AGNPH Stories

A Mansion made of Dreams by lion_vom_silberwald


As sweet as Sugar (Part one)

Well, here we are again with another chapter for this story which I am definitely not spending enough time on. Once again I am sorry for the terrible delay, but, as you all probably already know, life has this nasty habit of bothering you with completely unimportant issues, often leaving you so exhausted that even the small bit of relative freedom we're allowed to have cannot be used for anything productive. Be it as it may, I am not going to focus on such displeasing circumstances any longer than absolutely necessary. Let's just get this chapter started without constantly thinking of our everyday problems, shall we?

PLEASE NOTE: I do not own Pokémon, and I have to say that I'm kind of proud of it, because the idea of capturing animal-like creatures to make them fight each other is pretty sick, actually. Whatever, every species of Pokémon referred to in the following text is the property of their rightful owner, however, the actual story belongs to me. 

WARNING: This story contains scenes of sexual intercourse between one female and multiple male Pokémon. If this offends you, then I ask you politely to leave right now; I will not be held responsible for any possible occurrences of mental damage you might experience from reading this.

Thank you.


A Mansion made of Dreams

Chapter five: As sweet as Sugar (Part one)

Sugar was sitting right in the center of the hall which was her favourite place in the whole room, absentmindedly chewing on a piece of meat the Wartortle in front of her had fetched. She was looking at him, while he was gesturing with his front paws, his mouth moving all the time. It opened and closed, opened and closed, over and over again and the Sneasel knew he was telling her about something, but she cared so little about what he was saying that she didn't even hear it. Instead, Sugar was only paying attention to the general atmosphere in the hall; it was about noon, and usually the place was crowded with Pokémon, a noisy and diverse mass of bodies, which all forgot about whatever they were doing at the moment and turned their whole attention to the Sneasel when she entered the room. At least that was what the males usually did, and she didn't care about the females anyway. But today, things were different. There weren't nearly as many Pokémon in the hall as there were on a normal day and they all seemed to be fixated on talking lowly to each other with some of them even whispering, and, what was worst of all, almost nobody had noticed Sugar yet, except for the Wartortle whose name she constantly forgot. She didn't have a bad memory, not at all; it was just that she made sure only to remember important things like the names of all the males she had mated with already. Of course, she had a list in her room, but this was only for her to be absolutely certain; the main information was in her head. When the Sneasel looked at a male she had been with already, she could immediately recall how good he had been, how much stamina he had, how experienced he was and other things like these. But the Wartortle seemed to be one of the shy kind of guys; he had only gathered up enough courage to talk to her a few weeks ago, and thus she wasn't all too interested in him... yet. It was Saturday already, so she'd soon have to pick a male to be with for the next day, and as he seemingly was the only one to take notice of her she might just choose him. Now, she had to come up with a way of finding out his name without asking directly; she was sure she had done that about eight or nine times by now.

"...that's basically what I think about this subject." Sugar blinked. The Wartortle had stopped talking and was now looking at her like he expected her to give him an answer. She swallowed the small chunk of meat she had been chewing on for more than a minute now.

"Oh yeah, sure," she said in a tone of fake interest, "I totally agree with you." The Wartortle smiled. She noticed it because she was currently looking in his direction; not directly at him, of course, but at the large Azumarill a few meters behind him, who had turned his back on her, talking lowly to some other Pokémon. Sugar gritted her teeth. She'd had that one quite a few times already, and the experience had always been above average; if he just came up to her, she could have a great male to mate with for tomorrow, but it didn't look like it was going to happen. And she couldn't just choose someone who didn't pay any attention to her; there was no way she'd ever reward such a behaviour.

"I'm glad we have the same opinion on this," said the Wartortle, which made Sugar focus on him with at least half her mind, but it was enough to tell that there had appeared a slight blush on his face. "You know, because... Because I think that we might share other things as well, and... The last weeks have been really enjoyable, you know, it's always a pleasure to have a talk with you and... Well... You know..." He looked to the side, obviously embarrassed. The Sneasel knew exactly what to say in such a situation and thus, as if it were nothing else than a mere reflex, she heard herself speak:

"I understand how you're feeling. I also enjoy your company very much..." The second sentence had been lower than the first, and spoken in a tone of voice that had sounded a little less distant, almost a slight bit intimate even. In response, the Wartortle perked up.

"You do?" he asked excitedly. He stumbled over his own voice, and he cleared his throat. "I mean... really?" He was so nervous. Sugar couldn't help but smile. She found this male's inexperienced behaviour to be rather cute.

"Well, sure," she replied, moving a little closer to the Wartortle, pushing her dish aside. "I wouldn't lie to a handsome male like you..." Of course there wasn't really anything special about this Pokémon, but it was one of her standard lines and she didn't even think about what she said. The blush on his face became more perceivable.

"Umm... Well..." He cleared his throat. "Do you... Do you really think I'm... handsome?" The last word was spoken so lowly, it was merely above a whisper. Sugar giggled softly, which was also more of a learned reaction than anything else; males always liked females who at least seemed to be innocent and naïve, no matter how experienced they really were.

"Let's say I've never seen a Wartortle who looked better than you," she replied in a slightly seductive tone. It wasn't even a lie, since this one was the first Wartortle she had ever seen in her life. She noticed him fiddling around nervously with his front paws; obviously he didn't know what to say. The Sneasel smiled. "I also like the sound of your name," she added. "Could you maybe tell it to me again? Please?" The Wartortle swallowed.

"It's... It's Lyrtes..." Sugar nodded.

"Yes, Lyrtes..." This time, she was going to remember it. "It's a really nice name..." Once again, she moved a little closer to the Wartortle. She was now sitting right in front of him; sitting like a quadruped Pokémon, although she was a biped. But males generally seemed to feel more attracted towards females who were smaller than them, so she had decided to walk on four legs long ago. "And you're a really nice Pokémon, too..." She was looking at his face, right into his eyes, and even though it was obvious that he wanted to, he couldn't turn away. Sugar knew she was making him feel unsure, but her usual effect on males made it impossible for the Wartortle to stop looking at her. After showing him one of her sweetest smiles for a moment, the Sneasel turned around, granting him an unobscured view on her sleek hindquarters for a second, and then sat down next to her feeding dish again, taking another piece of meat out of it with one of her claws. She looked at the male Pokémon who was still blushing.

"You might be in luck, Lyrtes," she spoke, smiling at him again. "I suppose you are aware of what I use to do each Sunday?" The Wartortle nodded hastily, obviously not able to speak because of his nervousness. "I'd really like getting to know you a little closer," she went on, then made a short pause during which she ate some more of her food. Lyrtes swallowed.

"Are you... Are you serious?" he asked edgily, the movement of his paws increasing in speed. Sugar nodded.

"Of course I am." She waited a moment, then turned her attention from her feeding dish to the Wartortle again. "Does it surprise you?" Her tone of voice was gentle and soft; right now she was trying to make the male calm down a little.

"I... I just never thought you'd actually... choose... me..." He slowed down on those last two words, as the realization of what Sugar had just said sank into his mind. She was going to allow him to be with her this Sunday? Sugar, the most beautiful female in the mansion, the female of his dreams? Lyrtes had trouble believing it, and yet it was still true. He blushed even redder.

"Oh, but you're a very special male," the Sneasel said in a reassuring tone. "There are a lot of things that make you attractive... The way you treat me with respect, for example..." It was a meaningless phrase, at least for Sugar. She looked to the side. "You know, most males behave like I'm just some kind of slut... Like they could do to me whatever they want, like it doesn't even matter how I feel..." She was sounding really hurt right now, and inwardly, she complimented herself for being such a talented actress. As she had suspected, Lyrtes reacted in the way almost every male did.

"I'd never do that!" he claimed, his voice now getting a little more stable. "I... I never thought of you as a slut, Sugar, and I promise that I wouldn't treat you any worse than you deserve, and... And that I'm not going to ever disregard your feelings..." He fell silent again. Sugar noted once more how inexperienced this male was; nevertheless, she smiled.

"That's such a sweet thing to say, thank you..." She looked down to her feeding dish again, as if she was mildly ashamed of being complimented. "I'm really glad you decided to start talking to me back then," she added. "I can tell you're different from the others..." This was a straight-out lie. Lyrtes' behaviour was just as predictable as that of anybody else, but if anyone knew what someone like him wanted to hear, then it was Sugar. Regardless, she was now feeling that they had talked about this subject for a time long enough. The Sneasel waited for a few seconds, then looked up again. Lyrtes hadn't said anything; he was just watching her with a dreamy expression in his eyes.

"Why is everyone so quiet, anyway?" she asked suddenly, finally reaching a topic she was actually interested in. "This place is usually bustling with life..." The Wartortle blinked and then looked around.

"Well," he spoke in a heavy tone, "I suppose it's because of the recent... happenings." The Sneasel turned her head to the left, and then to the right. Most of the Pokémon were looking at the ground, or just staring into the emptiness. They all seemed to be very melancholic. Sugar nodded.

"Yes, sure, but that was five days ago," she said. "I mean, I understand that it was all very tragic but life goes on, you know..." Lyrtes looked a little surprised.

"Some of them lost their best friends," he argued. "That takes some time to heal." Sugar sighed.

"Of course..." She lowered her head. "I didn't want to sound uncompassionate, you see, I just think that it's not of much use to dwell on things like these forever... This place can be very depressing when everyone's so sad..." She saw the Wartortle nod from the corner of her eyes. For a moment there was silence between the two Pokémon. "You know, maybe I could help them somehow..." she then spoke, smiling inwardly. This was going perfectly well.

"What do you mean?" Lyrtes asked, obviously interested in her idea. She looked up at him again.

"You'll see in a minute," she replied. "But first you've got to tell me something; if you could do a whole mass of Pokémon a favour by accepting something that'd be a little inconvenient for yourself, would you do it?" The Wartortle didn't seem to really understand her question, yet he still nodded slowly.

"I guess I would... I mean, that depends on..."

"Wonderful," the Sneasel cut him off. "Then you'll understand this." Before Lyrtes could ask what exactly she had meant, Sugar took a deep breath and then spoke in a loud tone, so that the entire hall could hear her: "Everyone? Could I please have your attention for a moment?" It didn't take long and everybody in the large room was looking at her, males and females alike. Lyrtes was still showing a puzzled expression but she wasn't interested in him right now. Instead she just enjoyed the feeling of everyone's eyes resting on her for a moment, and then went on: "I understand that most of you are still shaken by what happened five days ago; trust me, I know how you're feeling, since these Pokémon who had to give their lives had been my friends as well." Sugar had lied so much in her life that it wasn't a problem anymore for her to do it. She knew she was sounding convincing, with her voice shivering a little as if she really cared about those who had died. In reality, she hadn't really known any of them, except for maybe Vindrake, the Scyther and Laros, the Hitmonchan, whom she had been with a few times. The other two males had never been interested in her; Rothenberg, because he'd had a mate, and Korph because... Actually she didn't even know why she had never been able to get the Arcanine's attention, and in the end it didn't matter anyway. As for the two females who had died, this only meant to her that there were fewer rivals who wanted her males' attention.
"But this was five days ago!" the Sneasel continued. "I am sure that our friends would not want us to become too desperate. I am sure that they would want us to go on with our lives, that we don't let these horrible things that have happened get to us too much!" The Pokémon in her audience were now talking among themselves, giving whispered comments. Sugar slowly turned around in a circle, in order to address every single one of them, as she went on: "This is why I'd like to invite every single male in this mansion who is interested to join me in my room together at six PM, in order to rid your minds from those bad thoughts and memories, and replace them with more pleasant ones. We all will never forget our dear friends, but we will also not let these unfortunate incidents ruin our lives!" The conversations and arguments between the Pokémon in the hall had now risen in volume, so that they had transformed into a constant noise. Everyone was still paying attention to the Sneasel, of course, although she had already finished her short speech.
Sugar smiled. There would be a lot going on in her room this evening. She turned to look at Lyrtes again who was just staring at her with an unbelieving expression. "I've got some preparations to make," she told him with a sweet smile. "Maybe I'll see you later on as well?" When she didn't get an answer she just turned around and started walking away on all fours, leaving the Wartortle behind speechless. She chuckled lowly as a lot of male Pokémon quickly addressed her from the side, asking if she had really been serious, to which she always answered with a yes. It didn't take her long to reach the exit of the hall and she turned around again, winking at no one in particular, before opening the door and stepping into the corridor. The Sneasel grinned as she heard the wooden gate close behind her again and then turned to the left, walking in the direction of her room. Just a moment later, she heard the door open once more.

