Story Notes:
This story is a bit of an experiment for me, based in a small part upon 'The Hyperion Cantos', by Dan Simmons. Fair warning for those more squeamish readers --it contains content which traverses some rather dark spaces. I hope this will not discourage you from reading, however, as I believe journeying into these dark places can help us both understand them better, and attain a greater appreciation for the light. As always, thanks to my proof readers, Guri, Cetacea, and Six.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Prologue (1257 words)
[Reviews: 2]
In terms of the contest, I'm not sure if this will be completed 100% in time, but I wished to at least upload the parts which have been finished. The rest will follow soon.
Part 1 - The Lover (3191 words) [Reviews: 1]
Interlude (1100 words) [Reviews: 1]
Part 2 - The Mascot (3861 words) [Reviews: 1]
Interlude (1574 words)
Part 3 - The Virgin (8234 words)
Interlude (1326 words)
[Reviews: 2]
Date:Apr 12 2014 Chapter:Prologue
Thanks! The inspiration is mostly in terms of general concept (five loosely connected character stories shared within a space), and I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far! Now to get back to work on the rest, heh.
Date:Jul 21 2014 Chapter:Interlude
Thus far it's all so impressive, I honestly don't know what to say without sounding ignorant...or stupid.
Each story is exciting, nerve-racking, and unique. Of course they're clichéd, but used so well it's difficult to really notice.
I really enjoyed reading what you've written so far and look forward to the next chapter.
I didn't notice any grammatical errors, but spotted the occasional typo.
Again, great job and I look forward to reading more.
Thank you. ^^ I currently have another project that has taken precedence over this one, but I'm still working on it, and hopefully will have it finished off in the next couple months.
Date:Oct 30 2014 Chapter:Prologue
Date:May 30 2016 Chapter:Interlude
Wow, this is definitely one of my favorite fics on here.
I could go on about how each character's story was sad, gruesome, and piteous, but really, my favorite aspect has to be the focus on character development. I absolutely love how vibrant and distinct each character's personality was. Each one has their flaws and their strong points, and to a realistic extent, while still having a sense of mystery to them. As a fledgling writer myself, your style of writing has forever impacted how I compose my own fics, especially your attention to detail.
In the small chance that you see this, I hope to see this story finished, but I understand if you can't get around to it. Life happens, though I am sad that a story this well-written may go incomplete.
All this said, I sincerely wish you the best on your endeavors, and hope you keep writing! Kudos, man!
Faved! :D
Date:Dec 30 2020 Chapter:Part 1 - The Lover
Wow, this chapter was heart breaking and beautiful. It was wonderfully written and your use of imagery was perfect. I could see it all so clearly I felt like I was there.
Date:Dec 30 2020 Chapter:Interlude
Some of these chapters are pretty short, but they're affective. I really like the depth of personality they you give to reach out the characters.
Date:Dec 30 2020 Chapter:Part 2 - The Mascot
Wow, very intense scene. You do points of view really well. And your dialogue is very rich.