AGNPH Stories

The Collection by the_shadow_master_of_wea


Story Notes:

Characters, warnings, catagories will all be adjusted as needed. Each chapter summary will also list a summary of the request, which catagories, characters, warnings apply as well as who requested it. Check my profile if interesting in asking for in a story request from me.Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon in anyway, shape, or form. If I did, I doubt it would be much of a children's show anymore.

The Gift of a Princess (July 2010 Contest "Bring the Heat" entry)

Contest Entry for July 2010 "Bring the heat"

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon in anyway, shape, or form. If I did, I doubt it would be much of a children's show anymore.

Author Notes:
-- This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.
xXx This will identify where each paragraph breaks.


The Gift of a Princess

Fang was a thief, a mon with no use for the law, a person who would take what he would needed to survive, but he wouldn't harm anyone. Being the dark type mon that he was didn't help him either in a kingdom ruled by psychic types, who saw all dark types as a curse on their land, a plague that they could not control since their minds had no direct effect on them. Of course, Fang always preferred it this way, it made life fun, a real challenge, and at times, completely hilarious while he was on the run watching those pursuing him charge randomly into houses while he watched from the roof tops. All because they couldn't track him and his tracks often coming to a dead stop no matter what kind of environment they were in.

All that changed however in the last few days. Now, he was being escorted by palace guards, the pair of gallade equipped in full plate mail, with halberds and knives in addition to their natural weapon, their elbow blades. Stripped of his own weapons, and left with only his leather armor and clothes, the mightyena only had his claws and natural skills at his disposal now as he was being brought before the king. Despite the king's short height though, he was a powerful, and often ruthless alakazam. Kneeling down, Fang looked around the room. Standing in the throne room, with a pair of guards by every door, and four standing on each side of the king himself, all of them armed like those who had escorted Fang up to now, there was little hope of running. The king himself was also dressed in full plate mail as well, his great sword nearly as tall as himself resting on the side of the throne, his long sword at his side.

The queen, an espeon dressed in a large flowing dress made of fancy silks with a large gemmed tiara, stood beside her king as he stood up, Fang could clearly see him restraining himself from drawing his sword right then and there. Given the circumstances, Fang couldn't help but smile, silently laughing to himself. Normally able to force his way into anyone's mind, people were forced to not only keep their voices in check when the king was near, but also their thoughts, Fang felt a certain freedom that he knew very few felt in the king's presence.

"Fang." The king half shouted trying to contain himself. "If you were here for anything else, I would have had you hung just for even daring to step foot here." The queen looked at her mate, Fang knowing that she was telepathically trying to calm him. "You have committed several crimes against my empire, from theft to resisting arrest. Even going so far as trying to taint my youngest daughter." Fang just smiled thinking back on all the times he had left the king's enforcers puzzled by his sudden lack of tracks, even in the castle itself the nights he had visited the youngest princess in the castle. Once again he was laughing to himself. "There is only one reason why I am even letting you stand in this room before me." Coming in from the right side of the room, another espeon stepped into the room, much like the queen, dressed in similar garb, but with a much smaller tiara. The princess couldn't help but smile at Fang. "Three days ago, you saved my daughter from the hands of my evil brother. Despite her own claims of offering herself to you, the only reason you stand before me now is because my healers have confirmed that she is still pure, that you did not take her in any way." The king stepped down from the throne and approached Fang. "My daughter has requested for your hand in marriage. The very thought of such a thing disgusts me, but I may not have a choice. My empire is on the brink of war, and my army is spread too thin trying to find those camps that your kind use." The king now stood right in front of Fang. "They tell you are the king, or at least closest thing to one among the colonies of dark types that infest my lands. My advisors tell me that if I were to allow my daughter to wed with you, to listen to you, I could get you to convince your kind to halt your hostile actions against my empire and allow me the full use of my armies to defend this kingdom. Is this true?"

