AGNPH Stories

My Kinky Chu by ayn_blackfox


Young Lovers

It's mid-spring in the Kinkas Forest. At dawn the sun starts it's rise to warm the forest. It's cool but yet comfortable. Untouched by the hands of human, this lush forest is the home to many wild Pokemon. Dawn brings out the Pokemon life that lives here. It's near the peak of the mating season here. Most of the Pokemon here have found mates and are awaiting their young. Those remaining continue to search for mates.

Deep into the forest is a group of Pikachu that live and work together like a family to ensure everyone's safety. One particular Pikachu named Dura, is having a hard time finding a mate. A mate of her species that is. Dura is known for wanting to mate with any Pokemon during season. This is her fourteenth season and she has not found a permanent mate. The other female Pikachu of the group show small amounts envy towards Dura. It was especially noted last season where Dura had been seen about to be mounted by an Absol.

Dura is about to reach her peak point in her heat cycle. The urge to mate surges through her body. At that Dura's body starts to give off those little electric shocks that suppose to help her attract a mate. This season is more desperate than any other season before. Dura is certain to find a mate and keep this one for life.

"I'm going to find a mate this year I swear." Dura said.

"You said that last season." One of the male Pikachu said who is already mated to a female.

"But I swear this time." Dura said.

"You said that too last season." The male said. "Face it Dura, you may never find a mate." The male walks off to join his mate.

"He does not know what he is talking about." Dura mumbles to herself. "I will find a mate."

Then one of the mated females approach Dura. She about two seasons older than Dura. Her name is Eney. The two don't see eye to eye. Dura knows that Eney is nothing but trouble. With legs and a tail.

"Are at it again?" Eney asked teasing Dura.

"Oh, just go away." Dura said not wanting any trouble.

"You acting like you don't even want to talk." Eney said.

Dura does not respond. She knows that Eney is trying to pull. Eney does the same thing every season. Dura is not going to fall for it.

"Just go away." Dura said.

Shocked Eney is tired of dealing with the now stubborn Dura. "Fine!" Eney exclaims. "Let's hope you don't run into anymore another Absol." Eney darts off. Dura continues her search. She knows that Eney is the one who seen here about to mate with an Absol. Just to find out that Eney told the whole group what happened. Dura does not let it stop her. She continues her search for a mate.

As the day progresses, Dura looks around to see if there are any male Pikachu who have found a mate yet. As she looks her body give of the little electric shock as she walks about. This does attract the males of the group but 95% of them are already mated to a female. By the end of the day, Dura is unable to find a mate. She goes to a hallow tree log to rest for the night. She hopes that tomorrow will be better for her.

When morning arrives the sunlight warms the forest up from it's overnight chill. Dura wakes up and stands out in the soothing sun. Dura has reached her peak point of her heat. Her body is in going into overdrive to find a mate. She discharges more electricity than she did yesterday. Dura goes out to find herself a mate. She is certain that she will find a mate.

"This is it Dura. You can do it. Just control yourself." Dura thinks to herself. Dura continues her little pep talk to herself and heads out into the forest.

Dura walks through the warm forest looking for a possible mate. She fights the urge to mate until she can find a proper mate. Feeling hungry, Dura stops but a tree to get a piece of fruit. She quickly eats the fruit and continues to look.

Suddenly the bushes are shaking. Dura thinks some thing is coming. She stands her ground just in case whatever comes out the bushes will try to attack her. At the a male pichu emerges from the bushes. He spots Dura and starts to shake with fear. He thinks that Dura is going to attack him. Dura drops her gaurd showing that she will not hurt him.

"Oh, it's OK. I'm not going to hurt you." Dura said. Dura moves in a little closer to this male Pichu that has just sparked her interest.

"Umm, OK." The pichu said. This Pichu seems to be in his tenth season. Some what of a youngster but Dura feel that he will do. See that Dura is no treat he calms down.

"What your name?" Dura asked.

"My name is Stati." The pichu said. "And what is your name?"

"I'm Dura." Dura said. "It nice to meet you Stati but where is your troop?"

"I ran away." Stati said. "I don't want to go back there. They were always mean to me. I'm bored let's play." Stati ends up changing the subject wanting to play instead.

"Just like all youngsters." Dura said to herself.

"Please??" Stati asked begging Dura.

"OK. What to you want to do?" Dura asked.

Stati smiles but does not say a word. Dura rolls her eyes. Suddenly Stati headbutts Dura knocking her down. Dura lands on her back. This gives Stati a good view of Dura's slightly wet cunt. Stati starts to feel a slight erection. Dura shakes her head wondering what just happening. She gets herself on her feet. She sees little Stati standing in front of her with a smile on his face. Dura has a feeling as to what's going on here. She smiles back.

"So that's how you want to play." Dura said. Dura tackles the pichu. They roll around in the lush grass trying to keep the other from getting up. Dura eventually is able to pin the energy packed Stati. She stares deep into Stati eyes. Stati stares back for a second but closes his eyes and smiles. Dura start to feel a connection with Stati. She gets an idea.

"OK, Stati. I'm going to change the game." Dura said. "If you win you will get a prize." Dura winks at the end of the sentence.

"OK." Stati said.

