AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:sexless


An up and coming Pokemon researcher Cynder Tamarack rescues a crippled shiny Latias in the wild. No longer able to fend for herself in the wild, it's up to Cynder to care for the disfigured Pokemon. However, he's about to find that this Latias' many wounds run far deeper than the skin, and healing her will take many things. Loss, understanding, determination, and love are a few of the things Cynder will need, but with these and more, he just might be able to heal this shining shattered star.


Anthony O'kai never had an easy life, being a survivor from the destroyed Geosenge town, this boy of thirteen sets out on his pokemon journey only to find that his journey will be far from normal.


Just a glimpse into the daily lives of a farmer and his family. Though, today they get a guest, and a fight breaks out.


Twenty year old college student William Lucas has the ability to talk to Pokémon. At the end of a particularly bad day he meets a wounded Eevee, and the two quickly form a bond. Little do they know a path of adventure and discovery awaits them.


Besides being an entry for this moth's submission, I want to experiment on writing using 2nd Person Point of View. So my question is, who are you in this short story?

For the first time, I'm writing something family friendly in this site.


It is the finale of an invisible war; most of the legendary Pokemon, Guardians of their world, have fallen, and dark forces threaten to swallow this world, and only Arceus and a small honor guard remain, remnants of something once great and powerful.
In these final moments of light, they form a desperate plan, a plan that hinges on the light crafted into a female, and the darkness gifted to a male.
A male that happens to be a human. A human on a strange world known as Earth. Our Earth.


The legend of the Fourth Sword begins anew. Take a journey to the Ransei region and discover an adventure unlike any other!



Rachel, a sports player, has been found by a group of Pokemon interested in her and ones that are like her/

Rated:PG-13 [Reviews: 2]


A Poochyenna and his newfound friends try to make it in the world, and try to discover more about the "Red Dawn" and much more.


In a land ruled by a number of kingdoms, young Aelrios and his pokémon companion fight to defend the innocent people residing in the kingdom of Zelthysta, where he himself has lived his entire life. With the kingdom of Helreoux fast-approaching, will they be able to survive the conflicts that ensue? Will their deep bond evolve into something stronger? Not if the enemy has anything to say about it!


In a world where reality is constantly falling apart, the pokemon gods have created assistants to keep it in check. The god of time, Dialga, has entrusted the upkeep and management of the ever unstable nature of time to thousands of Celebi who travel through time to keep things flowing normally.
Usually, changes to history and future occurrences by Celebii are integrated into a stable fashion assuring that history does not change. However, one such timekeeper has learned that he has the ability to actually change events, causing dangerous paradoxes that threaten reality as it is known.


Basically, a Vulpix shows an ignorant Braixen how evolution is important.. And why it's important not to ignore or squander one's gift!


Choice is something that is something that is overly abundant in modern society, but do you really chose what you want or do you choose what you think is best from a list of options like a multiple choice question.
Lumen is an eevee who is being pressured to evolve and Lumen has to make a choice


Dusty, the Moonlighters resident irrepressible zebstrika, has fallen ill, just as the team receives a new mission. Already down one member, the team struggles to tackle the challenge facing them, which quickly turns to a deadly race against time, with the odds stacking higher and higher...


Shard is a Sandslash charged with the defense of his den and the pack that resides within it. After a battling accident leaves him unable to fulfill his duties, he is forced to make it out in the world solo until he can prove that he is strong enough to not be a burden on his family, and can return home.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 2675 Views: 102
  • Published: Jul 4 2014