AGNPH Stories

A Mansion made of Dreams by lion_vom_silberwald


As sweet as Sugar (Part two)

Yes, this installment of the Mansion is longer than 27000 words. No, I don't know what I was thinking. Yes, I know that three months is a way too long time to need for a single chapter (or second half of a chapter in this case), even though it's longer than all the others. I'm sorry about that. Oh, and on a side note, I've been playing with the thought of renaming these chapters from "As sweet as Sugar" to "Too much Sugar is bad for you", but in the end it wasn't all that important to me, I guess. In any way, enjoy reading this monster of a second part of a chapter.

PLEASE NOTE: I do not own Pokémon, and I have to say that I'm kind of proud of it, because the idea of capturing animal-like creatures to make them fight each other is pretty sick, actually. Whatever, every species of Pokémon referred to in the following text is the property of their rightful owner, however, the actual story belongs to me. 

WARNING: This story contains scenes of sexual intercourse between one female and one male Pokémon. If this offends you, then I ask you politely to leave right now; I will not be held responsible for any possible occurrences of mental damage you might experience from reading this.

Thank you.


A Mansion made of Dreams

Still Chapter five: As sweet as Sugar (Part two)

Lyrtes was lying in bed, his eyes clenched shut, trying his best to fall asleep. He knew it was late, and he knew that if he didn't get some rest soon he'd wake up way too late the next day. He really didn't want this to happen, simply because of how important that very day was to him. But he didn't want to think about this now. The more he focused his mind on Sugar, the harder it became to ignore the natural desire he felt for her, which didn't help him fall asleep. The Wartortle turned around on his other side. Where it wasn't protected by his shell, the blanket gently caressed his smooth skin with its warm and soft touch, which only served to further remind him of the Sneasel. He immediately had to think about how good it had felt when she had let him hug her, how wonderful it had been to hold her embraced... Right now he wished he wouldn't have let go of her again. But she probably would have gotten angry at him, and being without her still seemed to be better to him than to be with her when she didn't want his vicinity.
Lyrtes sighed. It was useless. He just couldn't get that Sneasel out of his mind, no matter how hard he tried. His eyes were closed, but he could still see her beautiful face right in front of him, her sleek curves and her deep dark and rose eyes, that could change their expression from friendly to hateful within less than a second. But it didn't matter so much whether she liked seeing him or not anyway; the most important thing was that she acknowledged his existence in the first place. And she had asked him to stay a little longer after all, hadn't she? Maybe that meant she saw something special in him... Maybe it even meant that, if he just tried hard enough, they could grow closer together than Sugar had ever been with any other male... Lyrtes opened his eyes. He probably wouldn't get any sleep at all this night; he hadn't felt so awake in ages. But maybe he'd be able to tire himself out a little, so that he could have at least a small amount of rest. In any case, lying in bed wasn't of any use to him at the moment. He decided to go for a walk, right after his eyes would have accustomed to the darkness at least enough so he'd be able to see the door.
Slowly, Lyrtes left his bed, his hind paws coming in touch with the slightly rough carpet that lay on the floor. The room was not too big, and there were only two beds in it; as usual, the other one was empty, but Lyrtes still knew he had to be quiet. He tiptoed across the carpet, making absolutely no noise at all, slowly approaching the closed door. His mind was slowly coming back to thinking about Sugar now. The Wartortle wondered if she was still busy with her male guests. It had to be at least ten o' clock, so she'd have to be at it for a very long time already. Maybe it'd be a good idea to check up on her? He was a little worried, after all... Perhaps someone had decided to take advantage of this situation? It was possible. Lyrtes needed to find out about this. It was just for Sugar's safety, he reminded himself. Nothing else would happen, he'd just knock on her door to see if she was alright. The Wartortle nodded to himself and then took a deep breath. He had finally reached the door of his room and now raised one of his front paws to the doorknob. Lyrtes felt the cool metal come in touch with his skin. He turned the doorknob very carefully, not quite opening the door yet.

"Where are you going?" Lyrtes jerked and pulled his paw away from the doorknob. He could feel his heart rapidly pounding against his chest. The Wartortle took a deep breath to make himself calm down a little.

"I just want to take a walk," he replied, turning his head to the left, where the voice had come from. It was still hard to recognize any details in the darkness, but he could see the Beedrill sitting in his usual corner, leaning back against the wall. Even though there was another bed in the room, the insect Pokémon never used it. His large, emotionless eyes were fixated on Lyrtes.

"Isn't this a rather odd time to be strolling around?" he asked. The Wartortle blushed, which, as he hoped, wasn't visible in the darkness.

"I can't sleep," he said. For a moment, the Beedrill just stared at him. It always made Lyrtes feel uncomfortable when he did this; it was as if the older Pokémon could read his mind. Nevertheless, he didn't turn his head away. It'd just made him seem weak. Now, he wasn't afraid of Scarvas, as the Beedrill was called, but he did admire the bug type a lot, mostly because of his vast experience on life. Scarvas seemed to possess a rather large amount of wisdom and always gave good advice to anyone who asked for it. He also appeared to have reached a certain level of, and Lyrtes just couldn't think of anything more fitting to describe it, inner peace; sometimes he'd just sit around for hours with his eyes closed, thinking. The Wartortle didn't know what he was thinking about, but it always seemed to be something deep and important... those were, of course, only his impressions of the Beedrill, but they were also the reasons he admired him so much. There was something about the bug type that just made Lyrtes want to be like him. The fact that Scarvas had chosen to live in a room together with the Wartortle had excited him a lot at first, and he had hoped that the Beedrill could maybe become something like his teacher, but it had quickly turned out that Scarvas was mostly interested in not being distracted by anyone, so that he could dwell on his thoughts in peace. Nevertheless, he had preferred Lyrtes' room over any of the empty ones, and that had to mean at least something, as the Wartortle saw it. And sometimes Scarvas even decided to share some of his wisdom with him, even though this happened very rarely and generally ended with Lyrtes being more confused than anything else.

"I know what's on your mind," the Beedrill stated after a seemingly very long moment of just staring at Lyrtes. The Wartortle blushed again and now lowered his gaze. He couldn't imagine Scarvas to ever have a problem comparable to his own, mostly because the bug type had never seemed to be interested in females; then again, he had never seemed to really be interested in anyone. From the corner of his eyes, Lyrtes could see him slowly rise to his long, thin, shiny black legs. "I will accompany you," Scarvas decided. "I hope you don't have anything against this." Lyrtes opened his mouth as he wanted to protest, but then stopped. Why should he object to the Beedrill's decision? Maybe he'd get a chance to learn something from him.

"Thank you," he replied and looked up again. Finally, he opened the door. The hallway was just as dark as their room, but he had quickly found the light switch. Other than a very low noise of a few Pokémon talking in the distance he couldn't hear anything. The Beedrill, who was slightly taller than Lyrtes, stepped up behind him and the Wartortle left the room, turning to the right.

"We should go this way," Scarvas said in a calm tone, pointing to the left with one of his needles. Lyrtes blinked in a surprised manner.

"Well, I actually wanted to check up on Sugar first, if you don't mind," he explained. "It won't take long." He wanted to start walking, but Scarvas' voice made him stop again.

"I doubt that'd be a good idea." Lyrtes turned his head, looking over his shoulder at the Beedrill.

"But I'm a little worried about..." he began, but was cut off by Scarvas shaking his head.

"She can take care of herself, and you know that." He began walking off to the left. "Come now. We need to get your mind off that female." For a moment, the Wartortle stood still, as he couldn't decide whether to follow the Beedrill's direction or to just walk away in the opposite direction; after a few seconds, however, he quickly followed Scarvas. The Beedrill didn't turn to look at him as he reached his side, and Lyrtes just stared forwards as well. They passed a few other Pokémon on their way, but refrained from speaking even one word, until they had reached, after walking through three corridors overall, one of the doors that led outside. Lyrtes registered that this was the exit that lay the furthest from Sugar's room, and he knew that Scarvas hadn't just randomly chosen it. The Beedrill opened the door and they both stepped outside.
It was dark, of course, but it was a different kind of darkness than inside the mansion, as the sky was clear from clouds and moon and stars were shining rather brightly. Lyrtes took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air. It wouldn't help him fall asleep, but it was definitely better than just lying in bed. The grass was slightly wet and it made the Wartortle smile. The tiny droplets of water touching the bottoms of his hind paws created a special and very enjoyable feeling. Lyrtes looked to the right; partly obscured by the mansion he could see the lake, its calm surface glistening in the moonlight. Never before had it looked more inviting than at this moment. The Wartortle was tempted to just run over and take a swim, but most of his attention was still focused on Scarvas. The Beedrill was looking up at the stars. After a moment, Lyrtes followed his gaze with his eyes. They just stood like that for a while, their attention focused on the sky, until Scarvas asked:

"What are you thinking about?" Lyrtes swallowed and shook his head.

"I'm not thinking about anything," he claimed, not wanting to reveal the truth to the Beedrill. He was ashamed of himself and silently prayed that Scarvas wouldn't notice his lie.

"Of course you are." The Wartortle blushed. It had probably been too obvious.

"I'm thinking about... About that night a few days ago, when we were attacked..."

"That's not true," Scarvas cut him off. Lyrtes sighed. He had honestly hoped the Beedrill would believe him; after all, he still carried the scars from that night on his shell, so it hadn't been that improbable. He decided not to say anything for now, then at least Scarvas wouldn't get angry at him for lying. Lyrtes just kept staring at the stars, trying his best not to think about the only thing that was on his mind right now, that had been on his mind ever since he had left Sugar's room earlier this day. Even at this moment, he was continuously reminded of the Sneasel. The night made him recall her eyes, the endless darkness with a slight, shimmering light deep within, and encircled by a bright, colorful ring. He shook his head and looked to the side.

"Let's go," Scarvas said, and started walking in, as it seemed to Lyrtes, a random direction, that led away from the lake. He followed him without hesitation. After a short while, the Beedrill turned to the left, seemingly not wanting to get too far away from the mansion. Lyrtes didn't have to try very hard to keep up with him, as Scarvas obviously wasn't interested in getting anywhere soon; he just strolled around the building aimlessly, without saying anything or even looking at the Wartortle at his side. It didn't take Lyrtes long to realize that, if he wanted to find out what this was about, he'd have to ask for it.

"Why did you want to come along?" he wanted to know after some time. The Beedrill kept walking, his two large needles interlocked behind his back.

"I needed to make sure you wouldn't do anything stupid." This openly patronizing statement surprised Lyrtes a little and he stopped walking. Scarvas stood still as well, fixating his large, red eyes on him. He was staring at the Wartortle as blankly as he always did, simply because it was biologically impossible for his insect eyes to show any kind of expression, but Lyrtes could feel that a certain suspense was in the air.

"It's not like I'm your child," he replied, feeling a little insulted. "I know how to make decisions on my own..."

"Yes, but you make the wrong decisions," the Beedrill interrupted. Lyrtes wanted to protest again, but he quickly continued: "There are a lot of things you don't know about life, which leads to you evaluating situations incorrectly, which in turn leads to you making wrong decisions. Don't deny it, this is exactly how things are." Lyrtes took a deep breath and then looked to the ground. He knew Scarvas was speaking the truth, but he still didn't like what he had been told for obvious reasons. 

"Then I guess you can tell me how to make the right decisions?" he assumed. The Beedrill shook his head.

"That's something we all have to learn for ourselves," he replied. "But I might still be able to help you a little." Lyrtes perked up. Now it was getting interesting. But instead of saying anything else, Scarvas just started walking again. The Wartortle quickly followed, but his impatience soon got the best of him.

"Are you going to help me now or what?" he asked after a moment. Scarvas shrugged.

"I am helping you already," he claimed. This didn't really make any sense to Lyrtes, but it seemed to him like he wouldn't get a better answer for now. The Beedrill turned left again and Lyrtes knew that if they kept walking they'd reach the lake.

"You like swimming, don't you?" The Wartortle nodded. It was kind of an unnecessary question since he was a water type, so he didn't really know what to make of it. Was Scarvas planning something?
They kept walking silently, the mansion to their left, until they had reached the lake. It looked like a pool of pure darkness with a few remains of light on the surface, calm, smooth and silent in this peaceful night. Scarvas pointed at it with one of his needles.

"There," he said. "It's all yours." Lyrtes was confused. It wasn't like he didn't want to take a swim, of course, but he wasn't sure what this was supposed to accomplish. He looked up at the Beedrill and received a reassuring nod. The Wartortle then shrugged and jumped right into the liquefied darkness that was the water.
It was a fascinating experience to swim at night, regardless of how often he had done it already. Since it was hard to recognize any details, especially when he was under water, the things he could see seemed to be of a much greater importance than they normally would have been. The slight movements of smaller plants in the lake were like dancing shadows, the waves sent out from Lyrtes' body seemed to be like a symbol to him, a symbol of the impact of his life on this world, and that it all mattered and was important in its own way. The Wartortle dived deeper into the darkness, until he couldn't see a thing anymore, imagining there were all kinds of different water Pokémon around him which he just couldn't see, Goldeens and Milotics, Magikarps and Swamperts, all of them obscured by the darkness. The cool sensation of the water on his skin calmed him down and gave him a chance to get his thoughts back in order. Right now he didn't even recall anymore what had gotten him so worked up in the first place, everything that mattered at the moment was himself and the water and all the mysteries that lay hidden deep on the ground of this lake.
He surfaced again after a while with his eyes closed and a soft smile on his face, letting himself drift across this liquid darkness that was a world of its own.

"You're not thinking of her anymore, are you?" Lyrtes opened one eye, peering at the Beedrill that had sat down at the edge of the lake.

"Thinking of whom?" he asked dreamily, not really caring about whatever Scarvas had to say at the moment. He was feeling wonderfully tired now and just wanted to fall asleep right where he was. But this state of mind didn't last long as his brain suddenly seemed to process the Beedrill's words, immediately reminding him of the Sneasel. He blinked and realized that, during the past few minutes he indeed hadn't wasted one single thought on her. Lyrtes felt ashamed of himself for some reason, as if he had just done something to hurt her. He swam to the edge of the lake where Scarvas sat and looked up at him.

"What is this all supposed to mean?" He was confused. There was no doubt that everything had been a part of the Beedrill's plan, but it was still hard for him to make any sense of it. Scarvas took a deep breath.

"There are a lot of things I do not agree with," he began, "but most of the time I just ignore them, mostly because they're none of my business. But I just can't stand by and watch you ruin your life, so I had to try and make you realize something." Lyrtes was getting impatient now.

"And what would that something be?" he asked. Scarvas shook his head.

"You need to learn how to ignore Sugar," he said, finally coming straight to the point. The Wartortle blinked. He still didn't understand what the Beedrill meant.

"Why do you think I'd ruin my life if I..." he started, but was interrupted by Scarvas:

"You see, that's exactly the problem," he explained. "And it's just what I was talking about earlier. You don't know how to properly evaluate the things that happen to you. If you knew that, you could see that spending any more time thinking about that Sneasel is bad for you." It was obvious that Lyrtes wanted to protest again, so he quickly went on: "Unfortunately, you seem to be lacking some basic knowledge about life, and love, and all the things that have something to do with those. Now, I don't claim to know everything about this subject, but I definitely know enough to tell you that females like Sugar should be avoided at all cost; otherwise they'll suck your soul right out of your body and manipulate you like a puppet until you stop being of any use to them." He had spoken these words in such a serious tone that it had actually scared Lyrtes a bit. He swallowed, and then shook his head.