"Wait." She knew that voice, and couldn't decide whether or not she liked to hear it. She kept walking, but slowed down her pace significantly. The sound of the door closing reached her ears again, and then she heard the quick steps of a quadruped coming towards her from behind. She didn't turn around.

"Yes, you're allowed to come, too," she said in a pretended serious tone, knowing that this would only serve to annoy the male Ninetales that was now walking at her side. But he seemed to love annoying her as well, so she didn't even need to try to be nice.

"I'm sorry, I can't," came the displeased answer. Sugar looked at the Ninetales from the corner of her eyes. He was staring straight ahead, not wanting to build up eye contact with her. "I'll have to be keeping an eye on things, in case they decide to kill each other over you." The Sneasel giggled softly.

"Aww, don't make me blush." The Ninetales suddenly stopped walking. Sugar took another few steps and then looked over her shoulder at him. "What's wrong?," she asked, and then grinned. "Oh, I understand, you like to see me from behind, don't you?" The Sneasel shook her hindquarters in a seductive manner and was happy to see the male frown angrily; she just loved to go on his nerves.

"This is all just a game to you, isn't it?" he asked, stepping up to Sugar's side again. She shrugged.

"That's what you think." The Ninetales seemed to be intrigued by this answer.

"Does this mean I'm wrong?" Sugar tilted her head to the side.

"Who knows? Anyway, does it even matter?" The fire-type sighed.

"Not much, I guess, at least not right now." He narrowed his eyes and stared at her with an almost threatening expression. "What matters now is that I will hold you personally responsible for anyone getting hurt because of that invitation of yours. Trust me, this will have consequences, and you won't find them enjoyable." In response, the Sneasel smiled weakly.

"I liked you a lot better when your jaw was broken, Thunder", she stated. "At least you didn't go on my nerves so much back then." She sat down right in the middle of the hallway and then looked to the left and to the right for a short moment. There was nobody there except for Thunder and her. After what she had said the Ninetales was now shooting her a hateful glare. "Tell me," she said, "what kind of consequences would I have to fear if some males got in a brawl because they're stupid, weak-willed idiots who'd do everything to spend a night with me?" Thunder gritted his teeth.

"Don't act like you're all innocent," he replied angrily. "Everyone knows you love to make them fight over you, so this would be your fault in the first place. And about the consequences, well, I could just talk to Richard and then he'd just throw you out, like that Typhlosion and his companions five days ago." Sugar nodded.

"Of course," she said. "Sure. He'll do that because he cares so much about what happens in this mansion, right?" The Ninetales growled lowly, but didn't seem to be able to think of anything to say in response. "Maybe you should stop trying to control everyone here," Sugar went on, "or you'll be the one he'll throw out." Nearly everyone in the mansion knew that Richard scolded Thunder sometimes for being too much like a "policeman"; of course, most of the Pokémon had never heard that word before, but the Sneasel had been able to look it up in the library.

"Maybe Richard doesn't want me to keep everyone in line," Thunder admitted, "but he does want me to make sure that nobody gets killed. And I will still hold you responsible for it if this happens." He turned around and wanted to start walking away, but then he added: "Also, if they decide to gang up and rape you, don't expect me to suddenly appear out of nowhere to save you, for I clearly remember Richard saying that, if someone gets in trouble because of their own stupidity, they should not be helped." The Ninetales then made his way through the corridor, heading towards the hall again. Sugar rolled her eyes. The only one being stupid here was Thunder; every male in the mansion knew that any case of rape would immediately reported to Ryakee, and she didn't have any mercy with rapists. The Sneasel shook her head as she continued through the hallway, now focusing her mind on what she would still have to prepare before six PM.

"I can't believe that tasteless whore!" Kara was shaking her head, her expression being somewhere between disgusted and angry. Ral?re gave an exhausted groan in response, while Niani just kept looking at the feeding dish in front of her. It was full of meat, but she wasn't hungry.

"This is by far the most shameless thing she ever did!" the Totodile ranted on. "We had six Pokémon dying this week and a lot of us are nearly traumatized, and that stupid slut doesn't have anything better to do than..."

"Kara," the Zangoose sighed in a very enervated tone, "that's enough. We all know that Sugar is one of the worst things that's ever happened to this place, so let's not waste any more time on thinking about her, alright?" Kara turned to her with an annoyed look.

"Ral?re, we can't just let her go on like this," she argued. "This kind of behaviour is absolutely inacceptable! Don't you understand what she just did?" Ral?re rolled her eyes and rubbed the side of her head with one of her paws.

"Would you please not talk so loudly?," she asked. "I've got a pretty bad headache." For one moment the Totodile seemed to be a little thrown off track by not having received any kind of actual response; nevertheless, she continued:

"She just used this tragedy to make everyone pay attention to her again! I bet there's going to be at least twenty males in her room this evening to have their minds "ridded from bad thoughts"!" She had spoken the last words in a mocking tone of voice and with exaggerated gesturing of her front paws. Ral?re closed her eyes.

"Kara, the best way to not pay attention to Sugar would just be to stop talking about her all the time." The Totodile sighed.

"Well, that's a nice idea in theory, but it wouldn't stop all those males from showing her all the regard she wants if I did that." The Zangoose just shook her head and Kara turned to look at Niani now. "Niani, you agree with me, don't you? We can't just tolerate such a behaviour, what if..."

"I really don't want to talk about this," the Jolteon said lowly. Surprisingly, this really made the Totodile fall silent, at least for the moment. Niani just kept looking at the dish in front of her. Nobody had really gotten over what had happened yet, especially not those who had lost someone dear to them. Whenever Niani had seen Dolph these days, he had either been staring at the ground or trying to get away from everyone as soon as possible; in a way, he had reminded her of Shane, the depressed Sandslash that had lost his mate and his unborn child a few years ago. It pained her to see everyone so desperate and hopeless and she certainly didn't want to focus on this even more. The days since the attack she had mostly been spending sleeping or being with Chria's children, for they seemed to be the only ones who had still been able to preserve at least some of their usual light heartedness.

Kara took a deep breath and then looked up at the Pidgeotto that was sitting on his usual artificial branch right above her head. "You're with me on this, Netho, aren't you?" The bird Pokémon had been grooming his wing with his beak; now he focused his attention on the Totodile.

"I do agree with you, Miss Kara, about Miss Sugar's behaviour being most immoral; however, I would like to turn your attention to the fact that extraordinary situations sometimes require extraordinary solutions." Kara frowned.

"Could you please try not to speak in riddles?" She really wasn't in the mood to bother with Netho's unnecessarily difficult way of talking. As he always did, the Pidgeotto bowed in response and said: 

"I apologize that the meaning of my words had not been as clear as it should have been, Miss Kara. What I did mean to say was that a lot of Pokémon, with about half of them being males, are still suffering from the aftereffects of what happened five days ago. Distraction might be just what they need in this difficult situation, and even though I find Miss Sugar's methods to be highly questionable, they might still finally result in an improvement of the situation for everyone." Kara just stared at him for a second and then narrowed her eyes.

"I'll tell you what this is going to result in," she said with a disgruntled undertone in her voice, "it's going to result in a lot of males being unfaithful to their respective mates! Do you honestly think anything good could ever come from that?"

"Kara," Ral?re groaned before Netho had any chance to answer, this time sounding even more exasperated and tired, "would you please just drop this subject now? We've really heard enough about Sugar for now." For a moment the Totodile looked like she was going to reply something, but then she just crossed her paws in front of her chest and sat down on the floor, obviously aggrieved. The Zangoose sighed and spoke up again after a few moments:

"Look, I'm sorry, alright? But Sugar should really not be one of our bigger worries; remember that we're going to have that meeting on Tuesday, and this'll be bad enough already." Kara rolled her eyes. At first it seemed like she wanted to keep on sulking, but then she nodded.

"Right, the meeting..." At this point, Niani perked up. She hadn't really been listening to the conversation until now; after all, she still didn't know what this meeting was about, since there just hadn't been an opportunity to ask about it yet. "I hope it's not going to be as chaotic as it was last year," Kara went on. "Everyone should be acting a little more mature. Maybe we'll actually have some good ideas this time, and then..."

"Excuse me..." Niani interrupted her, which made the Totodile close her mouth immediately. The Jolteon was looking at her with an intrigued expression. "Could you please tell me first what that meeting is going to be about? Nobody explained it to me yet and I really don't have any idea..." For a moment, Kara just kept staring at her, then she turned to the side. The Jolteon then looked at Ral?re, who had an annoyed expression on her face.

"You explain it, Kara." The Totodile cleared her throat. It wasn't difficult for Niani to recognize that the subject made her feel uncomfortable.

"May is coming up," she mumbled lowly. Niani tilted her head to the side.

"Right. So what?" Kara rolled her eyes.

"You do know what happens every year around this time, don't you?" The Jolteon nodded.

"Sure, it's mating season," she replied. "Female Pokémon become fertile and a lot of them start looking for mates... What does that have to do with us?" The Totodile just looked at her with an almost compassionate expression. Niani didn't know what to make of this; then, Ral?re said:

"We are female Pokémon, Niani." There was something in the Zangoose's tone of voice that puzzled the Jolteon. Seemingly, the annual mating season was a rather big deal here at the mansion; she clearly did remember her last one, which she had experienced when she had still been with her trainer. A little annoying, a little unpleasant, sure, but she found this to be hardly worth such concern.

"Maybe I'm missing something here," she admitted slowly, "but I don't quite understand exactly why our mating season seems to be such a big problem...?" Kara and Ral?re exchanged a quick glance.

"Let's say it'll be a lot different from what you're used to," the Totodile said reluctantly. When she noticed that Niani still couldn't make any sense of her words, she sighed deeply. "Niani, this mansion is full of Pokémon!" she exclaimed impatiently. "Nowhere else could ever be found such a great accumulation of males and females!" She made a gesture with one of her front paws, symbolically enfolding the entire hall. "Don't you realize what happens when all of them go into heat, all at once? The impact is about ten times stronger than usual! The females go crazy because of their mating season, and the males go crazy because of its effect on them! This whole place is going to be completely out of control!" Niani blinked, taken aback by the Totodile's sudden outburst. She looked from Kara to Ral?re, hoping that what she had just heard would just turn out to be one of the Totodile's usual exaggerations, but to her dismay the Zangoose only nodded with a grim expression. Niani swallowed. There were definitely a lot of new problems she'd have to learn how to deal with in the future.

"Alright," she said, sounding a little uncertain. "I can see why we'll be facing a hard time, but what's going to happen on that meeting?" Kara shrugged.

"Well, of course we'll try to come up with a solution, but so far we've never really reached anything else than something like a compromise..." She shook her head. "It's a difficult issue, so these meetings tend to get a little... messy."

"You know my opinion on this...," Ral?re murmured almost inaudibly. Kara rolled her eyes once again.

"Ral?re, throwing all the males out of the mansion is not a solution, the sooner you accept this, the better. We all just need to have a little more self-control and fight this heat as much as we can, and not try to turn it into an advantage for us like that slut Sugar did last year..." As she had spoken these last words, her tone of voice had been getting angrier again. There came a low chuckle from Ral?re, but her expression seemed to be much more exhausted than amused.

