices go to waste. He moved his right hand to her crotch area and spread her vagina apart very carefully; not too much of course, but enough to be able to move his tongue inside, bringing a louder squeal from his mate. He then enveloped her entrance with his lips, pushing his tongue further inside, licking up and swallowing all of her fluids that she provided for him. He heard her breathing getting heavier until she started panting, all the while moaning and saying something in her own species' language. Her hind legs were twitching and as Richard felt the tip of her tail rubbing against his side, he got an idea. He quickly grabbed it with his left hand and started massaging, just as he had done the night before. Light's vagina seemed to become warmer and warmer, and Richard knew that the female was getting closer and closer to her climax.

The Raichu had effectively forgotten where she was and what was going on. Her mind was so busy basking in Richard's affectionate invasion of her vagina that it couldn't be bothered with anything else; no single thought had remained in her head, she was completely focused on the feeling of highly desired pleasure. She had her eyes closed, so she couldn't see anything, and she also couldn't hear her own moaning. Those senses were absolutely unimportant at the moment. She didn't need to see or hear, she just needed to feel. The flame that seemed to be burning in her crotch got hotter and hotter, until she felt like she was going to pass out. Richard had his tongue buried deeply within her vagina, and when he moved his lips to rub against Light's clit again, the Raichu exploded in a raging climax.

Light screamed and Richard eagerly drank down the flood of sweet juices that flowed from her vagina directly into his mouth. Being so close to the Raichu, he could feel her heart beating faster, her breathing getting even deeper and faster than before and her body heating up one last time. When her scream slowly turned into a long moan, which became lower and lower until there was nothing heard but her heavy breathing, Richard knew her orgasm was over. He slowly retreated from her vagina, but not before giving it another lick across its lips to clean it from the last drops of her fluids. Light gave a slight groan as he did this, and Richard slowly looked up, letting go of her tail, which the Raichu let slump down on the bed exhaustedly. Light lay there with her eyes closed, her chest sinking and rising again, a weak, but satisfied smile on her face. Richard crawled closer to her and gave her cheek a kiss. The female opened her eyes and looked up at him, her smile growing broader. She raised her paw and pointed at the notepad which lay next to her. Richard quickly handed her the writing materials and she took a deep breath, so that her paw wouldn't shiver too much. She thought about what to write for a moment. Then finally she decided on:

„I would try to compliment or thank you, but words just can't express the amount of gratitude I'm feeling." Richard chuckled as he read this.

„You don't need to thank me", he said, „it was my pleasure." The Raichu shook her head.

„It still was a much greater pleasure for me", she wrote. Richard bent down and gave her a kiss on her forehead, caressing her cheek with his hand.

„I still don't get why someone like me deserves such a sweet mate as you", he stated. Light replied with a note that read:

„Maybe that's because there is nobody in the world who would ever show me as much love as you do." Richard decided not to argue with his mate about this, and so he didn't say that, if he could truly show her as much love a she deserved, he would have to stop cutting himself. For a while, he just watched his mate regain her breath, while returning the look with a loving smile. When her tail twitched again, he grabbed its tip once more, starting to softly rub it again. Light let out a happy sigh.

„That's enough for now", she finally wrote. „I've let you pleasure me for a way too long time already without giving you anything in return." Richard seemed to be a little concerned.

„You don't need to do anything in return", he assured her. „As long as I can make you feel good, then I'm happy as well." The Raichu giggled softly.

„It's not like I would consider this to be a chore", she wrote. „I really want to please you." She sat up and her mate nodded.

„Tell me what I should do", he said, agreeing to her proposal. The Raichu smiled.