"Sugar isn't like that," he claimed. "She told me that..."

"It doesn't matter what she told you," Scarvas cut him off. "Trust me, she speaks nothing but lies. She'll tell you whatever you want to hear, just to get you under her control." The Wartortle was getting a little angry now. Sure, he believed there were females like that, but Sugar just had to be different. He recalled their meeting a few hours ago, and the scene still seemed to be as alive as it had been back then. Lyrtes could see the warm expression in her eyes, he could feel her fur on his skin again... She had wanted him to hold her, not because she had wanted to control him, but because she had needed to be held... Because she liked being with him.

"You shouldn't judge her without knowing her first," he argued. "I know, she appears to be a little... strange, but there's more to her than..."

"I don't think I need to remind you of what she's probably still doing right now," Scarvas said. Lyrtes gritted his teeth. He didn't like it how the Beedrill continuously interrupted him; it was rude and it made him feel somewhat stupid. Nevertheless, he still kept in mind that Scarvas knew a lot more things about life than him. He was just wrong in this particular case, and Lyrtes was sure he could make him realize this mistake sooner or later.

"She doesn't even really want to do it," he said while climbing out of the water, so he could properly face the Beedrill again. "She said to me that sometimes there are things you have to do because you can make many others happy, and..." He stopped as Scarvas raised one of his needles and nodded.

"She said that to you," he repeated. "She said it, and you immediately believed it. Didn't you even think for one second that she might be lying?" Lyrtes shook his head rather vehemently.

"She didn't lie," he claimed in a calm, yet somewhat tense tone. "She looked me straight in the eyes and said..."

"Never trust anyone's eyes, no matter how beautiful they might be," the Beedrill lectured, interrupting him yet again. "Eyes can be the most treacherous thing in the world. They can make you believe anything, even the most obvious of lies. And that's simply because almost everyone thinks they would always tell the truth. But I'm telling you, someone like Sugar knows how to..."

"Will you stop insulting her now!" Lyrtes shouted angrily, cutting off the Beedrill for once. He was taking deep breaths, trying to calm down again. It worked a little. "Look, I'm sure that what you say applies to a certain type of females," he agreed, "but Sugar really doesn't belong to this group. I know this might be hard for you to believe, but I'm absolutely sure that she told me the truth." He was looking down at the still sitting Beedrill, unsuccessfully trying to get an impression of his thoughts. But there was nothing about Scarvas that gave away even the slightest hint of what was going on inside him.

"It's not important whether or not I believe you," he then said, "In the end it will only matter how much you believe in your own words." Lyrtes blinked. He was sure the Beedrill had just insulted him in some way, but he didn't have any chance to further think about it. "Tell me," Scarvas went on, "why are you so intent on protecting her whenever I say something?" The Wartortle shrugged.

"Well, you accused her of being manipulative, and..."

"I know that," Scarvas interrupted. "You don't need to tell me what I already said, I always pay attention to my own words. What I want to know is why my insulting her is of any concern to you. What is it that makes you care about her?" Lyrtes shook his head.

"What does that have to do with caring about her?" he asked. "It's just not nice to hear you spreading lies about..."

"Stop lying." Lyrtes fell silent immediately. He was staring at the Beedrill in front of him with a confused expression.

"I didn't..."

"You did." The Wartortle gritted his teeth. Would he ever be able to finish a sentence in Scarvas' presence? 

"What do you want to hear?" he asked. It was hard for him to keep his voice steady, as the Beedrill's constant accusations and interruptions had made him quite angry, but he managed to keep his calm for now.

"I just want to hear what you believe to be the truth." It was clear to Lyrtes that Scarvas had chosen these words very carefully. Whatever he responded, he'd just have to put up with more indirect insults. The Wartortle took a deep breath and then looked to the side.

"I..." he began slowly and in a low tone, "I... think I've... fallen in love..."

"Ah, finally." Lyrtes could hear Scarvas stand up and walk over to him. He quickly turned around, facing the other way now; he knew that, even though there lay no emotion in the Beedrill's eyes, he'd still be able to see Scarvas' cynicism in his expression.

"I don't care what you say," he started, keeping his eyes to the ground. "I know that I've never felt anything like this before. I know that..." But once again, Scarvas didn't let him finish his sentence.

"Let me make something clear to your delusional mind", he heard him speak in a low tone. "You are not in love. Not with Sugar. It is impossible to love someone like her." The Beedrill's mouth had to be very close to his ear, but Lyrtes just turned his head to look to the side once more. He still didn't want to look at Scarvas' face. The Wartortle took a deep breath and wanted to say something in return, but this time the Beedrill didn't even let him start.

"Feeling attracted to someone like her is not uncommon; in fact, it might even be one of the most natural things in the world. But a desire for sexual intercourse is not love, it's just the opposite." Lyrtes felt the side of one of Scarvas' cold needles touch his cheek, slowly turning his head so that he had to look at the Beedrill again. "Tell me," Scarvas continued, "this feeling that you call love... Is it invoked by anything else than that Sneasel's superficial beauty? Do you feel any kind of connection to her on an emotional level?" The Beedrill was still holding his head in position, so Lyrtes couldn't turn away again. He had to answer.


"Do you?" Scarvas' voice sounded even more serious than before now.


"Do you?" Even though the Beedrill didn't shout, the question still had a somewhat intimidating effect on Lyrtes.


"Do you?"

"Yes!" The needle left Lyrtes' cheek and Scarvas retracted his head. The Beedrill kept staring at him with his large, red eyes. The Wartortle felt as if he was only half as tall as the insect Pokémon.

"You're lying again." Lyrtes tried his best to keep up eye contact with Scarvas, but found this to be impossible after a moment. He turned his back on him, now facing the mansion. He just wanted to go back to his room and get some sleep now; anything would be alright as long as he didn't have to deal with Scarvas any longer. But for some reason, he didn't move.

"Too many of us make the assumption that, simply because there is suddenly a feeling we've never known before and it somehow involves a Pokémon of the opposite gender, it has to be love." The Beedrill spoke in a somewhat softer tone than before. Lyrtes kept facing the other way.

"Sugar is a seductress," Scarvas went on. "She knows how to make you feel whatever she wants you to experience. You either learn how to ignore those fake emotions or you will forever be her slave." Lyrtes kept quiet. It was useless to object to the Beedrill's words, he wouldn't listen to him anyway. He just stood, looking at the mansion, without showing even the slightest reaction to Scarvas' words.
After a few moments he heard the buzzing of the Beedrill's wings. He felt a gust of wind as Scarvas seemingly flew right over his head in the direction of the mansion. When there was a certain distance between the two Pokémon, Lyrtes felt himself left behind in the complete silence of the night. He slowly sat down on the moist grass and raised his gaze to the stars which were innocently twinkling in the darkness above. The Wartortle's mind didn't seem to work anymore, as he could only perceive his surroundings, but not think about them even in the most basic of ways. For a while he just sat without doing anything else; then suddenly, his ears twitched as he heard the sound of rustling leaves coming from the nearby bushes, where the forest began. Lyrtes turned his head, looking in the direction where the sound had come from. For less than a second he was sure to see a figure, but it almost immediately disappeared between the trees. All he had been able to tell was that the entity had bright fur, and that it was a little taller than him. In any case, this occurrence was enough to make his mind function again. The first thing he realized was that it definitely wouldn't be a pleasant experience to sit in the grass all night long, so he quickly stood up and began walking, heading for the mansion. All he wanted now was to go to bed and sleep.

It had all spiraled out of control, but Sugar had known this was inevitably going to happen anyway. She couldn't just mate with about twenty-five males in a row without losing her solid grasp on reality sooner or later; the constant strain of her body's most sensitive areas made it impossible for her mind to keep control over everything. All she was aware of right now was that she was lying on her bed, most of the sheet and her body stained with the semen of various males who hadn't settled for ejaculating inside of her, but she didn't care about this too much. These were things she would deal with later - for now it was much more important to try her best and focus on the task at hand. At first she had still tried her best to count the males that went in and out of her room again, but she had given up on that what seemed to her like an eternity ago. The Sneasel was feeling incredibly tired, yet she still wanted to go on. She was caught in a sensual frenzy and knew her body just wouldn't settle for anything else than the whole procedure; no matter how many males there were still waiting outside, she'd have them all. Sugar opened her eyes and glanced over towards the cupboard in front of the mirror, where her alarm clock sat. It read 10:56. The Sneasel blinked in surprise. It had only been about four hours now? She shrugged, and then let her gaze wander from the cupboard to the Dragonite, who was still standing in the corner, staring at her with a painfully longing expression. The most noticeable thing about him was, of course, his pulsing erection. Sugar knew she was tormenting him, but she didn't really care. It was his own fault, after all.
The sound of her door falling shut reached her ears, and Sugar turned her head in that direction. She slowly rose to her paws and smiled at the Absol that had just entered her room. But at the same time, she was feeling somewhat disappointed. Seeing Arzo there meant that this lovely evening would find an end rather soon. Still, remembering the Absol's exceptional talent when it came to mating made up for this again.

"You've really been waiting all this time?" she asked, taking care not to let her exhaustion have any influence on her innocent tone of voice. "Just for me?" She blinked two times, letting a sweet smile accompany her words. Arzo nodded and slowly walked up to the side of her bed where he then sat down.

"I would wait forever, my dear, just to please you..." Sugar saw him noticing the Dragonite from the corner of his eyes, who was now eyeing the Absol with unconcealed jealousy. She shook her head.

"Don't mind him," she told Arzo, "he's not going to interrupt us in any way." The Absol smiled, looking right at her face; suddenly the Sneasel felt slightly self-conscious. She quickly glanced towards the mirror, noticing all the imperfections on her now well-used body. Wherever some careless male had ejaculated on her, her formerly sleek, flawless fur was now sticky and matted. She blushed as she tried her best to force some order into her hair again with her claws.

"I'm really sorry you have to find me in such a messy state," she apologized ashamedly, her eyes steadily locked on the mirror. "I really should have been a little more careful, now I'm looking like a..."

"You'll always be my beauty queen," the Absol interrupted. Sugar stopped the movement of her claws and turned back towards him. His face was showing a slightly bashful smile as he asked: "May I join you up there?" The Sneasel grinned inwardly. Arzo knew how to play this game. He was a liar, just like her. He only acted nice and obedient because he wanted her body, she could read it in his dark eyes. And, more importantly, he was under the delusion of being the one in charge here; he actually thought he could make her obey his will by acting like he cared about her. Well, Sugar was definitely not going to fall for that. But she would still pretend she was. As long as she was able to keep this male's mental image of him controlling her intact, he would never try to do anything against her dominance.

"Oh, I'm not sure..." she replied slowly and in a sad tone, turning away from Arzo, "I really don't think you'd want to be up here with a hideous thing like me... Maybe you should just leave now and come back on some Sunday, I'll probably be able to get my fur to look nicer until then..." She didn't have to look in order to see the Absol's shocked expression right in front of her eyes; however, he wasn't one to give up so easily.

"Your beauty is as flawless as always," he said in a reassuring tone. "There's really no reason for you to be ashamed of the way you're looking, you're still the prettiest Pokémon in this mansion..." Sugar kept looking the other way. She made a sniffing sound, pretending she was on the edge of crying.

"Does that... Does that mean you've seen someone more beautiful than me outside of here?" Her voice was shaky, and she made sure to let her body shiver a little. Sugar could almost hear Arzo vehemently shaking his head.

"I've never seen anyone more beautiful than you!" he assured her. "And I don't think anyone like that even exists... Please, you've got to believe me..." He sounded so caring, so intent on comforting her, but the Sneasel was able to look right through his masquerade. Still, she acted like his method really worked, by slowly turning her head to look over her shoulder at the Absol, her eyes a little bit watery.

"You really think so?" she asked in a hopeful tone, still keeping her voice somewhat unstable. He was still sitting on the floor right next to the bed, looking up at her in a reassuring and even slightly compassionate manner. However, he had obviously not yet mastered to hide the treacherous expression in his dark red eyes. And as long as he thought he'd get through with this, there was no reason for him to learn how to properly conceal his true selfish feelings. Arzo nodded, keeping his gaze locked with Sugar's.

"I would never lie to you." The Sneasel almost had to laugh, as she had yet to hear something more shameless than that. It was amazing how incredibly stupid this Absol had to think she was, telling her something like this... And thus, it was actually a compliment to her skilful acting. Sugar got an idea. Maybe she should take this a little further, which would, of course, further delay the point in time at which she and the Absol would finally get to their scheduled mating. Her body was aching for this moment, but the Sneasel knew how to keep it under control. And the whole scene was just too amusing not to make it last a little longer.

"You're sweet," she said in a soft tone and looked to the side, smiling bashfully. She then took a step back. "You may come up here if you want to... I just thought... You know..." The Sneasel shook her head and a slight blush appeared on her face. "I guess I can be pretty stupid sometimes... I'm sorry..." She heard Arzo jump up on the bed, and even though she still kept her head turned away, she was able to feel his presence right in front of her. He now spoke in a lower tone:

"I think you're very intelligent, Sugar." The Sneasel closed her eyes. Well, it was no surprise the Absol had said that; in comparison to him, everyone was very intelligent. She continued looking to the side.

"You're just saying that..." Her tone of voice was low as well, but it also carried a hint of her feeling flattered.

"No, I mean it," Arzo insisted. "Please, Sugar... you shouldn't be so modest, there are so many wonderful things about you..." Sugar sighed a little and then turned her entire body, so that the Absol was now looking at her back. She slowly shook her head.

"This has nothing to do with modesty," she claimed. "It's just that... So many males already told me that, but... but none of them was ever serious about it..." She lowered her head. "That's why I find it hard to believe, even though you're... probably honest to me..." She swallowed rather loudly, making it appear towards the Absol as if she had trouble talking about this. "It's hard to trust anyone, when... when they all just use you as it pleases them, you know... It can be very hard sometimes..." She fell silent. Sugar wasn't even entirely sure what she was heading for at the moment; she just wanted to see for how long the Absol would manage to play his role.

"You can trust me," he said. The Sneasel could hear him walk up to her side. He sat down next to her, his shoulder touching hers. "You know, if you feel the need to talk about this with someone, then... I'm here for you..." Arzo was trying his best to sound reassuring and protective towards Sugar but he couldn't quite conceal the hint of impatience that was still hidden within his voice. The Sneasel knew he needed her more than she needed him, so she could afford to play with him for another while. She waited for a moment. He didn't try to make any advances on her.

"Arzo?" she whispered. Another moment passed, then she went on: "Do you care about me?" From the corner of her eyes she could see the Absol's dark blade move as he nodded.

"I do." There was silence for another few seconds. "Sugar, if you have any kind of problem... Just tell me about it, I'll help you..." When she didn't respond, he continued: "You'd tell me if there was anything on your mind, right? You trust me... don't you?" Sugar's ear twitched lightly. She didn't like not being the one asking the questions.

"Of course I do..." she spoke very slowly. The Sneasel then turned her head to the left, so that she was now looking right into the Absol's eyes. It was so easy for her to recognize that lecherous expression most males had when being close to her, and it almost made her feel compassionate... Not for herself, not for Arzo, but instead for all those females who seemingly didn't have her ability to know those males' true intentions, all those females who were being used without even knowing it, simply because of that delusional love they thought would exist between their mates and them... But then again it was their own fault. Sugar was proud to be more intelligent than they were, and she knew it wasn't her task to help them out of their ignorance. She shook her head. "There are a lot of things on my mind..." Sugar then said. "Are you sure you want to hear about them now? I thought you just came here to... well... you know..." The Absol swallowed. She knew he didn't have the nerve for a longer conversation at the moment, but he still wanted to seem like he was interested in her so-called problems.