"It's ridiculous how you always get back to her," she stated. "Really, we can't talk about anything without you mentioning that Sneasel sooner or later." Kara seemingly wanted to give an annoyed answer at first, but then she just showed her toothy grin instead.

"Well, I guess that's because Sugar is the source of all evil." It was a little difficult for Niani to tell whether or not the Totodile had been serious, but it didn't really matter to her anyway. There was no use in taking part in this obviously eternal argument between Kara and Ral?re; also, the oncoming mating season was still on her mind. She raised her head and looked up at Netho, who had been silent for a while now. The Pidgeotto just stared back at her without saying anything. She opened her mouth, but then closed it again after a moment, feeling that she should ask Netho the question that was on her mind in private.

Sugar left the bathroom that was linked to her chamber with a single door, stretching first her neck and then the rest of her body. Her room was the only one in the mansion that provided such a convenience, except for the one in the third floor that was inhabited by Richard and Light. She had always wondered why nobody had claimed it before her, but she hadn't complained, of course, when she had moved in about one and a half years ago. There was a nice, big, comfortable bed in her room, along with a large mirror on a cupboard on one of the walls, with a stool in front of it; that was basically all she needed.
The Sneasel knew her fur was in a mess. It always was, after taking a shower and then using the blow-drier. Sugar jumped up on the stool and sat down with all four paws touching the wooden surface. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she sighed. It would take her hours to turn herself from a fluffy toy back into her usual alluring self again, but she'd manage. With one of her claws, she took a brush from the top of the cupboard in front of her, where all her cosmetic products were arranged. It hadn't been difficult to receive all these things that increased her natural attractivity, since Richard usually made a list each month of whatever he needed to order. Whenever the inhabitants of the mansion needed something that was made by humans, they just put it on the list.
As Sugar started brushing her fur, she sighed in satisfaction. The feeling of the bristles caressing her flesh was soft and gentle; she slowed down the movements of her claw as she couldn't help but notice how good it was to experience something else than unbridled lust and the rough paws of uncaring males for once, which kept her thinking for a moment. The Sneasel looked at her reflection and stopped brushing her fur. She sighed. Her image in the mirror shrank in size right before her. Its facial features became more childlike, its fur became a little brighter and an innocent expression shimmered in its rose eyes, but only for a moment; then suddenly, it disappeared and was replaced by a cold, hard stare that didn't fit into the overall very juvenile picture. Sugar shook her head; the Sneasel in the mirror didn't move at all.

"I'm really not in the mood," she murmured. Her younger reflection closed her eyes, and Sugar immediately felt relieved that she didn't have to endure that accusing stare anymore, at least for a small moment.

"You never are," spoke the small Sneasel. Her voice was higher than Sugar's, of course, since it was a child's voice. But it still had a serious undertone, which made it sound very mature. Reluctantly, Sugar started brushing herself again.

"I've got to get ready," she replied. "Please, you know how important this is to me..."

"Of course I know that," the young Sneasel snapped. Her eyes opened again, and the icy glare made Sugar shiver a little. "I still don't understand it, but I know." There was silence. The two females just stared at each other, and the older one felt more and more uncomfortable. Once again, the movement of her claw slowed down until it stopped completely.

"Don't do this to me," she said in a pleading tone. The child tilted her head to the side.

"I'll stop," she replied. "That's a promise. I'll stop going on your nerves the moment you stop hurting me."

"I never did anything to hurt you!" Sugar snarled. She bared her teeth, glaring at the small child she saw in the mirror. "I just want you to leave me alone! Go away!" The younger Sneasel didn't move. After a while, she shook her head.

"Just look at what you've become," she said, her voice sounding as if it was free of all emotions. "Is this what you wanted to be?" Sugar was getting angrier now. She hated this little girl that always seemed to know everything about her.

"Well, maybe it is!" she growled. "I can't tell you, because I'm still not sure what I am exactly! But you seem to know it, so why don't you explain it to me?" As before, the little Sneasel didn't move.

"There's not much to explain," she claimed. "You're a slut, of course."

"I'm not a slut!" Sugar yelled angrily. "You just don't have any idea of what I do! You don't understand even the slightest bit! I'm not a slut, I never was a slut and I'll never be a slut!" The little child in the mirror remained unimpressed.

"You know you can't lie to me, Tseala."

"Don't call me Tseala!" Sugar cried. "I hate that name! I never wanted it!" There came no reply from the little child. The older Sneasel took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down a little. She knew that getting angry was completely useless in this situation. "I've changed it to Sugar," she continued in a lower tone. "It sounds better anyway." The Pokémon in the mirror nodded.

"I understand why you despise the name your parents chose for you." Sugar winced and gritted her teeth. The mentioning of her parents didn't help her keep her temper.

"Would you please not talk about them?" she asked in a painfully restrained tone. The smaller Sneasel shrugged.

"I can't help it," she claimed. "Their memory is still alive within me. It's hard to forget what they did." Sugar clenched her eyes shut and covered her ears with her front paws, which caused the brush to hit the floor with a dull noise.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" she cried. "I've left all that behind me! I've started a new life! I don't want you reminding me of..." She stopped, but that didn't keep the words she didn't speak from flooding her mind. Tears started leaving her closed eyes. It felt like the memory she did not want to have was eating her from inside.

"You know I did not come to make you cry," the child said. "I came to ask why you turned yourself into this." Sugar shook her head.

"I told you that so many times already!" She sniffed and then opened her eyes again, wiping the tears out of her fur with her claws. "Why do you keep haunting me?"

"Because I don't believe you." The little Sneasel kept staring at Sugar with her cold expression. The older Pokémon felt more than just a little uncomfortable. "I know what you told me. But it doesn't match with what you're doing. You're giving yourself to each male that wants you. You've become nothing but a mere toy to them. You..."

"That's not true!" Sugar interrupted, getting angry yet again. "I never gave myself to anyone! I am the one in charge here, can't you see?" She turned around and jumped off of the stool, landing on the floor, facing the wall across from the mirror. "I have the power to make them do whatever I want. They serve me, they adore me, they worship me, they love me!"

"They don't love you," the younger Sneasel said in an unconcerned tone. "They just love what you do for them. Nobody was ever interested in you as a person, but since they can use you as they please, they..."

"Nobody uses me!" Sugar screamed, turning around to face the mirror again. The reflection just showed the room and nothing else; the smaller Sneasel was gone. But Sugar didn't care about that. "Listen to me when I'm talking to you!" she kept shouting as she jumped up on the stool again, facing nothing but an inverted image of herself. "I'm not a toy! I know how to control them! I know how to make use of their weaknesses! I know how to make them depend on me! I know how to make them love me!" She was breathing heavily, staring into the mirror, waiting for an answer. But the child had disappeared. Still, there was something she heard. A low, reluctant sounding noise came from the door. Someone was knocking. Sugar blinked and then shook her head, trying to clear her mind again. A shocking realization hit her. She looked terrible! Her fur was still messy, and it was still easily visible that she had cried.

"Sugar?" a dulled voice called out. "I... I need to talk to you!" The Sneasel recognized that voice. It was the Wartortle she had been with earlier... What was his name again? Lyr... Lyrdos?

"Just a moment!" she shouted, her voice not sounding as stable as she would have preferred. Sugar jumped off of the stool again and then bolted into the bathroom, grabbing a towel that was hanging on a bar next to the shower. She quickly rubbed it against her face and then looked at the smaller mirror in the bathroom. Her fur had gotten even messier than before, but at least the thin, wet lines that had been left behind by her tears weren't visible anymore. The Sneasel then ran back into her chamber, feverishly thinking about the Wartortle's name. It wasn't Lyrdos, but it definitely started with "Lyr"... Lyrdes? Lyrtes!

"I'm coming!" She had regained control over her voice, which she noticed with alleviation; one second later she was sitting in front of the door, slowly opening it with one of her claws. 

"Oh, it's you," she said with a warm smile as she saw the Wartortle standing in front of her. He was looking at her with a concerned expression, his front paws interlocked, obviously to keep himself from fiddling around nervously.

"I... I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" he asked shakily, and then cleared his throat. "I've heard you shouting... Is anyone in there?" Sugar blinked and then shook her head.

"I'm alone," she answered and then quickly stepped aside. "Why don't you come inside? I'd be honored..." The reason she made this invitation was simple; she just wanted to take Lyrtes' mind off of her shouting. Reluctantly, the male took a few steps forward, and Sugar closed the door behind him. His gaze wandered from Sugar's bed over the open door to the bathroom and then stopped at the cupboard with the mirror.

"I hope you'll excuse my messy appearance," she spoke with an embarrassed undertone, making the Wartortle direct his attention to her again. "I'm in the middle of getting ready, so my fur still needs some work..." Lyrtes raised his front paws in a protective manner.

"I really didn't want to interfere with your preparations, I'm sorry." He took a step back towards the door again. "I can come back later, if..."

"No!" Sugar quickly jumped between the Wartortle and the door. "Please, stay..." She knew that, as long as there was someone else in her room, she wouldn't have to deal with the Sneasel in the mirror. Also, Lyrtes seemed nice enough to take her mind off of these things she had been forced to deal with during the past few moments; she was really glad he had come. "You said you wanted to talk about something...?" The male nodded.

"If you have time..." Sugar smiled.

"Of course, of course, I always have time for you!" She quickly stepped past the Wartortle and jumped up on her large bed. "Why don't you join me up here..." She giggled as she saw Lyrtes blush in response. "Just to make things more comfortable, you know." Sugar watched the Wartortle as he climbed up on the bed not nearly as graceful as the Sneasel had managed to do it. He sat down in front of her, now seemingly more nervous than before. She showed him a warm smile, waiting for him to say something.

"You know... Sugar..." he started edgily, "I'm a little... confused..." He wanted to look to the side, but the Sneasel kept his attention with a curious "Yes?" Lyrtes swallowed.

"Why... Why did you... You know... Invite everyone?" Sugar tilted her head to the side.

"Well, I said that very clearly, didn't I?" She took a small step towards the Wartortle, never ceasing to smile sweetly at him. "If I have the ability to make so many Pokémon feel better, isn't it my duty to do my best and try to help as much as possible?" Lyrtes' right paw was kneading his left one now. Not a single word left his mouth, but his expression spoke volumes. The Sneasel giggled softly.

"You don't need to be jealous," she reassured him. "This is not about preferring anyone over you, it's about spreading some happiness... And it's not like you weren't allowed to come." She stretched her neck, moving her mouth closer to his ear, and then whispered: "Besides, it doesn't interfere with our plans for tomorrow... It'll be just you and me then, that's a promise..." It wasn't hard to tell that the Wartortle would have loved to back away, but he seemed to know how rude this would be, so he didn't move at all.

"That's... nice..." Sugar was almost certain to hear his heart pounding against his chest at this moment. Inwardly, she smiled. There were only two kinds of males who acted this way in such a situation; those who were under their mates' thumb and virgins. And this Wartortle definitely did not have a mate.

"You don't have to be afraid," the Sneasel murmured in a calming manner. "We'll have a great time tomorrow..." She rose to her hind legs and carefully embraced the male with her front paws, which proved to be slightly difficult because of his shell. The two Pokémon were about the same height, and Sugar placed her head on Lyrtes' shoulder, closing her eyes.

"Hold me," she whispered. One moment later she felt the Wartortle's warm paws on her back, tightly hugging her. Sugar sighed happily. "You know, I'm really glad you've come..." She gave Lyrtes a soft lick across his cheek. "I was feeling a little lonely, you see..." Well, at least this was closer to the truth than usual. The Sneasel was indeed happy that Lyrtes was there, but only because he kept her worst memories from further haunting her. Sugar's left ear twitched a little as she heard the Wartortle's breathing quicken. Her sleek, enticing body had never failed her; she could tell that this male was getting excited.