„Please sit down and lean against the wall", she wrote, taking a step away from the pillow. Richard sat down where she had laid before and leaned his bare back against the wall. Light slowly looked from his face to his crotch, where a small bulge had already built up. She licked her lips, thinking about what she would be doing in a moment. Richard seemed to misinterprete this for a hesitation on her part and said:

„You really don't need to do this if you don't want to. The last thing I'd want would be..." He stopped talking as Light shook her head and placed her front paw on the bulge in his pants, carefully rubbing him a little through the fabric of his clothing. She smiled at him, moving her other paw to the button of his pants, opening it. Just like Richard before, she payed attention to keep her moves soft and slow, showing him that she loved him just as much as he loved her. She pulled his pants down, at first only to his knees, then, after thinking about it for a second, she pulled them even further and finally tossed them to the side. Now only his black boxers stood between her and Richard's most sensitive body part. She had a much better view on the bulge now, and she saw that it still grew a little bit larger. Light looked from his crotch back to his face, just to get a confirmation, for she would never be able to forgive herself if she ever did anything to him he didn't want. He nodded with a smile and the Raichu stepped closer to him. She gave him a kiss on his belly and then got a hold of his boxers.

When Light removed the last barrier, Richard's penis became fully erect, just because of the thought of what was about to happen. The Raichu just stared at it for a second. Richard still didn't quite know if she did this because she really wanted to, or if she did it because she felt like having to give him something in return for what he had done. But one second later, he scolded himself for having such a thought. She had told him that she wanted it, and he knew that he could trust her. Light would never lie to him, especially not in such an important situation. He quickly got this thought out of his mind and spread his legs wider to let his mate have better access.

The Raichu moved her right paw and softly touched Richard's erection. It was about six inches long, maybe a little shorter; not big for a human, but, since she was not even half as tall as Richard, still very large for her. She saw Richard close his eyes and relax, just as she had done it before when he had pleasured her. She quietly swore not to disappoint her mate and make him feel just as good as he had done it to her, and then moved her other front paw to his erection as well, enveloping it and starting a very gentle stroking motion, moving down to the base and all the way up to the tip again.

Richard had closed his eyes, enjoying what Light was doing for him. Her paws were incredibly soft and warm, and he felt the alternating sensations of the smooth pads and the fluffy fur between them. Light's paws were moving all over his erection, not only from the base to the top and back again, but also alternating between the underside and the top of his penis. When Light gave him an affectionate kiss right on the head of his penis, he groaned lowly.

It wasn't hard for the Raichu to tell that her mate was enjoying himself. It especially encouraged her when he whispered:

„Mmm... That feels so great..."

Light smiled broadly and increased the pace of her stroking a little. She knew that just touching him wouldn't be enough in the long run, so she moved a little closer and directed the focus of her paws from the underside of Richard's penis to the top. Now she could start with giving him long, affectionate licks across the underside, from the base all the way up to the tip. It made him moan softly, and the Raichu smiled inwardly as she was able to please her mate. She repeated this motion a few times, hearing the same sound from Richard over and over again.

Her tongue was warm, wet and soft. Rubbing against the underside of his penis, the human felt as if there was a goddess pleasing him. The sensation of her paws in addition to this slick organ caressing him made the whole experience perfect. He felt his hands gripping the bedsheets; he just had to hold on to something. His back tightly pressed against the wall, he moaned lowly, begging his mate to go on.

„Please... Oh please, don't stop..."

Light loved to hear such words from her mate and churred softly. She kept stroking Richard's erection with her left paw, moving the right one down to caress his testicles as well, rubbing very gently, for she knew how easily she could accidentally hurt him. She decided to make the experience even more pleasing and, as she licked from the base to the tip again, stopped right there and started to encircle the head of Richard's erection with her tongue. Her right paw gave his penis a little squeeze, and she noticed how hard it had grown. She closed her eyes as she tasted a drop of precum on her tongue, enjoying the unique flavor.

Richard tried not to get too wound up in enjoying what Light was doing to him, but it felt just too good for him to keep his thoughts straight. His breathing grew heavier and his moaning louder. A warm, comforting darkness began to wrap itself around his mind, making everything disappear that didn't have anything to do with his Raichu pleasuring him. He didn't even notice when he raised his right arm and slowly placed his hand on his mate's head.

Light felt Richard start to gently scritch her behind her right ear and found this experience to be very pleasant. She looked up at him for a moment and smiled; he seemed to have left this world, for he had his eyes closed and the smile on his face as well as the movements of his right hand seemed not to be consciously controlled by him. The Raichu was reminded of how she had felt while Richard had pleasured her and knew that she was on the way to fulfill her promise. She moved her paw from his testicles back to his erection, gently holding it in place and finally got to the best part. Slowly retreating her tongue, she opened her mouth wide, taking the head of Richard's penis inside.