"If it helps, then... of course I'll listen..." She smiled a little.

"That's so nice of you..." Sugar turned her head away again and took a deep breath. "I... It's a little hard for me to find a good place to begin, you know, there are so many things I... So many things that make me feel sad, and I..." She sighed. It was now that she paid attention again to make her voice sound less stable and more like she was not too far from crying. "It's like... From the beginning of my life it all went wrong somehow... And when I found this mansion, I thought it was going to get better, but... For some reason... For some reason I ruined it again..." She lowered her head and continued in a lower tone: "Sometimes I feel like my body betrays me... I don't want things to be as they are, you know, but I... I can't stop going on with this kind of behavior..." She closed her eyes. "And now everyone treats me like I'm not worth anything... Everyone just sees me as an object, and I don't even do anything against it..." Sugar lay down on the bed and covered her face with her claws. "This is not what I wanted to be." She sniffed. "I never wanted this... But I was unable to prevent it from happening for some reason, and now... Now I'm just a slut..." It was now that she started crying. She felt the tears leaving her closed eyes and each time she sobbed, a shiver went through her entire body. It wasn't for long until she experienced the soothing sensation of Arzo's tongue running across her cheek, in spite of her fur still being soaked with other males' semen.

"It'll be alright," he spoke in a soft tone. "I'm here... You don't have to be a slut if you don't want to, you... we can find a solution..." His words were nice and thoughtful, but his actions weren't. Had he really cared about Sugar, then he would have laid down next to her; he would have cuddled with her in an attempt to make her feel better, in an attempt to make her realize that she wasn't alone and that she could rely on him, but he remained standing just as Sugar had expected. Arzo didn't want to prolong this any more than absolutely necessary. He was intent on getting to mate with her as soon as possible.
In order to carry on with her plan, the Sneasel slowly stopped crying again. She sniffed one or two more times and then took her claws off her face, glancing up at the Absol with teary eyes. She swallowed.

"Arzo..." she whispered quietly, making the Absol bring his head closer to hers. She took another deep breath. "Arzo, do you... do you... love me?" In spite of what her shaken appearance suggested, she was still completely focused on the Absol's behavior. He hesitated for less than a second, then he nodded.

"I love you, Sugar." This was the worst lie of them all. The Sneasel contemplated for a second whether or not she should still let him mate with her after this, but she quickly came to the conclusion that it was necessary to proceed as planned; otherwise he'd know how well she could read his character, and then he'd become much more cautious in the future. She wouldn't let this happen. The stronger he thought he was, the weaker he became in reality. It didn't take her much effort to make a broad smile appear on her face.

"Oh... Arzo..." she breathed, seemingly very happy about having heard these words from the Absol, "I never would have dared to hope that... that there might be someone who'd understand me... that there might be someone who'd actually... feel this way towards me..." She heard a low grunting sound coming from the corner of her room, which made both her and Arzo turn their heads in this direction. Sannavo was staring at them with an annoyed expression; he had been in this room almost since the evening had begun, so he knew how much Sugar had enjoyed the role she had played until now. The Sneasel shot him a menacing glance and he looked to the side. If he knew what was good for him, then he wouldn't ruin this. Sugar carefully turned the Absol's head back to her so that she could face him again. She was still smiling.

"You know, I'd really love to get a little more... comfortable with you now, if that's alright..." She spoke in a slightly ashamed and shivering, yet hopeful tone, making it clear that she was desiring a positive answer. Arzo nodded.

"Sure, whatever you want." Sugar rose to her paws, taking care to make the motion painfully slow, and then walked over to the large pillow on her bed. There she lay down again, this time on her back, with her head and the upper part of her body resting against the pillow and her hind legs only slightly spread so that it was still impossible for the Absol to really see anything; still, she was able to recognize from this angle that he had obviously grown quite aroused. She moved her head in a way that signaled him to join her. The Sneasel smiled sweetly at him as he drew closer until he was standing right above her. She carefully placed one of her claws on the back of his head and pulled his face towards hers; however, before their lips met she whispered:

"You'll be gentle with me, won't you...?" Arzo smiled.

"I promise I will." His lips came in touch with hers and they engaged in a passionate kiss. Sugar closed her eyes and further spread her hind legs, enjoying the feeling of Arzo's tongue rubbing hers and his erection rubbing across her vagina. In spite of all his lies and his obvious selfishness she still had to admit one thing: He definitely knew how to make her experience pleasures beyond imagination.

Rax was on the way back to his room, balancing a feeding dish full of fresh vegetables on his back. He had taken a shower before so that Lejfea wouldn't be able to detect Sugar's scent on him. The Linoone did have some trouble going upstairs without dropping the dish, but he managed; his mate had wanted a room on the second floor because of the nice view, and he hadn't seen any reason to disagree with her back then. Rax had told her he'd be back around half past nine, and even though there wasn't a clock nearby he still knew he was late. But he had made her promise not to come looking for him, because, as he had said, he didn't want her to wander into a bunch of males under the effect of enormous sexual tension.
The hallway was completely empty. Most of the Pokémon in the mansion had already gone to sleep, he assumed, or they just didn't see any motivation of wandering around the place at this late hour. When Rax reached the entrance to his room he let the feeding dish slide off of his back very carefully and then scratched at the door. Nobody answered. He tried it again, and once more the result was nothing. Rax shrugged. He reached for the doorknob and turned it, opening the door very carefully. The room behind would have laid in complete darkness, hadn't it been for the light shining in from the corridor. The Linoone blinked; after a moment his eyes accustomed to the new situation and he could make out the shape of the only bed in the room in which the Larvitar was currently sleeping with her back turned to him. Next to the bed there lay a few books, of which one was still opened. Lejfea had probably been waiting for him to return until at one point she must have fallen asleep. Rax used his teeth to pull the feeding dish into the room and then closed the door behind him as silently as possible, which immediately resulted in the whole room being obscured by darkness. The Linoone tiptoed over to the other side of the bed and then climbed up on it. As he tried to get under the blanket and next to his mate he could feel her stir. Rax froze, but it was too late; the Larvitar slowly opened her large eyes and blinked, trying to recognize something in the darkness.

"Mmmhhh... What is it?" she mumbled, reaching behind her head with one of her short paws in order to give the string that hung from a small lamp on the wall a tug. A short moment later the room was bathed in a warm light. Lejfea slowly sat up in the bed and blinked again. When she finally noticed her mate lying next to her, she smiled.

"Oh, you're back..." She gave him a kiss on his cheek as he was now sitting up in front of her as well. Lejfea then stretched her entire body, from her neck all the way down to her hind paws. "Why didn't you wake me?" Rax looked to the side.

"Well, I just thought you needed your rest... I didn't want to disturb you, you know..." The Larvitar's expression changed from happy to concerned.

"Is anything the matter?" she asked. "You seem a little bit shaken..." The Linoone kept looking away.

"That's alright," he claimed, "I'm just a little tired..." He sighed and shook his head. There was silence for a moment.

"Did anything happen?" Lejfea asked in a concerned tone. "Was there a fight?" Rax just shook his head again, not giving her any actual response. Feeling unsure about what she was supposed to say now, the Larvitar looked around the room and noticed the feeding dish on the ground. She smiled.

"Oh, how thoughtful of you!" She jumped to the ground, got a hold of the dish and then quickly got up on the bed again, placing it between Rax and her. She took some broccoli with her paw and offered it to her mate. "Here, have a bite," she encouraged him. "You always liked that." Reluctantly, the Linoone turned his head towards her again. He then ate the broccoli right from her paw, swallowing it without chewing too much. Other than that, he still kept quiet.

"Rax, I'm getting worried," Lejfea spoke. "What's wrong? Please, you can tell me..." She shoved the feeding dish aside and stepped closer towards her mate. "I love you, I don't want you to suffer..." Rax sighed.

"It's nothing..." He turned his head. It was hard for him to look into her eyes. She cared so much about him... Why had he agreed to Sugar's proposal? He couldn't say. He didn't know why he always acted so strangely around the Sneasel, but for some reason he did... And what was the result of this, other than problems and him being unfaithful towards his mate? Nothing! The Linoone swallowed, forcing himself to keep looking at Lejfea. He smiled a little. "Really, there's nothing to worry about," he said. "Trust me..." Maybe he should just tell her about what happened. Maybe she'd forgive him.

"Are you sure?" Lejfea wasn't sounding any less worried than before. She reached out with her paws and put them on his shoulders. The Larvitar then shook her head. "I'm sorry, I'm probably bothering you... You must've had a hard day, I know what kind of effect that Sneasel has on most males..." She looked to the side and at the feeding dish. "And you were even sweet enough to get us something to eat after all this..." She gave him a kiss on his nose and moved closer towards him once more. Her paws began to gently caress first his shoulders and then his entire back as she hugged him. "You should relax a little," she went on in a lower tone. "Let me help you..." The Larvitar ran her paws through his fur in a sensual manner, gradually moving lower and lower. Rax closed his eyes and snuggled up to the slightly taller female while purring softly. He knew what Lejfea was heading for, of course, and it was more than fine with him; that was, until he remembered Sugar's words. The Sneasel had told him not to mate with her for an entire week. Rax' eyes shot open again. He must've been completely insane to agree to such a proposal! Only to be with that sleazy female he was supposed to do something like this to his mate? He was tempted to just forget about this and enjoy this moment with Lejfea, but then he remembered two things. One of them was that Sugar would tell the Larvitar about this evening if he didn't keep his promise, but the other one suddenly seemed to be a lot more crucial to him. He recalled Sugar's face, her voice, her curves, the incomparable spectacle that she was. And he'd get to be with her for a whole day, he could have her all for himself if he just kept Lejfea away from him. Now he remembered why he had given her this promise in the first place. Sugar wasn't an ordinary Sneasel. She was a goddess. He quickly took a step back, breaking free from his mate's embrace.

"Actually, I'm pretty tired," he said quickly, turning his head to the side once more. "I think it'd be best if I just went to sleep now..." He nodded towards the feeding dish. "Why don't you have some more food and I'll get some rest?" Rax could see Lejfea frown from the corner of his eyes. 

"Don't you want to be close to me?" she asked, her voice having regained that concerned tone. When he didn't respond she went on: "You know, I... While I was waiting for you I kind of hoped we could maybe... snuggle a little when you'd come back..." Once again he didn't say anything. Lejfea began to play around with her paws in a nervous manner. "Why won't you look at me?" It wasn't hard for Rax to tell that she was getting increasingly worried. He'd have to find a way to calm her down somehow. The Linoone took a deep breath and then said:

"Lejfea, I... kind of had a hard evening, alright? I really have to go to sleep now..." He fell silent. There was no way she wouldn't get suspicious with him directly avoiding her questions like that, but he didn't want to lie to her. Rax kept looking at his mate from the corner of his eyes. She opened her mouth but then didn't say anything after all. She turned her eyes to the ground and finally spoke:

"I see." She moved her paw and once more tugged on the string hanging from the lamp on the wall. One moment later everything in the room was engulfed in darkness. Rax couldn't see anything, since his eyes still needed a few moments to adjust to the black shadow, but he heard his mate jump off of the bed again and place the feeding dish on the floor. She pulled back the blanket and then lay down with her cheek on the big pillow, still looking up at the Linoone. He blinked.

"Won't you eat anything?" he asked. Lejfea lightly shook her head.

"I'm not hungry," she replied in a low tone. Rax kept up eye contact for a moment, then turned around and lay down beside her. He felt the Larvitar's gaze on his back and found it impossible to close his eyes. Staring into the darkness he lay, trying his best to think of nothing. But even now he was feeling Sugar's influence on him, and though this was definitely the worst situation for this to happen, he was getting aroused at the mere thought of the Sneasel's unworldly beauty. He sighed inaudibly.
It felt like hours to him until he heard Lejfea's voice from behind him.

"Rax?" He didn't move.


"Do you love me?" He swallowed.

"Of course I do." For a moment there was silence. "Why do you ask?" It took his mate a few seconds to reply.

"I don't know." She sighed. "I'm sorry," she said. "I shouldn't keep you awake." There was silence for another moment.

"Rax?" The Linoone closed his eyes.


"Why won't you look at me?" Rax waited a second. He then turned around, facing his mate. Even though it was completely dark in the room he was able to see her bright eyes. He smiled a little.

"It's nothing." He didn't blame her for being suspicious; after all she had a good reason. She carefully moved closer towards him, yet didn't let their bodies come in touch with each other.

"Rax," she whispered, "I really don't want to bother you, but... I've been alone all evening and... and I..." She fell silent. There was no need for her to speak any further; Rax knew what she was heading for.

"Lejfea," he started, "I..." He didn't know what to say. It was useless telling her over and over again that he was tired. And it wasn't like he didn't want to cuddle with her anyway; he just feared she might expect him to take it one step further in the end. He shook his head. "I'm sorry I made you worry so much." The Linoone slid forwards until his belly touched his mate's. She embraced him with one of her paws, firmly, yet still softly, holding him to her body. Rax could see the pleading expression in her eyes. She wanted him to tell her the truth. It was clear to the Linoone that she knew he had done something bad, something that she wouldn't... or at least shouldn't forgive him. Her pained look made him realize once more what he had done. He had betrayed her. She had trusted him, and he had betrayed her.

"Please tell me what happened," she whispered. A few moments went by without him saying anything. She went on: "You're not usually like that. Something must have happened." He couldn't respond. If he told her what he had done, it'd break them apart, and everything else that he could say would be a lie. He didn't want to lie to her. He couldn't lie to her. Not when she was looking at him like that. She tightened her embrace a little. He could feel her heart beating inside her chest. Rax couldn't help but notice how tense her body was. She had to be so worried...

"Please tell me," she repeated, her voice shivering a little. Rax swallowed.

"It's not so bad, really," he assured her. "It's just that Sugar made everyone act really... weird. And that was pretty unnerving..." His words were true, even though they weren't an answer to his mate's question. Everyone's behavior was strange around the Sneasel, but it wasn't why he was so worked up. He could see in Lejfea's eyes that she had her doubts about what he had just told her, so he quickly added: "Let's talk about this in the morning, alright? I first need to sleep in order to get my thoughts straight..." Rax fell silent. The Larvitar seemed to be torn between letting him get some rest and interrogating him further. After a while, she nodded slightly.

"Fine," she whispered, gave him a soft kiss on his cheek and kept her face close to his. He felt her embrace tighten a little more. It seemed to him like she desperately wanted to hold on to his lie, that she didn't want to believe he could betray her. Lejfea closed her eyes.

"Good night." He gave her a lick across her cheek in return and then closed his eyes as well, even though he knew he wouldn't get even a single second of sleep this night. Thinking of an explanation for his unusual behavior was much more important to him right now.