"Su... Sugar..." He didn't seem to be able to speak any further, and it didn't matter to the Sneasel anyway. She silenced him with a soft "Shhh..." For now, she just wanted to enjoy being held by someone, by anyone. How dare that little child claimed nobody loved her! It was ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. Everyone loved her. Well, at least all the males did, and that was the only thing that mattered in the end, anyway. Sugar rubbed her furry cheek against the Wartortle's smooth one in a sensual manner, making a light purring sound as she did so. In response, she felt Lyrtes' paws start caressing her back; his moves were a little clumsy, a little too fast and slightly uncouth, but that was alright... She'd have enough time to teach this Wartortle how to properly comfort a female later.

"Will you be there at six?" she whispered in his ear. Without opening her eyes, she could still tell that he blushed.

"I... I'm not sure..." he mumbled lowly, "maybe... but I... I mean..." He stopped talking as Sugar gave him another lick across his cheek.

"I understand," she replied in a soft tone. "You don't want your first time to be in front of everyone..." The Sneasel snuggled a little closer to him, putting him in danger of falling over backwards. Thus, Lyrtes had to push himself closer to her in return, in order to remain standing. "We'll save it for tomorrow," she continued. "You'll feel much more comfortable about it then, believe me..." Lyrtes swallowed.

"Yes..." he agreed, and then added after a moment: "So... I guess I'll be leaving now..." Immediately, the Sneasel clung even tighter to him.

"Can't you stay for another moment?," she whimpered lowly. "Please... I need you..." She had gone back to lying again. In fact, she even wanted the Wartortle to leave at this rate, so she would have a chance to finish her preparations, but another thing had to be done first, and that was to make this male completely dependent on her, even more than he already was. The Sneasel knew exactly that, the longer she stayed close to him, the more aroused he'd become in the end, which would in turn lead to him being much more eager and ready the next day, because of the emotional and sexual starvation he would have to experience this night. Sugar knew exactly that she was just being cruel at this point, but it had to be done, and she actually even enjoyed doing it. The worse she treated them, the more they loved her; it didn't really make any sense, but things just worked like that for some reason. What a curious enigma... but Sugar wouldn't complain. As long as she could use it to her advantage she didn't care about anything else.
After a while she decided it was enough. The Sneasel opened her eyes and retreated her head a little to look at the Wartortle in front of her. His face had practically changed its color from blue to red, and she could read in his expression that inwardly, he prayed that she wouldn't notice just how aroused he was, that she wouldn't look down and embarrass him even more by seeing his erection. Sugar knew it would not be wise to take it this far yet, so she just showed him her sweetest and most innocent smile.

"I'm really looking forward to tomorrow," she committed to him in a tone of voice that almost made her sound like an inexperienced little girl. He nodded quickly.

"Me too," was all he found himself able to say at the moment. His paws retreated from Sugar's back and he broke the hug, but hers just moved from his shell to his upper arms, non-violently forcing him to keep looking at her. For a moment she just stared deeply into his eyes, and then she brought her head closer to his. It obviously did take him some effort to not shy away, and yet she could easily read in his eyes that he wanted this like nothing else in his life; there was this lusty expression she knew so very well, and it was clear to her that she had him now. There would not pass a single moment anymore during which he wouldn't think of her. He was under her control.
She gave him a soft kiss on his nose and then slowly moved her head away again.

"Thank you so much for coming over..." she whispered, "I really love being close to you..." Lyrtes blinked. His mind seemed to have yet to understand that her lips hadn't met up with his, that they weren't kissing each other and that he wouldn't get to mate with her in a moment.

"Sugar..." he whined lowly, carefully putting his paws on her sides. The Sneasel tilted her head to the side an looked at him with big, innocent, curious eyes.

"Yes?" She knew they couldn't ask her to mate with them when she looked at them like this. She knew she made them feel like scumbags for even desiring to mate with her in such a situation. She knew she disappointed them, and yet she made them feel like it was their own fault in the first place. She knew she was being cruel, and she liked it.

"It's nothing," Lyrtes murmured, turning his head to the side. He retreated his paws and then quickly turned around completely, so that only his shell and the back of his head were now visible to her. Of course, Sugar knew exactly what he was trying to hide.

"I... I've had a great time as well," the Wartortle said nervously. The Sneasel couldn't help but smile. What a sweet lie. "I... I'll see you tomorrow, then." He quickly jumped off of the bed and made his head over to the door; one last time, he turned his head to look over his shoulder at Sugar. She still had that expression of innocence on her face.

"I'll be waiting for you," she replied as she sat down on the bed like a quadruped would, her three pink tails wagging slightly. The Sneasel watched as Lyrtes nodded and then left the room. When the door fell shut again, she shook her head. This had been way too easy. With two swift jumps she had left her bed and sat down on the stool in front of the mirror again. For a moment, she just watched her reflection with a frown. It didn't look like it was going to change into something else. The Sneasel let out a relieved sigh. She wanted to reach for her brush once more but then noticed that it was still lying on the floor; not wanting to leave her stool again just now she decided to take care of something else first. Her gaze fell upon another very important part of her cosmetic equipment: eyeshadow. Males loved it when she darkened the fur around her eyes a little. She didn't know why, but the reason wasn't important anyway. As long as she could use it to her advantage, she'd go with it.

"I'm sorry to bother you like this, Netho, but I've got to ask you something..."

It was in the afternoon, maybe about half past four by the humans' method of measuring time. Niani was sitting at the entrance of the forest, just a short distance away from the mansion, but obviously far enough to talk in private with the Pidgeotto, who was perched on a branch of one of the trees in front of her. Nobody else was in sight, since the lake where Chria and her children were to be found most of the time was located on the opposite side of the mansion. The two Pokémon had left the building through the door that led to the battle area, right after they had been finished with eating their lunch. The reason Niani wanted to have this talk with Netho was simple; she still had some questions about the oncoming mating season and didn't believe that Kara would be the right one to answer them. The Totodile had not exactly been happy that Niani hadn't wanted to follow her back to their room, since the Jolteon still couldn't read; a skill that, according to Kara, was not only incredibly useful, but also absolutely necessary when living in a human's house. But learning how to read was probably the least important thing for Niani these days, which the Totodile seemingly took as a personal insult. However, Ral?re had assured her that Kara never stayed angry for too long, and that she'd probably have focused her anger on Sugar again once Niani would return.

"Please, Miss Niani, you should not worry about that," Netho replied. "It is always a pleasure for me to be of assistance. I would even go so far as to say that, as long as I can give you an answer to your questions, I can feel my life receiving an actual reason." The Jolteon blushed slightly at this, as she presumed, highly exaggerated statement.

"That's an honor I do not deserve," she replied, sounding a little bashful. Netho lowered his gaze a little, so he wasn't looking directly at her anymore.

"I am sorry to disagree," he said, "but I believe that, if anyone deserves to hear such words, then it is you, Miss Niani." Niani blinked. She was feeling a little confused; why did Netho seem so intent on assuring her of this? Anyhow, she shook it off in order to focus on her actual reason of being here. She looked around, making sure once more that nobody else was near, since the whole subject made her feel a little embarrassed.

"I have a question about the mating season," she spoke in a low tone. The Pidgeotto nodded.

"I figured as much, Miss Niani. Now, if you do not mind me asking this first, why did you choose to ask me about this instead of one of your closer friends? I am not complaining, of course, but as you will probably be able to recall, I prefer to not get too involved into the events that occur in this mansion, and so I might not be able to provide a satisfying amount of information." The Jolteon shook her head.

"On the contrary, Netho, I think you're the only one who'll be able to answer this question," she claimed, smiling at him in a reassuring way. He moved his head a little again, establishing eye contact with her once more. "As you said, you usually don't get too involved... I wanted to ask how this is possible during mating season. After all, you're affected by it as well, aren't you?" For a moment, Niani was sure to recognize that special smile on Netho's face again, the one he did with his eyes only; he then turned his head, gazing over the treetops and into the distance.

"It is a common misconception, Miss Niani, that we are nothing but mere slaves to our natural desires and instincts. They might be guiding us very well at times, but they can also turn out to be hindrances in some cases. One of the most important things we must learn is how to distinguish between those situations where we should rely on what our bodies tell us to do, and those where we should rather listen to our minds..." He paused for a moment, and Niani could see him nod in agreement to his own words. "I am sure you understand the meaning of my words, Miss Niani." The Jolteon frowned. What Netho had just said was actually just what she had always done during her former mating seasons. But Kara's words echoed in her head; it would be a lot more difficult this time.

"Is it true what Kara said back then?" she asked. "Is it really so hard to restrain oneself because of the mass of Pokémon in the mansion?" Netho turned his head again, this time to look at the large building situated nearby.

"It is a task that requires a large amount of willpower," he agreed, "but it is most definitely not impossible. You should always remember, Miss Niani, that you alone are the master of your existence. If you are intent on not letting anything else take control over you, then the mating season does not pose any danger to you." A broad smile formed on Niani's face. It was good to hear some reassuring words for once, especially after the depression the most recent events had brought.

"Thank you, Netho," she said in a warm tone. "I'm sure now I won't have to worry so much about it." She slowly rose to her paws, getting ready to return to the mansion. But just as she wanted to turn around and go, she heard the Pidgeotto's voice once more:

"I apologize if this may sound intrusive, Miss Niani, but I believe there is something else about the month of May that you should know." The Jolteon blinked, looking up at Netho with a questioning expression. He returned the gaze with a sudden seriousness in his eyes. "A few years ago, Richard has come to the realization that it is best to lock all the doors during the time in which the females have their mating season," he went on. Niani's surprise must have been easily visible on her face, for he quickly explained: "He does this in order to keep males from outside from entering at night, to mate with the females without their consent. And as reasonable as this may be, it also makes it impossible for any of the inhabitants to leave the mansion or just promenade through the woods. I thought you might want to know about this, Miss Niani, in order to be able to prepare yourself properly." The Jolteon nodded slowly. This was indeed something she knew she wouldn't be feeling quite comfortable with; the effects of her heat would be difficult enough to deal with already, but the impossibility to escape if things got too tough would even make it worse. Nevertheless, she managed to smile at the Pidgeotto again; after all it wasn't his fault that problems were brewing.

"Thank you for telling me all this," she said and then turned her head to look at the nearby mansion. "I hope you won't find it impolite if I leave now, I really have to go search for Kara and see if she's still angry..." From the corner of her eyes she saw Netho doing his usual bow.

"I would never want to hold you back, Miss Niani," he replied. As the Jolteon started walking back to the building, she knew he was still looking after her, but when she looked over her shoulder for a moment she couldn't see the Pidgeotto in the tree anymore. Niani frowned, but then shrugged it off. He had probably just flown away; she then continued walking, making her way towards the mansion.

The dull noises coming from the other side of the door had been getting louder for a while now, but still nobody had knocked. Sugar was sitting on her stool, watching the alarm clock on the cupboard in front of her with a sly grin. It said 6:22. She would wait until half past six before showing herself to the mob. Until then, she'd still have some time for a last check-over. Her gaze moved from the clock to the mirror; luckily, it was her own reflection that stared back at her. Her eyelids were properly darkened, and she turned her head to the side, looking at the mirror only from the corner of her eyes. Perfect. Never to look directly at a male was a simple rule she had learned a long time ago; the more mysterious she appeared and the more remote she acted, the more they wanted her. Her gaze went from her face across the rest of her body and she clicked her tongue in admiration. There was not a single hair standing out of the work of art that was her fur. It had taken her more than two hours to properly soften it, and to make it glisten as if she had her own personal spotlight, but it would all be worth it. She raised her head again and showed herself her most innocent smile, raising one of her claws to her chest.

"Who, me?" She blinked two times, and then giggled softly. "Oh, you're so silly!" Sugar flicked each of her three pink tails one by one, and then did the same with her ears. She tilted her head to the side and blushed slightly; she had learned how to do this whenever she wanted. Males liked that.