Standing up to his full height, Fang had an easy foot on the king. "Yes, its true that I could be called a king among the dark colonies in your lands, well in the sense that I have a massive say in how we act. If it's a peace you seek, that it can be arranged easily enough." Fang smiled.

"Really?" The king questioned.

"Allow us to once again join in the cities, to work like we used. There was time when psychics often welcomed our help, despite the fact of our type. We know very well of the war that threatens this kingdom and have even gone so far to take some action ourselves." Fang smiled. "Surely your spies have already sent reports of the iron mine near Grafton."

"Then, the destruction of the mine was thanks to your kind?" The king asked.

"If a war hits your empire, it effects my kind as well. Allow us to join together once again, like the times before your father banished all dark types from his lands. Release those few you have actually managed to capture, let us return to city, to take up jobs and pay for what we once had to steal and the peace you seek will once again be yours. Our own army is small, but combined with yours, it would be a far grander force." Fang smiled seeing the look on the king's face. Given the current set of events and threat of war, the king had no choice but to really consider the act.

"So be it." The king stated knowing that it may very well be the only way to protect his people at the time as he walked back up to his throne. "Go, you may stay at the castle, just stay out of my sight." The king half shouted, strong signs of disgust in his voice. As much as he loathed the idea, there were few options at this time, but he couldn't keep trying to fight one war with the dark types, and a losing war at that. Not when the entirety of the Fire Empire threatened to take his lands while he was busy dealing with other problems.

The princess quickly ran over and jumped towards Fang, nearly knocking him over as she tackled him. "Oh Fang." She cried in joy that her father had let him live. Although he was ruthless, she knew that he would have to listen to reason and now, through her efforts combined with those of the her best friend who happened be the king's best advisor, her love was safe. Quickly following her father's advice though, she grabbed Fang's arm and quickly led him out of the throne room down one hall after another.

"Hey Heather, slow down." Fang shouted getting a good hold on her own arm and bringing her to a dead stop. Much like with the king, Fang was taller then Heather as well, her head barely reaching his chin.

"I can't help it. My father gave us his blessings. That means that we can finally be together." Heather cried out in joy giving Fang another hug.

"Blessings?" Fang questioned. "That was his blessing? I'd hate to see how he deals with his enemies if that how he treats his new son-in-law."

"That could have gone better yes, but it still went better then I had expected." Heather smiled up at Fang as she started to move again, this time at a slower pace.

"You really want this don't you?" Fang asked laughing to himself.

"I've wanted you ever since the first time I fell into heat." Heather smiled. "But you've always denied me worried that my father would find out and send his entire army after you and you alone. Now he can't do that, so what's keeping you?"

"Well..." Fang went silent trying to find a good excuse only to come up empty handed.

"See, there's nothing stopping us anymore." Heather stated as they walked up to the pair of guards protecting her room. "Leave us. Fang can protect me." She ordered them.

One of them just looked at her for a second, but quickly realized what was going to happen. "Princess, are you sure..."

"My father has already okayed our marriage, even if it was only because of political reasons. Fang has already proven that he can protect me, now leave us." She ordered again.

"Very well." With that, both of the guards left.

Fang quickly followed Heather into her room, seeing that it been slightly redecorated with a much larger bed with silk curtains around it. "Why do I get the feeling that you planned this whole thing out." Fang smiled.

"I had some help." Heather smiled. Using her mind, the doors and shutters to the windows in the room all closes, leaving just the large fire in fireplace place providing the only light. "And now, I could use some more with this dress please." Heather added with a slightly seductive hint in her voice.

"Oh fine." Fang laughed. "If you really want it that bad, who am I to argue, especially with a princess." Heather turned around and Fang went about undoing the ties that held the dress in place. With each tie he undid, the dress started to go slack, starting to slip off Heather's shoulders, her pink fur shining brightly in the firelight. With the last tie undone, Fang began to slip the loose fitting silk off his bride to be.