At that Dura moves down to Stati's tiny erection. She starts to lick the pink member. This makes Stati quiver. Not knowing what going, Stati panics. He starts to struggle to break free from Dura.

"Dura what are you doing? What kind of game is this?" Stati asked not know what Dura is doing.

"It's part of the game." Dura said releasing the confused Stati. "Just relax." Dura tries to calm Stati. "May I continue?" Dura asked.

"Yes." Stati said.

"Dura pins Stati down again again and continues to lick his member. Stati moans lowly as pleasure flows through his small body. He savors the feel of Dura smooth tongue caressing his member. Then Dura muzzles Stati's member. She sucks and slurp on the tiny organ. Pleasure overrides his tiny body as he can feel himself reaching his orgasm. Dura start to feel the first few drops of precum on her tongue. Then suddenly Stati blows off a load of his seed into Dura mouth.

"Ooo.....ahaa....." Stati moans as he sends small streams of his seed into Dura's mouth. Dura swallows the warm seed as the last few burst fly to the back of her mouth.

"Stati you did it. You win your prize." Dura said as promised. She has abit of a "milk" mustache when Stati's orgasm ends.

"Oooo, thank you." Stati said. "What do I get?"

Dura backs off of Stati and lifts her tail up. "I want you to mate me" Dura said.

"Um..............OK......" Stati said nervously. He approaches Dura. Nervous Stati takes his time.

Dura patiently waits for Stati. She believes that she has finally found her a mate. Suddenly she start to feel Stati's cock enter her waitung cunt. She moans lowly as the small member enters her. Stati starts to thrust his little hips. He starts off abit slow but picks up the pace.

"Oh, Stati. More.Oooooh." Dura moans as Stati thrust faster and faster. Dura can feel pleasure flowing through her like a warm breeze. Stati readjust his grip and continues to thrust his hips.

"Oahhh." Stati moans as he gets going at a nice pace. He then tries to pin Dura down and continue to mate her.

"Ooahah. phpptpt..." Dura said spitting out some grass that got into her mouth. Dura continues to maon in low but deep pleasure as she starts to feel her orgasm approaching slowly. "Oooahhaa.... Stati. Love.........." Dura said.

"Oh, yeaaaaaah." Stati said acting very non-chalant. Suddenly: *phbbbbbbbbt* Stati let's out a loud but good feeling fart.

"What....(huff)....was...(puff)....that?" Dura said.

"Breakfast." Stati said quickly. "Ohhhh....."

"............" Dura remains silent. "Ohhhhh.......Stati!!!!!" Dura suddenly yells as she is on the edge of orgasm. Her body get tenses. She closes her eyes and prepares herself. Then suddenly. "PIKACHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!" Dura yells as she arches her back and explodes in an orgasm. She sends huges bolts of lightning flying everywhere as she coats Stati's member in her juice.

"Pichuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!" Stati follows up seed long streams of his seed deep with in Dura. His little voice was as loud as Dura but an ear splitting high pitch. Stati also leases a barrage or electric charages everywhere. Then share the high amounts of electrical power with each other. This seems to add warm to there orgasms that seem to last forever.

Back where the Pikachu troop is, they see the firework like dispaly of electrical energy that Stati and Dura give off.

"Wow do you see that?" One of the female Pikachu's asked.

"Awesome." One of the males said. "I wonder who could of done that. But I think I know that voice."

The Commotion continues even after the electrical display is long gone. Unknown to them, Dura and Stati are returning to join the troop. They are very happy togehter despite the age difference.

"Stati...I have never had an orgasm like that. I think it would be the best orgasm I have ever had. Thanks for being my mate." Dura said.

"I'm to be with you." Stati said. "You have been so kind to me. None of the other Pichu and Pikachu in my troop have ever treated me the way you have."

"Your Welcome." Dura said. They arrive back at Dura's troop. Silence blankets the entire troop when they see what Dura is with. Some of the females look rather jealous that Stati is with a Pichu. They know that no Pikachu from this troop has ever landed a Pichu. They start to mumble to each other about Dura. This starts a another loud commotion. One of the males approach Dura. He smiles.

"Tell me something Dura. Was that you and your friend who caused all that lightning?" He asked.

"Yes it was." Dura said. "Stati and me are mates. I finally found my mate."

"I always thought you would." The male said and walks away. Then Eney approached Dura.

"I guess I was wrong about you." Eney said. "You found a good mate.

"Change of heart, eh." Dura asked.

"NOT! I'm now jealous. I want a Pichu mate. It's not fair!" Eney said. Dura just walks away. Eney continues to fuss out loud even though no one is around to listen to her.

The End

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    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Sep 6 2013 Chapter:Young Lovers
    An interesting read to be sure. Poke-shota, and even with his [ahem] 'squeak' it's still good.

    But there are quite a few spelling, grammar, and wording mistakes, and it seemed rushed in a few parts.

    {} Achievement Unlocked: 50G
    Jolt to the Heart
    "Earn a rating of at least '5' with an electric-type"
    Author's Response:
    Very very old story posted back where in 2005 before the site was redone. Back then I was still learning and I have learned a lot from writing stories like this. Thanks so much and keep an eye open for more current works to come!