"Oh my, aren't you a big one!" The Sneasel grinned and then shook her head. "They're so amusingly stupid", she whispered. She took another look at the clock. 6:26. In her mind, she went through the whole procedure again; first she would open the door, making everyone turn their attention to her. She would then line them all up in the order she wanted, and always call in three of them at once. Once more she giggled. 

"We're going to have so much fun!" 6:28. She didn't want to wait anymore. The Sneasel checked her reflection in the mirror one last time and then jumped off of the stool, stretching her whole body after she had landed. Sugar slowly made her way over to the door. For a moment she just stood there and listened to the noises that came from the other side; she was pretty sure there was an argument going on at the moment. Things like these normally matured into smaller brawls, which the Sneasel definitely enjoyed watching, but she wouldn't let it happen this evening; after all, she was excited as well. Sugar took a deep breath and put her claw on the doorknob, turning it around very slowly. The door swung open with a low creak and, just as the Sneasel had predicted, everyone stopped talking immediately and looked at her. She smiled bashfully and spoke:

"I hope you'll be able to forgive me for showing up so late..." She slowly took a few steps forward, walking on four legs as she always did. "I just wanted to be beautiful for you all..." Everyone's lustful gazes were locked on her as she entered the hallway, following every single motion of her enchanting curves, especially those of her hindquarters. Sugar looked around only by turning her eyes, and was able to tell after a moment that twenty-six males had followed her invitation; one of them being Thunder, which she had not predicted for once. She would get to him later; there were other things to do first.
Whenever the Sneasel stepped forwards, all the male Pokémon moved back a little, keeping a certain distance between her and them. Inwardly, she smiled. They obviously knew their place.

"I am glad so many of you could come," she said with a happy smile, letting her gaze wander across the Pokémon in the hallway. A lot of them were bigger than her, above all the Charizard called Rijinn. She also saw the Azumarill in the crowd, that had refused to pay any attention to her earlier; in return he'd have to stand close to the back of the line. She knew most of the Pokémons' names, for almost all of them had been with her at least one time already. There was the Mightyena that went by the name of Silver, the Slowpoke called Yeras, a Flaaffy named Wool, which she found to be the least imaginative name of them all, the Furret called Phayro, who was unusually small for his species, a Grovyle named Layanu, the even for his species exceptionally elegant looking Absol Arzo and many more; it didn't take Sugar long to decide in which order she would place them.

"I wish we could all have fun together at the same time," she said apologetically, after having taken a thorough look at her guests, "but I fear this would be hardly possible, so you are going to have to form a line..." Those words spoken, a few mumbled complaints came up immediately, but that was what the Sneasel had expected.

"I understand that many of you don't want to wait," she went on in a tone that sounded slightly hurt, "but it is the only solution I can think of..." Her gaze wandered across the crowd again and every Pokémon she looked at fell silent in an instant. She memorized who had tried to speak up against her decision; those males definitely wouldn't be in the first half of the line. "In order to avoid possible conflicts, I will be the one lining you up," she added, showing her guests one of her sweetest smiles. This time, nobody protested. Instead, everyone was looking at her with a curious expression, except for Thunder, of course, who obviously didn't even try to conceal his antipathy. Sugar decided to act as if she had only just noticed him.

"Oh, you're here, too!" she exclaimed excitedly and moved towards him. The constant quarrels between the Ninetales and her were well known, and thus all the other males backed away a little, making sure not to stand in her way. Thunder's face showed an expression of disgust and anger; nevertheless he just sat there, seemingly calm and waiting for something to happen. The Sneasel was quite displeased about him being there, but it wasn't visible at all. Her smile hadn't changed, and as she sat down in front of the Ninetales an unknowing observer might have even suspected her to be the fire Pokémon's best friend. To make her fake happiness more convincing she started to wag her tails a little.

"I am so glad you decided to join us this evening," she claimed. "I almost feared you might not come because of that little argument we had..." Sugar could almost hear his teeth gritting at this point. It was more than just amusing to her. It proved that she did indeed possess the ability to gain a certain amount of control over everyone. Maybe Thunder wasn't interested in her in the same way the other males were, but she knew exactly how to make him angry, and therefore vulnerable. Well, it was his own fault for choosing the hard way. "You can be the first one if you want to," she assured him and smiled even broader. "Doesn't this sound great?" Once again, the Ninetales didn't reply. It wasn't necessary anyway, since his eyes told Sugar all she had to know. He hated her. There was such an obvious tension between the two Pokémon that the surrounding males took another cautious step back. Sugar decided to provoke him some more; it just wasn't any fun when he didn't react. She looked all around herself and then turned to him again, showing a mildly surprised expression. "You didn't bring your brother?" she asked, sounding a little disappointed. "You really should have... I'm sure he..."

"Enough!" Thunder barked suddenly. Sugar jerked as if she was scared by his reaction, which she wasn't, of course. Right now there were more than twenty males there for her protection. She could say whatever she wanted; Thunder would never attack her. "Don't even start talking about Lightning!" he went on angrily. Some of his tails twitched, but apart from that he stayed motionless. "I'm just here to make sure nobody gets killed. I don't need him for that." Sugar blinked and then shook her head.

"Are you sure about that?" she asked lowly, now rising to her paws. "Maybe that's just what you want to believe..." She took a step towards him. "Maybe you just didn't want him to come because you wanted me all for yourself...?" The Ninetales' hateful stare didn't change. He was fairly strong in comparison to most of the other males in the mansion, but he was still just as predictable. The Sneasel gradually inched closer to him until she heard him whisper:

"Touch me and I'll kill you." For a moment, she stopped. Then, an arrogant grin formed on her face.

"I don't think you would," she whispered back, bringing her face even closer to Thunder's. The Ninetales bared his teeth and growled, but he didn't move. "But I'm not going to touch you, either... Unless, of course, you decide to join me in my room after all..." Sugar almost had to laugh. She could read in the Ninetales' eyes how much he hated her, how disgusted he was and how much he wanted to kill her. It was so wonderfully obvious, as if she was able to stare right into his mind. She almost could see him fantasizing about lunging at her and closing his jaws around her neck, just so that she'd finally be gone, so that she couldn't go on his nerves ever again...

"I'd rather die," was all that he said. Sugar just shook her head and changed her expression into something between looking hurt and compassionate.

"You're such a poor, misguided little creature, my dear Thunder..." She turned around, showing her backside to him. She wasn't in danger. He wanted to kill her, but he wouldn't. As opposed to most of the other males in the mansion, Thunder knew how to control himself when he needed to.

"Takes one to know one, doesn't it?" she heard him mumble. That one struck a nerve. For a moment she just didn't move at all as she stared into the hallway and probably directly at some male Pokémon; she couldn't tell, and it didn't matter. Sugar was tempted to turn around again and yell something intelligent at that snotty Ninetales, but she just couldn't think of anything appropriate. It'd probably be better to simply ignore him. She took a deep breath and then tried to focus on what was important again. She had to line up the males. It'd take her concentration off of Thunder.

The process went very well, as they all seemed to have learned already that Sugar didn't like objections. Thunder had obviously decided to just sit by and observe, and she was grateful that he didn't seek conflict with her; he had probably spoken the truth, and the only reason he was here was to guarantee everyone's safety. At the moment, the line started with Arzo, the Absol; a Croconaw called Namian followed, and then came a Houndoom named Ruphew... The Sneasel had lined up about seventeen of her guests now, and even though all of them were clearly impatient, nobody had even tried to protest. Whenever she told them something they just nodded or said "yes", so there wasn't any kind of interruption until she noticed the Linoone. She hadn't seen him before this moment, for he was only about half her size and thus tended to disappear in groups; but now that most of the males were properly lined up, she had spotted him. With a broad smile she stepped up to the small normal type, sitting down right in front of him.

"Rax!" she shouted empathically, speaking much louder than it would have been necessary, which made everyone in the hallway direct their attention to the Linoone, that looked up at Sugar with a smile of anticipation. "Betraying your mate, as always?" Rax winced slightly.

"Would you please not talk so loudly!?" he hissed, looking to the left and to the right; each of the attendants had heard her, of course, so he could only hope that nobody would make a big deal out of it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, were you trying to keep it a secret?" Sugar chuckled. "I thought everyone knew about your idea of a successful partnership already." Rax just looked at her with a pleading expression, silently begging her to stop making a mockery of him. She looked at him for a long time, and then decided to be nice for once. The Sneasel brought her head closer to his and continued in a lower tone: "You still seem to be as sneaky as you always were. How did you manage to get here without Lejfea noticing? She must know what's going to go on here, almost everybody heard it when I made the invitation..." Rax nodded slightly and then responded even lower:

"I told her I'd need to help Thunder keep an eye on the things happening here." Sugar looked surprised.

"She bought that?" Rax nodded again. The Sneasel grinned. "Oh, come on. You can't tell me she honestly believes you could be of any kind of help to Thunder. Just look at yourself, you're even smaller than me!" For a moment the Linoone seemed like he wanted to protest, but he obviously realized how big a mistake this would be, so he just kept his mouth shut.

"Are you sure she's not actually glad you're away?," the Sneasel whispered. "I could imagine her getting together with someone else right now... You know, with a real male..." This was probably one of the most insulting things she had ever said to the Linoone, and it was easily visible that it was a hard thing for him to swallow; still, he didn't say anything in return. There wasn't even an angry expression in his eyes, just something that made him look... weak. Weak, and definitely ashamed of himself. In any case, Sugar liked it that he didn't show any resistance. She had always loved this about the Linoone; he would give absolutely everything in order to be with her for only one night, so maybe she should give him some kind of reward...

"It's cute through how much trouble you're willing to go just to spend some time with me..." Her face moved closer towards his, and her expression had changed from taunting to seductive. "This really has to be very important for you..." The Linoone nodded again and then swallowed.

"I'd do everything for you, Sugar..." he whispered back.

"Everything?" she asked.

"Everything," he repeated. Her smile grew broader.

"I'll give you a chance to prove this..." Sugar rose to her paws and then motioned towards the door with her head. "You can be the first one in line..." Rax was speechless for a moment, but his eyes told Sugar that all his wishes had just come true. Inwardly, she smiled to herself. Sure, the Linoone was much too small to bring her any kind of real pleasure, but he was just so cute... She knew she wouldn't regret this decision. And by showing him that he could be with her by telling his mate some lies would further encourage him to do it, until one day Lejfea would find out, and then he'd be completely depended on her, even more than the other males were.

"Th-Thank you so much!" he stammered and then dashed off to take position right in front of the door to Sugar's room. The Sneasel grinned slyly as a few of the males shot the Linoone disgruntled stares, which he didn't notice at all. They were weak enough already, but their competition among themselves only served to further split them apart, which made them even more prone to her planned seductions.
It didn't take her long to finish lining them up, as she didn't really care about the order in the last half of the line; she knew that, as soon as it was those males' turns, she'd be so worn out already that she wouldn't really notice what was going on anymore. As she slowly walked to the door of her room again, inconspicuously eyeing all of her guests as she did, she grinned to herself. The Sneasel knew she'd probably regret all this in the morning, but she also knew she'd enjoy it like nothing else while it lasted. Sugar sat down in front of the entrance to her room and smiled at Rax, who was staring at her with an unconcealed expression of lecherousness.

"We'll start in a moment," she assured him, and then spoke up, turning her head to the Ninetales that was sitting in the hallway, always observing her.

"Thunder, would you be so kind as to keep an eye on my guests, so that nobody leaves their place in the line?" She showed him her sweetest and most innocent expression, as she knew that this would only further enrage him. "I would be ever so grateful." Thunder just glared back at her with narrowed eyes, but nodded slightly. Sugar knew he didn't do this because of her asking for it, but it didn't matter to her. "That's so nice of you!" she exclaimed in an exaggeratedly cheerful tone of voice. She then opened her door and looked at the Linoone again.

"Follow me," she whispered.