Sugar heard the door close behind the Dragonite, and it was as if all the pent-up exhaustion her body hadn't allowed her to feel during the evening now suddenly broke free from its restraints, taking complete control over her. She was lying on her back with her head on the pillow, both her front paws and hind legs lazily resting to her sides. The Sneasel was taking deep, heavy breaths and her eyes were closed, but she was smiling nonetheless. Sannavo had mated her with an unbelievable amount of force, against which she hadn't protested at all, since it had been a nice contrast to the very considerate and sensual, yet still very determined technique the Absol had pleased her with before. The Dragonite had also practically soaked Sugar's face and chest with his semen, just as she had commanded him to. She liked to have that warm and sticky feeling from time to time, and it had seemed to her like a good conclusion of the whole evening. The Sneasel licked her lips, reminding herself of Sannavo's strong and slightly tangy taste. Arzo was a lot better than him, but he had definitely made up for that lack of quality in his amazing quantity. Sugar stretched her neck, then sighed appreciatively. A thought came to her mind. If she fell asleep now, she'd definitely have to spend longer than three hours on cleaning herself the next day. It was a lot harder to get this substance out of her fur when it had already dried than when it was still fresh. She was feeling incredibly tired, but it looked like she had to get up again and take a shower. The Sneasel opened her eyes and blinked. It was hard for her to really focus on anything, so she shook her head in an attempt to concentrate more on her visual perception. She then rolled over on her belly and rose to her paws. When she jumped off of the bed she almost fell, since her movements were sluggish and imprudent. Sugar somehow managed to make her way over to the bathroom door. She stepped inside and then turned left, entering the shower. Her eyes were only halfway open as she closed the shower curtain and then turned the handle labeled "hot". A comfortably warm rain started pouring down on her and she smiled. She closed her eyes in enjoyment and lay down, letting her focus disappear. When she heard the voice, she wasn't able to tell whether it was already a dream or not, but she didn't care anyway. It was a childish, female voice, and it seemed to always repeat basically the same question:

"Is this what you wanted? Is this what you dreamed of? Is this the life you wanted to live?" Sugar smiled and moaned softly in enjoyment of the warm water raining down on her.

"Ohhh... Be quiet, I'm so exhausted..." 

Then she fell asleep.

Lightning was anxious. Thunder had told him to just wait in their room and not come looking for him, but he had been doing that for about half an hour now, since he had come back from the fighting area where he wouldn't even have needed to be in the first place. Not nearly as many Pokémon as usual had been there, and nobody would ever start any trouble with Ryakee being around anyway. He had thought about checking up on his brother for quite a few times now, but he knew that'd seem like he wouldn't trust him to be able to do this alone, and Thunder could sometimes be a little sensitive with these things. He turned his head to look at the alarm clock on a table behind him with a worried expression. It was almost midnight. Lightning took a deep breath. He'd wait for another ten minutes, but then he'd just have to go and see if his brother was alright. He gritted his teeth. If anything happened to Thunder, it'd be all Sugar's fault. He hated that Sneasel...
Lightning quickly raised his head as the door suddenly swung open. Thunder entered the room; he appeared to be rather exhausted, but otherwise fine. Lightning sighed in relief, then stepped up to his brother and sat down in front of him.

"You can't believe how glad I am to see you," he greeted him. Thunder's ears twitched. He smiled weakly.

"It certainly is nice that this evening is finally over," he agreed. The Ninetales then lowered his torso and stretched thoroughly, lifting all of his tails up high, yawning deeply as he did. It had taken a weight off of Lightning's mind to see his brother unharmed, but there still lay a lot of concern in his gaze as he asked:

"Was it really as bad as we feared?" Thunder seemed to think for a moment, then shook his head.

"The mood was a little heated at times, but it didn't come to any violent acts." This didn't serve to calm Lightning down too much.

"That was just because you were there," he claimed. "But what if you wouldn't have kept an eye on things?" His brother shrugged.

"I guess Sugar would have made them kill each other over her." Lightning wasn't sure whether Thunder was being fully serious or not, but he knew that this assumption wasn't too far off. It was clear to him that the Sneasel needed to disappear somehow, or else they'd never have peace in this mansion.

"We've got to do something," he spoke in a lower tone. Thunder looked somewhat surprised.

"Against Sugar, you mean?" Lightning nodded. Thunder shook his head. "Don't be ridiculous," he said. "You know Richard wouldn't agree to this." Lightning inhaled sharply. There were quite a lot of things that bothered him about the mansion's owner, but this was the worst of them.

"I don't know if we should continue to tolerate this kind of ignorance any longer," he said cautiously. Thunder frowned.

"What are you heading for?" Lightning looked to the side and didn't reply. Thunder gritted his teeth.

"That's what I thought," he murmured. He slowly stepped past his brother and then jumped up on his bed, lying down on the soft mattress. Lightning rose to his paws, his gaze still locked on Thunder who had turned to look the other way. "Face it, Lightning," Thunder spoke in an exhausted tone, "there's nothing we can do. Richard won't help us, and trying to drive Sugar out of here by ourselves would never work. She's got too many males on her side."

"Maybe we can get Richard to support us," Lightning tried it again. "We'd just have to make him realize that..." An annoyed groan from Thunder made him stop. He grunted. "It's no surprise you can't change anything with such a hopeless attitude." Lightning turned around, walked up to the door and opened it. He didn't need to see it to know that his brother was now raising his head, looking at him over his shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Lightning didn't answer. He took another step forward. "It's almost midnight," Thunder said. "I doubt Richard will appreciate it if you disturb him at such a late hour." Lightning shrugged.

"He never goes to sleep early," he responded. The Ninetales then stepped out of the room, letting the door fall shut behind him.

Just a few moments later Lightning arrived in front of the door that led to Richard's and Light's room. He knew fully well that it wasn't exactly the best idea to try and have a reasonable conversation with the mansion's owner in the middle of the night, but right now he just wanted to prove to his brother that there was hope. If he could achieve even the tiniest bit of progress in this matter it'd show Thunder that it was possible to change things for the better, and Lightning knew that was what his brother really needed in order to keep his spirits up. The Ninetales took a deep breath, then scratched at the door. There was no response. Lightning was certain Richard wasn't asleep, though. He stepped closer and put his ear against the wooden barrier. His keen sense of hearing managed to pick up a low, strange sounding noise, which he identified after a moment as Richard's voice, but otherwise there was nothing that would have caught his attention. He sighed in relief, as he could now be certain that he wouldn't interrupt Richard and Light in an intimate situation, and then scratched at the door again. Once again there was no answer. He rolled his eyes. Then he tried the doorknob. Much to his surprise the door wasn't locked, and he could just open it without any further complications.
A small lamp on the side table next to the bed illuminated the scene in front of Lightning's eyes. Richard was sitting on the bed, leaning back against the wall. His legs were crossed and he was holding Light in his lap, while gently running through the fur on her back with a brush. The Raichu was snuggled up to her mate's belly with her eyes closed and a steady smile on her face. Richard appeared to be extremely focused on what he was doing, slowly moving the brush back and forth while faintly humming a melody that sounded strangely dissonant. Neither he nor Light seemed to have taken notice of Lightning yet; the Raichu kept her eyes closed, and the human had his gaze locked on his mate. The Ninetales remained standing in the doorframe for a moment, watching what was going on in front of him without moving at all. He then shook his head, trying his best to resist the peaceful, and at the same time uncomfortable feeling that Richard's melody invoked inside of him. Lightning cleared his throat.

"Richard?" he asked in a low tone, knowing that trying to speak directly to the human was an essentially futile endeavor, but hoping Light would translate his words, "I'd like to have a talk with you." The Raichu didn't move, and neither did Richard show any sign of having heard the Ninetales say something. Lightning waited for a moment, getting impatient very quickly, mostly because of Richard's melody that almost hurt his ears. He couldn't understand how Light was able to obviously enjoy this so much.

"Richard," he repeated in a louder tone, "I said we need to talk!" Finally he received a reaction. Light slowly opened one of her eyes and peered over her shoulder at him.

"Go away," she said in a cold tone and then rested her cheek against Richard's chest again, closing her eyes once more. Lightning gritted his teeth.

"This is important!" He wasn't going to give up this easily, especially not after having seen in which state Sugar's impudence had left his brother. The Raichu just rubbed her cheek against her mate's chest and purred softly. Lightning took a step forward.

"Light, I want you to tell Richard that I need to talk with him." Light's long tail twitched slightly.

"Richard doesn't want to talk with anyone right now," she replied without looking at the Ninetales. Lightning sat down, demonstrating that he wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

"If that's the case, then he can tell it to me himself, can't he?" The Raichu turned around just a little and opened her eyes. The way she was looking at Lightning told him she was more than just displeased.

"There are more important things he has to focus on than talking to someone like you." Lightning growled lowly.

"Someone like me?" he asked, not trying to conceal his growing anger even in the least. "What are you trying to say?" Light's eyes narrowed.

"I'm saying that you belong to the kind of people that keep making his condition even worse," she spoke in a disgusted tone, "and I don't want you to go on bothering him. Get out of this room now." Lightning didn't move. He wasn't going to let anyone treat him this way.

"I'm not leaving until you let me speak to Richard," he replied calmly. Light's stare became increasingly hateful. She slowly moved, seemingly trying to get out of Richard's embrace and approach Lightning, but stopped immediately as Richard ceased his humming. Both Light and the Ninetales looked up at him as he raised his head and took some of his long hair out of his face. His eyes fixated Lightning; their expression looked somewhat exhausted. All the while he did not stop gently brushing the Raichu's fur.

"Isn't it a little late to be visiting us?" he mumbled in a tone that sounded as if he had just woken up. Lightning blinked, then shook his head.

"Since you're not sleeping, I doubt it is." Once more Light tried to get out of her mate's embrace in order to fetch her writing materials which lay on the side table, but Richard kept holding her and just handed her the notepad and ballpoint pen himself. She quickly translated what Lightning had said.

"Oh," Richard said after having read the note. "So I guess this means that only sleeping can protect me from having to deal with other people's problems." Lightning was feeling slightly uncomfortable under Richard's tired, yet hard stare. "What is it this time?" the human asked. The Ninetales kept up eye contact with him. He wanted to show Richard his determination.

"It's about Sugar," he replied. Lightning stared at the Raichu's paws as she wrote down his words for her mate to read. He then looked up at Richard. The human read the note, then raised his eyebrows. Inwardly, Lightning sighed. He knew what Richard was going to ask.

"Who's Sugar?" The Ninetales wondered whether the mansion's owner was serious or not. Thunder and he had complained about the Sneasel so many times already. Maybe Richard just played some kind of cruel game with him? Or perhaps he just acted like he always forgot everyone's names in order to show his mate how much more important to him she was than everybody else? Nevertheless Lightning reacted like he always did; he rolled his eyes and looked at Light with an annoyed expression.

"Would you please explain it to him?" The Raichu was obviously quite happy about her mate's inability of remembering the greatest slut in the mansion, and thus she did what Lightning had asked for without any further delay and with a satisfied smile on her face. It didn't take her long to write down her explanation. Richard read it, then nodded.

"Ah, yes," he said, not sounding the least bit interested, "now I remember." He placed the piece of paper on the bed and then concentrated again on carefully brushing Light's fur, to which the Raichu responded with a happy sigh. "The name did seem kind of familiar," he went on. "She's an important topic for your brother and you, isn't she?" The Ninetales wasn't sure whether Richard had meant this in a somewhat suggestive way or not, so he just decided not to feel insulted and get straight to the point.

"She needs to leave as soon as possible," he said. Instead of writing down his words, Light just clung closer to Richard's chest, slowly closing her eyes again. Her mate had taken the broad tip of her tail between two fingers and was gently rubbing it, which she obviously enjoyed a lot. Lightning gritted his teeth, then cleared his throat rather loudly. The Raichu just further ignored him.

"Light, would you please help me talk to Richard now!" he barked impatiently, finally getting a reaction again. Light opened her eyes and stared at Lightning for a few seconds.

"I don't want you in here," she said coldly, but still got her writing materials ready again.

"What was it you said?" she asked. The Ninetales did his best to calm himself, then answered:

"I said Sugar needs to leave as soon as possible." Light quickly wrote it down, murmuring something that Lightning couldn't understand, but he was sure it was something unfriendly. She handed the note up to Richard. The human frowned slightly, then slowly placed the brush on the bed. He was holding the piece of paper with one hand and hugging his mate with the other. Lightning didn't like the way the mansion's owner was now looking at him. It was always complicated talking to Richard, as he was someone who easily felt his ideals being attacked for whatever reason. The Ninetales couldn't help but think that all this would be a lot simpler if the human just told them what exactly he wanted without always leaving everyone even more confused than before. He just spoke one single word:

"Why?" His tone of voice was cautious, yet somewhat aggressive. Lightning knew he had to be very careful with what he said, or else Richard would just throw him out of the room. He took a deep breath.

"She's causing a lot of trouble," he replied. Richard blinked.

"Did she try to kill anyone?" The Ninetales shook his head. "Then she's not causing trouble," Richard claimed. Lightning sighed. He didn't understand how the mansion's owner could think that violence was the only dangerous thing in this world.

"It won't take long and the male inhabitants of this mansion will start fighting over her," he explained patiently. "Remember, it'll be mating season soon." He was sure to see Light wince slightly as he mentioned this special time of the year, but that wasn't what he was going to focus on now. The human read his mate's note and then shrugged.

"I hardly think you can blame anyone for the stupidity of others." Lightning rolled his eyes. He was getting sick of such conversations.

"It might be because they're stupid, but that doesn't change the fact that we wouldn't have this problem if Sugar was gone", he argued. Richard chuckled slightly, which surprised the Ninetales. The mansion's owner wasn't usually amused by anything.

"You know, it's funny how fixated you are on blaming that Sneasel for everything," he said. "Do you think they wouldn't just fight over whoever would in their opinion be the most beautiful female in case Sugar left instead? The problem isn't the trigger, the problem is the root. And this root is that they're all idiots, most probably because they were raised by idiots and had to spend their whole lives together with idiots." Lightning growled.

"If you hate them so much, then why did you invite everyone to stay here?" He wasn't keeping his calm anymore. It wouldn't have been of any use anyway, since Richard wasn't a reasonable being.

"I don't hate them," the human claimed. "That'd be wrong. I can't hate anybody for being born into a broken world. It's not their responsibility." He placed the note to his side and then hugged his mate with both arms, holding her closer to him. The Raichu responded by gently rubbing his chest with her paw, looking up at him with a concerned expression. "I can't blame them for having been raised to be idiots, but... I can blame them for staying idiots. Everyone has the chance of choosing between the right way and the way everybody else goes, and most people... No, actually everybody..." He shook his head, then fell silent for a moment. He closed his eyes. "Do you understand me, Lightning?" Lightning thought about what he should say, and then decided to just keep quiet. He watched Light as she wrote down something and then gently tugged on Richard's shirt in order to gain his attention. He read her note and then smiled a little, raising one of his hands to softly fondle her left ear. "I know you do, love," he spoke in a low tone. Lightning felt like he should better leave now, but he still hadn't made any kind of progress at all. He just didn't want to admit to himself that it was senseless.

"Richard, this is not about blaming anyone," he tried, "this is about minimizing damage. I agree with you that Sugar wouldn't have such a great influence on everybody if they just started thinking about what's good for them a little more, but right now we have to come up with practical solutions, and sending Sugar away would be more effective than anything else we could do." Even though Light didn't really seem to pay attention to his words she still wrote down something and then showed it to her mate. Richard read it and sighed.

"It's always about practical solutions, isn't it?" he asked. Lightning shrugged. Richard shook his head. "The whole world is about practical solutions," he went on. "That's why it's a world full of compromises. And compromises mean that in the end nobody gets what they actually want." He lowered his head a little so that the Ninetales couldn't see his eyes anymore. Some of his hair was now hanging in front of his face, almost fully obscuring it from his view. "What happened to everyone's idealism?" Richard asked lowly. "Where did it go? How come people settle for compromises although they're fully aware of how dissatisfied this'll make them in the long run?"