When the Raichu started to suckle on his penis, Richard moaned out her name. The sucktion combined with her tongue rubbing against the underside of his erection and her paws starting to stroke the lower part of his penis again would soon be too much. Even though his thoughts had almost disappeared completely, he still knew what would happen if Light went on like this.

„Stop!", he shouted. „Light, please stop!"

The Raichu immediately let go of his erection, taking it out of her mouth and stepping back, looking very worried.

„What's wrong?", she asked, forgetting that he couldn't understand her. „Did I hurt you?"

This was by far one of the most horrible things Light was able to imagine; to hurt her mate in some way while trying to please him. But Richard kept smiling and opened his eyes.

„I'm alright, don't worry", he said, panting moderately. „In fact, I feel great." He had been able to guess what Light had supposed would be the reason for why he had wanted her to stop. A look at her face told him that she was confused. He chuckled lowly.

„We wanted to mate, didn't we?", he asked. Light nodded. „I've got to keep my erection for that."

Now the Raichu understood. Richard moved to the edge of the bed and sat down there, so that his feet touched the ground. He offered her his right hand and she accepted, letting him gently guide her to his side. He looked at her, softly rubbing her paw.

„Do you feel comfortable with this position?" Light nodded with a warm smile. Actually, it wouldn't have been necessary for Richard to ask; they almost always did this position, and she loved it this way. Richard's hands moved to her sides and he lifted her up, setting her down on his knees.

Light saw his erection standing in front of her, glistening from the mix of her saliva and his precum it was covered in. The Raichu had gotten wet again when she had pleasured her mate orally and thus knew there was plenty of lubrication; but it would still be a tight fit because of the size difference. Richard noticed her hesitation.

„Don't do anything you don't want", he reminded her. The Raichu just giggled. She found it sweet that Richard was worrying about her so much, but sometimes she also feared he might overdo it. In fact, there was nothing she wanted more at this moment than mating with her beloved Richard. She knew there was nothing for her to fear, for it had worked so many times before and it would work again. Light moved closer to him and put her paws on his sides. His erection was touching her belly now. She then moved her body up, until the tip came in contact with her entrance.

Richard carefully hugged his mate as she slowly began to slide down on his penis. He felt her amazing warmth and wetness and let out a soft groan, but fell silent again as he noticed the forced expression on Light's face. She tried not to let him notice, but it was obviously painful for her. As the head of Richard's erection had slid into her completely, she let out a relieved sigh and a soft smile spread on her face. After a few more moments, she came in touch with her mate's lap and his penis was inside her completely.

She felt him give her a kiss on her forehead and looked up with a loving smile. He tightly hugged her to his body, and she kept him embraced in return. When he started to move only his crotch, performing very soft thrusts into her by rocking it back and forth, she closed her eyes, rubbing her cheek against his chest and moaned softly. His moves were so very gentle, and once again it reminded her of how much he loved her. It would no doubt be way more pleasing for him if he just thrusted harder, but he would never risk to hurt her for such a reason. This thought made the whole experience even more enjoyable for Light, as she was constantly churring and moaning, her body being moved by her mate's gentle thrusts.

It was amazing for Richard to feel the Raichu's vagina grabbing his penis, even better than it had felt when Light had suckled on it. It was warm, wet and soft, and at the same time rather tight. His erection was buried deep within his mate, and because of his soft thrusts, only a very small part of it left her vagina so it was constantly surrounded by her warm depths. Richard closed his eyes as well, keeping Light embraced with his left arm while raising his right hand to start massaging one of her ears, especially paying attention to its sensitive tip.

The Raichu gave a high-pitched moan when he did this. She started to move back against Richard, in time with his rhythmical thrusting. This made him penetrate her even deeper than before because now she was pushing her body against his. She moved her long tail and started to rub the tip across her mate's back, massaging him with it as well as with her paws. Richard slowed his thrusting down a little, and Light could concentrate on his erection rubbing against the most sensitive parts of her body much more than she had been able to do it before.