"Oohh..." Sugar groaned as the relaxing afterglow of having been mated by three males at once slowly wore off again. She was lying on Namian, the Croconaw, with her cheek resting on his chest and her eyes closed. He was holding her embraced with his front paws, still taking deep breaths. The Sneasel could also feel the paws of the Linoone on her lower back, as he was standing on only two of his four legs right behind her, even though his penis had left her rear passage and gone back into its protective sheath again almost a minute ago. The Sneasel swallowed and found the salty taste of Arzo's semen to still be present in her mouth, even though it wasn't as intense as it had been a minute ago, of course. Sugar smiled. That was another reason she liked the Absol; in opposite to most of the other males, he was tasty. For a moment she felt like just falling asleep right where she was, but she knew there was still a lot more fun to be had this evening. It wasn't hard fighting her slight exhaustion; she opened her eyes and saw Arzo sitting on the bed right in front of her; he returned the gaze. Sugar smiled at him. It was a shame she had only let him have her mouth. The Sneasel knew exactly that the elegant Absol was skillful enough to make any female experience bliss beyond imagination. Sugar slowly turned to look at the Croconaw beneath her; his eyes were closed, but she knew he wasn't sleeping.

"It's time to go, cutie," she whispered as she gave him a kiss on his cheek. "I understand you don't want to, but you just can't hold me forever..." Namian slowly opened his eyes, in which there stood an expression of absolute satisfaction.

"I know..." he murmured in his deep voice, and reluctantly released the Sneasel from his embrace. Rax seemed to follow his example as she could feel his paws leaving her back. Sugar rolled off of the Croconaw and lay down on her bed, still enjoying the warm sensation of having both her vagina and her anal passage filled with her males' sticky seed. Her eyes were opened only about halfway, and she didn't pay too much attention to what was happening, so it seemed strangely brusque to her as the three males had suddenly left her bed and were standing on the floor again. She blinked and shook her head, slowly sitting up.

"Thank you for coming," she spoke in a warm tone as Rax, Arzo and Namian were all looking up at her, seemingly waiting for her to say something; of course, she was fully aware of the double entendre hidden in that sentence. "Arzo, Namian, you two can go now, but don't tell anyone to come in yet; I'd like to have a talk with Rax in private, first." The Absol and the Croconaw nodded, while the Linoone just looked confused. They made their way over to the door.

"Thank you for having us over," the Absol said, slowly raising his paw to the doorknob; but Sugar made him turn his attention to her once more:

"Arzo, if you'd like to, you may go to the back of the line and then come in here once more after I'll be through with all the others... There are still some things I might find you... helpful for." The Sneasel had carefully chosen her words, as to make sure that she didn't make this offer for him, but for herself in the first place. Nevertheless, the Absol smiled and nodded.

"It'll be a pleasure." He and Namian both left the room and quickly closed the door behind them again, so that nobody would just storm into Sugar's chamber. The Sneasel lay down on the soft bed and turned to face Rax, who was looking up at her with a surprised, but undoubtedly curious expression.

"I won't beat around the bush," she stated, her tone of voice being serious, yet still seductive in a way. "I wanted you to stay here so that I could offer you something." After this sentence, she paused for a while, watching the Linoone become visibly more and more impatient. The Sneasel carefully inched closer to the edge of her bed, so that she could have a better view. "But first, I have a question." Rax nodded, signalling that he was ready to give her an answer. Inwardly, Sugar smiled slyly. She was being mean again.

"Do you love your mate?" The Linoone blinked and looked like he wanted to give a quick response, but then didn't say anything although he opened his mouth. After a moment, he spoke in a shaky tone:

"I... I guess?" Sugar chuckled.

"You guess? What kind of answer is that?" Rax looked to the side and blushed; it was easily visible through his bright fur.

"Do you love me more than her?" the Sneasel inquired. The Linoone swallowed. His whole appearance was so pathetic at the moment that Sugar had to keep herself from bursting out in laughter with some effort.

"I do." For once, it was hard to tell for the Sneasel whether he was lying or not, since she could not entirely be sure if he really knew the answer to this question in the first place. In the end it didn't matter anyway. Sugar kept smiling.

"How interesting," she found and then rolled over on her back, facing Rax now upside down. She had chosen this position because now the Linoone could easily see that her hind legs were spread, even though any kind of detail was obscured from his view. His eyes were fixated on the Sneasel again, completely enchanted by her appealing figure. "I may be able to help you with that insecurity, you know... It all depends on whether or not you agree to my proposal." She could tell he was getting aroused again just from looking at her.

"What... What's your offer?" the Linoone asked eagerly. Sugar could read in his eyes that he hoped she would let him mate again right this instant, but this was definitely not what she had in mind.

"It's easy," she replied and lolled, further building up the tension. After a few seconds she continued: "You just have to promise me not to mate with Lejfea for a week, then..." She stretched and slowly ran one of her claws along her sleek form in the general direction of her loins, as she finished her sentence in a lower and more seductive tone: "Then you'll be the one I'll choose next Sunday..." Looking at Rax, she could basically read his mind; of course, his thinking process was slowed down greatly by the enormous distraction in front of him, but Sugar knew what kind of idea was currently building up in that sneaky male's head.

"Don't even think about it," she scolded lightly, rolling over on her belly again. "If you agree to my proposal, then there won't be any way for you to cheat. I can tell when you're lying." Rax seemed to almost shrink in size as she spoke this sentence, but he still tried to hide his embarrassment as best as he could. "It's your choice," Sugar spoke in a bittersweet tone, "you can either accept my offer and not sleep with your mate for at least a week but instead have a great time with me next Sunday, or you can refuse and try your best to enjoy being with Lejfea, knowing that some other male will be with me all day long." Rax swallowed. He looked to the ground as he said in a low tone:

"I agree to your offer." Sugar smiled broadly.

"How nice of you to make that choice!" She rose to her paws and jumped off of the bed, walking up to the Linoone. She gave him a small lick across his cheek, which made him look up at her again. Sugar kept her eyes locked with his.

"Just remember," she spoke lowly, "if you should suddenly decide to disappoint me, I will not only deny you access to my room, I will also tell Lejfea what you really did today when she thought you were helping Thunder." Rax winced a little, but kept up eye contact with her. After a moment, Sugar smiled sweetly. "But I know you'd never disappoint me, so there's no reason to worry," she went on in her usual nonchalant tone as she gently nuzzled the Linoone's cheek. "I'll be looking forward to having you here again in a week. Now please go and tell the others that I'm ready to receive my next three guests." Rax just nodded and then turned around. Without saying anything, he stepped towards the door. For a moment he still seemed like he was about to speak again, but in the end he remained quiet. The Linoone left the room and the door fell shut behind him. Sugar quickly jumped up on the bed again and lay down on her side, keeping her head raised.
Just a few seconds later the door opened again and a Houndoom, a Wigglytuff and a Dragonite entered. The dragon type was much smaller than Ryakee and also seemed to be rather weak in relation to her; then again, everyone was weak when compared against the large, muscular female that was capable of killing four or five smaller Pokémon with one Hyper Beam. Regardless, in comparison to Sugar he was still pretty big, of course. The Sneasel stayed in her position and showed her new guests one of her sweetest smiles.

"Ruphew, Feydon and Sannavo," she greeted them in the order they had come inside, "you can't believe how glad I am to have you here this evening..." None of them seemed to know what to say in response, so they just kept quiet. However, Sugar could tell by their lustful stares how impatient they had to be at the moment. Lowering her gaze a little, she saw that the tip of the Dragonite's penis had already left its sheath. She was sure that the other two males shared this condition, but it wasn't visible because of the Wigglytuff's dense fur and the fact that the Houndoom was a quadruped. Sugar chuckled lightly.

"Why don't you join me up here instead of just staring at me...?" The three males slowly approached her, obviously trying not to appear too needy. Ruphew and Feydon both jumped up on the bed with a swift move, but Sannavo appeared to be a little hesitant. The Sneasel could figure what he was worried about.

"Don't worry," she said with a grin. "This bed is very robust. It won't break." The Dragonite nodded and slowly sat down on the edge of the bed. When it didn't even creak, he became a bit more confident and lifted his legs up on it as well. Sugar was now sitting amidst three rather aroused males right at the center of her comfortable bed. She felt herself getting excited and a certain anticipation of what lay ahead started to build up in her.

"Alright, I imagined it a little like this..." she purred lowly and took a step towards Feydon. Within less than a second she had risen up on her hind legs and tightly pressed her body against his, her claws placed on his sides. Without another word she locked lips with the surprised Wigglytuff and started kissing him sensually, waiting for him to return this gesture of affection, which he did after a short moment. He wrapped his short arms around her sleek body and eagerly greeted her tongue with his as it entered his mouth. Feydon didn't resist when Sugar pressed herself against him more forcefully, so he fell over backwards and thus lay down on his back with the Sneasel on top of him. She had, of course, chosen this particular position for a reason; the Wigglytuff was warm and soft, with cottony fur and a physique that almost made him look like a giant pillow. He was the perfect Pokémon to lie down on.
Sugar didn't have to pay much attention to what she was doing at the moment. The complicated movements of her tongue, that served to further arouse the Wigglytuff only by caressing his mouth were so familiar to her that it all basically happened automatically. After a few moments, Feydon's tongue became slower and moved around clumsier than before; this signalled her that his mind was getting more and more clouded by his sexual need. She broke the kiss and looked up from the Wigglytuff, slightly moving her body as she did until one of her legs came in touch with something stiff and hard and lightly moist; she was sure his erection had reached its maximum size now. His paws were now placed on her sides, and he made a small effort to move her backwards a little so that they could start with what he had come for, but Sugar resisted. His expression told her about the painful longing he was feeling, and she gave him a quick lick across his cheek.

"Just a second," she whispered and then looked up. The Dragonite sat in front of her, his stare locked on the lower part of her body and his now almost fully grown erection standing upright and throbbing just a little. Sugar had, of course, known that Sannavo was bigger than almost all of the other males in the mansion, but she still was a little surprised. The thought that she'd only have that thing in her mouth and not anywhere else calmed her down, though.

"I need you to move there," she told him while turning her head a little to the left, "and kneel down, please." He did as he was told and was in position just a moment later. Sugar grinned and gave the pulsing erection right next to her head a small kiss close to its base, which immediately elicited a small groan from the large male. They were almost ready to start now. The Sneasel knew that Ruphew the Houndoom was behind her, and that was just where she wanted him to be. She shook her hindquarters a little in a very clear manner and then waited a second. Two black paws were then placed next to her head, one to the right and one to the left, and she could hear the canine's expectant panting as his whole body was now hovering over hers. Sugar closed her eyes for a small moment, simply enjoying her present situation and the feeling that something really good was going to happen in just a few seconds; she then shifted her body and moved backwards a little, letting the fur around her entrance brush across the Wigglytuff's hard penis. Feydon took a deep breath and carefully guided her movements with his paws. She lifted her hindquarters a bit and then slid down on his warm, smooth erection, taking the whole length inside in one go. Feydon gasped softly, and a broad smile spread on Sugar's face. She sensed that Ruphew was currently repositioning himself and figured he didn't need any help, so the Sneasel focused on Sannavo instead, or better, on his crotch. Since her front paws were placed on the bed in order to support the weight of her upper body, she would have to do this with her mouth alone. Sugar didn't want to start too quickly, so she just let her tongue trail along the Dragonite's erection, going from the base up to the tip and back again, repeating this motion a few times at a slow pace. She could hear deep breaths coming from the dragon type, and his penis became seemingly as hard as a rock and even grew a little again. But she couldn't concentrate on it for a long time, since the sudden sensation of her rear passage being spread apart by the Houndoom's long and rather thin rod caused her to yip lowly in surprise and a little bit of pleasure even. Ruphew grunted and pushed forward, until Sugar could feel his testicles come in touch with her rump. She gave a soft moan as the two males were now both lodged deeply within her, and then tried to focus on the Dragonite's penis in front of her face again. This was going to be more than just an enjoyable experience for all of them, but it would also take some coordination for everyone to get the most out of it.
Ruphew was the first to start moving again. The Sneasel felt him pull back slowly, the lower half of his penis leaving her rear. He then stopped for a moment, but Sugar knew he was eager to thrust back into her, so she also had to act fast. Raising her hindquarters again, Feydon's erection left her vagina, which was slick from her own fluids and those of the Croconaw she'd had before this Wigglytuff, almost entirely, which made the male sigh in a rather disappointed manner. His paws were placed on her sides, and he obviously tried to pull the Sneasel back down on his rod, but she resisted, waiting for the Houndoom behind her to do something - and she didn't have to wait long. Ruphew's erection got pushed into her with almost no resistance of her anal passage, not only because it was relatively thin, but because Rax had used the same entrance just a few minutes ago as well. As Sugar had hoped, the Houndoom thrusted into her with an considerable amount of force, which pushed her back down onto the soft Wigglytuff beneath her, burying his penis deep within her vagina. The exceptional sensation of suddenly being filled by two males at once made the Sneasel moan, but not as loudly as Feydon expressed the pleasure that he received from Sugar's well-used, but still relatively tight and, of course, very warm and wet sex. The Sneasel knew this was the motion they needed to repeat, and she also knew they had to do it slowly at first, so that it wouldn't mature into chaotic fidgeting in the end. But it wasn't a problem to dictate Ruphew's pace of thrusting into her; as long as she kept moving slowly, there wasn't really a chance for him to make it happen quicker.