"I put a lot of work into tonight." Heather smiled turning around holding her hand to her chest keeping the dress there for a few seconds making sure he was looking as she let go. The dress fell the floor revealing Heather in nothing more then a simple pair of silk panties and a silk band wrapped around her breasts. Fang could already smell her scent and realized why she was so eager to mate with him.

"I take it you've been in heat for a few days." Fang asked as he bent down a bit and she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him, her tongue pressing against his muzzle begging for entrance. Fang complied with his princess's wishes and opened his mouth. Her tongue quickly darted in to mingle with his own. Fang couldn't help but feel pleased to finally be with love. Their kiss lasted for several seconds before Heather had to break it off for air.

"You don't know how unbearable it is to be around the one you love like this." Heather stated letting her arms slide down his covered chest reaching for the first set of buttons that kept the heavy leather vest in place. Just as she reached for the button though, it sparked a bit, causing her to jump back.

"Sorry, its enchanted armor." Fang stated undoing the vest himself and throwing onto a nearby table.

"What about this?" Heather asked going to take hold of his shirt.

"No, that's safe to remove." Fang replied as she pulled it over his head, his black furred chest matching a starless night sky.

"And these?" Heather asked grabbing his belt undoing the buckle to loosen his pants.

"Those are safe too." Fang stated as his pants fell to the floor. His bare feet made stepped out of the pants quick and easy as Heather led him back to the bed now in just his boxers.

"I'm yours to do whatever you want with." Heather smiled laying back as Fang climbed over her.

Using one of his claws, he pierced the center of the silk band over her breasts. "Is that so?" He asked cutting the band in half and flipping them off to the sides revealing Heather's erect nipples. The same color as her fur, two small bare patches of skin rested at the top of her medium sized mounds, the tip reaching out, almost as if begging to be touched and held. Rubbing a finger over one, Heather moaned in delight now that she was finally with her lover, a thief who had stolen her heart the first time she had laid eyes on him.

Continued to rub the one nipple, occasionally pinching and twisting it, Fang watched as Heather couldn't help but twist under his touch. He knew that she would have been just fine with skipping the fore play and mounting her right away, but he wanted to make her feel good. He was a wild mon, one who could easily go all night long and he was every intent on enjoying every minute of it.

Lowering his head, the reached out with his tongue while Heather had her eyes closed. He started licking her chin and neck, quickly kissing his way down to the area between her breasts, before he stopped to her disappointment. He changed his position just a bit to give the a nice long lick of her other breast, taking the added time to slow down and really taste the bud at the top. Heather opened her eyes quickly at the feel of his tongue, taking in a sharp breath at the sudden pleasure.

"Oh, so we like that?" Fang laughed licking at the small piece of flesh again. He could already feel his member starting poke of its sheath and start to press against he fabric of his boxers. Still, he continued to play with what he currently had, this time giving a light nibble to his plaything, sucking lightly on it as well. With his free hand, he used a claw to puncture Heather's panties and slid a single digit through the tear rubbing to the side of Heather's folds. Having spent a few minutes like this, Heather went to go grab his hand that was toying with her sex, occasion rubbing over it, but never going in. As her hand neared his own however, Fang reached down with the hand that been playing with her breasts and leaned back into a sitting position.

"Now what do you think you're doing?" Fang asked gently grabbing her hand.

"Your such a tease." Heather stated, all the feelings of pleasure she had vanishing as Fang got up.

"I know, but would you have me any other way then as myself?" Fang asked. "You know I like to play games." Using the hole in her panties, Fang reached up and around the band and started to pull them down her legs revealing her moist sex to him. "But, it's if pleasure you want, I can help." Scooting back and leaning down, Fang place his face over her flower taking in a huge whiff of her scent. With her panties now completely off, Fang spread her legs apart admiring what was now his. Opening his mouth, he placed his tongue at the base of her tail before starting a nice, slow, long lick over her backside, and then up between her legs, letting his tongue just barely flick over her clit. Heather's back arched considerable and Fang place his leg into the free space beneath to help support her in the position taking another lick just like he did before. It didn't take much for her to cave under the conditions, with all of Fang's playing and her heat. A gush of her juices flowed out of her and Fang went to work cleaning up the mess.