"It's the only way we can all live together in peace," Lightning said. The mansion's owner paused for a moment, then spoke:

"The only reason conflicts occur is that there have been compromises before. And the only reason there are compromises is that people always seem intent on meddling with each other's affairs." He raised his head again and Lightning felt his piercing stare coming to rest on him. "I don't want you to tell anyone what to do. I just asked you and your brother to make sure nobody gets killed. This does not involve trying to make me send someone away without any particular reason." The Ninetales snarled.

"I have a lot of good reasons!" he claimed. "Sugar is..."

"I'm getting tired of this," Richard interrupted. Lightning actually didn't intend to let himself be silenced, but he had to accept that this was useless. If Richard didn't want to hear anything from him, then Light just wouldn't translate his words, and he could basically stand there all night long trying to make himself heard without Richard understanding anything. Then again, even if the Raichu kept on translating, the human probably still wouldn't be able to conceive what he was trying to say. Lightning just closed his mouth and stared angrily at the mansion's owner. Richard didn't blink.

"You barge in here in the middle of the night, trying to get someone thrown out of my house just because you want it that way," he said. "What were you even thinking? Did you honestly believe I'd stand for this?" Lightning narrowed his eyes. A quick glance at the Raichu's hateful expression was enough to tell him that, regardless of how good his arguments might be, they wouldn't get through to Richard. He kept staring at Light and her mate for a moment, then stood up, turned around and quickly walked out of the door, letting it fall shut behind him. Richard had never been exactly reasonable or open for cooperation, but it had definitely never been as bad as during this night. Lightning took deep breaths as he walked down the corridor towards the stairs. Richard had probably just acted this way because of the fact that the Ninetales had chosen such an odd hour to try and have a talk with him. Lightning just didn't want to believe that this was a hopeless case, mostly because he was unwilling to disappoint his brother. He decided to start another attempt the next day, silently swearing to himself that he would somehow get that vicious Sneasel to leave this mansion.

Light had closed her eyes again, and her cheek was resting on Richard's chest. It didn't take her longer than a second to basically forget about everything that had just happened. Such disturbances could occur sometimes, but she wouldn't let it affect her mate or herself as long as she was able to prevent it. Things always went back to normal again after some time. Thus, she didn't waste another moment thinking about Lightning and instead focused on the soothing feeling of Richard running the brush through her fur again, on him tightly holding her embraced, on being together with him. Nothing else mattered. She was there for him and he was there for her, and they protected each other from everyone and everything else, simply because people, Pokémon and all kinds of incidents seemingly always tried their best to attract Light's and Richard's attention. The Raichu sighed inwardly, all the time thinking of her mate. This world was not worthy of someone like him, that was why he had decided to focus completely on her instead; however, Light didn't think she deserved his attention either, but the way it was now was the way he wanted it to be, and she would never disagree with him.
The Raichu kept her eyes closed. She couldn't say how much time passed until Richard stopped his motions. Maybe it had been mere moments, or maybe he had been caressing her for years. She never focused on the passage of time. It was unimportant, just like everything else that didn't have anything to do with her mate. There was only one thing she could be certain of, and that was that it hadn't lasted for all eternity. This knowledge saddened her. The only reason Richard didn't quietly snuggle with her forever could be that he worried about something. Light kept her cheek on his chest for another moment, then opened her eyes and looked up at his face with a questioning expression. Richard had put down the brush beside him and returned her gaze. He then released the Raichu from his embrace.

"I'm feeling a little restless", he said in such a low tone that it was just barely above a whisper. Light blinked. She raised her paw and gently rubbed his chest in a circular motion. It was her attempt to calm his thoughts, as she knew exactly that there was something unsettling going on inside his mind. There was silence for a moment. Light listened to Richard's regular breathing, and she could feel his heart beating beneath her paw. She lowered her gaze, then slowly got out of his lap and jumped off of the bed, raising her head again to look at her mate's eyes once more. Richard stood up from the bed and sighed. He reached for a chair and pulled it up in front of the window, which he opened after he had pushed the curtains aside. It was perfectly quiet outside and the only thing visible in the weak light of the moon was the trees that stood the closest to the mansion. Richard looked outside for a moment, then turned towards Light. He placed his hands on her sides and carefully lifted her up on the chair. She let it happen without any kind of resistance, doing nothing but observing her mate with a slightly worried expression. Richard then handed her the notepad and ballpoint pen, which she had placed on the bed before, and turned around to look outside again, resting his hands on the window sill. Light kept her eyes on him for a while, then turned her head to follow his gaze. She was feeling uncomfortable with him not holding her, but she understood that there was something important on his mind.
Richard sighed.

"What do you see, Light?" he asked. The Raichu shrugged, then wrote "The forest" on a sheet of paper and handed it to him. Richard turned his head to look at her.

"Nothing else?" Light kept staring outside for a moment, then shook her head. Richard smiled and gently nudged her cheek with his fingers. His soft touch made her feel good, and so she returned the smile.

"I wish I was as pure a being as you are," he spoke in a lower tone. Light's ears twitched a little. She didn't quite understand what he meant. Richard kept looking at her for a moment, then turned towards the window again. The Raichu waited for him to say something, but he stayed quiet. After a short while she wrote:

"What do you see?" Richard read the note and closed his eyes.

"I see the forest as well," he replied, "but it's not the same. It's not the only thing I see." He shook his head and fell silent once again.

"What else do you see?" Light wrote. Richard's hands clasped the window sill a little more tightly.

"It's the city behind this forest," he answered. "It's the city that's made me sick, incurably sick. And it doesn't matter what I do, I can close my eyes and try my best to think of something else, but I always see the city." He paused for a moment and turned his head a little, so that Light couldn't see his face anymore. He then continued in a lower tone: "The city is a place that shouldn't exist. It's the place where the few are oppressed by the many, because the many have always been made stupid so that they will continue to follow their leaders. They have this thing called education there, and its sole purpose is to make everyone stupid." Light listened to his words attentively. She knew she shouldn't interrupt him now. He had to get all this out of his mind somehow.

"The most treacherous thing about all this is," Richard went on, "that nobody knows how stupid they really are. That's because their leaders make them think they're intelligent because of this education. Sure, they know how to build bridges and trains, they can manufacture weapons to kill each other and televisions to broadcast their lies, but they have no idea of what it means to be free. Or even worse, they think they have such an idea, but in reality it's just what their oppressors want them to think. They trade in their own opinions for those they're taught, for they're made believe that these were the better ones." He took a deep breath. "They're all wrong, they're all so horribly wrong. They trust their parents, and their parents tell them to follow their self-elected kings and abandon their own unique personality, because that's what their parents had taught them also. It's a self-preserving system, and it works all too well." The Raichu lowered her ears a little. She was worried that Richard might get caught up in his words again. This happened sometimes; he would just keep on talking about a particular topic without noticing that the more he thought about it, the more depressed he'd become. Light never really knew what to do in such situations. On the one side she knew that he had to get rid of all these bad thoughts somehow, but on the other side it never seemed like it really helped him. She decided to first get his attention.

"Richard?" she said. He couldn't understand her, but it made him stop talking. He turned his head to look at her again. Light had trouble looking into his eyes. They showed such a painful expression, and she couldn't bear to see her mate like this.

"Why are you thinking about such things?" she wrote. Richard read it, then lowered his gaze.

"It's because of Lightning," he mumbled. He remained silent for a moment and then took a step backwards, sitting down on the bed again. "He reminded me of all this again. The way he always tries to control everyone living here, and his practical solutions to everything..." Richard shook his head. "Practical solutions are what got us into this mess in the first place. Just because everyone suddenly tried getting the best out of what they had, just because they all stopped striving for perfection... Because they ignored their wishes in favor of their practical solutions..." He looked directly at Light, and she returned his gaze. After a moment a small smile had appeared on his face. "I am one of the few who have reached perfection," he went on in a lower tone, "I have found the perfect mate, that's for sure..." Light smiled softly. She quickly jumped off of the chair and got up onto the bed again. Richard gently lifted her up and placed her in his lap once more. He embraced her with his left arm, slowly running the fingers of his right hand through the fur on the back of her head. Just like before, Light snuggled up to his chest. 
Richard kept caressing her for a while, and she hoped that maybe he'd just go to sleep now. It'd certainly be good for him to just forget about all this... But he started talking once more.

"Light," he spoke softly, "wouldn't it be nice if I wasn't insane? Then I could trust my own words again, you know... I could actually be sure that what I say is what I really mean..." Light blinked. She wasn't sure whether he was talking about what he had just said, or if he perhaps meant it in a more general way. If so, that could mean that he wasn't even sure if he loved her or not. The Raichu looked up, seeing her mate stare dreamily at the dark emptiness in front of him. She quickly wrote:

"You're not insane." She didn't know how often she had told him this already, but it didn't matter. She knew it was the truth. Richard was a little confused at times, and he certainly did have a lot of things weighing down his mind, but he was not insane. He couldn't be insane. Light closed her eyes and tightly pressed her body against her mate's, trying to make him feel her presence as much as possible.

"I'm having a bad influence on you, Light," he said. "I'm sorry." The Raichu shook her head. Richard could be so cruel to himself; it was her task to make sure he wouldn't go too far with this. She looked up at him, meeting his gaze with her eyes.

"Please take off your shirt," she wrote. Richard remained motionless for a second, then slowly did what his mate had asked for while keeping her in his lap. After he had tossed his shirt aside he looked at the Raichu with a questioning expression. Light nodded and he took off his t-shirt as well, exposing his chest, stomach and arms. The Raichu stared at the relatively fresh cuts on his chest, feeling like she was about to cry. She slowly raised one of her paws, placing it on the wounded flesh very carefully. The rhythm of Richard's breathing became slower and slightly deeper. It was a pretty warm night, and yet his skin felt incredibly cold beneath Light's paw. She closed her eyes and then placed her cheek on her mate's chest as well, beginning to move her paw in a circular motion. Light wanted to help him. She wanted to somehow take this burden off of his mind, she wanted to heal his injured soul, she just wanted to do something that'd make him feel better, knowing all along that her attempts were just as futile as always, but it didn't matter to her. She wished that one day Richard could be happy, and she didn't care about what this would take. Maybe if she just wished hard enough, she thought, her wish would come true.
Richard gently held her and hoped she would have nice, peaceful dreams.

Sugar awoke to a loud banging noise. She felt incredibly tired, so it took her a moment to notice anything other than that constant irritating sound coming from... somewhere. Her fur was absolutely soaked, and it felt like there was still water coming down on her. Maybe she had fallen asleep in the rain? But she was indoors, wasn't she? The Sneasel opened her eyes, trying to remember what kind of situation she was in. She recognized the bright ceramic tiles beneath her and blinked. It wasn't like her to fall asleep with the shower still running, so she figured she had been extremely tired the night before. Sugar almost laughed as she suddenly remembered what had happened and why she was waking up in her shower. She shook her head, giggling softly about her own silliness, then rose to her paws and turned the shower off. Now there was only one question left unanswered: Where was that aggravating noise coming from? It didn't come from inside the bathroom, that was the only thing she knew for certain.

"Sugar?!" Had somebody called out her name? There had definitely been a voice, but it had sounded so dull that the Sneasel had trouble understanding it. The banging continued.

"Sugar, please answer me!" It sounded somewhat frantic, a little desperate even... And the voice was definitely familiar. Sugar was sure she knew whom it belonged to, but... She froze.

"Great," she sighed. Not only had she wasted a lot of water, but she had also been sleeping for a way too long time when she actually should have spent the last few hours with getting ready for the Wartortle whom she had chosen to be with today. But instead of being the goddess of beauty when he arrived, she looked like a drowned Rattata. She bit her lip, trying to figure out a way to get out of this without losing her dignity.

"Wait a moment!" she shouted, jumping towards her hairdryer, "I'll be there soon!" Suddenly, the banging noise stopped.

"Sugar?" she heard the Wartortle ask, "is that you?" The Sneasel rolled her eyes.

"Of course it's me!" she shouted back, plugging in the small, warm air producing machine, "Who else should it be?" She looked at the small mirror on the wall and almost fainted. It was even worse than she had feared. If any of her males were to see her now, they'd probably run off frightened.

"Why didn't you respond any sooner?!" the Wartortle asked loudly. "I've been standing here for half an..." Sugar had finally found the small switch to turn on the hairdryer. Immediately the bathroom was filled with a whirring noise, which echoed slightly from the even walls. It was an annoying sound, but the Sneasel definitely preferred it to the Wartortle's voice.

"I can't hear you!" she yelled and then began quickly drying her fur, while trying her best to remember her visitor's name. It made her angry that she had forgotten it once more. Maybe she'd be able to recall it once she would get to see the Wartortle again, but for this to happen she first had to look at least acceptable.
It took her about twenty minutes to dry her fur enough so that she wouldn't leave behind small puddles of water when she walked. During this time, she had heard her visitor's voice again and again, but hadn't been able to understand a single word because of the loud noise produced by her hairdryer. But at least he had stopped banging at the door. Sugar switched the hairdryer off again and once more checked her appearance in the mirror. Her fur was dry, but still messier than ever before. The Sneasel shook her head and bolted into her chamber, then quickly jumped up on the stool in front of the large mirror and reached for her brush. Her fur, first having been drenched in water and then tortured with hot air, proved to be rebellious and stubborn; it just didn't seem like it would stop struggling against Sugar's brushing. Hearing the Wartortle shout from the other side of the door certainly didn't help her keep calm.

"Why are you taking so long? Did anything happen?" Sugar gritted her teeth.

"I'm fine!" she replied loudly, "Let me just have ten more minutes, alright?" She glanced at the alarm clock next to the mirror and winced slightly. It was half past one in the afternoon; no wonder the Wartortle was so impatient. But for now it at least seemed like he was going to remain quiet. Sugar closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Everything would work out as long as she just didn't lose her nerves. When she opened her eyes again, a sly grin had spread on her face. What had she been worrying about anyway? Right now it wasn't all that important how she looked; the Wartortle was waiting for her, probably getting more impatient with every passing second. He definitely wouldn't start complaining about her outer appearance when she'd open the door.
For a few more moments the Sneasel kept fighting against her fur until she decided that it was enough. Her visitor would just have to make do with the way she looked. Sugar turned her head, quickly checking to see if everything was alright. She sighed loudly when she noticed her bed. It was in a mess, of course, and the sheets were in dire need of a change. She pulled them off of the mattress rather forcefully, almost ripping them apart, then just threw them under the bed and hurried over towards a cupboard out of where she took clean bed sheets and, after checking the bed once more, a new pillow case as well. A few minutes later her sleeping-place was clean and tidy, and the Sneasel smiled to herself. Having found her ease of mind again she slowly stepped towards the door and opened it. The Wartortle in the hallway quickly stood up and turned his head towards her. She could see a nervous expression in his eyes for a moment, then she looked to the ground.

"I'm really sorry it took me so long to open," she mumbled lowly, "you probably didn't want to waste your time..."

"That's... That's alright," the Sneasel heard him stutter, "I... I was just worried about you, you know... I'm sorry if I appeared impatient..." Sugar's ears twitched a little. Worried about her? That was stupid. What should ever happen to her inside her own room? Nevertheless she raised her head again and smiled softly at her visitor.

