Story Notes:
Pokemon is owned by Satoshi Tajiri Power Rangers is owned by Hiam Saban and the Sonic characters are owned by Sega Corperation
Episode 1: Day of the Dumpster (3394 words)
[Reviews: 1]
I'm not too good at describing battle sequences so dont expect too much
Date:Sep 6 2013 Chapter:Episode 1: Day of the Dumpster
Sally: Rita
Rotor: Goldar
Machop Patrol: Putty Patrol
Vector: Bulk
Charmy: Skull
Ezio: Zordon
Omega: Alpha-5
Knuckles: Jason/Red
Cream: Iesha/Yellow
Sabertooth Persian/Sabertooth Tiger
Tails: Billy/Blue
Amy: Kimbery/Pink
Shadow: Zack/Black
And I'm goung to gyess that;
Sonic: Tommy/Green
But onto a more critical matter: the actual review.
The formating at the beginning could use some work, and tgere were a few word/spelling errors as well. Decent crossover, whimsical character listing, nice set-up. The morphing scene needed more detail, and the MegaZord transformation and big fight seemed incomplete. Overal, I give it a solid 9.
And one more thing: 'Nice stereo'. I saw what you did there.
{} Achievement Unlocked: 85G
"Bring in any outside genere in a crossover"
{} Achievement Unlocked: 80G
Old School
"Hypnotize the audience with the feeling of nastalgia"
Kim did say that. have seasons 1 and 2 on dvd. also Antoine was Goldar while Rotor was Finster. You're right about me but it will be Dragonite