"Well, you certainly have a taste I approve of, quiet sweet, but with just a hint of something spicy." Fang smiled, his member now nearly fully erect, only being contained by his boxers, which had become quite uncomfortable. He quickly rectified that problem and laid Heather back down. "Are you ready?" He asked to which she could only nod. Fang climbed over her and using her split tail, Heather lined him up as he pushed in. Heather couldn't believe the feeling, having Fang fill her was unlike anything she had ever done before her. Her hands and tails now seemed useless compared to what she was feeling as Fang pushed in more and more.

Fang soon felt something obstructing his path, and he knew now that it she was forever his. Reaching up and grabbing onto him to give him the okay, Fang pulled back just enough to thrust past the obstruction. Heather gave a light scream, it had hurt, not as much as she had once thought, but the sudden feel of it was enough to catch her off guard. She firmly held onto Fang for a few seconds before the pain subsided and she fell back onto the bed moving her hips just a bit. "Well, come on." She smiled up at him. Fang didn't need to be told twice and quickly pulled back out and then thrust back in. He had nearly hilted in the first thrust, but still a small part of his shrunken knot remained outside as he hit the far end of Heather's flower. Still, she didn't seem to mind that he was in so deep, her cry of pleasure urging him to continue. Pulling back out, Fang thrust in again, his hands finding their way once again to her breasts to help further please her.

Fang quickly developed a steady pace, Heather keeping it with him timing her movements with his own. Each time he hit her cervix, he managed to get a little bit more of himself inside her, his knot already starting to grow. As they continued, Heather couldn't keep quiet any longer and started to shout out to him, telling to push harder, thrust faster. Fang couldn't deny his princess and complied with each of her demands.

Soon, his knot was at nearly its full size, and with each thrust, it became harder to get it back out until he finally had trouble getting it in as well. Heather didn't seem to care though, she kept shouting at him, only this time to tie into her and make her his own. Fang kept up his actions, this time working harder until finally, his knot went in tying them for now. Unable to pull out and thrust in like before, Fang focused more on speed and deep thrusts now. It didn't take much now that he tied her though. She already tight tunnel convulsing around him gripping it even tighter, his knot, being his most sensitive area feeling the most of the actions setting him off within her. With his tip pressing right against her cervix, he flooded her womb with his seed and with her being in heat and his knot keeping all of his seed inside her, he knew that she would most likely bare his off spring.

Heather was screamed out, far louder then before as she reach up and tightly latched onto Fang during her own orgasm. It took her well over a minute to finally calm enough to comprehend what had just happened, but she still felt Fang's member twitch within her only adding to her over whelming pleasure. "Oh Fang." Heather fell back, still tied to him. "I've never felt like this before."

"I've still got plenty of energy left." Fang stated. " We can continued and go again just as soon as I can get free." Giving a light tug of himself, he felt his knot move a bit within Heather, she once again took a sharp breath of air from the pleasure it gave her. "By the time I'm out, I'm sure you'll be ready for the next round."

Heather smiled looking up at Fang. "Fang, I'm yours to do whatever you want with tonight. My body is yours, use it however you wish."

"Well, I can't just pass up an offer like that." Fang gave another light tug, his knot having shrunk just enough for him to really move it around inside Heather, giving her great pleasure, but not quite enough to remove it yet. It took a few more seconds for it to happen, but at last, Fang's knot was free and a small flood of excess fluids flowed out of Heather's pussy. Heather was pleased to find that his member was still hard, even with his shrinking knot.

"So, what now?" Heather asked as she rested on the bed.

"I don't know, but I always your ass to be very attractive." Fang smiled, his suggestion very direct and Heather couldn't deny him after all that he had went through to save her just days ago.