Sannavo was greedily staring at Sugar's gracefully moving body. It was bad enough the Sneasel only wanted to grant him access to her mouth, but at the moment she was also completely neglecting him! He was kneeling right next to her, watching her raise her rump, receive the Houndoom's erection and be pushed down onto the Wigglytuff again a few times before his own body couldn't take it anymore. Without him consciously knowing it, there came a soft whimpering sound across his lips. It wasn't loud, but it obviously caught Sugar's attention since the female turned her head and grinned at him in a way that assured him that everything would be taken care of in a moment; and indeed, just a moment later the Sneasel had closed her lips around the very tip of his pulsing erection, which made the Dragonite inhale sharply. He had thought that not getting anything done on his penis had been bad enough already, but the way Sugar was teasing him now, with only the tiniest part of his rod being inside her mouth was even worse. He could practically hear his body screaming for more, and even when Ruphew thrusted into the Sneasel again her lips barely went down further. Additionally, she had now started to tickle the tip of his penis by flicking her tongue over it again and again, making Sannavo almost go insane with lust. But what ticked him off the most was that he could see her smile; even with her eyes closed now, and even with her lips enveloping a small part of his erection he could still see her smile in that smug way of hers, as she obviously enjoyed torturing him in such a supposedly pleasurable way. Without thinking twice about it he placed his paws on the back of her head, forcing it down on his throbbing penis while grunting in sudden pleasure as about half of his shaft was suddenly inside the Sneasel's warm mouth, being caressed by her tongue, her lips and the wet sensation of her saliva.

Sugar's eyes shot open as the Dragonite's strong paws pulled her head down brutally, and she immediately started choking on his penis since it was so big, but she couldn't get her head to move backwards. Sannavo's paws were holding her firmly, not giving her any chance to get out of this position. The Sneasel made a gargling sound as she tried drawing breath, which was a hard thing to do; the Dragonite's erection had entered her throat and was constantly causing a gagging reflex. She didn't fear for her life, though, as she knew that she was still the one in charge here. The only thing she was feeling right now was a burning rage deep down inside, that she hadn't been feeling for so many years... She had enough self-control not to bite down of Sannavo's penis, but she let her teeth scrape alongside it in a menacing way.

Sannavo roared in both in pain and in fright of the health of his sexual organs being at stake, and within less than a second he had pulled his erection out of the Sneasel's mouth completely. He clenched his eyes shut, whimpering softly, and raised his paws from Sugar's head. For a moment he had to fight the urge to hit her in the face for what she had just done; that'd only make it worse, much, much worse. He heard the Sneasel coughing, as she probably tried to get a hold of herself again. Slowly, Sannavo opened his eyes; he almost didn't dare to look. Both Feydon and Ruphew had stopped their motions and were waiting for Sugar to recover while staring at him with accusing expressions. The Dragonite thought it'd be best to just leave now, so he started with a motion to get off of the bed, but the Sneasel's voice stopped him.

"Wait," she commanded and then coughed again. She shook her head and glared up at him, blinking tears out of her eyes. "Do you think that's funny?" Her stare was so merciless and hateful that Sannavo couldn't bear to face her; he turned to the side, blushing deeply both in embarrassment and uneasiness. He didn't reply.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Sugar hissed, and the pure anger in her voice made the Dragonite comply. She was baring her sharp teeth as an expression of rage, and looking at them rekindled the stinging pain in his penis, that had shrunk in size now that his arousal had gone away for obvious reasons. "And give me an answer!" the Sneasel demanded. Sannavo shook his head, trying his best to keep looking at the female as she had told him to.

"No," he mumbled. Sugar's expression didn't change.

"Speak in complete sentences!" she ordered. Sannavo frowned. This was getting ridiculous.

"I don't think it's funny," he replied. The Sneasel nodded and then said nothing for a few seconds, which made Sannavo feel increasingly uncomfortable.

"Well?" she asked harshly after a moment, "won't you apologize?" The Dragonite winced a little, as he realized that he should have at least done that. Next to Sugar's gaze, the stares coming from the two other males were getting increasingly impatient as well. They wanted to continue, and Sannavo knew that the shorter this would take, the better.

"I'm sorry," he said in the most convincing tone of voice he was able to muster at the moment. Inwardly, he was more angry than anything else; Sugar had basically made him do it, after all.

"What are you sorry for?" she wanted to know, her gaze still locked with his. The Dragonite clenched his teeth, but then spoke:

"I'm sorry for forcing you down on my penis." His voice was rather low, and the Sneasel didn't look convinced at all. "I really am," he added after a moment of silence. Another few seconds later she nodded.

"Let's just act like I believe you this time," she said, "and let's just forget about this for now. Come a little closer again." Sannavo had trouble believing it. She was still going to carry on with him after what he had just done? He inched a little closer to the Sneasel again. She bared her teeth once more and then added: "Just remember: The next time you do that, I'll just bite it off." The Dragonite swallowed. He didn't doubt that Sugar was serious about this.

Inspite of her externally angry and menacing behaviour, the Sneasel was still smiling on the inside. This large Dragonite right in front of her was following her orders without objections, going even as far as to make a complete fool of himself. She was sure that, if she told him to hop around on one paw, he'd do it until she would say it was alright to stop again. It was all part of the common behavioural pattern that applied to almost every male. Each of their actions were generally predictable, the only aspect that varied between the individuals was how much of a certain stimulation they needed to perform the reaction prognosed by the Sneasel. As for this Dragonite, this amount of stimulation seemed to be very small. Of course, Sugar knew how to let a male's penis enter her throat without choking, the problem had only been that it had happened a lot too abruptly. If he'd just had the patience to wait, she would have gotten to it eventually, but he had decided to make her do it sooner and that just wasn't acceptable. Things were either following Sugar's pace, or they wouldn't happen at all.
When Sannavo had repositioned himself, although his eyes still showed a slightly worried expression, Sugar knew it was time to go on. Along with the two males below and above her, she had grown quite impatient for things to continue as well. The Sneasel saw Feydon close his eyes and smile contentedly as she rose her hips again, giving Ruphew a new opportunity to thrust his erection deep into her. Since he was tired of waiting any longer, he did it a lot more forceful this time, which in turn pushed Sugar down on the Wigglytuff a lot faster, making both of them give a groan of approval. As before, the Sneasel waited until they had found a certain rhythm again and then turned her head to the left, where the Dragonite was waiting.
After what she had done to him, his erection had lost some of its enormous size, but now it was quickly growing again because of the sexual actions taking place right in front of his eyes, combined with both Feydon's and Sugar's moaning; so far the Sneasel hadn't heard any sound coming from the Houndoom, except for his constant panting right above her head, which told her that he'd just love to quicken the pace. But that'd have to wait a little longer; for now she'd be occupied with Sannavo, at least for a moment. Sugar took care not to move too quickly as she brought her head closer to the throbbing rod of flesh in front of her. Of course she knew that, the longer she'd take, the less the Dragonite would be able to contain himself, which would just serve to make things more interesting. The Sneasel then opened her mouth, showing her teeth again, which made Sannavo wince a little. He hadn't forgotten her warning and thus the Sneasel would find out soon if his rational side was strong enough to keep controlling his body, or if he would in the end succumb to his sexual desires again. Sugar closed her eyes and carefully enveloped the tip of Sannavo's erection with her lips, earning a relieved sigh from the large male. She went down a little further than before, but still didn't take more than maybe one fifth of it into her mouth. It was a little hard to keep her head in this position while Ruphew constantly rammed the rest of her body onto the smooth Wigglytuff beneath her, but she managed to do it because of her considerable experience with the whole subject.
It wasn't enough to just have it in her mouth, of course. Sugar was an expert when it came to finding the most sensitive places of a male's penis with her tongue, which she was now rubbing along the underside of Sannavo's erection, making the Dragonite moan in pleasure every now and then. After a moment she changed her method and started to only use the very tip of her tongue in order to exert more pressure on certain spots that were especially sensible to the touch. She heard the Dragonite take deeper breaths, and his groans were constantly becoming louder. Sugar knew exactly that she could drive him to a rather early orgasm by keeping up with this, which was just what she didn't want to do. She went back to using the whole area of her tongue again, caressing both the topside and the underside of the Dragonite's penis now, coating it in her saliva and small amounts of his preseed that she was able to draw out of him. In addition to this, she started to suckle very gently on the warm, throbbing rod. She could feel it twitch inside her mouth, and she knew that Sannavo was feeling the urge to thrust it deeper into her again, but for now he was still able to control himself.