Richard groaned as he pushed his penis deeply into his mate. It was a great feeling to him, and he knew that it was just as great for Light; still, he had the desire to make it even better. He bent down, gave her ear a kiss and whispered:

„How about we change the position, love?" The Raichu nodded and whispered something which he couldn't understand. Richard smiled and stopped his thrusting for a moment. He quickly stood up, continuing to hold his mate to his body, and laid her down on the bed, positioning himself over her. Light churred and spread her legs wider, keeping him tightly embraced.

The Raichu felt herself being pushed into the soft bedsheets as Richard started thrusting anew. She moaned loudly, for his penis now went even deeper than before. She felt her climax nearing slowly; every new thrust by her mate made her get a little bit closer to the highly desired absolute peak of sexual pleasure. Subconsciously she wrapped her tail as well as her hind legs around the human's waist, trying to embrace him with as many parts of her body as possible.

Richard knew from the way she was moaning, from the way she was moving and from the way she was pushing the back of her head into the bedsheets that Light came closer to her orgasm. He was supporting his weight with his hands, having them placed to the left and right of his mate. Richard was moaning as well; her vagina was heating up internally and he pushed his hips against hers as strongly as possible to keep his erection deep inside of her. He lowered his head and gave her an affectionate lick across her cheek, which made her open her eyes. The Raichu looked at him with an expression of love and devotion. She said something between her moans and even though he couldn't understand her words, the longing expression in her eyes told him what she wanted.

Light's greatest wish at the moment was to be as close to her mate as possible. She tightly held on to him and with every one of his gentle thrusts, she felt his belly rub against hers. His penis was almost constantly leaking precum and her vagina became wetter by the second, which made her insides much more sensitive to the touch of Richard's hard erection. It also enabled him to make his thrusts quicker, which made them both moan louder. The Raichu found this experience to be almost perfect; there was just one more thing that had to be done, and the moment she thought about it, Richard granted her this wish. His lips touched hers, and just a moment later they had engaged in an incredibly passionate kiss, massaging each other's tongues.

The kiss was the last bit that had been needed to increase their sexual pleasure to the maximum. Richard grunted as he pushed his penis as deep into his mate as possible, which made Light give a muffled squeal into his mouth. Her vagina grew even tighter as she reached her climax, and he felt an enormous amount of hot fluids surrounding his erection. He couldn't hold back anymore, and he didn't want to do it, either. He had to break the kiss as his orgasm hit him, moaning loudly and shouting Light's name. The Raichu smiled blissfully as she felt him shoot his seed into her, also moaning because this feeling made her climax last longer. She kept her mate embraced with her front paws, her legs and her tail, not wanting to ever let go again.

After a few moments, Richard's climax ended. He and Light were both panting heavily, and he felt like he could not move an inch at this moment. His arms were shivering, and he turned over on his side to keep himself from letting his body sink down onto his mate. She was still clinging to him and he hugged her as well, gently running his fingers through the fur on her back. His now shrinking penis was still buried inside her wet vagina, and he almost felt like just going to sleep again. Turning his head, he was able to get a look at his watch which was lying on the table. 8:42 AM. He smiled. There was no doubt that there could never be a better way to start into a new day. He gave Light a soft kiss on her forehead and she opened her eyes, showing him a very loving smile.

„What do you think, my love", he whispered, „would you maybe like to take a shower with me?" Light gave him an affectionate lick across his cheek and nodded, smiling even broader. Richard chuckled to himself. This morning had started in such a promising way that not even the memory of the preceding night would be able to pull him down for many, many hours.

(13067 words)


This ends the second chapter. I would like to thank everyone who commented on the first one, because I probably wouldn't have been able to finish this so quickly without any encouragement. Leave a review if you feel like it, or email me at [email protected]; it would make a pleasant contrast to all the spam mails I usually receive. I know that this chapter was pretty long, although nothing actually HAPPENED, but I felt like I had to do this in order to characterize Richard and Light in an appropriate way.
For those of you who found this chapter to be too dark in the beginning, don't worry. The next chapter will not focus on Richard, but on some of the Pokémon instead. Alright, so if you have any proposals, story requests, criticism or something else you want to tell me, you're welcome to do so. See you next chapter!

-- Lion vom Silberwald

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