"My body is yours, use it as you wish." She stated again smiling up at him not entirely sure on the idea, but willing to give a try. Once again using her split tail, Heather lined up Fang's rod with herself, but this time with his member lightly prodding against her anus. Giving a nod, she gave the okay for him to try it and he began to push is still soaked rod forward. It was a tight passage, getting into her ass and slow, but he the feeling of her.

Although Heather did feel some pain from it, her ass being much tighter then her pussy, she also felt some very odd pleasure about the act. Fang could tell that she was in pain though and went to stop, but she locked her legs around him. "No, my body is yours tonight." She stated helping him push further in. As he finally hilted able to push all the way in, Heather held him there. "Just give me a few to adjust." She smiled reaching up to kiss him. Deciding to play her a bit while he waited for her to adjust, he moved his tail over her sex and gently rubbed it. It didn't take long for her start moving her hips and Fang slowly pulled out only to push back in.

He pace was slow, but he kept at it and soon, he once again found Heather starting to scream and beg him for more. Of course, he complied and sped up, but only a little. This continued to go on, her tight anal walls gripping around his member, his knot once again quickly growing. Making sure never to let it enter though, he always pulled back each time it her. This odd pleasure for Heather was becoming very enjoyable, her screams getting louder. She wondered why she had never teased with the idea before as she once again felt another climax well on its way. Fang continued to pump away, his mind also aware of how much pleasure he was getting, but not quite able to reach his climax.

Between his tail and his cock, Heather once again succumbed to her body arching over clamping down on him. "Fang!" Heather screamed, this time her loudest yet. "Please, it feels so good."

"I know." Fang responded, still pumping away, unable to reach his climax. "I just wish I could tie you like this." He quietly whispered to himself.

"Please... go ahead." Heather screamed hearing his comment.

"What, are you sure?" Fang asked. In timing with his own thrust, Heather, tried to slam herself down onto his knot. Seeing how determined to please him, Fang started to thrust harder himself, his knot starting to slide into the tight hole, but not making the full trip.

With a bit of effort, Fang's knot finally slide into Heather, her eyes going wide, screaming in pain and pleasure as it happened being spread so wide before the object within her shrank down to a much more manageable size, his knot now buried deep inside her. This was all it took for Fang to lose it though, grunting as his climax hit hard, his seed flying deep into Heather's bowls.

This new feeling of something hot and thick within her set her off again, sending another flood of fluids to cover Fang's as well as her own groin and the sheets they were on. Heather fell back onto the bed bringing Fang with her. Her breathing slow as she recovered. Like before, Fang gave a light tug against his knot, but found that it was firmly locked away. "Well, I guess that's all for tonight." Fang stated as Heather started to once again recover.

"What? I thought you said you could go all night." Heather stated.

"Tied like this?" Fang asked giving a firm tug on his groin pulling Heather back a bit with him. "I'd be more then willing to continue, but we'd have to wait until my knot completely deflates."

"Aww." Heather gave a slight pout. "Are you sure? You still have one hole left to fill."

"Well, you certainly have an appetite tonight." Fang smiled. "But I think I can still please you." Taking his tail, Fang slowly slid it into her sex, the fur proving to be a very unique and enjoyable feeling.

"Oh, that feels so weird, but so good." Heather moaned as the tail continued into her, Fang slowly started to pump it in and out. Heather couldn't help but enjoy his actions. Coiling his tail into a tight spiral, Fang was able to fill her with his tail, the tip stretched out and into her just enough to press against her cervix, slowly circling it while the he pressed the rest of his tail in all directions.

Heather was once again nearing the verge of climax once again, but she would need help. "Please, more." She asked quietly moaning more and more. Unable to thrust anymore of his tail in her, he decided to try and removed his knot again. While he was know able to shift it back and forth, and pull out a bit, he found that he wasn't quite to pull out, it seemed to be enough to push Heather over the edge once again. She screamed out in pleasure, her sex clamping down on his tail, twisting it up just a bit. This bit of pain caused Fang to jerk backwards, and it was enough to finally pull his knot free of Heather's ass. He also withdrew his tail from her sex, the fur thoroughly soaked.