"That's alright," she said in a rather cheerful tone, "you just wanted to make sure I'm fine..." She took a step back and nodded at the Wartortle whose name she still couldn't remember. "Come inside, please..." She watched as the male slowly stepped into her room, seemingly intent on not looking at her directly; he just kept his head turned to the side. Sugar grinned to herself as she closed the door behind him, being careful not to make any noise, since that could maybe startle him. She then walked past him again, letting her fur brush along his side, which made him wince slightly. The Sneasel managed to catch a glimpse of his facial expression before he quickly turned away again. It appeared to be stuck between pleasant anticipation and anxious uncertainty.

"I'm glad to see you again," she spoke in a low, seductive tone. He didn't seem to know how to respond to this, so she just giggled and added: "Come, follow me." The Sneasel lowered her torso and raised her hindquarters unnecessarily high, making sure that none of her three tails obscured anything from the Wartortle's gaze, which she could practically feel all over her body now that she wasn't looking at him anymore, then performed an elegant jump, landing on the comfortable mattress of her bed. The Sneasel sat down, turned around and winked at her guest, which made him blush again. Still, he obeyed and climbed up on the bed next to her. Sugar was reminded of the scene from one day ago, when they had basically been in the same position; however, this time she would make sure to take it a few steps further. She slid a little closer towards him and snuggled up to his side, rubbing her cheek against his upper arm and purred softly.

"Don't be so shy," she urged him, "we can be as close as you want..." The Wartortle turned his head a little to look at her, then suddenly moved backwards. Sugar blinked in surprise.

"I'm not sure about this, Sugar," he said in a low tone, keeping his gaze locked with the Sneasel's for a second before looking down. Sugar's right ear twitched slightly.

"What do you mean you're not sure?" she asked, keeping her voice as calm and soft as it had been before, even though inwardly she was getting nervous. Nobody had ever reacted towards her like this. All males wanted her, and they wanted nothing more than her. There was nothing to be unsure about.

"I mean I don't think it'd be good if we..." He swallowed. The Sneasel frowned slightly

"But that's why you've come here," she said. The Wartortle interlocked his front paws.

"No... I, I mean, yes, but..." He shook his head and kept looking at the ground. "Yesterday... Yesterday you told me you wouldn't like to be treated like that..." He took a deep breath and then faced Sugar again, building up eye contact. "I promised you I'd never do that. And... Especially after what you had to do yesterday night, I don't think you'd actually want to..." He bit his lip and quickly looked to the ground again. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, "you probably don't want to be reminded of this..."
Sugar just kept staring at his forehead for a moment, then silently gritted her teeth. This was ridiculous. Another short look in the mirror on the wall told her the real reason the Wartortle was hesitating; she was still looking messy, scruffy and overall unattractive. It was clear to her that she had to find a way to properly beautify herself, or else it'd be difficult to make this male as dependent on her as all the other ones. But she couldn't tell him to leave her room again and wait for another few hours, that'd just make her look worse.

"I see," she spoke in a low tone, and then smiled in spite of her inner anger. It was unbelievable how superficial they all were. "Well, what do you propose we could do, then?" The Wartortle cleared his throat.

"I thought... I thought that maybe we could take a walk together, for example... It's very nice outside..." Sugar tilted her head to the side. Actually, that wasn't such a bad idea after all; if she was skillful enough, then she'd probably be able to get some time alone out of this. A plan was forming in her mind again.

"That'd be great," she agreed cheerfully, then paused for a moment and continued in a more bashful tone: "It's just... I'm still pretty exhausted, you know, and I'm not really feeling like walking today..."

"Oh..." the Wartortle said, "well... we don't have to do that, I mean, we could just..." Sugar shook her head and he fell silent.

"No, honest, I'd love to take a walk with you", she insisted. "And..." she blushed slightly. "And I've also got an idea how this could work, but..." She looked to the side. "No, I shouldn't demand that from you," she mumbled, "you wouldn't want to do this..."

"Wait, why wouldn't I?" her guest asked. "Please, Sugar, I'd do anything to be of help to you..." She turned her head back to him, smiling reluctantly.

"That's very sweet of you," she said, "but I'm really not sure if you'd be alright with this..." Finally he smiled in return. Suddenly he didn't seem to be all that nervous anymore.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," he spoke in a reassuring tone. "Please, just tell me about it... I want this day to be as enjoyable as possible for you, after all..." Sugar giggled softly and blushed a little.

"Alright, if you want me to..." She jumped off of the bed and motioned the Wartortle with a nod of her head to follow her, what he promptly did. "I got the idea when I noticed how strong and sturdy your shell is," she informed him, implementing a hidden compliment. "Could you maybe get down on all fours?" she asked. The male seemed to be a little confused, yet did what she said. The Sneasel walked up to his side and then placed one of her front paws on his shell very carefully. She blinked in surprise as she examined it more closely.

"You've got an awful lot of scratches there," she spoke in a concerned tone, "how did that happen?" The Wartortle swallowed.

"They're from that night when we were attacked," he answered lowly.

"Oh." Sugar turned her head to the side. "I'm sorry to hear that." The Wartortle shook his head.

"Don't worry," he said, "it's just my shell, so it doesn't hurt or anything. Now, why did you want me to get down...?" The Sneasel nodded.

"Well, I thought that maybe, if I get tired, you might be able to..." She blushed and went on in a much lower tone: " carry me... But I'd understand if you didn't want to, really, it'd probably bother you pretty much..." He smiled softly.

"I told you I'd do anything to help you," he reminded her. "Why don't you try it? I'm sure it'll work..." Sugar shot him a loving glance.

"That's so considerate of you..." She carefully placed her second front paw on his shell and then began to shift her weight a little so that the Wartortle actually had to carry most of it. A moment later she raised her hind legs as well, one after another, and finally sat down on his shell. The male seemed to be a little wobbly on his legs for a second, but then managed to steady himself. "I'm too heavy, aren't I?" she asked in a worried tone. The Wartortle chuckled slightly.

"No, you aren't. I can carry you for as long as you like, that won't be a problem." He looked up over his shoulder at her and she smiled happily; of course she knew that he hadn't spoken the absolute truth, and that all this extra weight was not exactly easy for him to carry, but this was all part of her plan.

"I really don't want to make any additional trouble," she said. "Wait a moment, I'll get off again..." She squealed in fake surprise as the Wartortle suddenly started slowly walking towards the door.

"Don't worry, you can stay up there," he assured her. "You shouldn't exhaust yourself even more." Inwardly Sugar grinned. Finally everything worked out as planned. When the male had reached the door and thus stopped walking, she bent down her head and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. He instantly blushed and looked up at her with a slightly confused, but obviously happy expression.

"You're always so nice to me," she said in an affectionate tone of voice, "I like you very, very much, you know..." The Wartortle gave no response, but she could see a sparkle of bliss in his eyes before her turned to look forwards again. Sugar kept her gaze on the back of his head and smiled to herself. There were no doubts in her mind about how successful this evening was going to be.

The whole procedure caused quite a stir, of course. Sugar riding through the mansion and into its surrounding woods on the Wartortle's shell was a sight to behold, and it would certainly serve as a nice topic for the gossip factory, but the Sneasel didn't care. After all she wasn't the one making a fool of herself. The situation brought her nothing but advantages; she was once again reassured of the fact that males would do anything for her, regardless of how humiliating or senseless a task it was, she could practically see her plan advance with every passing second and in the end she even knew the Wartortle's name again, since a few Pokémon had greeted him or had made suggestive comments about him giving Sugar a ride, which they had seemingly considered to be very funny or intelligent. Lyrtes didn't seem to be bothered by all this, or at least he didn't show it. Whenever Sugar asked in a concerned tone if she shouldn't just walk herself he always answered in the negative, assuring her that nothing the others said would stop him from doing her a favor and that he definitely wasn't too tired to keep on carrying her. All in all, everything went just the way Sugar had predicted; Lyrtes wanted to appear strong in front of her and thus walked wherever the Sneasel asked him to without even complaining once. The only short interruption happened at the entrance to the woods near the lake, when suddenly a Beedrill stepped out from between the trees. Sugar was almost certain that this Pokémon lived at the mansion, but she didn't know his name. He just stared at Lyrtes for a few seconds with his large red eyes, and then flew off. The Wartortle remained standing for a moment and looked to the ground; however, when Sugar asked him if anything was wrong he assured her that it was all fine.
The Sneasel paid attention to Lyrtes' breathing, which was gradually getting deeper and heavier. After she had made him visit all kinds of places in and around the mansion for almost three hours she finally told him to go back to her room, to which he responded with a relieved sigh. When the door fell shut behind them, Sugar quickly jumped off of his shell and stretched her entire body, then turned to smile at the Wartortle.

"That was really great, thank you..." Her expression changed from happy to concerned within a second. "Lyrtes, dear, are you alright? You look terribly exhausted..." The Wartortle had seated himself on the ground and was now panting rather heavily. Still, he made a dismissive gesture with his paw and smiled with some effort.

"I'm feeling... great," he said between deep breaths, "and I'm glad you... enjoyed it." Sugar kept looking concerned, stepped closer towards him and gently nuzzled his cheek. "I'm so sorry I tired you out so much," she spoke, sounding as if she was ashamed of what she had done. "You really should have told me that I'm too heavy for..."

"You're not heavy," Lyrtes interrupted her. "And I'm not... all that exhausted, really..." He slowly rose to his hind paws in order to prove his own words, but the Sneasel could clearly see his legs shiver.

"You should have some rest," she said with a soft sigh and then turned her head towards the bed. "You can use my bed, I'll..." Lyrtes shook his head.

"I'm alright," he assured her once more, "really!" He took a very deep breath in order to stop himself from wheezing even more. "I don't need to..."

"Lyrtes, please," Sugar interrupted him. She looked up at him with a pleading expression, trying her best to look as miserable as possible. "I'm worried about you. It's my fault you're so tired and I'm very sorry I made you do all this... Please, just have some sleep. Forcing yourself to stay active now can't be good for you." The Wartortle swallowed. It wasn't hard to see for Sugar what he was concerned about.

"But... what about..."

"I'll wake you in a while," she answered before even hearing his question. Then she showed him a soft smile. "Our day isn't over yet, I promise." Lyrtes nodded slowly.

"If you say so..." He made his way over to the bed somewhat reluctantly. "And it's really fine that... that I stay here?" Sugar followed him, smiling reassuringly.

"Of course it is. Please don't worry about anything." Lyrtes climbed up on the bed, now less graceful than ever before, lay down and got under the blanket, placing his cheek on the soft pillow. Sugar jumped up next to him and gave him a soft lick across his forehead.

"Relax now," she cooed, "and thank you again for doing so much for me... Nobody could ever be sweeter than you..." The Wartortle closed his eyes and made a languorous sound that almost sounded like a purr.

"It was my pleasure..." he murmured and then slowly fell asleep under Sugar's watchful eye. When she was certain he had lost himself in sweet dreams she turned around and quickly jumped off of the bed again, walking over to her stool in order to sit down in front of her mirror. The alarm clock said it was 4:43 PM. Sugar did a quick calculation and came to the conclusion that she should be ready to wake her guest at about half past nine.

When she had finally tamed her fur and made sure that not one hair stood out of place anymore so that now she didn't look like a fuzzy monster but instead like the shining beauty she really was, it was 5:32.

When she had finally smoothened and straightened out her tails and ears, so that they were now soft and flexible instead of rough and stubborn it was 6:09.

When she had finally filed her claws both on her front and her hind paws, so that they looked trimmed and curved and not like weapons, but instead like further accessories to her anyhow breathtaking natural beauty, it was 6:38.

When she had finally properly darkened her eyelids, so that whenever she blinked or closed her eyes halfway any male would fall prey to her seducing glance, it was 7:03.

With all these things taken care of she could finally get to what was going to take the longest amount of time: dyeing her fur. She went into the bathroom and opened a cupboard; inside there stood several bottles of dye. Sugar knew that the color that suited her best was black, and so she filled a plastic tub with black dye and water, after having shoved it into the shower. She carefully lowered herself into the dark liquid, her hindquarters first, and, while waiting for her fur to adopt the color, kept her mind concentrated on noticing how much time was passing by. She let herself sink deeper into the liquid and also raised more of her body out of it again at regular intervals, since she wanted her fur to look exactly how she imagined it, even diving into the dark fluid with her head two or three times, always taking care not to move too quickly so that her fur wouldn't become messy again. After she had stayed in the tub for some time she got out again and pushed it over on its side, so that the contents disappeared through the outlet of the shower. The Sneasel then filled the tub with clear water and took a short bath, washing the drops of dark liquid caught between her hairs out again, while her fur stayed colored. When she was sure she was clean she left the tub again and wrapped herself into several towels in order to dry herself off without using the blow-drier and making a mess out of the piece of art that was her fur again.
While waiting for the water to be absorbed by the cloth she went into her chamber again, quickly checked that the Wartortle was still asleep, and then opened one of the drawers of the large cupboard on which her mirror stood. She rummaged through the contents until she found a batch of red candles, of which she positioned about twenty on a side table that she then shoved up to the side of her bed. She would light them later, shortly before she would turn off her ceiling lamp. Sugar slowly removed the towels from her body again and brought them back into the bathroom, then returned and jumped up on the stool in front of her mirror. She smiled as she saw the result of her hard work; her hindquarters were pitch-black, while the midsection of her body was more of a very dark blue. The fur on her head had a slightly lighter shade of the same color. Her pink tails had become black as well, and her larger ear was of an almost blood red color now. Sugar kept admiring her own beauty for a moment, then looked at her alarm clock. It was 9:05 PM. She nodded to herself and reached for the brush once more. Now that she had already thoroughly tended to her fur, she found it to be very easy to get the few hairs that had risen up against her will again during the whole procedure back in order. The Sneasel sighed contentedly as she ran the brush along her sleek curves, already imagining how the soft light coming from the candles would reflect off of her dark fur, making her the goddess of the night. She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the pleasant anticipation she was feeling. When she opened them again her reflection in the mirror had changed into that of a much smaller Sneasel, with her natural blue fur and a piercing expression in her eyes.
Sugar smiled.

"You can try whatever you want," she spoke in an amused tone, "but you can't ruin this evening, my dear. I'm in a great mood."

"I can see that," the younger Sneasel replied in an unimpressed tone, "although I find this circumstance to be neither justified nor understandable."

"Oh, I know you don't understand it," Sugar chuckled, "and I don't care about what you think is justified and what isn't." She turned her head to the side and stretched her neck a little. "How do I look?"

"Like the slut you are," came the answer. But the older Sneasel wasn't about to fall for this attempt at having her happiness ruined. She purred softly.

"Mmhh, if I didn't know better I'd say you're jealous about me having such success with this way of life that you never agreed with..." Sugar brought her head a little closer to the mirror and whispered with a sly grin: "He's going to be mine, Tseala, he's going to be mine like all the others are... maybe even more. I will own his very soul, I will be everything he will think of, and my absence will be the reason he won't be able to sleep at night, so in the end he will come begging to me just to lie next to me for a few moments, so that his ruptured mind can have one second of peace..." She flicked each of her tails one time and closed her eyes, smiling blissfully. "Isn't this wonderful? Isn't it great how they willingly become my personal property? Isn't this what you've always dreamed of, my dear child?" She opened her eyes again and could see the disgusted expression on the smaller female's face.

"How can you do this?" the child asked. "How can you do this to someone like him?" Sugar shrugged.

"He's just like all the others," she said. The younger Sneasel shook her head.