Meanwhile, Ruphew's thrusts became gradually harder as it also became easier for the Houndoom to move; he had started shooting spurts of preseed as well, and it all increased the pleasure both for him and the Sneasel. The moment she raised her hindquarters, he pushed his erection into her without hesitating even for a second. The whole procedure had become a lot more fluent now than it had been in the beginning, and even Feydon was doing his best to support this development. He pushed his lower body upwards, which didn't only make him penetrate Sugar more deeply, but also helped her lifting her hips again to await the Houndoom's next thrust, which always came immediately. The increased strength of Ruphew's motion had the effect that Sugar's head went down further on Sannavo's erection almost automatically. However, she still wasn't putting that much effort into pleasuring the Dragonite, and it started to show. There always was an impatient undertone in his groans, and after a moment she could feel him place one of his paws on her cheek. He wasn't trying to pull her down further for now, but it still was an obvious sign to her. Very slowly, she increased the force of her tongue rubbing the underside of his erection, but it was clear that this would make things worse before it'd make them better as Sannavo now started to whimper softly every once in a while. His paw was caressing her cheek, moving in a circular motion, until he raised it to carefully rub one of her ears instead. Sugar had to admit that, for someone as gruff as him, he could be rather sensual when he wanted to. But she knew, of course, that this action was more a silent begging for a little more attention that anything else. Still, it felt good to have her ear rubbed like this, and it got even better when Sannavo used his other paw to take care of her second ear as well... Sugar decided to take a little more of his erection into her mouth and paid a little more attention to where exactly she touched him with her tongue. He noticed this and gave a pleasured grunt, softly massaging her ears with his paws.
It became harder now to really focus on what she was doing with her mouth, as the amount of pleasure coming from her vagina and her anal passage being filled with her males' hard rods grew. Feydon now also seemed to be rather intent on not letting Sugar's body move away from his again, as he tightly kept her torso embraced. Her hindquarters kept moving though, and it happened at a much faster pace than before, even. Ruphew had taken a step forwards, so that about half of his penis never left her rear anymore, and every new thrust seemed to be even deeper than the last. In turn, the lubrication provided by her own sex allowed her to slide down very quickly on the Wigglytuff's penis, making penetration easier and easier. The more her vaginal walls were stimulated, the more they seemed to welcome Feydon's erection, opening up easily when it went inside and then contracting around it a little, elicting loud moans from the Wigglytuff that were laden with sexual pleasure. Ruphew's constant panting had become much more intense as well, and the Houndoom tightly pushed his hips against Sugar's hindquarters each time his penis went deeper into her, just as if he'd never want to move backwards again. The Sneasel sometimes gave muffled groans, which in turn made the experience more pleasurable for Sannavo, as the vibration of her voice went from her lips straight into the Dragonite's erection. The better it was for him, the more she felt him shoot his preseed into her mouth, which she now decided to swallow. She had grown used to the taste over time, so it didn't pose any problem to her. In any way, this action also served to stimulate the Dragonite, as his penis slid a little deeper into her mouth again and the force of Sugar's sucking increased a little. His paws were kneading her ears rather strongly and she felt his hips move, pushing his erection a little deeper inside. Immediately, Sugar stopped both the motions of her tongue and her sucking, subtly warning the large male in front of her, but he didn't seem to take any notice of this. His hips started moving back and forth, and each time he pushed more of his erection into her mouth, accompanied by a hoarse moan and a new spurt of preseed. Sugar decided that it was enough now; she wouldn't let anyone treat her like this. Once again, one of her teeth lightly scraped the topside of Sannavo's penis, once again the Dragonite roared and once again he pulled his erection out of her mouth. Sugar opened her eyes, swallowed the last bit of precum that she still had in her mouth and then glared up at Sannavo, who was returning the gaze with an obviously angry expression in his eyes. Ruphew and Feydon had stopped their motions again, and the Houndoom was growling at the Dragonite.

"What have you done now, you idiot?" Feydon snapped. He pulled Sugar a little closer to him, which was, as she assumed, caused by an instinctive protective desire. Sannavo shook his head.

"I didn't do anything!" he claimed. Sugar blinked.

"Oh, really?" she asked rhetorically. "You mean, you didn't just try to choke me again with your erection?" Sannavo gritted his teeth.

"I wasn't trying to choke you!" Normally, the Sneasel would have scolded him for shouting at her like this, but there was something much more important now that she'd have to focus on first.

"But you did push it deeper into my mouth again, didn't you?" The Dragonite nodded, and then shrugged.

"I don't see what should be wrong with that." Sugar narrowed her eyes. Of course, he hadn't gone as far as he had the first time, but this was still inacceptable. She kept up eye contact with Sannavo; he was, of course, physically stronger than her, but she still knew she'd win any kind of fight against him.

"Did I give you my permission to do that?" Now, the Dragonite looked confused.

"No," he replied, and shook his head. "I mean, you were kind of unable to talk at the time, and..."

"And you just assumed I'd be alright with it," the Sneasel finished the sentence for him. Sannavo looked like he wanted to say something, but then remained quiet, after all. After a moment, Sugar continued: "You know, you should be thankful that I didn't do what I said I would, because you'd really deserve it." At this point, the Dragonite's expression changed from angry and confused to indignant.

"This is ridiculous!" he complained. "It's not like I hurt you or anything! I just wanted to..."

"You will not yell at me," Sugar interrupted. Her voice was calm and firm, and she still hadn't broken eye contact with Sannavo. It worked to put the Dragonite off his stride. He fell silent and then, after another moment of staring at the Sneasel, looked to the ground.

"I'm sorry for having done it again," he mumbled. "If you want me to leave..."

"No, you'll stay." Sannavo looked up again, obviously very surprised. Sugar's expression hadn't softened one bit. "You will stand over there at the wall," she went on, pointing to the corner that lay opposite to the one her bed stood in, "and watch me have fun with everyone who's currently waiting for their turn. When I'm through with all of them I will get back to you. And, of course, you will not even think of touching yourself while you're waiting." The Dragonite kept staring at her with a baffled expression. He then shook his head.

"This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard." He got off of the bed and started walking, heading for the door. Sugar smiled to herself.

"You leave this room now and I promise you will never enter it again." Sannavo froze. He slowly turned his head back to look at Sugar.

"You're kidding, right?" There was a pleading undertone in his voice. The Sneasel basked in his current misery, knowing that there was no way he'd step through that door.

"It's your choice," she said. "If you think you can treat me in such a disrespectful way, then you also have to face your just punishment." The Dragonite looked to the door and then back at Sugar again.

"Please don't do this to me," he begged. The Sneasel just shrugged and turned her head to the Wigglytuff she was lying on. Her lips met up with his and she started kissing him as she raised her hindquarters, ready to continue with what they had been doing before this interruption. Ruphew seemed to be eager to go on as well as he rammed his erection into her much more vigorously than before, while Feydon returned the passionate kiss; there still had to be slight trails of the Dragonite's preseed in her mouth but he didn't seem to mind, probably because he was far too wound up in enjoying what Sugar had to offer. She closed her eyes and savored the feeling of being held, of being kissed and of being mated all at the same time. Her tongue greeted Feydon's, and his short paws rubbed her back in a sensual manner as he forcefully raised his lower body again and again, shoving Sugar's hindquarters back up to where they were awaited by the Houndoom already. The Sneasel sighed contentedly after breaking the kiss again and opened her eyes. For a short time she looked to the side and saw, much to her delight, the Dragonite standing in the corner she had pointed to, his eyes fixated on her enticing body that was moving to the rhythm of their sexual dance. Sannavo's erection stood upright and his neediness was obvious, but he kept his paws to his sides, just like the Sneasel had told him to. The longing, painful expression in his eyes almost made her feel a little compassionate, but she just had to remind herself of what he had done; sure, she had basically provoked his behaviour, but the Dragonite just needed to learn how to keep control over his body, and this way was definitely the most efficient one. Sugar decided not to let herself get distracted by him and turned to look back at Feydon with a warm smile. The Wigglytuff had an expression of pleasure written across his face. The Sneasel knew he'd reach his climax soon, at least earlier than the Houndoom would, but that was alright; the main reason she had chosen him had been that she could have something soft to lie on while the strong canine Pokémon over her thrusted into her, anyway. And he was fulfilling this task quite well; in fact, it was so comfortable that Sugar probably would have fallen asleep if it hadn't been for the two hard rods of flesh constantly being pushed into her. Sugar closed her eyes and lay her head on the bed right next to Feydon's. The motion of raising her hindquarters in a constant, quick pace basically went on without her mind paying any attention to it. Whenever she was filled by her males' erections, a familiar wave of pleasure surged through her, which definitely was a nice feeling, but she'd had better. In any way, she knew that both Feydon and Ruphew would reach their orgasms sooner or later without her having to do anything else, so she just decided to relax and let things happen. A moment later, though, she suddenly felt something a little more unusual; she opened her eyes again and quickly recognized this new sensation as the Wigglytuff's smooth tongue running across her cheek again and again. It was a warm, soothing feeling, which made the Sneasel purr happily. For some reason, it was much more noticeable to her than what was currently done to her vagina and her rear. Sugar lifted her head again and looked in Feydon's eyes; any real expression was hidden behind a veil of lust. His mouth opened and he gave a loud, sustained moan of pleasure. Now that she concentrated on it again the Sneasel noticed that his paws had moved a little lower, so that he could hold her hips tightly pressed against his; his erection was twitching inside her vagina, shooting its seed deep into her. It was a nice feeling to be filled with the male's semen, and a satisfied coo came across Sugar's lips, but nothing else happened, and she hadn't expected anything else to happen, either. It was hard for anyone to make her climax, and this Wigglytuff hadn't been too experienced anyway. But she gave him a kiss on his cheek and stayed close to him; not only because he was still holding her embraced as the last bits of sperm left his erection, but also because she really wanted to stay in this position at least a little longer.
Now that she didn't raise her rear again, Ruphew had to lower his body a little. He took another step forward, so that he could pick up his pace of mating with the Sneasel once more. His penis now stayed deep within her at all times, and she basically just felt him pushing against her hindquarters very strongly and then a little less again. But it seemed to be enough stimulation for him as his panting became heavier and his movements frantic, as he was now obviously trying to reach his climax as soon as possible. It was a little too rough for Sugar's taste, but she didn't want to complain now, since her anal passage being constantly spread apart did provide a certain amount of pleasure for her as well; she tried moving in rhythm with the Houndoom's thrusts, budging forwards when he pulled back and slamming her hindquarters against his hips when he pushed into her again. It felt a lot better now that there were moments when a small part of Ruphew's erection left her, and others when she felt herself being stretched out anew. Each time she felt him penetrate her she moaned, but at the same time she knew that this was the best the Houndoom could do, and she wouldn't get any closer to her own climax than this. And then, without any kind of warning, it happened; Ruphew thrusted into her one last time and had his orgasm, coating her rear passage with his thick, warm semen, keeping his penis lodged deeply within her as his seed were being pumped out of it. The only sound she heard from him was a pleasured growl; then, as soon as all of his sperm had been shot into the Sneasel's anus, he stepped backwards. Sugar was a little taken aback by the sudden feeling of emptiness and just let her hindquarters sink down to rest on the Wigglytuff's waist. She blinked, and then focused her attention on Feydon. He was taking deep breaths and seemed to be very exhausted, but his eyes were opened and he smiled at Sugar with a warm expression. The Sneasel returned the smile and rubbed her body against his in an affectionate manner. His penis had already shrunk and left her vagina, but that wasn't what she was focusing on, anyway. She lowered her head and whispered in his ear:

"You were great, cutie." The smile on his face grew broader and he held her a little closer to his body than before. Sugar hadn't even lied; sure, the Wigglytuff definitely didn't know much about mating and he hadn't exactly done very much; instead, he seemed to be more the nice, warm, cuddly type of male. Sugar liked him. If there hadn't been so many others waiting, she'd have just stayed where she was until she'd fall asleep, simply because not even the softest cushion could replace that Wigglytuff's nice hug. But she had to get on with taking care of her other guests if she wanted to get done tonight and not let them wait until next afternoon. Sugar rose to her paws, and Feydon let go of her with a soft sigh. She chuckled and stepped aside. As she turned her head, she noticed that Ruphew had already jumped off of the bed and was now sitting next to the door. That Houndoom knew what he wanted, and he wouldn't waste his time with anything else; Sugar would keep that in mind for the next time. It wouldn't take her long and he'd only focus on what she wanted instead. The Sneasel quickly looked at Sannavo, whose situation hadn't changed one bit. She nodded at him, and then looked at Feydon, who was currently climbing off of the bed.

"I'm glad you two had time for me," she said, obviously excluding the Dragonite in the corner. "Remember, if you'd like to spend some more time with me, I always love to have company." Both Feydon and Ruphew nodded. The Houndoom opened the door and stepped outside, but the Wigglytuff kept looking at Sugar for another moment. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but in the end he just turned away and followed Ruphew. The Sneasel shrugged and mentally readied herself for the next three males.

(21067 words)


At this point, I would normally say "This ends the fifth chapter"; however, in this case the chapter is not yet finished, that's why it's called "As sweet as Sugar (Part one)". I just had the usual problem of it being way too long, and so I have decided to make a two-parter out of it, which is a good idea, since the second part will most probably have more than 20000 words as well. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this first part of the fifth chapter, in which I kind of wanted to make up for the lack of sexual themes since chapter two. If you have the time, please leave a review; if you have a request, opinion or any kind of question about my stories or anything else concerning me, please email me at [email protected] . I definitely hope to need less time for part two than I needed for part one, but sadly I can't make any promises. Well, thank you for reading, and I hope you all look forward to the second part.

-- Lion vom Silberwald

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