Fang began to look over his tail as Heather began to recover from her fifth orgasm that night. Looking up, she saw that Fang was busy with his tail. His mind strangely open, she knew what she had done. "Oh, I'm so sorry." She got up and gently rubbed his tail. Getting down, she carefully took part of the tail into her mouth to start licking and sucking away her own juices.

Fang looked down at her and lifter her head up just a bit. "As much as like that, you did said that I had one hole left to claim."

Heather just nodded pulling up to the headboard and leaning him against it before getting down lowering her head to his member. "You've please me so much tonight. Let me show you my thanks." Heather stated. Even though she was getting very tired, Fang's member was still very hard and she wanted to help him. Grabbing a hold of the base with one hand and flicking her tongue over the top, Fang gave off a low grunt impressed by how soft her tongue felt. Slowly taking him in, Heather used her lips to create a firm seal around the top of his cock and ran her tongue over it several times, sucking lightly rewards with what juices had remained on it from their previous activities, as well as some fresh pre.

Moving down slowly, she took a bit more of his member into her mouth, Fang fighting back his urge to just buck his hips forward. He continued to lightly grunt under Heather's touch. Heather began to bob her head up and down, enjoying the mix of tastes she was getting as felt her hand around Fang's knot. It was once again started to expand. Doubly her efforts to please him, she took him in further, the tip touching the back of the throat as she bobbed her head down. She fought back her gag reflex and worked her way back up. As she worked her way back down, slower then before, she allowed his tip to rest at the back of her mouth touching her throat for a few before coming back up. She continued like this, each time, letting it rest there longer and longer until Fang couldn't control himself any longer.

As she bobbed back down, managing to get half of his cock in her mouth and it started to rest against her throat, Fang couldn't help but light buck his hips forward. Her eyes opened as she felt it start to slide down her throat before she quickly came back up coughing. "I'm so sorry." Fang tried to apologize.

"No, just let me try again. Just not so hard this time." She smiled getting back down and taking his member once more. This time, Fang wiggled his tail beck behind the pillows and twisted his tail around on of the wooden posts in the head board to keep himself from doing it again as he felt his member once again resting against Heather's throat. This time however, rather then let it just rest there, she took a bit into her throat before coming back up. She continued this pattern slowly taking more and more in her mouth before at last his knot was bumping against her nose as she swallowed his member, a good chunk of it resting in her throat. Thanks to the placement of his tail, it became rather hard for him to thrust forward making it much easier on Heather.

Fang couldn't believe how close he was coming, even without his knot being stimulated. To help finally push him over the edge, Heather took bot of her hands and firmly gripped them around his knot. With that action, Fang fired a shot of cum while he rod was still deep in Heather's throat. Heather came up sputtering as more cum landed on her face and chests. She continued to cough for a few seconds even after Fang had finished shooting his load on her, her pink fur now streaked white.

In Fang's mind, he slowly imaged Heather with a white chest and chin, which she caught onto since his mind was so open right then. She laughed. "Do you honestly think you'd have enough cum to paint me like that?" Heather asked picking up a towel that had been placed next to her bed and cleaned herself up.

"We'd have to see." Fang replied as his member finally fell limp, finally spent after a long night of playing with his new mate.

"Thank you Fang." Curling up with Fang, Heather laid down on his chest, resting her arms under her head and chest as she quickly fell asleep. Fang grabbed a blanket and quickly covered them up moving her just a bit so that she was laying more so next to him then on him. He smiled as he thought about the events that lead to what had happened and still questioned how he had gotten there, but was more then pleased with how it come to be.

"Goodnight, future mother to my pups." Fang stated as he slowly drifted off himself.
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