"He isn't," she claimed. "This has gone far beyond being reasonable, and I hope you realize this. In the beginning it was about revenge. Now it's just about power. Just because you can do something, Tseala, doesn't mean you should. You seem to have forgotten about that." Sugar blinked, then looked at the reflection with a disappointed expression in her eyes.

"I wouldn't have thought you'd think I'm that stupid," she spoke. "And I am sad that you've overlooked this one very simple flaw in your reasoning. This is not about what I can do and what I should do, it's about what I can do and what I want to do. And besides, why shouldn't I? Since when do I have to justify my actions in any way? Who's the one to tell me what's wrong and what's right?"

"I am," the younger Sneasel responded, "I am the one to tell you that what you're doing is wrong. You're taking advantage of males like this Wartortle, and you're doing it just the same way you've been taken advantage of back then; by making use of his weaknesses, by making him dependent on you and by using your power to destroy his every resistance." The reflection stared right into Sugar's own eyes, and the expression in these small black and rose pools was more accusing, more unforgiving and more relentless than ever before.

"You've become just like your father."

Sugar had trouble keeping herself from screaming and smashing herself right into the mirror in front of her. Her breathing became deeper and faster and she narrowed her eyes, while her freshly filed claws dug into the seating surface of her stool.

"How dare you!" she snarled, arduously striving to keep the burning hatred she was now feeling under control. "How dare you even mention him! He is the single most vicious, most inconsiderate, most despicable creature that's ever lived, even more so than mother!" The smaller Sneasel just kept looking at her without saying anything. A shiver went through Sugar's body. "I'd kill you if I could," she whispered through clenched teeth. The child nodded.

"Then we should both be thankful that you can't." The young Sneasel paused for a moment, then went on: "Think about what you're doing, Tseala. It's not too late to..."

"Don't call me Tseala!" Sugar growled. In spite of her anger she was still able to remember that she had to speak lowly in order not to wake the Wartortle. "That's your name! But I'm not you anymore! I've grown up and become..."

"...a beast," the smaller Sneasel interrupted. "You've become someone who doesn't want peace and harmony, but power and pain instead. You've become someone who can only be happy by making others feel miserable."

"That's not true!" Sugar claimed. "They love me! I make them happy by becoming their mistress! It's what they want!" The younger Sneasel looked at her with an expression that was almost pitiful.

"That isn't honestly what you believe, is it?" Sugar took a deep breath. The little brat had done it again. No matter how good she felt, no matter how happy she was or how much she looked forward to something, the younger Sneasel always found a way to ruin it all. Sugar decided not to let all this get to her so much. She cleared her throat, slowly regaining her calm posture.

"I have a good life," she spoke. "That's all that matters. I have a good life without having to worry about things all the time, and that's simply because I've become the one in charge. There will always be those who rule and those who serve, that's how this world works." She smiled softly. "I've become one of the rulers. Of course my servants need a little bit of motivation from time to time, but that's alright. They all know their place in the end." After having said these words, Sugar felt strengthened. She knew she had regained control over this conversation. And as long as she didn't let the younger Sneasel upset her, there was no way this would change again.

"I don't know what else to say," the child admitted. "I always hoped you'd change your ways. I always hoped you would one day recognize that what you do is wrong. But I have trouble believing in this, now that you've seemingly given in to the temptation of power." The young Sneasel sighed. "You know I've always wanted what's best for you, Sugar, and this will never change. Over the years I've become increasingly worried about you. You've gone too far, but there's always a chance to turn back again." The child turned its back on Sugar. "Maybe you'll realize what I mean in a while. Maybe he'll make you realize it." Sugar blinked. The smaller Sneasel was gone. What she saw in the mirror was herself, her beautiful self with the even more beautiful black fur. She shook her head and blinked, trying to focus her mind on what was important again. But those last words still echoed in her head, and she found them hard to ignore. Had the younger Sneasel spoken of the Wartortle? What was he supposed to make her realize? Sugar didn't know him too well, but so far he hadn't seemed like a source of wisdom to her. The Sneasel closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. It was useless keeping herself occupied with this. She had yet another heart to conquer, and the sooner she'd get to this, the better.

Sugar hopped off of the stool after having quickly checked her appearance one last time. She quietly walked over to the table near the bed and lit the candles; the use of a lighter had been one of the first things she had learned when she had come to live at the mansion, mostly because she preferred the illumination in her room dim. Then finally she switched off the ceiling lamp, so that now the only source of light was the flickering candles. She looked over her shoulder at her own body, admiring for a second how beautifully her black fur was shimmering, then turned towards the bed. She climbed up on it very carefully, doing her best not to wake Lyrtes who was sleeping on his side. Sugar thought about how to proceed for a moment, then raised her paw and pushed it against his shoulder very gently. The Wartortle made a low, murmuring noise and finally rolled over on his shell, so that he was now facing upwards. The Sneasel smiled to herself and swung her right paws across his body in order to stand right above her sleeping guest. She brought her face very close to his and ran her tongue across his cheek in a sensual manner, letting a soft whisper accompany her actions.

"Wake up, Lyrtes..."

The Wartortle blinked wearily as he woke from quite possibly the most wonderful dream he had ever had in his life, even though he immediately forgot what it had been about. The only thing he was still sure of was that Sugar had played an important role in it, and that was basically all he needed in order to be sure that he had rather stayed asleep. That was until his eyes had accustomed to the surrounding darkness and recognized the glinting figure directly above him. It all seemed strange and incomprehensible to him for a second, but also familiar somehow. That creature with the sparkling eyes that seemed to be wonderfully bright and endlessly dark at the same time, her enticing, sleek curves and her sweet smile... It was the Sneasel, there was no doubt about it.

"Sugar...?" he mumbled, trying to understand how it was possible that she appeared to be having black fur now, black fur that shone in the candlelight just like the lake last night had shone in the gentle sparkle of the moon, black fur that seemed like a frozen river lost in the endless darkness, with only a few bright spots of hope left, black fur that was so exceptionally beautiful that Lyrtes found it hard to believe that he had indeed woken up. He blinked. 
"Am I still dreaming?" he asked lowly.

"I don't know," he heard the Sneasel whisper, "you might be." She giggled softly, and to Lyrtes it was the most wonderful sound in the world. "Maybe I'm a dream come true. You'll never know... unless, maybe, you touch me..." The Wartortle swallowed. Sugar's words were inviting enough, and yet he was still unsure about all this. He knew he had to be very careful in order to not make her feel like he'd only want to use her. Slowly, he extended one of his paws and placed it on Sugar's side. Her fur was warm and felt comfortably silky on his smooth skin. He kept looking in the Sneasel's eyes. Judging from her soft expression, she didn't have anything against what he was doing, and so he raised his second paw as well, placing it on her other side. Lyrtes began slowly moving his paws back and forth a little, carefully running them through her soft fur. Sugar purred slightly in approval and closed her eyes.

"How come your fur's black?" the Wartortle asked lowly. The Sneasel opened her eyes again and smiled warmly at him.

"I dyed it," she spoke softly. "I wanted to be more beautiful for you, you know..." Lyrtes returned her smile.

"But you always are very beautiful," he replied. "I don't think you'd have needed to do that. It must've been an awful lot of work." The Sneasel blinked and her smile grew smaller. She then said in a slightly hurt tone:

"That's right. It took me hours to get myself to look like this. I just thought it might make you happy, but if..." Lyrtes quickly shook his head as he realized his mistake. The movement of his paws stopped.

"No, that's not the way I meant it," he assured her in a worried tone. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to imply that you've done all this for nothing... You look incredible! I just wanted to say that... that, no matter what you do with your fur, you'll always be the most beautiful Pokémon in the world to me..." He blushed. "And now... now you look even more beautiful... I'm sorry that I didn't make myself clear enough before..." He turned his head to the side, embarrassed by his own inability to properly express himself. Lyrtes was sure he would never be able to forgive himself if he accidentally insulted Sugar; she had to deal with enough things as it was, and he wanted her to know that he'd always help her if she needed it. He closed his eyes for a moment, but opened them again when he felt the Sneasel's tongue run across his cheek.

"I understand," she whispered. "I'm the one who should be sorry, I can be much too sensible at times..." The Sneasel sniffled a little. "Please forgive me..." Lyrtes quickly turned his head to look up at her again.

"Of course I forgive you!" he replied hastily. "You don't need to apologize for something like that..." Sugar gifted him with a warm smile.

"You're always so nice to me..." she whispered, lowering her body a little. The Wartortle gasped slightly as her velvety fur brushed across the chest plates of his shell, which were actually a lot more sensitive than they looked. As The Sneasel's enticing body came closer to his he could feel his heart pounding faster and faster.

"Wouldn't you like to hold me?" Sugar asked in a low tone. Lyrtes nodded slightly and slowly moved his front paws to embrace her, placing both of them on her back. The Sneasel purred in response and lowered herself a little more, so that most of her weight was now resting on the Wartortle. He didn't mind, of course. Sugar gave him a kiss on his cheek and then murmured right into his ear:

"You're making me very happy, you know... I like it when you hold me like this..." Lyrtes swallowed and he could feel himself blush. He knew this was the right moment. If not now, then never.

"Sugar..." he spoke, his voice just barely above a whisper. Suddenly his mouth was feeling very dry, which was making it hard for him to talk. "Sugar, I need to tell you something... something very important..." The Sneasel retracted her head a little so that she could look him straight in the eyes. She raised her ears, showing him that she was listening attentively.

"Yes?" she asked. "What is it, dear?" Lyrtes took a deep breath. It was so hard to say these words, but looking into Sugar's eyes reassured him; he was sure that she knew what he was going to say, and that made it a little less difficult. He tried gathering some saliva in his mouth so that his voice wouldn't sound too hoarse.

"I love you, Sugar," he said without even the slightest hint of a shiver in his voice. "I fell in love with you the first time I saw you, and it feels so wonderful... It feels so special..." His paws were moving in small circles, softly caressing the Sneasel's back. "And I can only hope that you feel the same way about me, Sugar, that I am... that I am just as special to you as you are to me..." He stopped talking. The Sneasel gave no response, but the expression in her eyes told him all he needed to know. She was looking at him with such a deep, loving gaze that he felt himself become completely certain. Sugar loved him. For a tiny moment he recalled how Scarvas had told him never to trust her eyes, but that was devious. The Beedrill knew nothing. Lyrtes was still waiting for Sugar to say something, but the Sneasel didn't open her mouth. Instead she brought her head a little closer to his, and before he even had a chance to understand what was going on, her lips had met up with his, beginning the very first kiss in Lyrtes' life. 

He didn't really know what he was supposed to do, but it didn't matter. Sugar was guiding him through this procedure, and if it had felt wonderful to hold her before, to be close to her and to cuddle with her, then this new level of affection was beyond description. Lyrtes instinctively hugged her tighter and his eyes closed just a small moment before he could feel the tip of the Sneasel's tongue press against his lips, further parting them and sliding into his mouth. She started to caress his tongue with hers and he quickly responded to this treatment, trying to imitate her movements as best as he could so that this kiss didn't stay lopsided for a long time. Now that his eyes were closed and that there were so many things for the rest of his senses to notice he grew a lot more aware of his surroundings than he had been before. The Wartortle could practically feel every single one of Sugar's hairs on his chest and belly plates as the Sneasel mildly moved back and forth in his embrace, gently letting her fur brush across his body. He took deep breaths through his nose and with each one he inhaled Sugar's wonderful scent, that was incomparable to anything he had ever smelled before; and yet it still reminded him only of the happiest moments in his life, of having fun, of swimming through lakes and rivers without a care in the world, simply enjoying everything life had to offer. His mind slowly came to a rest and he basically stopped thinking. All he did was returning Sugar's wonderful kiss while feeling her with every inch of his body.
When the Sneasel's lips slowly parted from his again he felt the desire to pull her head back towards his own and start another kiss right away, but he resisted. Sugar seemingly found this to be enough, and he wasn't going to act against her will. Lyrtes slowly opened his eyes, looking up at his love with a dreamy expression.

"Sugar..." he whispered lowly. The Sneasel did not respond, but instead started to give him sensual licks along his neck. Lyrtes pushed his head back into the pillow and purred lightly, enjoying this new sensation that Sugar gifted him with. She pushed her body even closer towards his, and he wrapped his front paws around her tighter than ever before. He didn't want to let go ever again.

"Thank you for being so patient with me," Lyrtes heard Sugar coo right into his ear. "You've been waiting all day long, and you didn't say anything... You didn't want to push me..." She gave him a lick along the backside of his curved ear and it sent a shiver of pleasure through his entire body. "I'm so glad we're finally getting to this now," she whispered. "I'd never want to disappoint you, after all..." The Wartortle swallowed.

"What... what are we getting to?" he asked, once again with a shaky tone of voice. He was fairly sure about what Sugar meant, of course, and this left him with mixed feelings. She giggled a little.

"You know the answer to this question already," she replied and then added, in a softer and more serious tone: "I know it'll be your very first time, but trust me, you don't have to worry about anything at all... Even if you were immortal you would never, ever forget this night, that's how good it'll be..." The Wartortle could feel his mouth getting dry again. This was a very difficult situation, and he had a lot of trouble thinking clearly with the most beautiful Pokémon in the world in his embrace.

"What about... what about the things you said yesterday?" he asked nervously, now staring at the ceiling. "You told me you were getting tired of everyone just wanting... well..." He didn't have to speak any further. From the corner of his eyes he could see Sugar shaking her head.

"This is different," she said in a reassuring tone. "I know you care about me... I know you love me..." Lyrtes didn't say anything in return. Sugar placed her cheek on his chest and sighed happily. "Nobody ever treated me as well as you do," she continued. "And it feels so good to be held by you... It felt even better to kiss you... Now, if only you let me give myself to you... If you should decide that the way we're snuggling right now is not enough, and that your feelings towards me could only be expressed by something more intimate, more intense... then I could introduce you to a feeling so wonderful, so unique and purely beautiful that you could never imagine it by yourself..." She moved her head a little and gave him a kiss on his neck. "Please," she whispered, "please let me show you how it is to spend a night with the one you truly love... please..." Lyrtes stopped the slight movement on his paws. The Sneasel's words had been clear enough. All day long he hadn't even dared hoping that she might actually want to mate with him. He had thought that maybe she'd eventually offer herself to him without really having a desire to do so, and he had already thought about how he would always refuse such an offer, in spite of how hard that might be, but what she had just said made him forget about all this. He slowly turned his head back towards her and took a deep breath.

"Sugar," he spoke lowly, trying his best to find words that would properly express his feelings, "I... I feel so honored to hear that... I mean... I would never have thought you'd really want to..." A soft giggle from Sugar saved him from having to finish that sentence. She slowly moved one of her front paws across his chest, along his neck and finally gently rubbed his cheek with it.

"You shouldn't underestimate yourself," she replied in an amused tone. The Sneasel gave him a soft kiss on his chest plates and heard him gasp slightly in response. "You might not be experienced, but that doesn't matter at all... You're so nice and gentle, so caring and loving, I'm truly a happy female for having you be so attracted to me..." She fell silent for a moment as she gave him a long, sensual lick across his chest, making him close his eyes in enjoyment. "Now..." she went on in a lower and more seductive tone than before, "we can start anytime you want... I'm just as ready as you are..." The Sneasel moved one of her hind legs a little until she came in touch with Lyrtes' erection that was standing out in the open from between the two protective plates that usually kept it hidden when it was in its flaccid state. The Wartortle's eyes shot open. He hadn't even noticed how aroused he had become, since he had been way too occupied with basking in the warm feeling of having his beloved Sugar close to him. He could feel his cheeks flush in embarrassment, even though the Sneasel didn't seem the least surprised to have found his penis in such a way.

"I... I'm sorry," he stuttered, as this were the first words he had been able to come up with, "I..." But he couldn't continue, as Sugar had raised one of her front paws and put it across his mouth, making him fall silent immediately.

"Please don't apologize," she spoke softly. "It's a compliment that you react this way towards me... It makes me happy to see that my being close to you has such a strong effect..." She slowly pulled her paw back and gave him a small kiss on the same spot, right on his lips. "Please let go of me, dear, so I can get in position," she whispered, starting to move her body a bit, once again rubbing her soft fur all along Lyrtes' belly and chest plates. The Wartortle nodded, still feeling ashamed for his arousal, and slowly lowered his front paws, releasing Sugar from his tight hug. The Sneasel showed him a loving smile and then moved her body off of Lyrtes', lying down on the bed next to him, where she immediately turned over on her back, so that her head was resting on the large pillow. Lyrtes slowly sat up, trying his best not to appear too lecherous as his gaze went across her entire body, from her hind legs, which she had currently crossed in order to obscure her most private spot from him, over her belly and chest up to her face, and then back down again. Sugar didn't seem to mind this rather thorough examination; however, she nodded at him, silently telling him to position himself at the end of her hind legs. He quickly obeyed and kneeled down right where she obviously wanted him to. Sugar's smile grew a little broader as she very slowly opened her legs. The Wartortle kept his gaze locked on the place where he was going to see one of his by far most desired things in a moment, and he could feel the blood rushing through his veins at an immense speed as more and more of it was pumped into his member. When Sugar had finally spread her hind legs far enough his erection was throbbing almost painfully. He swallowed and raised his gaze once more, taking in the unique impression of this Sneasel with black fur that was shimmering in the light of what seemed to him like a million candles. The beauty of her sleek curves and her slender form, of her warm smile and her perfect fur almost paralyzed him. He had been waiting for this moment to occur ever since he had first laid eyes on Sugar, and now he was feeling like there would never be a happier moment in his life. Completely enchanted by her unbelievable body he carefully moved forwards, positioning himself between her hind legs. He bent over a little and put his paws next to her shoulders. She was looking up at him with an expression of patient anticipation and an immense warmth lay within her smile. Lyrtes wanted to ask again if this would really be alright, just to be sure, but her eyes told him the answer, and he knew he wouldn't be able to restrain himself for another moment. As he budged his hips a little, the tip of his erection made contact with Sugar's entrance, which made the Sneasel coo softly in response. Lyrtes' light blue tail curled in excitement, and he finally gave in to his desires and started pushing his hips forward very slowly and carefully, intent on enjoying this as much as possible.

The moment the tip of his penis entered his beloved Sneasel immediately made him realize that she had been right; this was definitely going to be the greatest night of his life. Sugar's vagina greeted his hard erection with a comforting warm wetness as it gripped him tightly, yet also very softly. Having the most sensitive area of his body tended to in such a way made him want more. Lyrtes quickly proceeded invading Sugar's warm folds as he closed his eyes in enjoyment. A soft moan coming from the Sneasel beneath him further edged him on, and he kept going until his entire penis was buried inside of her. He then stopped his motions and opened his eyes again to look at Sugar, subconsciously giving a grunt of pleasure. Her chest was moving up and down more quickly than before, and he comprehended this change in the pace of her breathing as a signal that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Still, there was an expression in her eyes that he couldn't quite figure out; however, he understood as he suddenly felt one of Sugar's front paws on the back of his head, carefully trying to pull him in her direction. He lowered his torso enough so that their lips met, and then engaged in another passionate kiss with the Sneasel.

It was a little hard for him to focus on the movement of his tongue as he was rubbing it against Sugar's, since the burning desire in his loins was quite distracting. He decided to do something against these powerful urges and the most pleasant and effective solution was obvious; he would satisfy them. The Wartortle began pulling back his hips again, just a small bit, though, before quickly pushing back into Sugar again. The feeling of first leaving her vagina a little and then parting it again was so intense that he had to try his best in order to keep control over himself and not start mindlessly plowing into the Sneasel just to get as much of this as quickly as possible. He knew this would be to her displeasure, and he wanted to make her feel good, after all. Lyrtes slowly repeated the motions of his hips while paying attention to keep kissing Sugar ardently, his tongue always caressing hers.

As the Sneasel had been in such situations enough times already, she didn't find it even the least bit hard to think about and analyze what was happening while still concentrating on responding to the inexperienced, yet definitely loving movements of Lyrtes' tongue. She had closed her eyes and purred each time the Wartortle shoved his erection back into her; it was a sound that was generated in her throat, and thus served to let her tongue vibrate softly, which made the kiss more intense. For a Pokémon that was only slightly taller than her, Lyrtes was a bit larger than the average male. Sugar found the feeling of his penis continuously parting her folds to be pleasant, yet it was nothing special and would definitely never be enough to make her climax. This, however, had had to be expected already, and Sugar wasn't going to make Lyrtes responsible for this. Considering that this was his first time, he wasn't even doing badly; at least he had some control over his body. Sugar knew that it couldn't go on like this forever, and so she decided to make him speed up his pace a little. When he shoved himself back into her again she suddenly broke the kiss and gasped loudly, pushing her head back into the soft pillow.

"Oh, yes," she moaned softly, "yes, just like that... Please, go a little... Mmmhh... a little faster..." Lyrtes was overjoyed to hear this from Sugar, and he immediately began to fulfill her wish. He repositioned himself a little, moving even closer towards the Sneasel, so that he could now pull about half of his erection out of her and shove it back inside at a rather quick pace. This new sensation was even more wonderfully intense than before, and the Wartortle felt the urge to raise his body and moan loudly, but he noticed that Sugar had wrapped her front paws around his shell, tightly hugging him to her body. She spread her hind legs even wider than before and stretched her neck, giving lustful moans of pleasure each time Lyrtes thrusted into her, to which he often responded with an excited grunt on his own. Now that his hips were moving faster than before it was a little harder for him to find a steady rhythm, especially because the pleasure he was feeling intensified with every passing second. Never before had he had such a sensational experience; his erection was being tightly enveloped by Sugar's warm vagina, it was rubbed and massaged, and this happened each time he shoved it into her, and it just got better and better. He already knew that all this would soon be too much for him to take, but he was determined to last as long as possible in order to make this as great for Sugar as it was for him. The Wartortle clenched his eyes shut and bit his lip, but that didn't make it any easier for him as now the only things left that he was able to perceive were the Sneasel's voice, urging him to go faster and telling him about the pleasure she was feeling through deep, sensual groans and his penis being tightly grasped by Sugar's vagina. He could also hear her claws scratching across the back of his shell as she obviously tried to get a solid grip on him in order to pull his body closer to hers. Lyrtes lowered his torso a little more, so that now with each powerful thrust he made he could feel Sugar's wonderfully soft fur brush across his belly and chest plates. This further stimulated him, of course, and he could feel his actions become erratic and even less controllable than before. Now he knew he wouldn't be able to restrain himself for more than another few moments. He could feel his erection throb heavily, making him experience a mix of almost unbearable pleasure and pain at the same time, which he found to be wonderful, but of which he also knew that it would kill him if he couldn't get any release soon, and it got more intense each time he buried his member deep within Sugar.

"Sugar!" he gasped, now panting heavily while trying his best to focus on talking, "I... I'm going to..."

"Yes!" the Sneasel squealed in a high-pitched tone while tightly wrapping her hind legs around the lower part of Lyrtes' shell, "Yes, me too!" This was, of course, a lie, but Sugar had been faking her expressions of pleasure since they had started mating, and thus it didn't really matter to her. The Wartortle's thrusting was now getting increasingly clumsy and unorganized, which was only natural considering how quickly he was nearing his climax; Sugar, on the other side, had no trouble to keep thinking straight, as the sexual stimulation she was receiving was too small to constitute any real distraction. She couldn't help but concentrate her thoughts on males she would so much rather be with at the moment, like Arzo or the Azumarill. At least they knew how to properly pleasure a female, and Sugar found, even though she hadn't expected anything else right from the start, that it was very frustrating to let this Wartortle mate with her when it basically didn't do her any good at all. But it was all part of her plan, she quickly reminded herself, and she would have to accept such minor inconveniences like this one in order to reach her goal. The Sneasel paid attention to breathe both faster and deeper between her loud moans, which she was now turning into untamed screams, yelling out the Wartortle's name again and again. She let a shiver go through her entire body and contracted the muscles in her lower parts while tightly shutting her eyes and clinging to Lyrtes' heated body now even more than just a minute ago.

The Wartortle felt a deep satisfaction as he noticed what had to be the Sneasel's orgasm. Her warm, wet vagina grew even tighter and he felt her grip around his body tighten while her shrill squeal echoed in his ears. Having reached this goal he knew that he was now free to let himself go and loosen the mental restraints he had put on himself. Letting his body take over his actions he now started pounding into the Sneasel harder than ever before. This, however, lasted only for a few seconds, as he could feel himself reaching his climax after the fourth thrust. Lyrtes almost blacked out from this pure, concentrated pleasure his mind was now getting flooded with, and it was as if a hot wave flowed through his entire body, ending right in the tip of his erection, which was tingling excitedly. The Wartortle was now grinding his hips against the Sneasel's, wanting to keep his entire penis inside of Sugar's tight folds as he started shooting his seed deeply into her. He could feel his erection twitch and pulse, and with each passing moment the sensation became more wonderful, more incredible and filled his loins as well as the rest of his body with more and more bliss. Each thought that still had remained in his mind clouded by pure lust was now erased, and his senses seemed to fail him as well as the only thing he was able to focus on was the feeling of him unloading his semen into the Sneasel.
However, all this only lasted for a few moments. As his climax slowly died down again Lyrtes could feel his perception return to him. His member twitched one more time, releasing the last bit of his seed, and then it started to lose its hardness. The Wartortle, who still had his eyes closed, noticed that he was panting heavily and that beads of sweat had formed on his forehead. His front paws, which were still placed next to Sugar's shoulders and which were supporting the weight of his torso, were shivering, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to keep his body raised even just so slightly for much longer. Lyrtes opened his eyes and looked at the Sneasel beneath him for a moment; she had her eyes closed and was smiling contentedly, obviously basking in the afterglow of their mating. The Wartortle lowered his head a little and gave her an affectionate lick across her cheek; he then shifted his body to the right and pulled back his hips a little, making his now shrinking penis slide out of Sugar's heated vagina. Lyrtes rolled over on his side, taking his weight off of his front paws and off of the Sneasel's body. He was suddenly feeling very tired and had trouble keeping his eyes open, but he still wanted to stay awake for as long as he could. His eyes were fixated on Sugar's body, as she was now slowly closing her hind legs again and took a very deep, satisfied breath before rolling over on her side as well in order to look at Lyrtes with a dreamy expression.

"That was great, sweetie," she whispered and then gave him a soft kiss on his nose. The Wartortle closed his eyes for a short moment and purred a little.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed it," he mumbled lowly, then opened his eyes again. "I love you, Sugar," he added. The Sneasel chuckled softly.

"I know you do," she spoke and shifted her body a little so that her belly came in touch with his. She raised one of her front paws and placed it on the side of his shell, gently rubbing it a little. The Wartortle blinked slowly and then asked after a moment:

"Do you love me, too?" Sugar rubbed her body along his in a sensual manner and then replied:

"Of course I do, dear." She had actually tried to prevent having to say that sentence, but she would do anything that would be necessary to make Lyrtes hers. And upon closer consideration, it wasn't even such a big lie at all. Everyone seemed to define the term "love" in whatever way they wanted, and what she felt for the Wartortle could thus be referred to as a kind of love, even though it was obviously not the same love that he was feeling towards her. She loved him like she loved all her other males as well, which maybe wasn't exactly much, but she definitely did care about him in some way; and the fact that she knew that this feeling that Lyrtes called "love" was actually just an attraction he felt towards her bodily features and thus nothing else than a strong desire for sexual intercourse with her made her feel better about it. As far as she was concerned, this ideal love that so many Pokémon claimed to feel towards someone, or even towards her, didn't exist. There was nothing but desire, and while it was the desire to mate on the males' side, it was the desire for power on hers. In any way, her answer made the Wartortle smile broadly. He reached out with his left front paw and tightly embraced her, hugging her to his belly. Lyrtes then closed his eyes and sighed happily, while Sugar kept watching him with a warm expression in her eyes.

"Please try not to fall asleep," she whispered after a moment. The Wartortle slowly opened his eyes again. It was easy for the Sneasel to recognize how very tired he was feeling, which she found to be somewhat cute.

"Why not?" he asked in a low tone. His gaze was unfocused and his mouth moved rather slowly. Sugar gave him a soft kiss on his cheek.

"You still have to get back to your room, sweetie," she replied in a soft tone. It seemed to take a few seconds for these words to reach Lyrtes' brain; he then blinked and immediately appeared to be a little more awake.

"Can't... can't I just stay here?" he asked, sounding a little confused. Sugar giggled softly. Of course she knew why he wanted to stay; he was hoping that maybe he could get to mate with her again later this night. She'd have to make him understand that one time was enough for this day.

"I'm sorry, dear," she whispered, "I know you really loved it, just as I did, too, but we both should really get some sleep..." This answer seemed to confuse Lyrtes even more.

"Yes, that's what I had in mind," he replied, now hugging her a little tighter. "Of... Of course, if you don't want me in here, I'll go, but... But it'd be really great if you let me sleep here, you know, because..." He closed his eyes and started to gently caress her back with his paw, "because it feels so good to snuggle with you..."
Sugar frowned. She didn't know what reason Lyrtes should have for staying with her if it was clear that they wouldn't mate anymore. Maybe he was hoping she would have changed her mind in the morning. She thought about it for a moment and then snuggled a little closer to the Wartortle, making a soft purring sound.

"I guess that's alright, then..." she murmured, closing her eyes as well, "but you have to promise that you really won't try to make me mate with you again, sweetie..." Lyrtes rubbed his nose against hers a little and said:

"I'd never to anything like this, I promise..." He could feel himself slowly drifting off into sleep now, and a broad smile was standing on his face. "Thank you so much, Sugar..."

Just a moment later he had fallen asleep, with the Sneasel and the feeling of her wonderful fur against his belly and chest plates on his mind, promising him to have sweet dreams. Sugar slowly opened her eyes again and blinked, trying to figure out what Lyrtes was heading for with this. It was not possible that he really just wanted to hold her without seeing any possibility for something more intimate than this. The Sneasel knew her males and their desires, and whatever they did for or with her was never anything else than an attempt made by their sexual urges to get her to mate with them.
After a short while of thinking she sighed and decided to go to sleep as well. Whatever the Wartortle had planned, she would deal with it in the morning. And then she would just go on like always.

(27715 words)


This (finally) ends the fifth chapter. I think it was a good idea to split it up into two parts, otherwise I'd have one chapter with almost 39000 words. Anyway, I definitely hope I won't take such a long time to get done with the next installment in the series; there is one thing I can say about this already, and that's that there will finally be a greater focus again on Niani and co (with the "co" being Kara and Ral?re, naturally). I'm pointing this out because she seems to be the favorite character to most, so this probably counts as good news. As usual, if you have questions, requests, comments or anything like that, please send an email to [email protected] or write a review for this chapter, it'll be very much appreciated. Thank you very much for reading.

-- Lion vom Silberwald

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